Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 331 Little Trouble

Chapter 331 Little Trouble

"CHANEL's stunning couture."

Luo Quan was on the hot search again, but it wasn't her name.

Since the incident of "Liang Yan stealing the forbidden fruit" last time, the word "juemei" has basically become a derogatory term. No matter who uses it, it will remind people of Liang Yan when she walked the red carpet. This scene is now popular in foreign entertainment circles. It is said to be a famous scene of being shamed.

It would be fine if it was just not well-dressed, but after the photo was released, the designer of Forbidden Fruit, Brown, angrily made a personal attack on Liang Yan, and the words were so sharp that people couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Since then, other actresses on Weibo have basically not used the word "beautiful"... Except for Luo Quan, she is the only actress in China who can afford the word "beautiful", and she is the only one who uses it. In order to make people unable to raise the idea of ​​rebuttal.

After a few months, the word "beautiful" appeared again, and people who eat melons gathered one after another:

"What a big tone, now there are people who dare to use Juemei? Aren't they afraid of being ridiculed as Liang Yan's second?"

"When you see Chanel, you basically know who it is."

"I see, she is a hot woman."

Chanel has released the first photo of Luo Quan's autumn clothes, but the "red and white" one is placed in the first position. After all, this is the one with the highest quality and the most eye-catching.

Although Chanel mainly makes women's clothing, there are obviously many more boys in the comment area of ​​this hot search:
"This dress is too white, and the collar is too big."

"It's not just the collar that's big. (Funny)"

"What does this designer think? Shouldn't evening dresses be equipped with a deep V? Why is the collar so high?"

"It's not too low, and if you lower it, you'll get your stomach."

"Thanks to Luoquan for its great contribution to the harmonious development of human society."

"Since I became a fan of Luoquan, my body has deteriorated day by day."

In the comment area, a group of LSPs came out to point out the country, but not many people paid attention to the clothes, only some female fans were surprised by the gorgeousness and beauty of Luo Quan's clothes.

Of course, under this kind of high-end clothing, there are few people shouting for buying, buying, buying, and all Taobao and have already started the warm-up of Double Eleven, but Chanel clothes have never participated in these promotional activities.

After the release of the promotional photos of the new autumn clothes, the public opinion at home and abroad has received good reviews. As for the professional comments in the fashion circle, we have to wait for a while, but judging from the reactions of the fashion reporters who took the photos, it should not be too bad. of.

And Luo Quan’s work is not over after taking the photos. Chanel’s headquarters is well aware of Luo Quan’s talent in music. Previously, “Pirates of the Caribbean” asked Luo Quan to compose the theme song. In one week, the pre-sale box office has exceeded [-] million US dollars!
If this promotional video of Chanel's new autumn style also asks Luo Quan to compose a song, it will definitely have a miraculous effect!

Although Luo Quan and Chanel only signed a spokesperson contract, they are still Chanel's own people after all, so it's not too much to ask them to help, right?Besides, it's not that they don't give money.

Luo Quan has always been very generous to acquaintances. If a stranger asks her for a song, even if they ask her for a sky-high price, she probably won't be able to attract her attention.

When Luo Quan heard that Li Yun called and asked her to make a promotional song, he immediately agreed.

This level of happiness surprised Li Yun, she was already prepared to be rejected.

"Just give me half of my annual salary, 450 million dollars." Luo Quan gave a "cabbage price".

With her current earning power, the little money she earns from writing songs for others is not even considered extra money, but more like a favor from others.

Her "Coming Ceremony", "Love", and "I'm Coming" are still selling well overseas, and can bring her hundreds of millions of income every month. She actually sets prices for small businesses like this according to her mood.

Li Yun didn't have any objection to the price Luo Quan offered, so she quickly agreed.

"Which series are you making a promotional song for?" Luo Quan returned to the question of work.

Li Yun laughed: "It's the life series. Although couture is expensive, the quantity is limited after all. Daily clothing is the bulk of the company's sales."

Luo Quan recalled the characteristics and design theme of this series in his mind, and he already had a plan in his heart: "I know what to do, and I will give you the song at noon tomorrow."

Li Yun looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and hurriedly said: "There is no need to be in such a hurry..."

Like everyone who is not familiar with Luo Quan, Li Yun underestimated the speed at which Luo Quan produced singles.

"Don't worry, I've done this job more than once, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed." Luo Quan gave Li Yun a reassurance, and then hung up the phone.

There was no class on Friday night, and the weekend holiday had begun. Lin Yizhu and the others went shopping in the pedestrian street next door after dinner. After Luo Quan came back from dinner, there was no one in the dormitory.

Just thinking about whether to make a short video to perfunctory the fans of station B, there was a commotion outside the window sill.

"Student Luo Quan, please come out!" A girl's shout suddenly sounded outside the window.

Luo Quan quickly got out of bed and ran to the balcony, and saw a large group of people standing on the open space below the balcony.

A row of big trees was planted in this open space, which was originally narrow, but now that so many people gathered at once, it seemed even more crowded.

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan saw a lot of people downstairs through the light, and was a little confused for a while.

"Everyone make way, don't step on the candle!" Someone shouted again, and Luo Quan felt a little bad when he heard this.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and a handsome guy in a white suit came slowly from the crowd holding a large bouquet of flowers. Only then did Luo Quan discover that there was a "heart" surrounded by candles on the ground.

Luo Quan had seen this scene in many confession videos of college students at station B before, and there were even bigger battles than this one, but she really never thought that she would encounter it one day, and she was the protagonist.

"Luo Quan, from the first day I saw you, I was deeply attracted by you. From that moment on, I couldn't extricate myself. I..." The boy held the words in his right hand, and held the words in his left hand. Loudspeaker, shouting love words to Luo Quan on the balcony.

The students around him didn't know if it was Tuo, they shouted in unison: "Promise him! Promise him!"

Luo Quan saw the plastic bucket at hand in the howling cold wind, and thought to himself, according to the plot, should he take the bucket of water and pour it directly?
Luo Quan suddenly laughed when she thought of this, because she thought of a song she liked very much. This song was called "Why Not", and the lyrics were quite appropriate.

She used to think that this way of confessing to someone downstairs was very romantic, but now it seems that the confessed party is actually very distressed, and it seems to be kidnapped by the public.

After thinking about it, she still didn't mean to pour cold water on this boy, she just shouted: "Go back and wash up and sleep, I don't want to fall in love!"

Luo Quan's voice is very loud, even though many people in the male and female dormitory are booing, her voice is still clear and loud.

As soon as the words of refusal came out, the two buildings were boiling, especially the male dormitory:

"Go back and wash and sleep!"

"You still want to chase after Luo Quan just because of this pomp?"

"Next time, if you don't have a hundred Rolls-Royces to clear the way, don't even mention it!"

"Handsome guy, Luo Quan doesn't agree, but I can. Don't be so rigid about your gender."

"Wuhu, security guards are here!"

The last sentence is the reminder of the handsome guy downstairs, how handsome he looked before hugging him with flowers in his hands, but now he looks so embarrassed when he is escorted into the car by the security guards.

"Students, please go back to the dormitory and don't disturb other students' rest." The security guard took the handsome student's loudspeaker and shouted at the students on the balcony.

Luo Quan had already returned to bed, and the downstairs gradually returned to calm.

After a while, Lin Yizhu and the others came back. Everyone had shopping bags on their hands and arms.

"Hey, I bought so many things." Luo Quan sat on the bed and saw the three girls put the bag on the ground panting.

"It's been a long time since I've shopped like this." Zhang Yun rubbed her shoulders with a happy face, but didn't look at the things she bought.

When girls go shopping, they don’t really care what they buy. They just enjoy the pleasure of “buying, buying, buying” without any hesitation when shopping. When they go home after shopping, they will fall into huge regret and emptiness when they see the shopping bags. .

This situation can only be alleviated by "buy, buy, buy" again.

"Just now I saw a lot of candles on the ground downstairs, and the sweeping auntie was cleaning up and scolding over there. What happened?" Lin Yizhu looked up at Luo Quan, and everyone came back, only Luo Quan was in the dormitory.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "There was a boy who didn't know which department he was in. He came downstairs to confess his love to me, and even got a lot of classmates to make fun of him. Fortunately, he was gank by the righteous security guard, and he is probably receiving criticism and education now. "

"It's so romantic." Zhang Yun went in with a nympho, "I used to watch those novels and TV dramas. What I longed for the most was to get such a confession."

Luo Quan had a half-smile but not a smile: "When you meet someone you don't like and confess to you, you will know that romance is not romantic."

Zhang Yun stuck out her tongue and didn't continue talking.

Soon, the school dealt with this matter, and all counselors forwarded an announcement in the group:
"The following is a circular of criticism: Shen Yan, a third-year student from the acting department, placed candles under the girls' dormitory to confess his love, openly disrupted the school's teaching order, disturbed the rest of the students, and even entangled a large number of students to make a fuss together, and was finally caught by the school security on the spot.

Shen Yan himself confessed to what happened. Considering that his classmate Shen Yan had a better attitude of admitting his mistakes, and offered to compensate the cleaning lady who helped him clean up the mess, the school decided to give him a demerit and a [-]-word After writing the review book, post it on the school bulletin board to warn everyone! "

This kind of handling is neither serious nor light, and it is probably because the security guards appeared in a relatively timely manner and did not cause too much trouble.

In addition, this announcement did not mention who the girl was accused of, which is considered to protect Luo Quan's privacy, but it is not very useful if it is not mentioned. The relevant video line has long been spread on Shangyi's post bar and Weibo. Yes, sooner or later it will be known.

But, this matter is not a negative news after all, isn't it just being confessed, which beauty has not enjoyed such treatment?

Besides, similar situations happened from time to time in various places, and Luo Quan would not be troubled by it.

The next day, Luo Quan went to the school recording studio to make a promotional song for Chanel. According to the theme of the "life" series, Luo Quan found a song that had religious elements and was very exciting at the same time. The name of the song was "Wake" ( Wake up), after recording, I sent it to Li Yun.

The other side quickly responded with a "surprised" expression, which seemed to be very satisfied with the song.

After coming out of the recording studio, Luo Quan was about to go to the cafeteria to have lunch. On the way, he happened to pass by the hall of the school's main teaching building, where the school's bulletin board was located.

Thinking of Shen Yan's self-criticism, it seems to be hanging there, and I don't know if he has finished writing it, after all, 2000 words, probably not so fast.

Although he thought so, Luo Quan still walked over.

There are a lot of people on the bulletin board, talking and laughing while looking at a piece of A4 paper on it.

"Luo Quan is here!"

"Hey, there's a good show to watch."

"Has Shen Yan left?"

"It's right there."


"What is this?" Luo Quan frowned as he looked at Shen Yan's self-criticism.

This is clearly a hyper-realistic sketch with her portrait, and it is the photo of her holding a lemon that senior Lin helped her take when she debuted.

From an artistic point of view, this photo has really reached the point of being fake. If you don't look at it seriously, you may think it is a black and white photo.

However, this is his review.

"Luo Quan, is this painting good?" Shen Yan was also full of smiles at this time, he didn't expect Luo Quan to come after hanging the painting, God really helped him.

At this moment, Luo Quan really didn't know what to say, as soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Yan stopped her:
"I know that you must reject me again, but what I want to say is that a person's life is so long, you are not sure that you will be single all your life, there will always be a time to accept it.

Even if you don’t compromise on your age, you have to compromise for your family, so you have to accept it sooner or later, why not seriously consider it? "

"Thinking about what?" Luo Quan asked knowingly.

"Think about dating."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "I remember I said it before, although I have no intention of this for the time being, but if there is a suitable candidate, it is not impossible to consider."

"Wow!" The boys around screamed excitedly, everyone thought that Luo Quan had finally figured it out.

"Really!" Shen Yan tried his best to control his excited and trembling tone.

"Don't be too happy, these are all preconditions."

"What premise?" Shen Yan was taken aback.

Luo Quan chuckled: "First of all, this person must be more handsome than my brother Leon before he can make me interested."

Shen Yan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Ps. Thanks to book friend Liuli Bingcan for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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