Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 341 The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

Chapter 341 Mid-Autumn Festival Party (Part [-])
This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has fewer old acquaintances than in previous years, but there are many new faces. Most popular stars in the past year have the opportunity to show their faces on stage.

Some people think that asking so much traffic will be too perfunctory, but most people still hold a wait-and-see attitude. After all, you can only know whether the show is good or not after the show, although some people's names will make passers-by feel bad when they appear.

Luo Quan is naturally not this kind of person. On the contrary, she is still a guarantee of quality. After the fifth season of "I Am a Singer", her singing skills have finally been recognized by the public, and she has been popular for a whole year. It is also a matter of course at the Mid-Autumn Festival party.

As one of the actresses with the best public opinion environment in China, Luo Quan is the embodiment of talent and beauty in the eyes of passers-by. Seeing her pleasing face makes her feel comfortable, and she is naturally easy to win favor.

Although it is still inevitable that there will be sunspots, but then again, which celebrity does not have sunspots?

In the era when the media and the public look at people with a microscope, Luo Quan is one of the few with no black spots. Except for the fabricated news and headlines, you can't find any negative news about her on the Internet.

When she was a student, she did not smoke, rebel, or mix in society, and she was a typical good girl.

Such a nearly perfect star, no matter what kind of stage he appears on, will not arouse the audience's disgust, but can also arouse expectations and enthusiasm.

Especially this time Luoquan's "I hope people will last forever" was arranged in the prime time of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, which can be said to be a typical C-position treatment.

First of all, CCTV must recognize Luo Quan and her works very much, otherwise she would not be allowed to appear in this time period.

Because the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is different from the Spring Festival Gala, it is held on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there is no such thing as a New Year's Eve, so the best time is around 09:30.

At this time, most people have had dinner after get off work, and before taking a break, they will watch TV or play with their mobile phones. As long as they turn on these two things, they will almost certainly be able to see the live broadcast of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Those who could appear at this time in previous years were all big names in the entertainment industry, respected senior artists, and well-known idols of the whole people.

But this year, almost no stars of this level were invited.

This can be regarded as an attempt by CCTV. It invites these old acquaintances every year, and the public may feel a little tired. Anyway, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is not as grand as the Spring Festival Gala, so they simply invite more young people.

As for Luo Quan, there is no doubt that he is currently the leading figure among young Chinese artists.

To be honest, the word leader was used by Luo Quan to tease her when she debuted, but it didn't take long for her to become a veritable leader of the younger generation of Chinese music, and now she has become a leader among young artists.

Although no one will really publicize this kind of thing with great fanfare, Luoquan itself does not have a marketing team in this area.

But her achievements are there. Among the artists of the same age, the public can clearly see who is better.

And this time she appeared in the prime time of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, which means that CCTV has also recognized the fact that she is the C position among young artists. Therefore, after the program schedule came out, there was a heated discussion on the Internet immediately.

Station B, as a video site and a Two-dimensional community, doesn’t get involved much in the entertainment industry. After the list comes out, more people are looking forward to what new songs Luo Quan will bring this time. Is Luo Quan the C position? Not particularly concerned.

Zhihu, on the other hand, is obviously more interested. The related question: "How to evaluate Luoquan's prime time performance?", soon became a hot topic on Zhihu.

"Mother Yang probably figured it out too. With the ratings of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and the Spring Festival Gala continuing to drop, the old artists and young fresh meats will not make the situation any better.

Therefore, 30% of the programs at this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala are invited artists under the age of [-], and they are all celebrities who have had high topicality and popularity in the past one or two years.

But young is young, but not everyone is invited. Look at those few fart works on the Internet. Every day marketing hypes the so-called traffic created by Liren. Did Yang Ma invite this time?
It can only be said that Yang Ma is worthy of being Yang Ma, let you be a popular floret in all walks of life in the entertainment industry, top-notch fresh meat, announcements flying all over the sky day by day, invitation from this fashion magazine, participation in that award ceremony, and now when you come out of the demon mirror, all of them show up.

Even if the ratings of Yangma’s evening party decline every year, it is still the most watched program in the country and even in the world. No announcement can bring more traffic than the last Yangma’s evening party. This is different from Weibo The hot search list that can be made with money, this is actually appearing in front of the people of the whole country!

Then again, among the young artists carefully selected by Yang Ma, Luo Quan took the best performance time of this evening, which is self-evident.

Before writing this answer, I looked at the ages of the performers on the program list. If you don’t count the backup dancers, Luo Quan is the youngest one. He just turned [-] in May this year!
At this age, I have become the C position of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. I don't know what to say except that the future is boundless.

But people who have been following her probably won't be too excited because of such a small matter. After all, she will become a world-class musician sooner or later. What I am more concerned about now is whether she will make any moves after the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

She had personally promised before that a new album would be released before the end of this year, and now it's October, and there is not much time left for Luo Quan. (dog head)”

This highlighted answer successfully shifted the focus of the entire answer.

Originally, I wanted everyone to discuss Luo Quan's becoming a leader of young artists this time, but the answers below are basically talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and then related to Luo Quan's new album.

What's more, he directly sent a message to urge Luo Quan to stop fishing, and to release new songs as soon as possible is serious.

As for Weibo, they discussed Luoquan's C position on CCTV very seriously, and there were two kinds of arguments in the comments.

One is naturally to feel that it is very powerful, thinking that this is the proof of Luoquan's real fire, and Luoquan has stepped into the top level of China from today onwards!

Another kind of argument is that the order of appearance in the program table does not explain anything at all. Some people even think that the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, including the Spring Festival Gala, is no longer beautiful. What difference does it make if it is on or not?

Most of the people who said this were those whose own stars did not appear on the big list of program schedules.

It's normal to be sour. After all, such a big piece of cake can be eaten by others, but not by our artists.

But no matter how sour it is, it can't change the fact that Luoquan has completely stepped into the top class in China. Although the number of fans on Weibo has not yet exceeded 2000 million, these are not important anymore.

From a talented singer to a top performer, it doesn't seem to have brought much change to Luo Quan. Her weight is still at the same level, and the effect of losing weight is not obvious.

There were a lot of emails in the mailbox, and various David TVs began to send invitations to her programs, and many film and television companies also sent her scripts, whether it was movies or TV, she could choose at will.

But she is too busy at the moment, and she doesn't even have time to refuse, so she keeps piling up in the mailbox without responding.

As time passed, the Mid-Autumn Festival finally arrived.

Compared with the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival is still much less festive. There are basically not too many celebration slogans posted on the streets, and I haven’t seen a few supermarkets running a Mid-Autumn Festival sale, but those mooncakes are selling more than one. expensive.

However, the interfaces of various apps on the Internet are quite well done. When you click on it, you will see an animation of the full moon climbing into the night sky, accompanied by poems such as "the moon rises over the sea, and the world will share this moment".

And tonight, the most eye-catching event is undoubtedly CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has gathered the largest number of young artists in history. They must have traffic and good looks, and most of their strengths are widely recognized.

However, the types of performances are still the same, nothing more than skits, singing and the like, and the four returnees choreographed a dance, which is also a highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Of course, the biggest highlight has to be Luo Quan's "I Hope I Live Long".

The last rehearsal for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was over yesterday, and the recordings for lip-syncing were also recorded. In order to achieve the best effect, Luo Quan also exchanged for the character card of Teresa Teng at that time, which was almost a replica of the original version.

However, it made Luo Quan feel that it was a bit weird to pretend to sing in front of the queen's character card, or to say that he was reckless.

In fact, if she is allowed to perform live, she can perform better. In such a small environment in the recording studio, she always feels that she can't improve her head voice every time. It takes several repetitions to record a barely satisfactory performance. Version.

It was the first time for Luo Quan to be on the stage of a CCTV gala, and Luo Quan was quite excited and took it very seriously.

She has never liked makeup, so she put on heavy makeup this time in order to have a more beautiful image on stage.

On a stage like this, the lighting will be very bright, and the appearance effect without heavy makeup will be really poor.

Known as the pinnacle of human beauty, after makeup, she is obviously more glamorous than usual. In order to record this rare moment of makeup, Luo Quan also took a lot of selfies. During the period, many actresses came to meet her group photo.

Luo Quan didn't know any of the actresses who asked her to take a photo with her, some were very popular and some were not popular, but she didn't refuse, but took photos of them all.

It's the holidays, just to be happy, even if these people ask her to take a photo for hype and marketing, she will not refuse, and it doesn't take much to take a photo.

On the stage, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has already begun.

Backstage, some people were still touching up their makeup and memorizing their lines, while others were chatting with acquaintances to relieve stress.

Luo Quan was playing with his mobile phone, and achieved an achievement by the way: use his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Although there are a lot of young artists this year, everyone has been rehearsing very seriously for more than half a month. Even Girls’ Generation, which is still performing on the Bund, reported the rehearsal on time. Happening.

Therefore, although the format of the program is old-fashioned, the quality of the program is actually acceptable, and the real-time viewing data after the broadcast is better than last year.

It's finally a good start, but whether the data can be recovered depends on whether the next performance can retain the audience!

For Director Zhang of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, this live broadcast is a battle, and there must be no slack in the slightest until the end. He is staring at the big screen without blinking in the monitoring room. A sub-screen, exhausting all energy to monitor and control the scheduling of every shot on the stage.

All the live shots of parties and concerts, from the beginning to the climax to the end of the song, the camera is very particular from far to near, from left to right. When the camera is well pulled, it is easy to bring immersion to the audience in front of the screen .

And all of this is directed by the chief director in real time in the monitoring room, so he is the one with the most pressure and workload in the whole party.

From the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to the present, everything is still normal, and soon, it will be the highlight of tonight.

Luo Quan in the background had already put down his cell phone. Senior sister Kong Yue had already come on stage and started singing "Xiaohe Flowing Water". Luo Quan could hear her high-pitched and clear voice from far away.

Even when it is not in the direction of the sound propagation, it can still be heard clearly. The key point is that the quality of the singing voice is ridiculously high. Before Kong Yue often said that she was not as good as her, but now she is too humble to listen to it.

The quality of this head voice, as well as the thickness of the voice, are the best of the best, and they are very emotional!

Without Teacher Gong's character card, it would be difficult for her to reach such a level by herself.

Before, she thought that singing was already a rare rival in China, but now it seems that she is a bit arrogant.

After Kong Yue's "Little River Flows", it was her turn. The high note just now should be the climax of the song.

Hearing the voices of the two hosts from the stage, Luo Quan knew that his time was coming.

"Please Luo Quan go to the backstage immediately and take your seat. When you hear the order, stand in the elevator and prepare to perform on stage!" Director Zhang's voice came from the background, Luo Quan's heart trembled, he took a deep breath, and walked towards the big screen behind.

"Please Luo Quan enter the elevator and get ready to perform on stage!" Director Zhang's voice sounded again.

Luo Quan stepped into the dark elevator, and the curtain behind her was slowly lowered. At this moment, she was isolated from everything, and could only see where she was standing through the faint fluorescent light on the elevator platform.

I don't know how long it took before the top of Luo Quan's head lit up, and she slowly rose from the bottom of the stage, like a bright moon rising in a dark night.

Today, she was wearing a pure white long dress, and her flaming red lips, set off by her skin like suet white jade, was even more dazzlingly beautiful.

Undoubtedly, thanks to the efforts of CCTV's makeup artist, Luo Quan's beauty has reached the highest level since his debut. Just as soon as he took the stage, the audience couldn't help applauding and cheering.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room, adjectives such as "beautiful", "so beautiful", and "beautiful" began to swipe the screen.

However, at this scene that was supposed to bring the ratings of tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to its peak, Director Zhang watched it coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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