Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 342 Arrogance in January

Chapter 342 The Arrogance of November
"Audio group, audio group, where's my CNM accompaniment?!" Director Zhang hurled a national curse at the intercom in an urgent tone.

"Report, Xiao Wang checked it just now, and the thread is loose!" The head of the audio team was also sweating profusely. The bus head connecting the live speakers in the studio suddenly loosened, and it happened at the most terrible moment.

After three seconds, the team leader replied again: "Xiao Wang has pulled off the thread, do you want to plug it in again?"

Although the situation is very critical, the team leader is quite experienced. The accompaniment in the computer has been playing all the time, and now the sound will appear particularly abrupt when it is plugged in. Everyone knows that there is an accident.

Director Zhang saw that the lights on the stage had turned black, and Luo Quan would start lip-syncing after a while according to the procedure. If Luo Quan could understand what happened, then everything could be saved.

If she doesn't understand, she can only plug in the stereo cable.

Anyway, it's death anyway, Director Zhang plans to take a gamble!
"Don't interrupt, turn off Luo Quan's vocal recording and song accompaniment recording, and listen to my command later! In addition, turn on Luo Quan's microphone and turn it up a little louder!"

After Director Zhang gave the order, he slumped down on the chair and looked at the white figure on the stage with his palms folded.

"Luo Quan, my career depends on you this time..."

At the same time, Luo Quan in the dark also sensed something was wrong.

According to the rehearsal, shortly after she took the stage, all the lights will be turned off, and then the accompaniment will sound, and a bright moon will rise on the large LED screen behind it, illuminating the entire stage, and creating an artistic conception of a bright moon in the sky.

But at this moment, the intertwined accompaniment of the piano and the violin has not sounded for a long time, and the time for the moon behind him to rise is almost here.

She knew that there was probably something wrong in the studio, but now she was the one performing in front of the people of the whole country, anyone could be wrong, she couldn't mess it up!
No accompaniment is not a problem, a cappella is also fine.

But if the microphone is not turned on, it is impossible for her to let the whole Studio One hear her singing without bel canto.

Director Zhang, who is in charge of the overall situation, must be aware of the current situation.

Therefore, she could only bet that Chief Director Zhang would turn on the microphone for her.

If it does, all is well.

If it doesn't work... then it won't work!

The accident happened really suddenly, but Luo Quan's decision-making speed was as fast as lightning, and the smile on his face didn't change at all during the whole process, because the camera lens was always pointed at her.

After so many rehearsals, Luo Quan already knew by heart what to do at all times. After silently counting to three, she gently opened her red lips:
"When is the moon? Ask Qingtian for the wine."

"I don't know what year it is in the palace of heaven."

The bright moon, which symbolizes perfection, illuminates Luoquan's beautiful face accompanied by the clear singing that seems to come from the coldness of the sky.

CCTV's top-notch radio microphone penetrated Luo Quan's mesmerizing voice to the ears of every audience watching the live broadcast almost without damage.

At this moment, everyone felt that it was as if Chang'e Fairy was singing in front of them. From the person to the singing, it was breathtakingly beautiful!

With his singing, Luo Quan once again proved his strength and strong psychological quality.

For ordinary singers on such a stage, when encountering such an unexpected situation, let alone being able to sing as usual, it would be nice not to let you stand on stage in a daze.

And Luo Quan's voice couldn't hear the slightest tremor, it was even as round and full as usual!
The song progressed slowly, and Luo Quan sang the line "What seems to be in the world".

After singing here, there will be a pause that is not too long and not too short, and the music that follows will not be too abrupt, so Director Zhang also stuck at this time to play the accompaniment.

Hearing the accompaniment, Luo Quan felt more confident in his heart, let go of his hanging heart completely, and his body also performed corresponding movements according to the designs made by the director.

Everything basically went as planned.

In the end, the song ended with Luo Quan's wonderful long head voice, and the audience burst into applause. Luo Quan maintained a singing posture like a white swan, and the whole stage fell into darkness again.

"Okay, enter an advertisement!"

On a late autumn night, Director Zhang was covered in white hair and cold sweat. He took the assistant's towel and wiped it on his face carelessly, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The other program directors around also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I didn't mess things up." Director Zhang, who is not in doubt, has the urge to cry at this time.

But he can't cry, there is still half of the time for this party to be directed by him...

Backstage, a group of celebrities who had already finished their performance surrounded them: "Luo Quan, did something go wrong on stage just now? The accompaniment seems to have appeared a little late."

"It's indeed a bit late. It must be something happened to the audio team." Luo Quan looked happy. This time, she achieved an achievement by accident, that is, she sang on the stage of the CCTV gala. Many kings and queens I don't even have the patience~~
Kong Yue looked at Luo Quan in surprise: "You are too stable on stage, we are all sweating for you below."

Luo Quan smiled modestly: "Is it possible to be unstable after so many rehearsals? Just calm down and perform normally."

Although he said it so calmly, it is hard to imagine the talent and sweat behind it if he wants to perform normally on such a stage.

This is the skill, no wonder it is so popular.

Many celebrities at the scene felt a little more convinced by Luo Quan...

Luo Quan's song "I hope people will live for a long time" was sung in less than 5 minutes, and it directly rushed to the top of Weibo's hot search, and the suffix was "explosive!"

The ratings of the entire Mid-Autumn Festival Gala also reached the highest at this moment. No matter if it is an old man or a newcomer in the circle, they all know that Luoquan is going to be popular.

Although she has been popular on the Internet for a whole year before, it was only on the Internet. The current fire refers to the north and south of the river. It is like in Japan. Just ask anyone on the street and you can know who she is. .

There is no doubt that this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is very successful, both in terms of popularity and ratings are the best in the past few years, Luo Quan's perfect performance is only one of the reasons for the success.

But because she is so outstanding, she is naturally regarded as the representative of this party. In the future, whenever someone mentions the 2017 Mid-Autumn Festival party, they will think of her.

And the song "I hope people will last forever" has become a must-have track for every Mid-Autumn Festival party.

On the second day after the party ended, Luo Quan returned to Shanghai. After the performance last night, a group of friends sent her congratulations, saying that she is going to be popular this time. To use a poem to describe it is that no one in the world knows the king .

However, when Luo Quan went out, he usually wore a mask. The airport was crowded with people during the National Day Golden Week, and no one recognized her as the "Fairy Chang'e" who amazed the whole of China last night.

The National Day school holiday, Luo Quan, who had nowhere to go, originally wanted to find Tang Chen Yipin to find Wen Xia, only to find out that the unscrupulous manager took them to the show to catch up with the announcement.

Girls' Generation performed at Shangwaibund last night was also the highlight of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. Nine girls with perfect looks performed a vigorous song and dance to the audience with uniform movements.

Because the theme of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is youth, and many idols have danced before them, so their appearance did not seem very abrupt.

And because it is already very popular among young people, it became the top three in the class as soon as it appeared on the stage, and it was second only to Luoquan in the back.

The popularity of Girls' Generation skyrocketed again, and many variety shows also sent invitations.During the National Day holiday, the workers have a holiday, but the entertainment industry does not have a holiday, so the girls can only go out to the show together if they want to rest.

In desperation, Luo Quan could only go back to the new home he just bought in Tan Palace.

Before her, Su Yu, Lan Xuan and Ai Wei had already moved in. Although they had worked hard in the entertainment industry for a while, Su Yu and Lan Xuan had never seen such a luxurious mansion before. The surprised expression and the opening of the mouth are exactly the same as Ivy.

After being told by Luo Quan that he would have to clean the room frequently in the future, his mouth grew even bigger.

Of course, this is just a joke. Let alone cleaning the four-story villa of more than 1000 square meters, it takes a lot of effort to let them walk around completely. If it is really cleaned, it may not be done overnight.

This kind of thing still needs to go to the cleaning company to be handled by professionals, and the frequency does not need to be too frequent. After all, there are only four people living now, and most of the rooms in the entire villa are usually closed.

After getting off the plane, Luo Quan took a taxi to the school parking garage, and then drove back to the villa. Hearing the sound of the door lock turning, all the girls who were putting on facial masks in the living room got up and came to the door.

"Welcome home, boss."

The sudden appearance of three white faces made Luo Quan tremble with fright:
"Damn, what mask did you put on in the morning? I thought the house was haunted!"

Ivy lowered her head and sighed: "We are not as beautiful as you, the boss. You don't need any skin care products to make your skin delicate, white and smooth. Only by applying more whitening masks can you maintain your life like this."

"Stop talking to me." Luo Quan walked into the room dumbfounded, and kicked the door shut with his toes, "Also, the so-called whitening of the mask is harmful to the skin, and it will have side effects after a long time. If you really want whitening, drink more Pure milk or paste cucumber."

Su Yu asked curiously: "So boss, you also used this method to become so talented?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "I'm not, I was born this way."

In fact, although all Asians are yellow, their skin is not yellow at all. It mainly depends on the living environment and conditions. Some Asians have fairer skin than some Europeans, and only blacks are really dark.

"Did you watch the Mid-Autumn Festival party last night?" Luo Quan asked the girls after throwing his backpack on the sofa.

Ivy nodded: "Of course I saw it. As expected of the boss, the song is so good."

Luo Quan laughed: "Originally, I was going to fake singing, but when I came on stage, I didn't know if there was something wrong with the audio equipment, and the accompaniment didn't sound, so I just sang for real."

Su Yu was surprised and said: "There is such a thing?! We thought your singing a cappella was the arrangement of the show, and the Internet is full of praise for your good singing."

"So in this circle, keeping calm and reacting sharply is the most important thing. If I still lip-synced like the rehearsal last night, I'm afraid this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will be printed on the pillar of shame." Luo Quan began Show up to the company's employees and start a lesson.

It sounds a little ridiculous for her to be a teacher at the age of 19, but both Su Yu and Ivy are very convinced.

At present, they are several levels behind the boss, and they have a lot to learn.

"It's nothing, then I'll go to the recording studio first." Luo Quan took out a pen and paper from his backpack and prepared to go to the recording studio on the second floor.

On the day she got the house, Luo Quan asked Zhao Ya to help her prepare a set of the latest and best audio production equipment, so that she would record albums and so on in the future, and she would not have to use other people's equipment.

Zhao Ya's movements were also very fast, and everything was prepared the next day. Today, she also wanted to try the effect and try something new.

Su Yu suddenly became excited: "Boss, are you going to release a new album?"

She is a loyal fan of Luo Quan, she has heard every song of Luo Quan, and the ringtone of her mobile phone is "Lemon" by Luo Quan.

"Yeah, online fans are urging now, if they don't release a song, they should go crazy.

And take advantage of the free time these few days to release my album, so that I can have the energy to help Ivy make her debut album. "Luo Quan said, and went upstairs.

This time the new album in Chinese is released, the theme must still follow the popular love song route, after all, this is the most mainstream style.

From the show "I Am a Singer", she understood the truth, that is, experimental songs are only suitable for self-admiration, and have almost no future.

So even though many people on the Internet want her to do some different music and create some new elements for Chinese music, she has no such idea in her heart.

It's not that these songs can't be written, but that the audience for these songs is too small, and she wants her songs to be accepted by the majority instead of satisfying the elegant pursuit of a very few people.

And when it comes to fashion that can be accepted by most people, you have to rely on the power of a hot man.

In fact, her first Chinese album last year also used the power of a hot man, but well, his power is too much, and it is impossible to squeeze it all once, so she decided to do it again.

"Forgive me Jay Chou, I like your song so much."

When Luo Quan signed the album title on the computer, he blushed a little, but he did it anyway.

That night, without any warning, Luo Quan posted a post on station B to promote his album:
"Tomorrow night, I will bring you my second new album in Chinese. The name of this album is "Arrogance in November", oh no, it is "Chopin in November". Please support me a lot. (狗头)”

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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