Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 339 The Eve of Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 339 The Eve of Mid-Autumn Festival
"Director Jiang Wen cooperates with Luo Quan!"

After a few days of silence, Luo Quan finally became popular again, and it was a big news right away.

Jiang Wen is one of the few directors in China who have won international film awards. Although there are few works, the quality of each film is quite excellent. Although sometimes the details are too rigid and the story is lacking, so some films box office will flutter. street.

But word of mouth has never had a hip-pull, and it is highly rated both at home and abroad.

No matter what the list is, Director Jiang Wen is a capable faction who can be ranked in the top ten Huaxia directors.

This time, the new film "Let the Bullets Fly" directed by Jiang Wen started to be promoted on the whole network after it was finished. In addition to his own influence, the three major movie stars played together on the same stage, and a group of powerful actors acted as supporting roles. Very well marketed.

It has been a long time since there has been such a cast in a Chinese-language movie, so "Let the Bullets Fly" has attracted a lot of attention since the promotion started.

And the news of the cooperation between Luo Quan and director Jiang Wen added a lot of firewood to the fire, and soon the number of comments in the comment area exceeded [-]:
"Is it like "Pirates of the Caribbean", cooperating with this song?"

"It must be, it's all finished, we can't let Luo Quan go to film again."

"I'm looking forward to it. The quality of Luo Quan's songs is still guaranteed. "Pirates of the Caribbean" became popular because of Luo Quan's songs."

"That's because Disney is famous, although it has some relationship with Luoquan."

"Which one is more famous, Director Jiang Wen or Luo Quan?"

"In China, director Jiang Wen has relatively few works, and usually doesn't like to show up on the Internet, so his reputation is not comparable to that of Luo Quan.

But it is hard to say internationally, many famous international directors are friends of director Jiang Wen, and they are also highly praised by foreign media.In the entertainment industry, the highest status in film and television is still movies, so director Jiang Wen's reputation should be much higher than that of Luo Quan. "

"I don't think so. Director Jiang Wen can only be regarded as mediocre in the world film industry. He has only won the top three awards once, and he has never even won an Oscar. Luo Quan is currently a dominant presence in the world music scene. "Wake" Now it is so popular abroad that many pop figures have postponed the release of their new album in order to avoid her attention."

"Director Jiang Wen hasn't won an Oscar, but has your Luo Quan won a Grammy?"

"In the album "Love", which song do you think you can't win? And many of the songs she wrote for other people won this year's Grammy Awards, including Grammy Best Album, Best Song, etc. Important award!"

"To tell the truth, hasn't she herself won an award?"

"You know a Grammy, right? If you have time, go and look at the lists made by music magazines like "Big Rock". Luo Quan is already comparing himself with those great gods who established schools in the last century."

"I think it's not Luo Quan's fans who are arguing about these things here, she has made it clear that she doesn't want fans to use her achievements to compare or argue with others.

Whether her songs are good or bad, we are all just listeners, we have no right to compare with others, just listen to her works quietly. "

"This is the correct answer. Some people deliberately come to pick things up. Fans of Luoquan, don't let the North lead the way easily. She herself will never compare her status with anyone."


To be honest, when Luo Quan saw these rhythmic comments, she originally wanted to reprimand her, but she didn't expect her fans to be quite qualified, so she came out to maintain order.

It's also fortunate that she has never engaged in fan circles since she became popular. Although fans like her, they will not worship her blindly like others, nor will they swear at others in order to defend her.

This is what she thinks is the most ideal status of fans, especially these people are still in Weibo, which is too rare.

Rhythmic comments, but they were quickly pushed back by the public who really paid attention to the movie. Unfortunately, she couldn't turn all the enthusiasm into her own.

The popularity is mainly due to the movie, and it's not good for her to make a theme song to promote herself, so she can only cooperate with director Jiang Wen to repost it.

However, she also knows that her main business is not limited to movies, at least not yet, so she is not particularly entangled in her mentality.

The Shangyi Music Contest is voting on the whole network. Luo Quan and Fan Ying are vying for the title of No. [-], and there is no winner for the time being.

The new album is still in preparation, Luo Quan already has some clues, and Ivy is practicing music day and night, preparing for her debut.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, loses weight while attending classes, and arranges his time quite well.

A few days passed peacefully like this, and the second rehearsal for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala began. Luo Quan rushed to the capital immediately after receiving the news.

The content of the second rehearsal was much more difficult than the first one. Basically, it was necessary to go through the entire process of the official performance, and if there was a problem in the middle, everyone had to stop and wait for it to be resolved.

It took a whole day for one rehearsal, and in the next week, there will be a total of three rehearsals!
After only one day of rehearsal, she was already feeling exhausted. Three times a week was really too much for her.

But who told this to be the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, many artists wanted to suffer this hardship, and none of the other artists complained, so no matter how tired she was, she had to hold on.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the chief director finally announced the end of today's rehearsal, and the entire auditorium was immersed in cheers and sighs of relief.

"It's finally over." Luo Quan yawned on the seat. She had been dozing off below after singing just now, but she didn't dare to sleep. If she fell asleep, the director happened to call her name from above. Now so many celebrities have to watch her jokes.

Fortunately, she can go back to the hotel to catch up on sleep soon.

"Miss, these are your flowers." Out of nowhere, a little girl came to Luo Quan with a large bouquet of roses.

"For me?" Luo Quan was stunned, she didn't know many people in the capital, and who would come to give her roses at night.


"Are you sure it's for me?" Luo Quan confirmed again.

The little girl nodded: "The gentleman who delivered the flowers told me to find a girl with blond hair and a very, very beautiful one. You are the only one in the hall with blond hair and a very, very beautiful one."

"Thank you." Luo Quan thanked, but did not go to pick up the bouquet of flowers: "But how did you get in? This studio should not allow outsiders to enter, right?"

The little girl smiled shyly: "The gentleman who sent the flowers arranged for me to come in with the staff, and asked me to give you a message at the end of the rehearsal."

Luo Quan knelt down and looked at the little girl: "Then do you still remember what this gentleman looks like?"

The little girl shook her head: "He's wearing a one-eyed mask, so he can't see what he looks like, he just knows he's tall, but his voice is nice."

"Understood, thank you little sister." Luo Quan patted the little girl's head and took the flowers.

The little girl finished the task and left happily.

Looking at the beam of light, Luo Quan carefully found a stick and poked it to see if there was any hidden weapon in it.

When it was found to be normal, it moved a little closer and turned over.

There was nothing wrong with the flowers, Luo Quan held his breath the whole time, and couldn't smell anything, but he saw a card from the outer packaging.

Pull it off and see that there is a text on it: "Beautiful roses are for the beautiful you."

There is no signature, but there is a very special symbol, which is an eye mounted in an upside-down pyramid.

Luo Quan frowned, she seemed to remember seeing this pattern somewhere, but couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

"It's weird." Luo Quan muttered, took a photo of the words and patterns on the card, and then threw the flowers and the card into the trash can in the studio.

She was unfamiliar with the place in the capital, and suddenly someone gave her a gift anonymously. Although there was nothing wrong with it on the surface, she dared not take it home.

Originally, she thought it was just a surprise from a fan who had a crush on her, but she didn't expect that after the rehearsal the next day, Luo Quan received another bouquet of roses.

This time the flower was sent by a little boy, and the content of the card on the bouquet has also changed:
"Do you like the blue enchantress last night? Those are the best blooming plants in my back garden. I have devoted countless efforts to her. Don't look at her as red, but if she is watered by blood , will turn into a faint blue, very beautiful!

It's a pity that you threw such precious flowers in the trash, and you don't even want to pay attention to what is so magical about this bouquet of roses.

But that's okay, I guessed you would do this, so I prepared two bunches.

Also, if you are interested, would you like to meet with me? "

After reading the content on the card, Luo Quan's scalp felt numb, and he immediately threw the bouquet of roses far away.

The fallen petals scattered all over the ground, as if a pool of blood had been sprinkled on the ground.

If it is true as said in the card, these roses are probably stained with blood!

"Where did the pervert come from?" Luo Quan sat on the seat and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his cold hands, trying to clear up his chaotic thoughts.

Although the owner of the "Blue Enchantress" was quite gentlemanly, he was not angry at all because Luo Quan threw his precious flowers into the trash can, but gave her another bouquet instead.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Luo Quan felt.

Her first thought was to call the police, but this kind of endless incident, plus the card that was not a threat or harassment at all, even if she called the police, she probably wouldn't be able to file a case.

Moreover, this person is very smart. The flowers were sent by children who don't remember much. He also wore a mask and called the police. If there is no search, there will be no results.

And doing so is very likely to scare the snake, causing this person to hide completely.

Luo Quan definitely doesn't like having such a pervert secretly thinking about her, if it can be resolved, it will naturally be resolved.

So, she borrowed a pen and wrote the response on the back of the card:

"Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, see you in Yipinlou."

There are many people there, and it is close to the police station, so it can be said to be a very safe place. Luo Quan felt that it was safe to choose such a place to meet, but he didn't know if this person would come.

After finishing writing, Luo Quan threw the bouquet of flowers into the trash can just like yesterday.

The next day, Luo Quan came to Yipin Building wearing a mask early, and found a seat near the door to sit down.

Boss Xiao Wu, who was doing the accounting at the front desk, didn't recognize her, but just looked down at the account book.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, stared closely at every passerby outside the window, feeling extremely nervous.

She always felt that every pedestrian who passed by the gate of Yipin Building seemed to come in the next second and sit opposite her, but every time, these people were just passing by.

Luo Quan rubbed his face, knowing that he was a little anxious, but this was also because he had never encountered such a thing before.

Just when Luo Quan focused all his attention on the passers-by outside the gate, his eyes suddenly darkened, and a tall man in a leather jacket appeared in front of Luo Quan as if he had emerged from the ground.

Luo Quan didn't expect that this person would suddenly appear in front of him, so he jumped up in fright, clenched his fists almost subconsciously, and assumed the posture of Song Taoliu karate.

"Don't be so nervous." The man in the leather jacket laughed. He was at least 1.9 meters tall, and his long face was sickly white.

"Where did you come in?" Luo Quan put away his posture and asked in shock.

The man chuckled: "The back door."

Luo Quan frowned, but he thought that in broad daylight, he had nothing to be afraid of, so he pulled up the chair that she had thrown away just now, and sat down.

The white-faced man also pulled away the chair opposite Luo Quan and sat down slowly.

The movement here caught the attention of Xiao Wu, the boss at the front desk. When Luo Quan jumped up just now, his right hand for adjusting the abacus stopped, and his eyes drifted this way.

But after seeing the two of them sitting down again, Boss Xiao Wu continued to make plans.

"Who are you?" Luo Quan cut to the point.

"You can call me... Earl." There was a faint smile on the corner of the man's mouth.

Luo Quan sneered: "What code name is this?"

The earl laughed: "Of course it's a code name, no normal person would call it by that name."

Luo Quan took a deep breath, and said seriously: "I'm asking about your real name, the one written on the ID card."

The count shook his head lightly: "I can't tell you this yet."

"Then let me change the question. What do you want me to do?"

"It's a test."

"I don't recall any exams I've signed up for recently."

"The number of exams is determined by the godfather, and I am the examiner."

Luo Quan sneered: "It seems that you are still an organization, the godfather is your leader?"

"He is the leader of the Huaxia branch, but we are relatively low-key in China, and no one knows about it. The influence in Europe and the United States will be greater."

"Aren't you afraid that I will expose you if you disclose this information to me?"

"We will not be afraid of anyone or anything." The earl was still smiling, and there was an unquestionable confidence in his smile.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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