Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 34 Bliss Bar

Chapter 34 Bliss Bar
At eight o'clock in the evening, Luo Quan took the initiative to wear a skirt to go out for the first time in her life, which was also the only white skirt in her wardrobe.

"Yo, dressed so beautifully, are you going out to meet netizens?" Wen Xia, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, joked when she saw Luo Quan coming out of the room.

"See what netizens, the company has something to do with me." Luo Quan forced a smile, pretending to be nothing.

This matter has nothing to do with Wen Xia, she doesn't want Wen Xia involved.

"It's a smooth journey." Wen Xia didn't notice Luo Quan's solemn brow, but just replied casually.

After walking out of the apartment, Luo Quan leaned on the door and took a deep breath. She spent a whole day thinking about it, and she came up with a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause, which may temporarily solve the current predicament.

Before going downstairs, Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and sent a tweet.

After walking out of the apartment, Miki, Hoshino Sakura, and Hoshino Sakura's manager were already waiting in the car. Like Luo Quan, Hoshino Sakura looked nervous and clenched her fists. After seeing Luo Quan's arrival, her spirit was relieved. Some.

"Luo Quan-sang, this is from the director of Shimura, and I instruct you and Hoshino-sang to wear them." Miki turned around and handed over a watch.

"There is a recorder on the watch, and if there is danger inside, press the button on the side of the watch, we will get the message immediately, and then notify the police as soon as possible.

Director Ishimura said that this time the Metropolitan Police Department will dispatch the police very quickly, which is the limit of what the company can do. "

"I understand." Luo Quan nodded and put the beautiful quartz watch on his wrist.

After explaining the matter, Miki turned around and fastened the seat belt, and drove the car to Kabukicho.

The four of them didn't say a word along the way. Hoshino Sakura seemed to close her eyes, but her trembling shoulders spoke of her inner focus and fear.

Luo Quan tilted his head, leaned his shoulders against the car door, and stared blankly at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window.

Tokyo at night is like a huge steel forest. The lights on each "tree" are like fireflies, illuminating and embellishing this materialistic world.

It was brightly lit up ahead, but all Luo Quan saw was a heart-pounding darkness.

In this cage of desire, some people are still struggling desperately to survive, while others have crossed the class and become monsters that can arbitrarily exploit the weak.

On both sides of the road leading to Kabukicho is a splendid streetscape like the stars falling like rain.

This is the most developed area of ​​Tokyo, the first international metropolis in Asia. All the prosperity, luxury, and splendor that human society can see can be found here. Correspondingly, all the crimes, hardships, The filth and depravity can also be found here.

Here is heaven and here is hell.

Luo Quan had always lived a heartless life, and the benefits brought to her by the transmigrators were enough to allow her to live a life of worry-free and even extravagant luxury.

But today, she has a whole new understanding of the world and life.

Thousands of thoughts came to my mind, but for a moment I didn't know how to sort them out.

She once thought that she had stood at the high end that ordinary people could not reach in her life. Thinking about it, this kind of mentality was a bit ridiculous.

After all, she is just a singer, no matter how talented she is, she is just a singer.

Luo Quan is now awakened, but he does not know whether it is early or late.

Before she knew it, Miki had already driven the car to her destination. Before getting off the car, Hoshino Sakura's manager handed Hoshino Sakura and Luo Quan a pair of sunglasses.

There are many people in Kabukicho, and it would be troublesome to be recognized here.

Luoquan once had a lot of reverie about this well-known red light district in Asia. Here, as long as you are willing to pay, you can let the best girls and cowboys come to provide you with the most thoughtful service.

The practitioners here will use various methods to relieve the inner distress of customers and soothe their empty and lonely souls.

Of course, most of the transactions in regular storefronts are taken on the table. Customers and employees will not have any out-of-order behavior in the store. The content of the transaction is just drinking tea and chatting, which does not violate any the laws of the country.

However, when a man and a woman stay in a room full of X hints for a long time, they will always have some different feelings, so "love at first sight" is a normal thing.

If the customer and the employee see eye to eye, the customer can openly invite the employee to another place for another night after the employee gets off work, which is also very reasonable and legal.

Although it sounds so high-sounding, and even euphemistically calls it a custom industry, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than dirty money S trading, depriving vulnerable groups of personal value.

This kind of transaction can be found in any country, but the situation like Japan that has developed into a semi-legal industry and even entered the film and television industry and has a complete talent training system is unique in the world.

In the past, Luo Quan was very curious about Kabukicho and always wanted to see what the scene was like, but now that he really came, he felt uncomfortable all over.

In terms of the environment, there are colorful neon lights everywhere, and there is desire and temptation in the flow of light.

Pedestrians came and went on the street, including beautiful young women walking alone, and middle-aged men with their shoulders hooked on their backs.

The shops on the street are even more diverse and dazzling. There are more or less "employees" standing at the door to solicit business.

Both male and female.

Luo Quan and Hoshino Sakura, who wore sunglasses, quickly became the focus of some employees. According to common sense, girls with such a good figure are generally not too bad. Even if they are really ugly, they can always wear makeup. see people.

Soon, a handsome cowherd with shoulder-length blond hair came up, with a confident and warm smile on his face, he spoke to Luo Quan and the others in a magnetic voice.

For some cowherds, working in this place is sometimes a guaranteed profit, because they can decide whether to continue the work according to the quality of the customer.

In Japan, many rich young women who are empty, lonely and cold like to go to Kabukicho to find "prey", but in the eyes of some cowherds, they are the real hunters.

It doesn't make any sense, the two women in front of them are the most eager prey in the eyes of all cowherds.

In order to attract the attention of the prey, the cowherd also pretended to lift his own waves, showing his charm.

But the two women who were very worried didn't even look at this man, they just walked forward with their heads down.

The indifference of the prey made this self-confessed cowherd feel huge frustration and humiliation. He stepped forward to say something, but a man in a suit approached him, making him like a local dog kicked by his master. escape.

"Yamamoto Ruotou has been waiting for the two of you for a long time."

The man in the suit was obviously expressionless, but in Luo Quan's eyes, he always felt that there was a touch of sarcasm and contempt in his eyes.

"You can go back. After we finish talking, we will send the two artists home." The man in the suit reached out and stopped the two agents.

Miki frowned and stood in place with Hoshino Sakura's manager.

And the man in the suit didn't care about them, he just led Luo Quan and Hoshino Sakura to the Bliss Bar in front.

This bar is the home base of Sumiyoshi Club Ruotou Yamamoto Masao. It is usually here to meet with friends or team leaders under his hands. Of course, it is also here for rendezvous with lovers.

Under normal circumstances, this place is also open to ordinary people, but because of the reputation of the bar, most of the people who dare to come here for fun are bad teenagers or hot girls.

Today's Bliss Bar is obviously closed to the outside world, because the owner here, Yamamoto-kun, welcomed two heavyweight guests, but the way of invitation was not very glorious.

There were three or four guards outside the bar, Yishui in black suits, but their physique was far less strong than the two who kidnapped Hoshino Sakura. Luo Quan reckoned that if his wrist was not injured, maybe one person could clean up all four of them. Lose.

But when she walked into the bar, she realized that she was a little too naive.

In the circular bar space, there is a whole circle of men in black suits, roughly counting, there are at least 80 to [-] people, they stand silently at the entrance of the dimly lit booth, like sculptures of warriors .

And in the depths facing the gate, there is a bright seat, and Yamamoto Kao is sitting in it!

(End of this chapter)

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