Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 334 Works

Chapter 334 Works
"Would you like some?" Luo Quan handed the big treasure to Su Yu.

Su Yu quickly waved his hand: "I'll talk about it later. I'll talk about it later."

"Speaking of which, are we going to line up, or go in together later?" Luo Quan glanced in from the outside of the studio, and all the staff were coming and going, and no celebrity was singing.

Su Yu was not very clear either: "We should go in together later."

After waiting outside for a few minutes, a young man in a vest came out and said to the stars in the corridor, "Everyone, the audition has begun."

When the stars heard that the sound audition had started, they walked in, because it was in the CCTV building, so they didn't lose their composure like grandparents rushing to the supermarket for sales promotion, but they still rushed into the studio aggressively, and they would come out to shout for people. The staff member brother was squeezed back.

Lan Xuan wanted to squeeze in, but Luo Quan and Su Yu cared more about their image, they just stood there and waited for the big troops to enter before walking in.

Lan Xuan, who couldn't squeeze in, saw the two people in the back walking leisurely like an old man, so he got angry: "You two are not in a hurry at all, there are only nine programs in total, don't be active with so many people Which round will we get?"

Su Yu muttered: "Whether it's urgent or not, the assistant director has the final say."

"I know this assistant director, I'm an acquaintance." Luo Quan laughed, with a calm face.

"Acquaintance?!" Lan Xuan suppressed his voice, but his tone was surprised.

Luo Quan explained: "This is Director Huang. "Creation of Girls' Generation" is directed by him. He is a very good-tempered director. It's just that we haven't contacted for a while."

Lan Xuan continued to ask in a low voice: "Then can you open a back door or something?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "I don't know. After all, this is a CCTV program. Even if he has the heart, he doesn't have the ability as an assistant director. It's better not to bother others, and he can reduce a lot of criticism with his own ability."

Lan Xuan smiled awkwardly: "That's true."

When Luo Quan saw Lan Xuan, he also had some feelings in his heart.

If you want to gain a foothold in the entertainment circle, most people's life principles are more utilitarian. Those who have favors use favors, and those who have connections use connections. If there is really no recruiting, they will rely on their own abilities. Criticism of Cypriots and the like.

In the past, she looked down on such things, but after signing Su Yu, she knew that she would inevitably do such things in the future, and she was entangled for a while.

One day, people will become what they hate. The deeper the contact with this world, the more the values ​​she established before will change.

Sighing faintly, Luo Quan followed Su Yu and sat down at a random place in the studio.

Stretching his neck, he looked around, looking for someone he knew, but unexpectedly found one for her.

It was Kong Yue, her senior sister of Shangyi. Since she withdrew from "I Am a Singer", the two hadn't talked for a long time.

I heard that after she retired from the competition, the broadcast volume of this variety show plummeted by 30.00%[-], returning to the average level of the previous seasons, and the topicality is no longer what it was when it first aired.

In the new episode, Director Zheng did some work, setting up conflicts for the guests and setting the rhythm on the Internet. As a result, the data after the final broadcast pulled his hips, and he was fired the next day.

After Director Zheng was fired, Mango also called Luo Quan again, hoping that she could return, but Luo Quan declined.

Just kidding, "True Fragrance" is enough once, how can it come a second time?

There was a lot of trouble when she retired from the competition. She didn't give her an explanation at the time, but now she is acting like her data is no longer good. What do you think of her?

In short, although both sides are decent in face and have not said anything excessive, they both know that there will be no cooperation in the future.

Because of the show, Luo Quan didn't contact the other singers after she retired. In fact, she didn't have any contact with anyone else, except Kong Yue.

The two interacted a few times on Weibo, but it was just a few likes and reposts on Weibo.

When we met again in the CCTV studio today, Luo Quan waved to her across several rows of seats.

Kong Yue was originally chatting with a staff member, but soon saw Luo Quan and walked over immediately.

"I knew you would come today, so I waited for you in the studio early in the morning." Kong Yue happily sat next to Luo Quan.

"how do you know?"

"Recently there are only a few popular and capable singers. How could I not invite you? Don't look at the audition, it's just another cutscene."

Luo Quan nodded: "What about you, have you tried the sound?"

"I'm a member of the art troupe, so I don't need an audition." Kong Yue said with a smile: "And this time I'm going to sing "Little River Flowing Water", or the version you adapted."

Luo Quan's cover of "Little River Flowing Water" has no copyright. Even if she made an adaptation, she did not register the copyright of the adaptation.

The main reason is that she thinks this adaptation is really worth applying for copyright. After all, the original song is a classic folk song, which means that anyone can sing her version, so CCTV didn't specifically notify her when it was used.

Seeing that Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, Kong Yue laughed, "I can tell from your expression that the director didn't tell you, but it's just been decided, and I planned to tell you face to face."

Luo Quan didn't care: "What's the matter, you can just sing it, my adaptation is just to add clothes to the original song, it's not original."

"Adaptation is also a kind of creation. This version of yours has sung a new idea of ​​this song. In the future, "Little River Flows" at the party will basically be sung like yours. The meaning is not less than the original." Kong Yue He said with a sigh: "Actually, if you don't retire this time, there is a high probability that the king of singers will be yours, and that director Zheng also has no points."

Luo Quan was suddenly curious: "By the way, did he ask you to change the music style?"

Kong Yue nodded: "Of course, he will intervene in all singers choosing songs, but because I wanted to sing popular this time, he didn't give too many opinions, he just asked me to choose a slightly more popular song.

Actually, I didn’t want to participate in this “I Am a Singer”, but the group always wanted me and those who eat public meals to be more down-to-earth, so I accepted variety shows for many people. I was the most unlucky and went to Mango tower. "

Luo Quan laughed and said nothing after hearing this. It seems that Mango TV has a bad reputation in the circle.

"Let's not talk about these bad things, let's talk about this Mid-Autumn Festival party. You can't come to the audition empty-handed, right?" Kong Yue looked at Luo Quan excitedly: "Is there any new adaptation this time, or just come out with a song?" New song?"

"It's a new song." Luo Quan nodded, "It's a song written with the lyrics of Su Shi's water melody, and the style is more retro."

"Water Tune's headline is not bad, it's the first word of Yinyue in ancient and modern times. I'm looking forward to it."

Luo Quan smiled shyly, but did not speak.

This song is really worth looking forward to. After all, it is the famous song of Teresa Teng, the Chinese queen of the previous life. Although the style of the song is indeed a bit old, full of the taste of the 80s and [-]s of the last century, it will appear more solemn when it is played on a big occasion like the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. and full of charm.

In fact, another Chinese queen Faye Wong's version is also very good, and the style of music is a bit more popular, but Luo Quan still uses the original version after repeated consideration.

The two sat in the studio and chatted nonchalantly. The stars in front of them tried their best to win a spot from the director, but most of them had loud voices, which only met the assistant director's requirements for traffic.

After everyone's sound audition, the assistant director didn't announce the result immediately, but just nodded and said the next one.

While Luo Quan was chatting with Kong Yue, Lan Xuan also dragged Su Yu to the front, thinking that an early audition would impress the assistant director.

It's a pity that although Su Yu has a nice voice, he has never learned to sing, and his singing is too dry and he has no skills. When they came back, the two of them were also downcast, probably because they knew it was over.

Luo Quan said comforting words: "Don't be discouraged, it's just a Mid-Autumn Festival party, you can go there when you become famous in the future, even the audition will be waived."

Su Yu complained a little: "I just said that I can't sing, and I have to come to audition as soon as I graduated from the acting department. A lot of people just stared at me and laughed."

Lan Xuan also couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, okay, I won't let you sing next time."

Luo Quan looked at his watch, and it was getting late, so he got up and prepared to jump into a line, quickly set the show so that she could go back to the hotel to rest, and after the rehearsal tomorrow, she would go back to Shanghai to find a place for Su Yu to settle down.

Although it was a queue jump, Luo Quan was never a bully. She just switched from the back rows to the front rows. Director Huang, who had been busy auditioning for the stars, didn't notice Luo Quan. After seeing a great master, he was suddenly surprised and delighted: "Teacher Luo Quan is here."

Luo Quan didn't hold back his laughter: "Director Huang, you are more than ten years older than me, and you still call me teacher. I can't bear it. Besides, the show is over."

Director Huang was taken aback for a moment, and then he also laughed: "Hey, I called it Shunkou before, but I didn't change it.

By the way, are you also here for the audition? "

Luo Quan nodded: "That's right, I came here when CCTV invited me. After all, I haven't been on CCTV since my debut."

These unpretentious words sounded like they were showing off to the stars beside them.

Listen, it's been a long time since I debuted and I haven't been on CCTV......

Many artists may not have the opportunity to appear on CCTV programs in their lifetime, let alone such an annual event as the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala!

Director Huang smiled and said: "It should be a formality, I have invited you here, can I arrange a show for you?"

Luo Quan hastily corrected: "Don't say that, CCTV is so serious, everyone can do it according to their own ability, you just follow other people's standards."

Director Huang nodded: "Okay, then you can come to audition first, because the singing program this time has not been decided yet, so just sing any song."

"Actually, I made a special piece for the Mid-Autumn Festival this time. I used Su Shi's water tune to compose the lyrics. I wonder if I can sing it?"

Director Huang looked forward to it: "As long as it's a good song, just sing it."

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt relieved, went straight to the front, picked up the microphone and began to sing a cappella:
"When is the moon? Ask Qingtian for the wine.

I don’t know what the palace is, but what year is it.

…………………… "

Although it was a cappella, the sound equipment in the CCTV studio was quite good, and everyone could clearly hear Luo Quan's beautiful singing voice like the fairy voice of a fairyland.

The song is a good song, and the words are eternal nouns. Combined with Luo Quan's singing, it is unnecessary to repeat how excellent it is.

The stars were a little worried before, thinking that if Luo Quan was so familiar with director Huang Fu, they would directly appoint a spot. Now thinking about it, it's really funny.

With this kind of strength, is there any difference between internal and external determination?Anyway, this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will definitely have a place for her.

It's really just like what Director Huang Fu said, Luo Quan is just here for a cutscene.

After singing the main and chorus, Luo Quan put down the microphone, and before he could speak, several male stars applauded and shouted.

"It's so good, it's too much for this song not to be included in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala!" After listening to it, Director Huang still expressed his preference even though the audition was not over yet.

But he doesn't care about these minutiae anymore. He can be entrusted with the important task of assistant director by CCTV and in charge of music programs. He himself has considerable research on Chinese music.

Speaking responsibly, Luo Quan's song is definitely one of the best Chinese songs singing about the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it can even be removed!

Of course, this is his own subjective opinion, whether the public agrees or not is a matter for the public, but as an assistant director, he must not let this song go.

Director Huang asked Luo Quan: "What's the name of this song? Is it the song head of Water Tune?"

"It's called "May I Live Long""

"The idea of ​​the name is very good." Director Huang sighed, and finally wrote Luo Quan in his small notebook: "I hope people will last forever".

All the celebrities present had sharp eyes and delicate hearts, and they immediately realized that Luo Quan had successfully passed the audition and was officially included in the list of performances for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

At the same time, they also began to recall how many times Director Huang moved the pen just now.

It's a pity that the sound audition took too long. Many people sat down there bored and played with their phones all the time. How could they have the time to pay attention to these things.

After Director Huang finished writing, he said to Luo Quan: "Let's do this first. Pay attention to the notice at night. There should be tasks tomorrow."

"Okay, then you are busy first, then I will leave first." Luo Quan said goodbye to Director Huang with a smile, and returned to Kong Yue and the others, "Senior Sister, I have passed the sound audition, so I won't stay any longer. Tomorrow goodbye."

Kong Yue also got up and prepared to go home: "Well, there are many leaders coming tomorrow, and I will explain to you then."

Su Yu looked admiring: "As expected of the boss, it's easy."

Luo Quan smiled lightly: "Don't worship me, you can reach my level in the future!"

Ps. Thank you for the book currency rewarded by L224, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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