Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 336 Buying a House

Chapter 336 Buying a House

The Huayi Company is going to be in trouble. Before today, the GD Bureau has received a lot of negative news about this company. Luoquan's complaint is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Originally, she and Hua Yi didn't have such a big hatred, so she could directly complain to the leader of GD, but who told her to sign Su Yu just now, Hua Yi's ban order is still in place, if you don't let Hua Yi When Yi moved, Su Yu would still be very restricted in his development in the circle.

Of course, she will not be so arrogant that she thinks that these leaders deal with Hua Yi because of her, and can only say that dealing with Hua Yi is in the interests of most people.

It hasn't been a year or two since Hua Yi has been doing this in the entertainment industry. It has been cleaned up long ago. The reason why it has been delayed until now is because it is dying. When Hua Yi was rampant in the entertainment industry, he did not see How outraged these leaders are.

But no matter what, it must be a good thing to solve such a serious problem. Luo Quan is sincerely grateful to Senior Sister Kong Yue who introduced him to the leader.

From the first time she met on the program, this senior sister has always shown her kindness and closeness to her. Whether it is for a purpose or not, Luo Quan has developed a good impression of her.

After meeting with the leader, Luo Quan went back to the hotel to pack his luggage, and flew back to Shanghai with Su Yu Lanxuan.

Last night, Luo Quan searched for some personal information about Su Yu on the Internet. Although he was banned not long after his debut, there is not much information on the Internet, but some basic information can still be seen.

For example, a person born in 96, with a height of 1.70, Han nationality and so on.

Su Yu's father is Han, and her mother is Uighur, which is why she looks like a mixed race.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yu was admitted to Beijing Film Academy at the age of 17 and graduated in 3 years. He is quite talented in acting.

It's a pity that she is young and ignorant, signed a second-rate economic company in the industry, and encountered unspoken rules when she debuted, so that she hasn't acted in a play until now after graduation, and many of her classmates are now Started to play the role of the first female lead and the second female lead in big productions.

Su Yu saw it, and it was impossible not to be jealous. Fortunately, the last announcement from the company gave her the biggest opportunity in her life.

After returning to Shanghai, Su Yu didn't go back to the company either. He had already taken what was due, and in just a few days, Su Yu would have nothing to do with the previous company.

Although Lan Xuan is an employee of the company, he was assigned to be in charge of Su Yu when he first entered the industry. Both of them are rookies in the industry. They have no achievements and have not been seen by the boss and colleagues for a long time.

Now that Su Yu has signed a new company, Lan Xuan naturally has to resign to accompany him.

But Lan Xuan definitely can't just leave like Su Yu, there are still some materials that need to be processed back to the company, Su Yu also has to go home for a few days to see his parents.

Taking advantage of his free time these few days, Luo Quan planned to settle the residence of the two of them.

Although you can live in a luxury apartment, in the long run, renting a house is worse than buying one directly. After all, the ownership of what you rent is always someone else, and you have to leave if you are asked to leave.

Only by holding the real estate certificate in your hand can you feel safe. Besides, although the country has been controlling housing prices, only a few areas are falling, and most places are continuing to rise, especially in first-tier cities like Shanghai. The more you earn, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are waiting for appreciation.

Although Luoquan didn't understand the market and the advantages and disadvantages of each real estate in the housing area, she didn't need to bother outsiders. She was in real estate at home, so she should be able to find a solution by calling her father directly.

"Hey, daughter, why did you remember to call your father?" Luo Quan called his father, but it was his mother who answered the phone.

"Mom? Where's my dad?"

"Your father has gone to take a shower, he should be out soon...Come on, call my daughter."

Luo Ni handed the phone to Eric, who was still wiping her hair. When she heard that it was a baby girl, she quickly wiped her right hand on the bathrobe, and answered the phone: "Hey, daughter, what's the matter?"

"Dad, does our family have a branch in Huaxia?"

Although Eric spends most of his time with his friends, he still remembers the business of his company in those geographically large countries. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "There are both Beijing and Shanghai, but they are not big, only three The real estate and a project under construction, the main business is to provide design and supporting services with local real estate agents... What, do you want to buy a house?"

"I want to buy a set. I either stayed in a hotel or a friend's house before. It's not good for a long time."

Eric laughed: "If you want to buy it, tell me earlier, Beijing or Shanghai? What's your request?"

"If you want to be in Shanghai, there is nothing to ask for, as long as you are older."

Eric nodded: "Is it just these requirements? That's fine, I'll just tell your second uncle and arrange for someone to take you to see the house tomorrow."

"Thank you dad."

Eric, who satisfied the baby girl's request, was very proud: "What's there to thank you for, I will send you a text message if you want anything in the future, except for rockets flying in the sky, and aircraft carriers for swimming in the sea, I can give you everything else .”

Luo Ni pouted at the side: "I'm not afraid to flash my tongue if I brag about being so big."

Eric didn't even look at his wife and pretended he didn't hear.

The family will not talk about money or not. Besides, a house is a small case for both Luo Quan and Eric, and it can be resolved with one phone call.

After talking on the phone with his daughter here, Eric was about to call his second brother Andre, but Luo Ni called him back: "You can just pay for the house for your daughter, and it's not good to let your brother use the company's money." Bar?"

Eric's expression was nonchalant: "Why is the division so clear? The whole Albert belongs to my father, and it will be divided among our brothers and sisters in the end. As long as he has a bit of conscience, he won't even be reluctant to part with a house."

After finishing speaking, he called his younger brother Andre:
"Hey, second child, I just woke up."

"It's okay, your eldest niece wants to buy a house in Shanghai, do you have any leftovers from the projects you did in Huaxia?"

"Yes? That's great. The whole set is ready. There are no other requirements. It must be big."

"By the way, how much is such a house?"

"You can't say that. Brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Even if it is their own property, they still have to go through the accounts."

"Then since you're so persistent, consider it your birthday present to Luo Quan, and let her thank you, second uncle, some other day."

"Okay, okay, I'll come back to London and find you for a drink later, hahaha."

Eric hung up the phone with a stinky face, and threw the phone aside:
"Have you seen it, the big brother still has to give him face, and he won't accept any money."

"You're going back to London after a while?" Luo Ni asked.

Eric snorted: "Damn it, I wish I could spend my whole life wandering outside, don't look at the big brother who can call each other clearly now, and still want to drink with me, if you really go back and ask him for a drink, you have to worry about the water in it." Not poisoned."

Luo Ni was speechless: "This is a bit too much, my brother won't do it."

Eric shook his head and smiled: "It's really not good."


Early the next morning, Luo Quan drove to the western suburb of Hongqiao Road with Ivy who had no class.

I called my father last night, and in less than half an hour, a person signed by Zhao Ya sent a text message to her mobile phone, asking if she is free tomorrow, if she is free, go directly to a shop in the western suburbs of Hongqiao Road called " The villa complex of "Dan Palace", the house prepared for her is there.

Luo Quan made an appointment with her, pulled Ai Wei to start the navigation, and went straight to the Palace of Darkness.

Ivy was curious on the seat: "Boss, where are you taking me?"

"Go and see the mansion. From now on, it will be the unified residence of the artists of our Quanshui Entertainment Company. Of course, if you like, you can find a place to live by yourself."

"Looking at mansions? I like looking at mansions the most!" Although Ivy lives in Shanghai, her family conditions are relatively average. She lived with her father when she was a child, and then with her mother. The very crowded tube building, the kind where a room is only more than 30 square meters.

Therefore, Ivy has had a special longing for a big house since she was a child. Now when she hears that she is going to see a house, and that she can live in it in the future, she is so excited beyond words.

It is said to be in the western suburbs, but the road is actually very smooth. Luoquan drove over with a little gas, and the total journey was less than 15 minutes. If it was a taxi, it would take 10 minutes, which can be said to be quite close.

The Tan Palace occupies a rather large area, more than 4 square meters, which is twice the size of Tomson Yipin!
However, the number of houses is quite small. There are only [-] villas. The current selling price is as high as [-] million yuan each. It would be really painful for Luo Quan to pay for it himself.

However, when searching for the information of Tan Palace, Luo Quan saw that the developer was not Albert Company, so he was a little puzzled.

After thinking about it, I realized how it is possible for foreign real estate to get land in Huaxia. It is probably related to investment cooperation, but I don’t know how much the investment accounts for, and whether it can be regarded as my own industry.

Of course, these are not important anymore, and soon one of the villas will have his name written on it.

Driving to the gate of Tangong Community, the two iron gates are tightly closed, and the inside is a lush green garden scenery. Seeing Luoquan car parked outside the gate, a woman wearing a professional OL uniform came out of the security booth immediately. The iron door also opened slowly.

"Is it Miss Zhao Ya?" Luo Quan asked in the car.

Zhao Ya smiled sweetly: "Nice to meet you, Miss Luo Quan, your house is on C2, go straight and turn right at the third fork."

"Wait a minute please... Brother security guard, can we park outside!" Luo Quan shouted loudly to the young security guard in the security booth.

"Okay!" the security guard yelled back.

Zhao Ya hurriedly reminded: "There is a special parking space at the villa."

"It's embarrassing for us to let you walk in a car." Luo Quan said and looked at the rearview mirror, making sure that there were no people or obstacles shouting at him.

"Let's go, take us to see the house." Luo Quan, who had parked the car, walked up to Zhao Ya, and Ai Wei looked around after her.

After walking for about ten minutes, Luo Quan came to the house ticket that her father had found for her.

This is a typical French-designed villa. In fact, she doesn't know what the French style is. The main reason is that there is a statue of Napoleon on the relief beside the villa's door, so she guesses that it is a French design.

But having said that, is this house a little too big? What she originally wanted was to buy a large suite with more than a dozen rooms, the kind of building within a building that Wen Xia lives in now.

Unexpectedly, her father directly built a four-story villa for her!

Luo Quan asked Zhao Ya: "How big is this villa?"

Zhao Ya smiled and introduced: "C2 adopts the classic French architectural style. The building area is more than 800 square meters. There are four floors in total. Each floor has its own function. There is also a private swimming pool behind the villa."

"More than 800 square meters?" Ivy was already stunned at this time.

Before coming here, she had tried her best to imagine what this mansion would look like. She thought that the mansion in her imagination was exaggerated enough, but she did not expect that the reality was even more outrageous than her imagination
Luo Quan muttered to himself, "It's a little big."

The smile on Zhao Ya's face remained the same: "This is indeed the largest building in the vacant real estate of Tan Palace, and the market price is around 3.2 million yuan."

"Hiss!" Ivy gasped, thinking that she had misheard the number.

"3.2 million." Luo Quan thought about his car after hearing the house price.

In this comparison, it is more cost-effective to buy a house. No matter how handsome the car is, it still cannot match the impact of this beautiful villa.

"If it's bigger, let's make it bigger. At worst, Wen Xia Junzi and the others will be taken over to live here in the future." Luo Quan thought about it for a while, and didn't bother, "By the way, do you have all the furniture and electrical appliances in it?"

Zhao Ya nodded: "Although the Tan Palace was built relatively early, the furniture, accessories and electrical appliances inside will be updated every once in a while, and now the ones inside are the latest and best on the market!"

Luo Quan smiled with satisfaction: "The last one, where is the transfer?"

"Wait for someone to come here to go through the formalities, and then you just hand over your ID card and household registration book to us for processing, and we will help you complete all kinds of procedures in the shortest possible time." Zhao Ya told Luo After Quan finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started sending text messages.

"Can I go in and have a look?" Luo Quan asked, pointing to the gate of the villa.

"Of course." Zhao Ya took out a metal card from the briefcase, and gently swiped it on the black magnetic area in the center of the door: "This door is electric, and there are two ways to open the door, one is to swipe the card, and the other is to swipe the card. Face, after hearing the beep, press the red button and the door will open.

All the while, pressing the door also opens faster. "

"This is quite new, but I don't like this design very much." Luo Quan frowned when he saw the speed at which the door opened.

Zhao Ya smiled: "If you don't like it, you can change the design of the entire gate to the way you like."

Luo Quan waved his hand: "Let's talk about this later, let's see the house first."

(End of this chapter)

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