Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 338 Another Invitation Song

Chapter 338 Another Invitation Song

Chanel’s autumn new clothes and new series are officially launched and the promotional video is officially launched simultaneously. Before that, major fashion magazines around the world have obtained the first-hand photos and released them. Whether it is the eye-catching design of the new clothes or Luo Quan’s amazing beauty. A big brush in the fashion circle can give you a sense of presence.

The pre-order volume of the high-end "Red and White" once again broke the previous record set by "Forbidden Fruit". More than 800 pieces have been pre-sold before it is finished. .

Of course, the "life" series is even more popular. Luoquan released an English song after so many days, and naturally it immediately entered the major foreign music charts.

The lyrics in the song have an obvious style of Catholic singing and praying, but the overall melody of the song is still dynamic and dynamic, which belongs to the fusion of rock and electronic music, the kind that people can shake when they hear it.

This combination of solemn and unrestrained works has never appeared in the European and American music circles before. The first appearance made everyone feel refreshed and immediately aroused huge discussions.

In fact, in foreign countries, Luo Quan's every move is news, but recently she has been busy with domestic affairs, and has not paid much attention to foreign countries. In fact, whether she sings "Phantom of the Opera" or "Only Time", she has been on several occasions in a row. It's been a hot search on Twitter for days, but unfortunately "only time" has no copyright abroad, otherwise it would have been slaughtered long ago.

This time, "wake" has already been released on major foreign music apps, and basically rushed into the new song and hot song charts as soon as it was released. The popularity can only be described as an explosion.

The point is that although Luo Quan sang the hymn so happily, no religious person came out to criticize Luo Quan's behavior, because the lyrics and her singing voice are so contagious. No matter what beliefs you have, when you hear this song When singing, there will be an inexplicable emotion in my heart.

Of course, Luo Quan himself wrote this song on Twitter as a Christian gospel song, inspired by the clothes of Chanel's "life" series. After all, the designer of this series is also a Christian.

And this creative confession of Luo Quan was also reproduced by Chanel in the promotional video material, which made the image of this autumn series more three-dimensional.

No one can estimate how much attention such an explosive song can bring to related products. Anyway, after "wake" became popular, the click rate of Chanel's official website and the exclusive interface in the mall reached the peak this year.

Today, after the official launch of the "life" series, the single-day sales have set a new record in the past few years. It may not be enough to describe Chanel these days with a lot of money.

At the same time, as the spokesperson, Luo Quan is still practicing yoga to lose weight.

The other people in the same dormitory gave up halfway after a day of practice because the difficulty was too high. Only Luo Quan had to continue to persevere for the sake of weight.

Not only yoga, but also aerobic exercises such as running and rope skipping. Yoga is a kind of exercise that takes years and years to see the effect. After doing it for a month, there may be some changes in the body, but the weight will definitely not be significantly improved. , so you still have to move.

Nowadays, more and more sub-health states are caused by lack of exercise. Luo Quan has also reviewed his previous lazy life and rest in the past few days.

She has realized the freedom of wealth now, but it doesn't mean that she has to indulge in life, she still has to be restrained, otherwise she will really become a big fat man, and she will be sick all over, and there will be no place to cry.

After finishing today's exercise tasks on the yoga mat I just bought, Luo Quan sat on the spot and rested. The figure outlined by the yoga tights was undulating in her panting. On the next bed, three roommates just looked at her, There was naked envy in his eyes.

"I know where the squad leader's meat has grown." Lu Yao stuffed a handful of potato chips into her mouth, eating lemon-flavored potato chips, sour.

Lin Yizhu shook his head: "The squad leader is covering it up too tightly. Those clothes were so big before, it's completely impossible to see that they are so predictable."

"Does the monitor eat papaya? Do you have any secrets?" Zhang Yun asked her most concerned question.

Just like boys like to compare length, girls are very concerned about size. If there is a gap between one person and others in a dormitory, they will inevitably be asked if there is a secret.

Luo Quan smiled plainly: "Yes, eat more meat."

Lin Yizhu twisted up on the bed aggrieved: "Don't tease us Taiping princesses, tell me, you said you wanted to lose weight, I told you the secret recipe right away, you must have some secret recipe, right?! "

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "I really didn't lie to you, I just eat meat.

The size of X is determined by the number of mammary glands. If you want to develop well, you must supplement a lot of protein. In addition to meat, you can also choose eggs, soybeans, and black sesame. In addition, foods containing calcium can also play a role. The most typical one is milk and calcium tablets. "

Lin Yizhu thought about it carefully: "It doesn't sound like there is anything special?"

"Not even papaya?" Lu Yao was deeply suspicious of this.

Luo Quan looked serious: "Believe me, I have never eaten papaya since I was a child, and I seldom eat cantaloupe, but this meat is indispensable every meal.

However, don’t go too far to increase the amount of meat you eat. It’s not good to eat too much fat. You must know that when girls become fat, the waist is the first to gain weight, followed by the face! "

"But monitor, you have gained so much weight, I didn't see how thick your waist is." Zhang Yun looked at Luo Quan's enchanting figure wrapped in tights resentfully, with great doubts in his small eyes.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "People's physiques can't be generalized. Anyway, if you want to get rid of the airport, you must eat more meat and drink more milk."

After speaking, Luo Quan got out of bed and went to take a shower.

These methods are all exchanged by her from the system with the heat value. During the previous summer vacation, she felt that her lifestyle was unhealthy and wanted to make changes.

Although the system mall sells a lot of things, most of them are knowledge. If you want to modify the human body, you must extract it from the treasure chest of the task reward.

Therefore, Luo Quan can only exchange a lot of knowledge related to health care with heat value, including Feng X.

In fact, there are only a few secrets for most health regimens, that is, eating and exercising. To put it bluntly, there is no sense of mystery.

It's a pity that Luo Quan made a lot of theories on his own, made a lot of health regimen plans before going to bed, and vowed to develop good habits, but in the end he left them all behind the next day, and these health regimen secrets became decorations.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, Luo Quan didn't go back to bed and started to lie down for today's Ge You. There were a lot of text messages accumulated in the private mailbox of her mobile phone, and she had to deal with them.

After looking through it, it was basically business invitations for various domestic endorsements. Whenever she made a big fuss, the number of emails in this regard would increase dramatically.

Although each endorsement was paid a sky-high price, the treatment Luo Quan gave was to select all and delete them.

As an international colossus, it still has to be a bit forceful in terms of endorsement.

During the live broadcast, no matter how sand sculpted you are, no one will make irresponsible remarks, and you will only feel that you are friendly and down-to-earth.

But if one day he appeared on a page game endorsement and shouted "If you are a brother, come and kill me", that image would definitely be extremely low.

It's not that these products are not good. After all, they can be made so big, and there are always some advantages. For example, the Dabao that Luoquan has been using is definitely a good product that is well-known.

But it would be unrealistic to ask her to speak for it.

Therefore, Luo Quan has always rejected all these endorsements.

In addition to endorsements, there are many cooperation invitations from singers, as well as film appointment invitations from many filmmakers.

If it was before, she must have directly selected and deleted all of them.

But it's different now. Now that she has set up a company and signed several artists, even if she doesn't think about herself, she has to think about them. It's very offensive to ignore them and delete them all.

Therefore, Luo Quan will now reply to these singers who sent her cooperation invitations. Although they still refuse, at least they seem polite and not so overbearing.

As for the film appointment invitation, Luo Quan didn't dare to delete any of them. He had to carefully study these film and television resources to see if there was any suitable one.

Although her image is doomed to not be able to appear in most domestic film and television works, Su Yu can.

Although Su Yu has the characteristics of a Westerner, his parents are still Asian after all, and the Asian features are more obvious on his face, and he will not feel too much disobedience in acting in these domestic movies and TV series.

As a musician, Luo Quan is now quite familiar with all kinds of resources and channels, as many as he wants.

But as the owner of an entertainment company, she is a complete newcomer, and no one will teach her about this matter, and she can't buy it in the system mall. She is completely crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but she has a treasure trove of entertainment in the world, which is her advantage, the key depends on how she uses this advantage.

After working hard for half an hour, Luo Quan sorted out all the noteworthy points in these invitations, and listed them in the newly created document.

Just after clicking save, the phone rang.

When I picked it up, it was another strange number.

"Hello, this is Luoquan."

"Hello, I'm Jiang Wen." A very rough male voice came from the other end of the phone, the voice was as thick as a hoarse subwoofer.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Luo Quan didn't know Jiang Wen, but since he could call her from her private number, it must have been introduced by an acquaintance, in other words, it was a good business with quality assurance.

"I'll be blunt. I'm a director. I recently filmed a movie and I want you to compose a theme song." Jiang Wen straight to the point and explained his reason for coming.

It's another one who asked her to compose the theme song for a movie. She seems to be very popular in this business recently.

"Tell me what movie it is?" Luo Quan searched for Jiang Wen's information on the Internet while talking.

If you don’t search, you don’t know. If you search, you will be shocked. This Jiang Wen’s background is really not small.

This is a young director who is less than 35 years old. His appearance is as rough as his voice, but the film style is quite delicate, full of details, thought-provoking, and at the same time has a wild imagination. He is known as a ghost director. And more than ten years ago, it won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival with its debut film "Wolf is Coming", which is equivalent to the Oscar's Golden Image Award.

Although it is not as influential as winning an Oscar, as one of the three major film festivals, Cannes is not far behind, not to mention the Palme d'Or, which is a very valuable award.

And for Chinese people, such an achievement is extremely rare. You must know that there are only a handful of directors in China who can make achievements in the three major film festivals.

On the one hand, there is a gap in culture and ideology, and domestic movies are not easy for foreigners to understand. On the other hand, there is indeed a gap between these domestic directors and foreign countries.

As an internationally recognized director, Jiang Wen's status can be said to be quite high. Unfortunately, he cherishes feathers and is very picky about scripts after becoming popular, so there are not many works, and he only shoots one in two or three years on average.

It has been two and a half years since Director Jiang Wen's last film was released. It is said that his new film has now reached the editing stage, and online promotion has also begun.

It's a little late to find someone to make the theme song at this time, but if it's Luo Quan, then it's just right.

Director Jiang Wen seems to be very confident in his film. After asking Luo Quan to compose the theme song, he talked about the outline of his film, saying that it will be a masterpiece that will affect China for ten years. People will definitely mention the plot in the movie countless times, and he will also leave his mark in the history of Chinese directors.

In fact, he has already achieved this achievement with "Wolf is Coming", but in his mind, this movie is obviously more satisfying to him than "Wolf is Coming".

Although he probably knew the answer, Luo Quan still asked, "What's the name of this movie?"

"Let the Bullets Fly." Jiang Wen said with a smile that this future will be mentioned countless times by countless people.

"Good name, tell me what is your request for the theme song." After the excitement, Luo Quan returned to the real question.

Jiang Wen said in a deep voice: "The theme song is pure music, no lyrics, the melody should sound exciting but the core is sad.

By the way, the song sounds better than Mozart's. "

The previous ones are still normal requirements, but this last sentence is speaking in human language?What does it mean to be better than Mozart?This is one of the top three gods in the history of human music. If the music he composed is better than his, I'm afraid you have to find Beethoven!

However, Luo Quan went to listen to the works of Beethoven in this world after making the canon, which is roughly the same as in the previous life, but there are still some masterpieces that have not appeared, so if she is really asked to come up with songs that are better than Mozart, it would be fine. No no.

But, that would be shocking, and the time is not ripe.

As far as the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" is concerned, the best is not necessarily the most suitable, so Luo Quan has another arrangement: "I will try my best and send you a demo of the song tomorrow."

Jiang Wen got Luo Quan's promise, and was finally satisfied: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news!"

(End of this chapter)

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