Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 340 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 340 Mid-Autumn Festival ([-])
"It's outrageous to say such things in the territory of China." Luo Quan also smiled confidently.

Perhaps there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor here, and the per capita consumption level is far inferior to those developed countries abroad.

However, in terms of law and order, China is much more peaceful than the so-called safest cities in the world!
There is a joke that goes like this: In China, what people fear most when walking at night is not meeting people, but meeting ghosts.

In many cities, the streets are still brightly lit at two or three o'clock in the morning, and many pedestrians come across, even girls can go out boldly.

Put it in the boundary of New York and London, you go out after twelve o'clock at night to see who you can meet.

Although this is just law and order, it also reflects that China maintains the social order quite well as a whole. There is no room for mercenaries, mysterious organizations, and associations in China.

Therefore, for this "earl"'s arrogant Chinese language, Luo Quan disapproved from the bottom of his heart.

The Earl continued to smile and said: "In fact, we are a legal organization, we can recruit members in any part of the world, and we don't engage in any illegal activities.

In addition, many celebrities in Huaxia are members of our organization, such as Boss Ma from Taobao, and Xiao Yan from the entertainment industry. These are relatively well-known. "

"It's really famous. These two can be said to be the leaders in their respective industries in China. If you are really a member of your organization, it means that your influence is really great." Luo Quan understood the Earl's arrogant words The confidence lies, but the subject quickly changed: "But, what does this have to do with me?"

The Earl smiled and said, "Of course it does, because I came to you on behalf of the organization and sincerely invited you to join the organization.

Said these, just want to dispel your concerns. "

Luo Quan looked serious: "One more question, what do you mean by the exam, are you still my examiner?"

The Earl explained seriously: "If you want to join our organization, you need to take an exam.

The answer is also very simple, just make a big noise and prove your influence.

For example, the hacker who sold the information of actresses all over the world was actually a member of our organization's North American headquarters. "

Luo Quan sneered again and again: "You still say it's not illegal..."

The earl shook his head and clarified: "This is just his personal behavior, not the organization that asked him to do these things, and many of the actresses whose information was leaked are also members, so he was punished after the accident... …

Having said so much, I still say the same thing, do you want to join our organization? "

Luo Quan shook his head without hesitation: "If your organization directly emails or sends me a letter, explaining the purpose of coming straight to the point, and listing these well-known members in the organization, maybe I will be very interested.

But now, there is no such possibility.

I don't know whether the behavior of sending flowers and leaving messages before is your own idea, or the behavior style of your organization.

But I really don't like this way. As for the invitation from your organization, I think it's better to forget it. "

The Earl's expression was astonished, and he obviously did not expect Luo Quan's reason for his refusal to be this: "I thought this way of greeting was quite romantic.

But the organization really wanted to invite you in the way you said before, but I, the examiner, changed it. I think this kind of formal procedure is too boring for a woman like you. "

Luo Quan didn't know what to say: "It's already 2017, so don't play tricks like the Riddler."

"Then I'll send you an email later, would you consider joining?"

"No." Luo Quan replied quickly.

The Earl didn't ask the reason, but said: "There are many benefits to joining the organization. You are equivalent to joining a big family. If you encounter any trouble, you can ask other members for help."

Luo Quan folded his arms: "What trouble can I have?"

"I remember that you offended Huayi Company before, and the boss over there let go of saying that he wanted to block you in private."

"The total sales of my albums have exceeded 7000 million."


After chatting with Luo Quan for so long, this is the first time that the earl has been at a loss for words.

Luo Quan's smile gradually brightened: "It's the age of new media, and no one cares about the three-acre land guarded by the old people in the entertainment industry.

Now a person, from being unknown to being famous all over the country, sometimes just needs to show a smile on the Internet. If there is a topic, countless people are willing to praise him.

With traffic, what resources are not available?Even if he blocks me, can he block the entire network?Can he make my name disappear from the entire Internet?
If not, what about banning it? "

The count pondered for a moment, and said: "I don't understand what you said, probably because my method is really inappropriate, which made you have some bad thoughts about our organization.

But I still say that our organization is absolutely legal, and most members are law-abiding citizens. Through mutual fame and energy, mutual benefits can also be achieved. "

The earl stood up, took out a card from the inner pocket of his coat, and put it on the table: "If you change your mind, you can contact me through this number, the organization is always open to recruiting the best musical talents of the 21st century Attitude.

In addition, I would like to remind you in my personal capacity that a girl who is so beautiful but not well protected is equivalent to the bank leaving the vault on the street and not locking it.

No matter how good the law and order are, there will be criminals, so it is better to hire a few bodyguards as soon as possible, even if they are female bodyguards. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Luo Quan's response, the Earl walked out of the gate and walked away.

Although she was intimidated by the way the earl greeted her last night, she didn't feel that perverted after contacting him.

As for this organization, it seems that it is just a gathering of celebrities, but it is a pity that everyone is accepted. If it is exposed in the future, it may cause some troubles, so it is fine to join.

However, Luo Quan thought about the business card on the table, and he still didn't throw it into the trash can like he did with the bouquet of flowers before, but put it away.

Back at the hotel, Luo Quan sent the pattern of the organization to the well-informed father, and asked him what the organization was about.

Soon, Eric turned on the phone:
"This is one of the symbols of Freemasonry, but their most well-known symbol is a compass and a ruler surrounding a G. The eyes in this pyramid are symbols that can only be used by senior members... How did you know that? "

Luo Quan recalled: "A man came to me today and wanted me to join some kind of Freemasonry. I thought he was a little nervous, so I didn't agree. By the way, he said his code name was Earl."

"It doesn't matter whether you join or not. This organization basically doesn't assign tasks to members. It's just the members who communicate with each other. If you want to join the club, you have to be famous or capable. individual heterogeneous.

As for Earl, I haven't been to the rally in a while, so I don't really know. "

"Father, are you also a member of the Freemasonry?!" Luo Quan was shocked when he heard this.

"Yeah, your father and I are code-named Prince, and that guy William fought with me to grab this code-name."

"Have you ever fought with Prince William? Who won?" My mother's curious voice came from the phone.

"What do you think, if I can't win, can the prince's code name come to me?"

Luo Ni laughed and said, "I can't tell, Eric, Prince William is tall and burly, can you still beat him?"

Don't look at how elegant and easy-going I am now, back then I was also the king of Downing Street! "When mentioning the courage of the past, the old man was as excited as a young man.

Suddenly he remembered that he was still on the phone with his daughter, and immediately regained his dignity, maintaining his majestic air as a father: "Well, I mean, many people are members of the Freemasonry, just say our family, your grandfather, your second son Uncle, your third uncle, and your fourth uncle are all members of Freemasonry, and they are all relatively senior members.

However, there are some differences between the branches. As far as I know, the Huaxia branch is usually not under the jurisdiction of the headquarters... In fact, most branches are not under the jurisdiction of the headquarters, but the Huaxia branch is the most independent One.

So if you really want to learn about and join Freemasonry, I can recommend you to join Freemasonry in Britain or the United States. "

"I heard that if you want to become a full member, you have to take an exam, so you're making some big noise?"

"That's right, but it shouldn't be too difficult for you, my daughter. Whatever you do now is big news, and the Freemasons love to recruit big stars like you."

Luo Quan still wanted to wait and see for a while, so he didn't agree: "Let's talk about joining the club later, I don't have any thoughts on this right now... By the way, what big news did you make back then, old man?"

As soon as he heard that his daughter wanted to know about its "glorious deeds" back then, Eric started to shriek: "When we talk about the ups and downs of your father and my first half of life, we have to mention the Homeric epic more than ten years ago." Odyssey-like adventure across the Atlantic."

Luo Quan was surprised: "You didn't swim directly from England to America, did you?"

"Of's not that powerful. Your father and I sailed along the Thames River in a non-powered sailboat, sailing from England to the United States. Although there were companions following me during the period, I stayed on the sailboat no matter what the weather was. of.

It's a pity that the bad weather encountered during that voyage was too much, and it failed to break the world record at that time, but it was still a big news. "

"That's really powerful." Luo Quan sighed sincerely this time.

If Dad really crossed the Atlantic Ocean on his own, it would definitely be called a feat if his companions followed him by boat. In the era when the information was not explosive, this was a big news.

"Okay, it's enough to know what the Freemasonry is. At first I thought it was some kind of evil organization." Knowing the specific situation of the Freemasonry from Dad, Luo Quan's hanging heart finally let go.

In the following rehearsal, Luo Quan did not receive any flowers from the earl, and everything returned to normal.

After nearly a week of intense rehearsals, the programs of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala have been rehearsed to the best possible level. Even the simplest moves and movements have been done dozens of times by the stars in the past few days.

Finally, CCTV released the official program schedule of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. There are many stars, but unfortunately many old faces have disappeared, and most of them are newcomers who have risen recently, such as the four returnees, the third young master of the empire and so on.

As the most popular traffic group in the first half of the year, "Girls' Generation" will naturally not be absent.

But I don't know which ghost made the decision to let them perform on the off-site stage on the Bund in Shanghai, so as to show that all parts of the country are immersed in the joy of the festival.

Although this idea is correct, compared with going directly to the capital to participate in the performance, it still feels a bit worse in terms of ranking.

It is estimated that in the eyes of those leaders, such things as girl group idols are still difficult to be elegant.

But even so, the girls still practiced actively. In the evenings of the official rehearsal, they performed on the outdoor stage with not many people under the cold wind outside.

Shabby is a bit shabby, but after all, it is a live broadcast of CCTV's important evening show, which is of great significance to them. Although it is not a particularly good start, it is just a debut after all.

When I become bigger and stronger in the future, my mother will dance with a girl group on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and I will be mad at these old coffins who look down on girl idols!
These are Wen Xia's original words when talking to Luo Quan.

As the captain, she knew some inside information.

The live performance of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was originally planned to have Girls' Generation, but when deciding on the program schedule, a female leader in the station strongly opposed Girls' Generation's performance at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

The reason is also very simple, it is nothing more than being too open, showing arms and thighs, which has a bad influence.

However, considering the high popularity of Girls' Generation, it was unreasonable not to allow the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In the end, the leaders of the stage made a compromise and let Girls' Generation perform at Shanghai's outdoor venue.

When Wen Xia knew about this, for the first time in her life, she was so angry that she didn't dare to explode.

Even in South Korea, when he was unspoken by those high-ranking officials, he still dared to lift the plate and pour vegetable soup on the faces of those high-ranking officials.

But this matter, she can't reveal the slightest wind on the Internet.

This is the meaning of the leader of the station. With her current achievements, she can't go against such a person. Even if she is replaced by Luo Quan, who has already achieved quite a lot, she probably won't be able to.

Therefore, apart from taking her sisters to practice dancing in Shangwai Bund every day, she can only complain with Luo Quan.

However, Luo Quan felt that this rhetoric was not whimsical, and the premise was that Girls' Generation could make a big noise.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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