Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 335 The more beautiful the woman, the better the acting

Chapter 335 The more beautiful the woman, the better the acting
Not long after returning to the hotel, Luo Quan received the news that he would go to the CCTV No. 09 studio for a rehearsal the next day. The leaders in the station were very satisfied with the song "I wish you a long time" and planned to let Luo Quan perform in the golden song at 30:[-]. time to sing.

But when he arrived at the studio the next day, Luo Quan, who was a little excited at first, realized that he really didn't have much to do on stage.

This time she performed on stage as a solo singer without a backup dancer. Director Zhang designed a few movements for her, as well as the overall movement during the singing process, so there is no more.

All the guests who performed the singing show came to the rehearsal this time, and they all went through a cutscene to familiarize themselves with the process, because when it comes to the actual performance, the microphones in their hands are not turned on, and the singing recorded in the recording studio is played throughout the whole process.

Although when Luo Quan got this notice, she repeatedly assured that she could achieve the exact sameness between the scene and the recording studio, and even better the tone of the scene, and wanted the director to give her a real chance on stage.

But Director Zhang still refused with a smile:
"Although the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is not the Spring Festival Gala, it is also a live broadcast watched by hundreds of millions of people. Can you guarantee that there will be no mistakes?

Even if you can guarantee it, how can you guarantee that there will be no problems with the microphone in your hand? "

In fact, these hidden dangers exist, and no one can guarantee that there will be no unexpected situations during the live broadcast. However, in order to minimize the risk, CCTV chose the safest way, which is to play the recording.

This is also the reason why singers have been criticized for lip-syncing and lip-syncing during performances at CCTV's major evening shows.

Generally, well-known and powerful singers are very opposed to lip-synching, thinking that this is a manifestation of disrespect, and it is not that there are no singers who have protested against this method before.

For example, a few years ago, there was a female singer who lip-synced on a CCTV music variety show and deliberately held the microphone upside down. Because it was a live broadcast, this scene was directly searched for a whole day, and the CCTV lip-syncing underpants Get it clean.

But there is a saying that it is non-toxic. Since then, CCTV has no longer encouraged lip-syncing. The first step in inviting singers to any party is to clearly tell them to lip-sync.

After that, there is no need to even notify, because the singer himself knows that the CCTV is the lip-sync.

Luo Quan herself was not particularly against lip-syncing, and she didn't have the guts to hold the microphone upside down at the Mid-Autumn Festival party, so she didn't insist on it after the chief director rejected her guarantee.

It took a whole morning to go through the process, and overall it was relatively smooth. During the period, Luo Quan also watched a few large-scale dances and sketches that will be performed at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

The scene is quite lively, as for the quality... In short, there are not many that can make people's eyes shine.

In the past, this kind of evening party could create an Internet buzzword that has been popular for a year, but now, it is reversed. What is popular on the Internet is used for what it is, and it is rote, which is really embarrassing to see.

But it doesn’t really matter anymore. Now who pays attention to the content of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and the Spring Festival Gala, these galas have become a part of Chinese festivals. It must be lively.

So although it is complained every year, many people still turn on their mobile phones and TVs to watch live broadcasts every year.

Busy until noon, Luo Quan, who had finished the first rehearsal, was stopped by Kong Yue, and pulled in front of a group of middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes who were slightly obese.

Yesterday Kong Yue said that she would introduce some big bosses to her, and these must be the only ones.

"Come on, Luo Quan, let me introduce you, this is He Taohe, deputy director of the GD General Administration." Kong Yue said to the tallest middle-aged man.

"Hello, Deputy Director He." Luo Quan greeted a little cautiously.

"This is Li Qun Li, deputy director of CCTV." Kong Yue continued to introduce, the middle-aged man introduced was a little bit stronger, with a lot of baldness on his forehead, and the rest of his hair was black and shiny.

"Hello, Deputy Director Li."

He Tao's expression was very kind: "I've heard for a long time that we have a music genius who shocked the world in China, and today I finally got to meet the real person."

Luo Quan smiled all over his face: "They are all well-trained by the state."

Seeing this young talented woman so on the road, several big brothers burst out laughing.

After sitting in this position for so many years, they have seen too many geniuses. These geniuses have a unified characteristic, that is, they are arrogant and have no children. They always have a natural opposition to officials, especially those who manage the entertainment industry. , so when meeting these geniuses for the first time, most of them were not very pleasant.

There are very few geniuses who can communicate with them calmly, and it is the first time that Luo Quan is so down-to-earth in so many years.

Deputy Director He sighed: "It's been a long time since I heard this kind of scene from the mouth of a young man like you."

Deputy Director Li also smiled: "What's the name of the pianist recommended by Lao Qin last time? Wu Feng, right? He came here and said three words in total. Those who didn't know the expression thought we were It's like I owe him money."

Luo Quan listened carefully. She had heard of Wu Feng mentioned by these two big guys. It is said that he was the first genius in the history of the Chinese piano industry. He started practicing piano at the age of six and won the No.1 International Chopin Award. At the age of 21, he held a concert in Vienna's Golden Hall, and then became famous all over the world. Although he is only 23 now, he is already the top pianist in the world. His international popularity was once ranked among the top five among Chinese people. .

A genius like this has a somewhat eccentric temper in his daily life, and it is probably one of the manifestations that he is not a dignitary.

The two big brothers chatted for a few words, found that the topic was off topic, and brought the topic back to Luo Quan. Deputy Director He looked at Luo Quan: "I heard that you were originally studying at the University of Tokyo, why did you suddenly think of going back to China? If you want to learn music, American conservatories are better than domestic ones.

Don't say it's just to report on the government's training. "

Deputy Director He is also very understanding. He probably guessed that Luo Quan would say this. Although the scene is nice, what he wants more is the truth. A Huaxia student studied hard abroad for three years and finally got admitted to a world-class university like the University of Tokyo. , After studying for a year, he suddenly returned to China and became an exchange student. If he had chosen Tsinghua University, it would have been fine, but in the end, he had chosen an art school that is only famous in China.

Luo Quan smiled awkwardly. She was really going to say that she wanted to repay the government for her training. In fact, she did have some thoughts about this in her heart at the time.

But it certainly cannot be said now.

"I thought everyone knew about it." Luo Quan thought that when she returned to China, it wasn't because of the scandal that had been rumored on the Internet for a long time. With her enthusiasm, there should not be many people who don't know about it.

The two bosses looked puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Kong Yue laughed: "I've heard about this incident. At that time, domestic media and Japanese media reported for a while that the grandson of Emperor Masaku Masaku of Japan fell in love with me, a young junior sister, but was rejected. After rejecting.

After the Japanese people knew about it, they called on the Internet to go to the University of Tokyo to petition Luo Quan, and let Luo Quan agree to respect the emperor's grandson in order to keep this goddess of the whole people in Japan forever.

As a result, within two days after the call was made, the little junior sister returned home. "

Luo Quan nodded: "Probably so, the main reason is that the mother of the royal grandson was forced to marry his father by Japanese public opinion and officials in a similar way.

I was afraid that I would encounter such a situation, so I applied for the exchange on the same day, and the procedures were completed the next day. The reason why I chose Shangyi was mainly because it was the only exchange school, and it was the only art school. I thought Anyway, as a professional counterpart, it was decided directly. "

"It turns out there is such a thing." Deputy Director He was a little surprised, he didn't expect Luo Quan to have such a relationship with the Japanese emperor's grandson.

"Just now you said the goddess of the whole people, what do you mean?" Deputy Director Li noticed Kong Yue's words and asked, "Luo Quan, are you famous in Japan?"

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment: "It should... probably... I guess it's famous, it's been on several TV stations."

This is a completely modest statement. Last summer, the MV of her singing "Don't Give Up" in the recording studio was broadcast on major TV stations. As long as you watched TV during that time, you would definitely see Luo Quan. The coverage rate is as high as 90.00%!
Kong Yue also laughed when she heard Luo Quan's words: "You are too modest, there are not many celebrities who can be included in Japanese textbooks."

Later, Kong Yue gave the two leaders a generalization of Luoquan's "great achievements" in Japan. Although it was just a straightforward description, it still sounded like a miracle of ordinary people.

Deputy Director He went from being surprised to calm, and finally looked at Luo Quan with a smile on his face: "You are quite an interesting girl. If you are famous, you are famous. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Luo Quan smiled: "Modity is a virtue of Chinese people."

Deputy Director Li shook his head and laughed: "You are more proficient in this official accent than I am, but compared with these big and small stars in the circle, you are really on a higher level."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "It's mainly forced by the general environment. I still have to be more tactful in dealing with people, but I haven't done a particularly good job so far. Occasionally I still offend some big shots in the circle because of my emotions."

Kong Yue was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Big man, which leader did you offend?"

She didn't know about Luoquan and Huayi Group, and thought that when Luoquan offended a certain leader of GD.

He Tao's expression became serious: "There is no such thing as a big man in China, everyone is equal, if it's just because you rejected some inappropriate requests, then you must not be at fault!

Who is the big man, you tell me to listen. "

"I don't know if you've heard of Huayi Company?" Luo Quan's tone seemed hesitant, as if he was worried about something, but his eyes were full of cunning.

When the acting skills temporarily promoted to S+ by the system come into play, even a genius like He Tao can't see any clues.

"Hua Yi..." He Tao frowned. Of course he had heard of this company, and he even had a lot of contact with the boss of this company. Less support from GD.

However, from time to time, after the new director of GD took office, his strategy towards Hua Yi has undergone a huge change. Now Hua Yi is no longer the big Mac who can run amok in the circle.

Moreover, following the feedback of the evil forces left behind, the GD Headquarters received more and more negative news about Huayi.

"How did you offend Boss Hua Yi?" He Tao remained expressionless, motioning Luo Quan to continue.

Luo Quan was not sure about He Tao's attitude, but she still recounted the matter between her and Boss Huayi truthfully. She didn't add any embellishments to this paragraph, and said whatever happened.

However, although Boss Hua Yi is indeed wrong about this matter, it is not a matter of principle in the final analysis. At most, Boss Hua Yi is a bit bullying. If he really stabs the GD leader, it will not cause too much trouble.

However, since Luo Quan was determined to mainly give eye drops to Boss Hua Yi, how could he prepare such a little thing.

After talking about his own business, Luo Quan also revealed the business of Su Yu and Boss Hua Yi.

After Fan Ying's incident, Luo Quan made it clear that the system has the function of distinguishing people's character, and she asked the system again last night to confirm that Su Yu was not lying.

Then, Boss Huayi's unspoken rules and then retaliation is a sure thing!

"That's it, Su Yu was banned not long after his debut, but I didn't have any recordings at that time, and Boss Hua Yi would definitely not recognize it.

But she obviously didn't make any mistakes, but she was treated like this, and I couldn't be more angry.

But we can't afford to offend such a big shot. Even if it is revealed on the Internet, they can easily suppress it, and even invite the navy to turn black and white and pour dirty water on us, so we can only pretend that it never happened. "Luo Quan's indignant and helpless appearance made all the leaders present have some sympathy.

They are all old people who have been in this circle for decades. They are clear about some things, but is it useful to say it?
So besides being helpless, Su Yu really has no good solution. He can persist for several years without forgetting his original intention, and he is already better than many actresses in the circle for withstanding the pressure.

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he added another sentence: "Just ask me, I only returned to China this year to develop, can this Hua Yi's boss really be offended?"

He Tao snorted coldly: "The entertainment circle has an acre of land, and it's not his turn to cover the sky with one hand!
As long as this matter is true, no matter who it is, it must pay the price.

In addition, I also told Su Yu that the grievances she has suffered in the past few years will not be in vain, and there will be results soon, and she will not receive any unfair treatment in the future. "

"With your words, I'm relieved." Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, showing a smile, and the corners of his lips curled into a beautiful arc.

Ps. Thank you for the book coin rewarded by the book friend Deng Shen, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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