Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 332 Invitation

Chapter 332 Invitation

Shen Yan has never been a person who underestimates himself. His superior family background has given him a background far beyond ordinary people. At the same time, he is born with a good-looking appearance. No matter where he goes, he is the one who attracts the most attention in the crowd.

Not to mention the comparison with other young masters, even in the Huaxia entertainment industry where he is about to set foot, there is no one who can completely beat him in terms of appearance, at most, each has his own merits.

However, he still had to suffer in front of Lyon.

Lyon is currently recognized as the most handsome in the world. There is no need to mention the aesthetic differences between the East and the West. The value of appearance is the most intuitive thing. Good-looking is good-looking, and it can't be mixed with water.

As the most handsome pair of siblings in history, Leon's position in the world of handsome men is as stable as his sister's position in the world of beautiful women. There may be challengers in the future, but for the time being, there is no one more handsome than him .

Although Shen Yan is confident, he also has self-knowledge. Even if his face is adjusted by the best plastic surgeon a few times, it is impossible for him to reach the level of handsomeness that Leon has.

This is simply not a task that modern medical techniques can accomplish. It is a miracle of life, a two-in-seven-billion chance, and cannot be replicated.

After talking so much, it is actually very simple for Shen Yan to understand, that is, Luo Quan is deliberately embarrassing.

It sounds very bad, maybe she really wants to find a peerless handsome guy, but for other boys, such conditions are really too difficult.

But for any matter that can be solved with money or hard work, even if it is difficult, Shen Yan will not hesitate. Even if Luo Quan wants to pick up the stars in the sky, although it is very unrealistic, he will definitely go home immediately Build rockets.

The only thing that looks like this is the way he was born, the key point is that even if he wants to change, he can't change into Leon's appearance, which basically means blocking his way.

He was not the only one who was blocked, there were billions of ordinary-looking male compatriots all over the world.

"Being an ugly pen, I feel that I've been hurt. Could it be that being ugly doesn't mean you can't get love?" The boys who were watching the fun at the side became sad, and they felt the same as Shen Yan in the middle.

"I'm not targeting you." Luo Quan waved his hand and explained.

"You're targeting all men!" A boy shouted, and there were echoes one after another.

Although everyone seems to be filled with righteous indignation, but most of them are watching the excitement, especially seeing Luo Quan rejecting Shen Yan in such a way, they are actually quite comfortable in their hearts. Even if they can't get it, others won't either. this opportunity.

As for the girls, it was different, either they were whispering, or they were not talking, some of them looked unhappy, maybe they were secretly in love with Shen Yan.

When an extremely outstanding individual appears in a group, it will inevitably attract the opposite sex, and then arouse the jealousy and dislike of the same sex. Luo Quan feels several very unfriendly eyes, and there is no good way.

This method is already tactful enough, if she refuses directly without saving face, maybe those girls who have a crush on Shen Yan will have to stand up and scold her, then the scene will be even uglier.

"Don't say I'm superficial. After all, if you want me to know the beauty of your heart, you must first have an appearance that attracts me. Senior Shen, you are very handsome, and you are also a very nice person, but..." Luo Quan didn't finish his sentence , and didn't say that she could be friends or anything, because she already had enough "male confidantes".

"Then can we be friends?" Shen Yan took the initiative, and Luo Quan didn't mention it himself.

"You'd better deal with the matter before you." Luo Quan saw several teachers approaching aggressively, with a plastic administrative sign hanging around their necks.

"Who hung up this sketch?" The administrative teacher at the head had a serious expression, and he fixed Shen Yan with a glance.

"Me!" Shen Yan was also unambiguous, and directly raised his hand to admit it.

"Where's your statement of self-criticism?"

"It was only after I hung it up that I realized I had taken it wrong." Shen Yan smiled awkwardly.

The administrative teacher was furious: "Do you think the teacher is a fool? Do you believe this?"

"It's really wrong, I'll change it right away." Shen Yan carefully took off the sketch of Luo Quan's portrait.

With his hands behind his back, the administrative teacher walked back and forth in front of the bulletin board twice, watching Shen Yan take down the sketch: "I'll give you 10 minutes, hurry up and change the self-criticism, and next time, it won't be as simple as taking a demerit!

And you guys, what are you watching here without eating and resting at noon?It's all gone! "

When the teacher spoke, the students immediately dispersed. Luo Quan had already slipped away when the administrative teacher appeared. The main reason was that he was not sure what kind of temper the teacher had. If the teacher scolded her and Shen Yan together, his face would But it’s a big loss……………

"So you rejected Senior Shen with this reason?" Lin Yizhu, who was eating a boxed lunch, was full of surprise after hearing Luo Quan's narration.

Luo Quan helplessly spread his hands: "Why don't you use this reason?"

Lin Yizhu quickly shook his head: "The point is not the reason, but that you are willing to reject Senior Shen, even if you hang him!"

Luo Quan was puzzled: "I don't like him, so why hang on to him?"

Lu Yao said quietly on the bed: "Shen Yan is the richest son-in-law. The Huayi company that Baixi worked for who provoked you before, didn't he say that the boss is from the Beijing area? Compared with Shen Yan, senior neither."

Luo Quan was puzzled: "Then I didn't see his personal information in the Shangyi celebrity group?"

Lin Yizhu laughed out loud: "That's because these people are self-aware. These people know that no matter how hard they think, they can't have any results with someone like Senior Shen. If they really don't approach him with all their heart, they might end up getting burnt." .”

"So powerful?" Luo Quan's tone at this time was already dubious. She has grown up so much, and she has never had any concept of the so-called powerful.

She has only read these in outdated urban novels, such as the Zhao family in the capital, the Dragon King, and the King of Soldiers. When she was a child, she thought it was quite interesting, but seeing these terms now gives her goosebumps.

But even if this Shen Yan really belongs to the Shen family in the capital city and has a powerful background, what does it have to do with her?She has never offended him, so is it possible that she can force a girl like Gao Yanei?
It's the 21st century, and it's illegal to do this kind of thing.

Lin Yizhu nodded: "It's really powerful, but you don't have much contact with it, so you don't know much about it."

"My backer is definitely stronger than him." Luo Quan laughed, "The government is behind me."

As soon as these words came out, the chatter was dead.

Indeed, for all Chinese people, the government is their biggest backer, and apart from the United States and Russia, no one in any country dares to say that their backer is stronger than this.

As a great successor of gcism, Luo Quan has always been modest and confident in this regard. What kind of powerful family has asked the hammer and sickle of the proletariat?

Seeing that Luoquan is so popular and professional, Lin Yizhu couldn't laugh or cry.

It is true that this kind of thing cannot be refuted, but she feels that Luo Quan's thinking of things is a bit too idealistic.

The topic is over, those who should eat eat, those who should play with their mobile phones.

The aristocrats of the aristocratic family have said so much. In the final analysis, everyone is a villain in the world with seven emotions and six desires. They may be richer than most people and enjoy a better life, but for the world, they can have little impact.

Except for Luo Quan, if something happened to her, it would be big news all over the world.

The big news in China recently is that the program for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has begun. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the fourth day of October, and today is September [-]th. There is still half a month left.

It is said that programs are planned, but programs such as skits, cross talks, and dances have already been selected and rehearsals have already started, and now the programs for singing are planned.

The main reason why the singing program was chosen so late was that there was no need for real singing anyway, and it would be done by lip-syncing the recording, so it could be announced later.

The CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala had a total of nine singing programs. After the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of stars in the entertainment circle.

Although the ratings of CCTV's various evening shows are not as good as each year, they can't stand the huge population base of China, and after all, it is a traditional festival. Compared with mobile phones, families prefer to get together to watch TV, so that there are festivals atmosphere.

Therefore, like the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and the Spring Festival Gala, they are still the top resources in the entertainment industry. If you are lucky, in just a few minutes, you can go from being unknown to being popular across the country in an instant.

Nowadays, many celebrities gained the opportunity to soar to the sky by virtue of their appearance at the CCTV gala back then, so the ratings have dropped, but CCTV has never had to worry about not being able to invite stars.

And Luo Quan finally got an invitation from CCTV after waiting for a long time.

Luo Quan's private mailbox received an email signed by cctv, inviting her to go to the capital to attend the audition for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

There are a lot of stars who want to perform on stage this time, both capable and popular. It is definitely not possible to choose professional singers. Originally, due to quality problems, the ratings are declining every year. read.

Although doing this seems to be falling into an endless loop, but there is no way, the rain and dew must be covered.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was not invited as a traffic star. Although she only sang four episodes on "I Am a Singer", her strength is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It would be pure nonsense to say that she has no strength. .

Luo Quan couldn't remember how many times she went to the office meeting to ask for leave. She only knew that she often went to the counselor's office since the beginning of school. Other monitors came here to handle class affairs, and she came to ask for leave.

Fortunately, the school leaders had already greeted Counselor Xu, so each time Luo Quan asked for leave went smoothly.

After getting the leave note, Luo Quan went back to the dormitory, packed some clothes, and flew directly to the capital.

The sound audition time is tonight, and the first rehearsal will be held the day after tomorrow. She can come back after the rehearsal, and the second rehearsal will be a week later, and there will be many consecutive days of practice.

The shape of the CCTV building is very unique. The main body of the building is composed of many irregular diamond-shaped fishnet-shaped metal scaffolds after precise calculation. It looks like a tripod with a tilted head. ,Durable.

It is said that it was jointly designed by two foreign masters. When Luo Quan saw it, there was only one word in his mind at first sight, and that was "ugly".

In Huaxia, where symmetry and squareness are the beauty, why did such a thing be built? Look at how well the Oriental Pearl is built. It is still Shanghai's business card and a must-see for domestic and foreign tourists to check in.

And this building, with all kinds of lights on at night, looks quite bright at first glance, but when you take a closer look, it's still the same word, "ugly"!
Maybe it's because her aesthetics can't keep up with the trend, she's a bit of an idiot?
But the ugly is ugly, the status of this building is quite high, the most important TV programs in China are basically recorded here, but the large-scale gala is held in the CCTV No. [-] studio, and the rehearsal will also be there in the future. Today Came here just for an audition.

Although it was outside the CCTV building, there were still quite a few celebrities present tonight. These handsome men and women wearing masks walked out of the car surrounded by assistants and bodyguards.

Obviously they came by car, but there was a large group of fans behind them, screaming and roaring one after another.

Luo Quan came to CCTV for the first time, and he didn't know what the process was. After hesitating for a while, he decided to go up and ask for directions.

"Hello, I was invited to come to CCTV to participate in the audition for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. May I ask who should I contact next?" Luo Quan found a female star who didn't seem very popular because there were relatively few people around her.

"Sorry, I don't accept interviews right now." The actress' assistant stopped Luo Quan, probably mistaking Luo Quan for a paparazzi following her.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not here for an interview, I'm also a star."

The assistant looked contemptuous: "Which celebrity rushed to call a taxi?"

Because she was relatively close, she could clearly see how much Luo Quan paid the driver when he got off the bus!

"Ah, this..." Luo Quan was a little helpless, and was about to pull off the mask.

"Let's do the interview. Anyway, I haven't been interviewed by a reporter for a long time. This is the heat that comes to my door." The actress behind the assistant smiled, her voice was gentle and there was a hint of loneliness.

"But what if the CCTV audition is delayed? You haven't received a decent one for a long time..." The assistant remembered that there was a paparazzi next to him after a while, but it didn't matter, the bad situation of his artist was posted on the Internet It's no longer a secret, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's more than half cold.

It just so happened that the contract she signed with the company was about to expire, and this opportunity to audition on CCTV was the last bit of resources the company gave her, and it was the last reward for the four-year child labor contract she signed.

There is only one chance, so don't miss it anyway!

The female star sighed helplessly: "I can't sing, and I don't have traffic, what else is left now except this face? To be honest, I never expected to pass the audition."

The assistant also sighed: "I have to try..."

The actress patted the assistant on the shoulder and turned to look at Luo Quan: "Sorry, I made you laugh. If you have anything you want to interview, just ask. It's not easy at night."

Luo Quan was about to speak when the system's voice suddenly sounded.


(End of this chapter)

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