Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 333 Signing

Chapter 333 Signing
"Potential actresses are detected, sign her, and you can start the film and television script exchange function!"

When Luo Quan heard this, he was almost dumbfounded.

Enable the ability to exchange film and television scripts, this is a new function that is completely absent in the mall!

Although this world is very similar to the previous life, it is completely different from the previous life in terms of modern music. Compared with the previous life, movies and literature are also very different. Many timelines cannot be unified. Many movies that should have appeared a long time ago even have shadows. Can't see.

This should have been a huge treasure waiting to be developed.

But Luo Quan saw it, but couldn't dig it out at all, because although she had seen many movies, she could only remember the outline of the plot.

But now the system actually mentions the function of "script exchange", which can be opened as long as the actress signs a contract, it's like a pie in the sky!

With the script, and shooting according to the movies she had seen in her memory, wouldn't it be possible to reproduce those classic movies in her previous life? !

Luo Quan was immediately overjoyed, especially when he heard that the actress was about to terminate her contract with the company, it was like God helping her!

After a bit of wording, Luo Quan said, "When will the contract between you and the company be terminated? Do you intend to renew the contract?"

The assistant frowned, and wanted to say something, but was held back by the actress: "There is only one week left in the contract, and the contract renewal should have been discussed long ago, but there has been no movement from the company. Sister Xuan has asked several times , I didn’t get a letter of approval either. They said there was one week left, but after the company gave me the chance to audition, there was no further contact.

As for contract renewal... I don't even know which company would still want me now. "

The actress took off the mask as she spoke, revealing a delicate face that even Luo Quan felt a little surprised by.

Although Luo Quan is of mixed race, except for her pair of black eyes, she can't find any Asian features in her body. It is not too much to say that she is a white person wearing colored contact lenses.

But this one in front of me is a combination of East and West in the true sense, with a high nose bridge, full forehead and chin, and a three-dimensional outline, but the overall facial line is not as sharp as that of Westerners, the curves are soft and graceful, and the eyebrows and eyes are not so deep. It is characteristic of Orientals.

It sounds like a hodgepodge, but it is surprisingly beautiful. According to the Chinese people, it is full of exotic customs, not mixed blood, but better than mixed blood.

This year, Duo Luoquan has seen quite a few beauties, not including herself, like Wen Xia, Yun'er, and Lin Yuxiao, all of whom can be listed on TCC, but compared to the one in front of her , I still feel a little worse.

The thing is, she has never heard of such a beautiful actress in China for so long. When she was the most popular female star in the entertainment industry, no one even compared her to her. Than, this makes Luo Quan very strange.

"Are you... all right?" The actress reminded Luo Quan when she saw Luo Quan was in a daze.

The assistant was upset: "What's the matter with you, reporter, you came up to interview on your own initiative, but you agreed to interview and then didn't speak. Our family Su Yu is not popular, but he is not like you?"

"Ah no, that's not what I meant." Luo Quan came back to his senses, and found that the two had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Actually, I'm not a reporter, I'm also here to audition, and I really came up to ask for directions."

Now it was the turn of the two women opposite Luo Quan to be a little stunned, and at this time Luo Quan also pulled off the mask.

"It's you!" The assistant was shocked when he saw who it was.

Although Luo Quan has always felt that he is not well-known, he is often irritated, scorned, and sprayed by inexplicable people and circles, but who is not the case in the entertainment industry?

It's only because of the cue and popularity that it shows that it's popular. As for Luo Quan's real fame, you can know it just by looking at this female assistant.

Lan Xuan was full of apology: "Sorry, you are wearing a mask, I thought you were a reporter."

"It's okay, it's okay." Luo Quan didn't care about this at all, but continued to ask Su Yu: "Actually, I'm quite curious, you are so beautiful, why aren't you popular? Buying a hot search should attract a lot of traffic. what."

"Because I'm not as pretty as you." Su Yu joked.

Lan Xuan gave her own artist a blank look: "It's offended."

Luo Quan understood it almost instantly: "Unspoken rules, if you don't follow, then you will be banned?"

Su Yu nodded, his expression calm.

This circle is like this, female celebrities, especially beautiful female celebrities, unspoken rules are always a topic that cannot be avoided. If you want to become popular quickly, this is a shortcut, but it is not impossible to be popular without rejecting this approach.

However, if you are too beautiful and refuse to take shortcuts, you will easily get into trouble. It is the same as a man who is innocent and guilty. It is estimated that a certain big man has taken a fancy to Su Yu, made a request, but was rejected Then directly blocked her.

At first glance, Su Yu was not much older than Luo Quan. She was probably a rookie who had just debuted. As she said just now, she had no skills other than her looks. Once she was banned, she would basically have nowhere to go.

"Would you like to tell me who it is?" Luo Quan planned to find out the name of the person, and block anyone who has anything to do with this person in the future.

"Hua Yi's boss." Lan Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

Luo Quan laughed: "That's true, it's not that enemies don't get together."

"He also wants to sneak into you?" Su Yu was shocked.

Luo Quan choked for a moment, thinking that this girl looked very quiet, why did she speak so loudly?
"That's not true. A while ago, Huayi had an artist who wanted to spread rumors and hype with me, but he was scolded back. Then the boss called and threatened me to reconcile online. I didn't agree, so we ended up with each other."

Su Yu nodded: "So that's the case."

"By the way... do you want to sign with my company?" Luo Quan saw that he understood almost everything, and directly offered an invitation for the signing fee.

"You want to sign me?" Su Yu didn't expect Luo Quan to mention this at all, "Can you make the decision? How dare your company boss want me?"

Luo Quan looked calm: "I am the boss."

"Which company, which artists are there?" As a professional manager, Lan Xuan must be happy to hear that Luo Quan wants to sign Su Yu, but before making money, he must understand these important information clearly, even if they don't have many choices room for.

"Quan Shui Entertainment Co., Ltd." Luo Quan counted with his fingers: "There are artists like me, Jiang Yuner, Liu Sheng Junko... By the way, I signed a newcomer a few days ago, named Ai Wei, and I will give it to you in a few days." She wrote a song and released an album for her official debut.

The company is definitely not very famous now, but all the procedures are complete, it is a formal entertainment company, and there is definitely a bright future. "

At the end of Luo Quan's speech, he felt a little guilty.

Since the establishment of the company, she has not done any business other than signing people. There are not many companies in the entertainment industry, and there are many companies missing.

Lan Xuan continued to ask: "What about resources, how many resources can the company provide? For example, the production crew that can be contacted, the publicity and distribution channels with stable cooperative relations, the public relations team, and the more famous directors and screenwriters in the industry, etc... ..."

"Lan Xuan." Su Yu tugged on the manager's sleeve: "I'm already in this situation, why are you making so many demands......"

"Don't talk!" Lan Xuan turned to stare at her.

Luo Quan smiled and said: "It's okay, these should be clarified.

In terms of resources, there are some, but I spend most of my time making music, so the resources are also in the music circle.

Some of the companies I’m familiar with include Sony, Penguin, and Universal. It’s definitely impossible to expect them to write a script for you to shoot a leading female lead. It shouldn't be too difficult to squeeze someone in.

For publicity and posting, I don’t use Weibo very much. There are too many sunspots and it’s too annoying. The most used one is Bilibili, where I have a nickname called Zhanshen! "

"What do you say that standing god is a song?" Su Yu burst out laughing when he heard this term suddenly.

Luo Quan smiled: "The meaning of the goddess of station B is that the kind that can be searched on station B just by posting a post. In addition, Zhihu also likes to follow my every move, and the hot discussion topics are also on the hot topic."

In order to show her own strength, Luo Quan's cowhide is also blown up as much as possible, but she feels that these things are not particularly exaggerated, because she has never remembered how many times she has been on station B and Zhihu. Search.

"Also, if you can sign a contract with my company, I can guarantee that you will definitely be able to act in a very, very good script as a heroine in the future!" Luo Quan added at the end, of course, this condition must be signed by Su Yu That's fine, after all, this is the task of the system.

Su Yuyi sighed with emotion: "It sounds so powerful, I can't believe you are two years younger than me."

Lan Xuan was still trying to calm down: "What about the salary and share?"

"For artists who sign with our company for the first time, they will sign together for five years, 120 million after tax every year. After that, all your income related to the company will be [-]% and [-]%, you [-] and I will be [-]."

Luo Quan didn't know if this annual salary was considered high for a newcomer like Su Yu who had already made his debut, but this share was definitely a pretty good level in the industry.

That is to say, Quanshui Entertainment is not well-known at all. If it is a big company, let alone 120 million, even if it is 12, it is definitely not a nonsense to sign directly for this share.

"120 million is quite a lot. I was only 95 in the company for two years..." Su Yu whispered to Lan Xuan.

Lan Xuan, who originally wanted Luo Quan to raise her price, just rolled her eyes. It's not that she's not good at acting as a manager, it's that her teammates are too hip, if they don't cooperate, they will drag her back!

Looking at Su Yu with hatred, Lan Xuan sighed: "The last question, does the company have a dormitory for employees?"

Luo Quan was stunned: "You have been debuting for several years, but you haven't got a house yet?"

"Shanghai houses in Beijing are so expensive, how can a small star like her afford to buy them, and after being banned, she has lost all income, and she is almost empty. The house is rented, and the car is also rented." Lan Xuan and Su Yu blushed when he talked about this,
Luo Quan waved his hand, and said proudly: "It's okay, from today onwards, your embarrassing situation will soon be improved. Although the annual salary is not high, our company's treatment of artists is definitely the top treatment in the industry.

Each of the houses in Beijing and Shanghai bought a set. Would it be okay to have a Tangchen Yipin?There is a ready-made car, Lamborghini Poison, the only one in the country, no semicolon! "

Lan Xuan and Su Yu's eyes lit up when they heard the big cake painted by Luo Quan. This treatment is even better than those popular florets in the entertainment industry. They never thought that one day they would be able to receive such treatment .

"But, this is all your money." Su Yu still felt a little embarrassed.

Luo Quan laughed: "What belongs to the company belongs to the company, and what belongs to the company belongs to me, why is it so clear.

Then it's settled. I'll send you the electronic version of the contract later. If there is no problem, I will sign the contract with the original company when the time comes.

Remember, you must sign when the time is up. If any disputes arise in the future, it will be troublesome. "

Lan Xuan's expression was solemn: "Don't worry, I will check these things."

Luo Quan patted his head, remembering that he hadn't asked about his business: "After talking for so long, I almost forgot that I came to ask for directions. By the way, who should I turn to for the audition for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?"

Lan Xuan flipped through the memo on the phone: "Go to the studio on the fifth floor and find Deputy Director Li."

Then let's go quickly, there are a total of nine places, if we wait too late, we might lose them. "Luo Quan said, turned around and walked towards the CCTV building.

Su Yu looked at Luo Quan's back, feeling as if he was dreaming.

5 minutes ago, she was still saddened by her bleak stardom, but 5 minutes later, she suddenly felt that everything was full of light and hope.

"As the old saying goes, Tailai will come after No Ji, and we have met a nobleman." Lan Xuan let out a long sigh of relief, finally letting go of the burden in his heart...

The CCTV building looked weird on the outside, and the internal structure was also very complicated. The three women asked all the way and went around to find the studio on the fifth floor.

There are quite a few celebrities and their managers gathered outside the studio. On CCTV, there are few people who put on a show or wear a mask. Everyone shows their "true face" and several of them are still applying makeup in the mirror.

"By the way, have you put on makeup?" Luo Quan turned to look at Su Yu.

"It has melted a bit." Su Yu nodded lightly. Under the light, her rosy face with melon seeds looked even more delicate, and she also had hair that was as soft as ink and was as long as her waist, which made Luo Quan a little envious. send.

"Do you want cosmetics? I have some with me, but the types may not be complete." Su Yu rummaged through the bag Lan Xuan was carrying.

"No, I have it myself." Luo Quan was also carrying a bag, and she dug out a bottle of Dabao from her army green backpack.

"Is this... counted as cosmetics?" Su Yu and Lan Xuan fell into deep doubts.

"This can keep the skin moisturized and eliminate dryness and fatigue. In autumn and winter, it is windy. Applying this is more effective than those thousands of dollars of protective milk." Luo Quan said, and began to apply it on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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