Chapter 337
I always thought that people gradually gain weight.

In fact, no, people become fat in an instant.

——— Luoquan

After a brief stroll around the villa, Luo Quan just memorized the general layout, and he hasn't entered many rooms yet.

This mansion is really too big, the entire first floor is for leisure and hospitality, the entertainment area on the second floor has a dedicated computer room, gym, wine cellar and a small library of more than 30 square meters.

The fourth floor is the one with the most rooms. In addition to a master bedroom suite covering an area of ​​more than 60 square meters, there are nine secondary bedrooms distributed throughout the fourth floor.

Because there are too many rooms on the entire fourth floor, some of them are connected to each other, so the more you walk around, the more intricate it becomes. If you want to be fully familiar with it, you may have to live here for a while.

However, although the house is in hand, it may be some time before Luo Quan can live in it. Now it is the class time, and she will live in the school dormitory most of the time.

Even if she can apply to live outside, she doesn't want to come here at the moment. After all, it's too scary to be alone at night in such a big house. What if there is some movement downstairs.

So Luo Quan asked Zhao Ya to lock the door of the house after viewing the house.

At noon, Luo Quan signed the corresponding documents, and the villa in Tangong was officially transferred to her name, and the rest was submitted by the company to the Internet for review.

The keys of the villa, that is, the key cards, were also handed over to Luo Quan. There were five keys in total, one for Luo Quan himself, one each for Ivy, Su Yu, and Lan Xuan, and one for spare.

But this door will definitely not last long, Luo Quan plans to replace it with a traditional key door after a while.

Today I took Ivy to see the future residence, but it made her excited for a long time, even in the car going back, her hands were still trembling with excitement.

When Luo Quan saw her, he couldn't help but think of how he was when he made his first pot of gold. He was equally excited and said with a smile, "This is just the beginning. What you can enjoy in the future will be even more luxurious than this."

Ivy's eyes turned into stars: "Can I eat Kobe beef and Australian lobster all at once?"

Luo Quan was angry and funny: "A bit of pursuit, okay? If you want to eat, you can eat Australian lobsters that grew up from Kobe beef!"

Back at school at noon, Luo Quan specially ordered a plate of fish-flavored pork shreds for himself in order to celebrate the wedding ceremony.

The reason why I say it is specially because she has been deliberately reducing the amount of meat she eats, especially fat meat, for ten days.

The reason is that after the military training, the whole school has a unified physical examination. Luo Quan, who was still 173 last year, has grown by 1 cm, reaching 174, and his weight has soared from 110 to 128 catties!
When Luo Quan saw the medical examination report, he couldn't believe his eyes.

She knew that she indulged in the whole summer vacation, ate all kinds of sweets and meat every day, and barely did any exercise. She would definitely gain weight in two months, but she never expected to gain so much weight!

The key point is that she was afraid of getting fat before, and she often looked in the mirror, but she didn't feel that her stomach or face had gained much weight.

Now that I know the exact weight, I will take photos later, and find that some parts of the body are indeed different from before. The flesh on the stomach is looser, and the hands and legs are also thicker.

Fortunately, the face has not changed in any way.

However, she did gain weight.

The huge sense of crisis swallowed Luo Quan in an instant. Knowing that the situation was not good, Luo Quan immediately packed all the chocolates, Oreos, and white rabbits he bought the day before yesterday and threw them into the trash can downstairs.

But her weight cannot be thrown away as easily as these sweets, and adjusting her eating habits must also be done.

Afterwards, she, who was originally three meat and one vegetarian, changed to only eating ingredients, and the amount of rice was reduced by one-third, and she made up for it with vegetable salad.

In the past ten days, she only ate meat three times, and she didn't get any fat at all. Even today's celebration was still without exception.

However, when he went back to the dormitory and got on the scale, Luo Quan tragically found that he was afraid of you again by three catties, which was already 131!
"My God, monitor, are you already 131?" Lu Yao thought she was delusional when she saw the number on the electronic scale, and after a careful look, she was sure that it was 131 catties.

Lin Yizhu closed the book and pushed his non-prescription round-frame glasses: "One thing to say, a few days ago I watched a lot of clips of the squad leader's live broadcast at station B, and the amount of meat he ate was faster than those big eaters Eating and broadcasting, one meal is enough for me for three days, it's no wonder that I don't gain weight after eating like this!"

Luo Quan had a bitter face: "I just ate like this for 2 months, I didn't expect to grow so fast."

Zhang Yun looked at Luo Quan's figure suspiciously: "But it doesn't look fat, it's quite well-proportioned, where it should be raised, and where it should be straight."

Lu Yao laughed: "I'm afraid only the squad leader will know whether he is fat or not when he takes a bath."

After saying this, Luo Quan's face became even darker: "Yi Zhu, what good way do you have to lose weight?"

Lin Yizhu proudly said: "You are asking the right person about this matter. I used to weigh 140 because my family always liked to feed me big fish and meat! Later, I searched for various weight loss tips on the Internet, and then made up my mind to lose weight. Stay around 115."

"140?!" Zhang Yun almost jumped up from the bed, "You used to be so fat!"

"That's not the point." Lin Yizhu waved his hand, and looked at Luo Quan seriously: "Girls, weight and age are always the most sensitive numbers, and the bigger they are, the more terrifying they feel.

There is no way to control age, but it can be maintained through diet. If it is not possible, there are hyaluronic acid or facelifts, and in extreme cases, Botox can also be used.

The same is true for weight. First of all, we have to start with the diet. Is the monitor deliberately reducing the amount of food recently? "

Luo Quan nodded like pecking rice: "Yeah, what's wrong with my appetite, I eat more than the three of you combined."

"NoNoNo." Lin Yizhu shook his finger: "This can only show that you eat a lot, and it has nothing to do with your weight gain. What really makes your weight soar is your unhealthy eating and living habits, such as eating too much meat. There is also a sweet tooth, and I don’t exercise at ordinary times. Isn’t this fat accumulated little by little?

Although you can't see it now, it's just because you have a good foundation, the squad leader, and you are tall, so you can't tell if you are fat.

However, if this continues, those obese women abroad are your future. "

Luo Quan knew what the women Lin Yizhu was talking about looked like, they were really fat, their arms were longer than hers, and their stomachs were taller than a freak pregnant woman in October!
Luo Quan looked sad: "Then how should I lose weight?"

Lin Yizhu raised two fingers: "Two ways, one is to control the diet, reduce calorie intake, eat more vegetables, do more aerobic exercise, and you will see the effect soon. But you can't stop, just indulge for a few days, and you will see the effect again. will bounce back.

In fact, you have been doing these all the time, but you have not exercised. In fact, you can really go out and exercise more as a monitor. "

"Do you think I can really exercise with peace of mind when I go to the playground?" Luo Quan smiled helplessly.

Now, as long as she appears in a crowded place, it won't take long for a large group of people to gather around for a group photo, and for those who want to sign autographs.

If you ignore these people, you will still have to complain about your big name on the Internet, so although Luo Quan knows that exercise is the best way to lose weight, Dao really doesn't like going out, and she really doesn't like going out to exercise.

"That's the second method." Lin Yizhu went to bed as he said, put his hands behind his head, grabbed one leg and pulled it up, slowly making a very weird movement. (ps. The author is talking nonsense, please do not imitate!)
"This" Luo Quan asked with a frown.

Lin Yizhu said softly: "That's right, it's just doing yoga. This is a way of health preservation from ancient India. By adjusting breathing and body movements, you can achieve the effect of strengthening your body and losing weight. Don't look at just doing a few movements on the spot , but the calories consumed can be no less than strenuous exercise.

The premise is that the movements must be done correctly, and there must be someone to guide and teach in the early stage... Hey monitor, don't worry, beginners can't directly do this movement! "

Lin Yizhu saw that Luo Quan went to bed and began to imitate her movements, so he hurriedly stopped him.

The bones and ligaments of adults have not been practiced, and it is easy to be injured when doing yoga!

However, before Lin Yizhu finished speaking, Luo Quan had just come out in the same posture as her.

"Is that so?" Luo Quan asked Lin Yizhu.

Lin Yizhu looked surprised: "Squad leader, you practiced dancing when you were young, and your legs are so high? When I did this for the first time, I couldn't even touch my ankles!"

"I have practiced karate, and my ligaments are better." Luo Quan said, feeling that the area centered on the navel had started to feel a little hot, and thought that the effect of this yoga was quite remarkable.

"No wonder, I have a foundation." Lin Yizhu's balance has improved a lot now, and she thought that the class monitor's body is so flexible, "This set of yoga for slimming is specially given by a yoga master when my brother traveled to India a few years ago. It is very effective after asking for advice, and as long as the movements are done correctly, there will be no side effects on the body.

Last but not least, it's not like dieting or diet pills where you stop and bounce back.As long as you are willing to persist, you can not only lose weight, but also slim your legs, waist, face and body, which can be said to have many benefits. "

"I don't have so many demands, as long as I can lose weight." Luo Quan kicked heavily, and let go after less than a minute.

"This is too tiring." Luo Quan buried his head in the pillow, a little surprised.

Lin Yizhu smiled: "Yoga is not just a matter of posing, you have to match a special method of breath adjustment, so that you can persist."

Next, Lin Yizhu taught Luo Quan the rest of the weight-loss yoga movements and breath adjustment methods, and Zhang Yun and Lu Yao were also honored.

Although their weight is not as exaggerated as Luo Quan, but who can guarantee that Yijin can maintain this weight forever?

Learn this weight-loss yoga first, and practice it when you have nothing to do. Maybe someday you will find amazing changes?
So, under the leadership of Lin Yizhu, the whole dormitory began to practice yoga.

Of course, the most serious one here must be Luo Quan. This is also the first time that she has learned through channels other than the system. In the past, she just exchanged it in the mall if she wanted to learn something.

However, what yoga can exchange is movements. Even if she exchanges all the movements, her body cannot easily pose in various unimaginable poses like those yoga masters.

Just like her swordsmanship, even the most common Iai slash, she and Mr. Yagyu Yansai's appearances are completely different.

Knowledge can enlighten the mind, but the body needs to form a memory in repeated suggestions. This is true for swordsmanship and yoga.

Speaking of which, since acquiring karate and swordsmanship, Luo Quan has never practiced. He remembers the relevant knowledge clearly, but his level will always be the same.

Fortunately, she doesn't rely on these for food, and she doesn't need to use these self-defense skills often in Huaxia, it's purely a hobby.

Exercise must be done in moderation. Although yoga is good, it cannot be practiced all the time. Although Luo Quan is eager to lose weight, he also knows that weight loss should not be rushed, so he sets the time every day and stops when the time comes.

In addition to exercising in moderation, the main thing is that she has too many things recently, and she can't devote all her energy to one thing.

The first is to promise fans a Chinese album. She made a promise before that she will release a Chinese album before the end of the year. It is almost the end of September, and she has no idea at all.

Then there is Ivy's debut album, which is the key point. Whether Ivy can become a hit depends on this debut album, and the quality must be guaranteed.

In addition, after signing a contract with Su Yu, she had to consider how to take on the role for her. These days, outstanding characters in good scripts are scarce resources, and she didn't know who to find for a while because of her contacts in the country.

In addition to the company's artists, she herself still has a competition that has not been settled yet.

The preliminary round of the Shanghai Art Competition has ended, out of more than 800 entries, only [-] entered the semi-finals, and now the public selection stage has begun.

Moreover, after the troubles in the rap circle before, netizens all asked Shangyi to open the voting channel on the whole network, so as to prevent the school from covering up the sky and controlling the number of votes.

Although Shangyi never had any plans in this regard, due to the pressure of online public opinion, the online voting channel was opened, and the competition system that could only be voted by students in the school was increased to a maximum of 10 people, and only one ID card was allowed. You can only vote once, and do your best to limit swiping.

Judging from the number of votes, Fan Ying was far ahead. Those on the Internet who shouted to open the online voting channel were either rap fans or Fan Ying's own fans. Naturally, they came to vote this time because they wanted rap to be on the TV station.

Luo Quan has never sung tickets with his fans, but after all, he is very popular with passers-by, and the piano music of "Nightingale" is indeed very nice, so after the relevant works were released on the Internet, they still attracted a lot of people who eat melons.

Fan Ying had the most votes, while Luo Quan was firmly in the second place. There was basically no problem in advancing.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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