Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 343 Nocturne

Chapter 343 Nocturne
Although the news was posted on Bilibili, the three platforms of Bilibili, Zhihu, and Weibo exploded almost at the same time, directly parachuting to the top of the major search lists, with tens of millions of popularity.

After nearly a year, Luoquan finally announced the official release date of the second Chinese album, and it will be tomorrow night, which made the fans feel that happiness came too suddenly.

Although only an album name has been revealed now, it still cannot stop the heated discussions among the melon-eaters and fans:

"Chopin in November, I wonder if it's only October now?"

"With Luo Quan's way of releasing songs like squeezing toothpaste, wait until ten songs are released before going on sale, won't it be November?"

"It's a bit tricky to get this name, even Chopin dares to use it."

"That's why it's also called the arrogance of November. (Dog head)"

"I've saved my pocket money for a long time, just to buy a physical record of Luo Quan this time. I don't know if this record will come with a signed photo."

"Even if you bring it, not everyone can get it. Luo Quan's autographed photo is a hard currency in the popular world. A photo is worth 10,000+!"

"A physical record costs hundreds of dollars. The student party said that they couldn't afford to hurt it, so they had to buy a digital version to support it."

"White prostitutes have nothing to fear. Anyway, there will be a trial version at that time. Just listen to the first half of the song repeatedly. Anyway, the second half of most songs is just repeating the first half."

"That makes sense, but the trial version cannot be downloaded."

"Wait a few days and there will be free resources on the Internet, why waste the money. (Eat melon)"

"Ah this..."


Chatting on the Internet is in full swing, and the phone in Luoquan is also ringing non-stop.

It was Zhou Yangwen who called, and Luo Quan received calls from both mobile phones, but she put on her earphones to record a song after posting the news, and didn't hear the phone ring at all.

After working for more than an hour, Luo Quan took off his earphones and picked up his mobile phone, only to see 31 missed calls displayed on the screen.

Luo Quan stuck out his tongue embarrassingly: "I'll go, Mr. Zhou may be so anxious that he's about to cry."

I hurriedly called, and the prompt sounded half a beep before it went through:

"My talented girl, why did you come back to me?"

Luo Quan quickly explained: "I'm sorry, sorry, I was recording a song just now, and I didn't notice the phone call, which made you anxious, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Yangwen laughed loudly: "It's okay, it's fine if I can contact you. I thought you found another platform and deliberately didn't answer my call."

Luo Quan also laughed: "We cooperate very well, why do you need someone else?"

"Haha, I am worrying unnecessarily." After laughing, Zhou Yangwen also talked about business: "Do you have any requirements for the signing fee and share this time?"

"You know my character, just watch it and give it to me."

"Well, China's exclusive licensing fee is 500 million, and the sales are divided into [-]-[-], what do you think?" Zhou Yangwen gave a very high price, but it is not as good as she made the theme song for the movie in US dollars. many.

However, the [-]-[-] sales share will be the bulk of her future income. After all, composing music for movies is a one-shot deal, and album sales pay more attention to the steady flow of water, but her water is a flood.

"By the way, in addition to digital albums, can physical records be sold simultaneously?" Luo Quan added a condition.

Zhou Yangwen was taken aback: "Physical records? Synchronization can be synchronized, but physical records can't be sold in the Huaxia market."

Luo Quan nodded: "It's okay, you can print less, and it won't be too late if it sells well."

Zhou Yangwen thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Then print 100 million copies first?"

Compared with Luoquan's current total record sales, 100 million is only a drop in the bucket, but in the Chinese physical record market, this figure is already at a level that can stabilize the best-selling record of the year.

In Zhou Yangwen's mind, this number is actually a little bit big, and it doesn't mean to belittle Luo Quan at all, but the market really doesn't have this condition, and fans prefer digital albums that can be bought with just a few clicks.

"Let's say 100 million. There are probably only so many fans in Huaxia. My foreign language albums all have physical records. I can't favor one over the other in Chinese."

After everything was settled, Zhou Yangwen was eager to try, "Okay, I'll arrange for people to promote it immediately, and start printing after ten of your songs come out... Do you want to shoot a few MVs or something? I have Ready-made manpower and venue."

Luo Quan thought about it, but still refused: "Don't bother, I'll cut a few videos myself, and send you some recent photos of me, just print them out and put them in the record."

"Okay, wait for your masterpiece to be released tomorrow night!"

That night, Penguin Music bought a top trending search, announcing that Luo Quan’s new album will continue to be exclusively released on Penguin Music. There are ten songs in the album, and each song is purchased for 5 yuan. If you buy the total, you will enjoy a 35% discount. Only [-] yuan.

For a digital album without any MV and free gifts, the price is a bit expensive, but it is still within the tolerance of most people.

Penguin Music has also conducted many market surveys to know what groups use its own app and what level of spending power each group has.

If someone else sells an album for 35 yuan, there is a high probability that they will hit the street, but if it is Luoquan, then the price will be very worthwhile

After all, her fame and the word-of-mouth accumulated from previous albums can easily make fans and passers-by pay for it, so even if a slightly higher price is set, the public can accept it.

And after learning the lesson of the first Chinese album hit the street, Luo Quan also learned his lesson this time.

The first release of the song is only on Penguin Music, and there is no trial version, so you have to spend money to listen to it. In addition, Penguin Music also provides anti-piracy black technology, so the sales this time should be very impressive.

The only thing to worry about is that if Luo Quan tries so hard to prevent piracy, he doesn't know if he will be scolded.

Now on the Internet, there are already voices complaining that the price of records is too high. Most digital albums in China are priced at around 20, and Luoquan directly raised it by half. Going beyond the norm will naturally be criticized.

But fame and word of mouth are there, so there are only a few such voices, and whether it is expensive or not can only be known after the song is released.

On the second night, I don't know how many people turned on the notification function of Penguin Music in their mobile phones, waiting to see the reminder of the official release of the new song.

The new song was released at eight o'clock, but it was only six o'clock, and many people began to urge her on Weibo and Station B. Everyone seemed so eager for her new song.

No matter how much you urged, the set time could not be changed. Amid waves of voices of eager anticipation, it finally arrived at eight o'clock.

"Ding dong!"

"The title song "Nocturne" of Luoquan's new album "Chopin in November" is shocking!"

"Here we come!" Everyone who saw this message was shocked, and clicked on this recommendation link to Penguin Music with the speed of being single for decades.

On the cover of the new album, Luo Quan is wearing a wine-red evening dress, looking up at the sky beside a piano, with the sky near dusk behind him, and a few birds dotted the background.

The photo is rather lonely and bleak, but this is not the focus of fans' attention. The focus is on the new song called "Nocturne" under the cover!

Penguin Music has ingeniously made the pages of the new album into an antique stave style. If "Chopin in November" is a movement, then "Nocturne" is the note listed on the first line.

Click on the song, and two options appear, buy it alone for 5 yuan, or buy this album for 35 yuan.

No one knows how many people have clicked to buy at this moment, including Penguin himself.

Because the system crashed, after most people made a successful purchase, the screen changed to: The network is not good, please refresh the page.

Then, no matter how many times you swipe, it’s like this, and it’s not easy to log out and re-enter, and you can’t even open the purchase page for the new album.

Not only this page, but all the networking functions of Penguin Music are gone, and you can only listen to the songs you have downloaded before.

No one could have imagined that the opening chapter of "Nocturne" turned out to be in such a way.

Ten minutes later, "Penguin Music collapsed" became a trending topic on Weibo.

Penguin Music's official Weibo quickly issued a statement: "Because the server load is too high, the APP networking function is temporarily unavailable, and we are deeply sorry for the loss caused to users.

Technicians have started to repair it with all their strength, please wait a moment! (crying)"

Although Penguin Music's statement was quite timely and sincere, the fans who had just paid were obviously unacceptable. In the comment area, some people were eating melons, some were anxious, and some directly cursed.

"Damn it, it's the first time I've seen Penguin's software crashed, how many people clicked in at the same time just now?"

"I, Nima, disconnected from the Internet just after paying the money. You won't swallow my money, will you?"

"After waiting for a day, you just show me this?"

"I didn't get it done in half an hour, so I started with a one-star negative review."

"Can you understand the anxiety I've accumulated all day? I didn't sleep well last night because I listened to Luo Quan's new song, but you gave me this? (anger)"

"Good things take time, Luoquan is very popular, and there are too many people who come to listen to the song. (laughing and crying)"

"Ahh! My "Nocturne", I bought it and heard what happened before it disappeared!"

"Haha, I was lucky and heard the prelude for several seconds."

"How about it, tell me how you feel."

"It's so good to hear the explosion. I can only say that it is Luoquan. I think this prelude is worth 5 yuan."

"Stop talking, the more I talk, the more anxious I feel, like a cat's paw scratching."

"Is the new song called Nocturne? The student party is still in class. I originally wanted to come to Weibo to see the reviews, but everyone hasn't listened to it yet?"

"I can't hear it for the time being, the server of Penguin Music is overcrowded."

"What is an international superstar?"


Originally, the server was overcrowded, which was a bad thing for Penguin Music, but this news actually brought huge traffic.

Penguin Music's official blog saw the excitement, and immediately revised the statement, pointing out that the server was overcrowded because too many people bought Luoquan's new songs at the same time.

With the hot search, the advertisement was directly launched.

Although Penguin has spent a lot of effort to promote Luo Quan's new album yesterday, but after all, the time is too short, and many groups have not been covered.

And this time, Penguin Music used the method of sacrificing the server to provide Luo Quan's new album with a huge amount of topicality.

Now, almost all the users who were using Penguin Music just now knew about it. In addition, some netizens who didn't know that Luoquan released a new song also came in curiously, leaving an impression in their hearts.

Everyone is wondering, what kind of album can overwhelm Penguin's servers?
Under Penguin Music technicians' full-speed repair, Penguin Music resumed operation within ten minutes after being disconnected from the Internet.

And the answer to the question also emerged by itself.

All users who have already purchased the song can directly click on Luoquan's personal interface to listen to the new song "Nocturne".

This song, which is very different from the current popular music style in China, conquered the ears of all listeners the moment the intro was played. Only Luo Quan can make such a beautiful song in this era when the melody is unavailable.

And the lyrics are equally as good:
"A colony of bloodthirsty ants, attracted by carrion."

"I am expressionless, looking at the lonely scenery."


With just a few lines, a strange and bleak scene is presented, slowly dark music style, a love song with such words should be full of sense of contradiction, but when combined, it sounds fatally good.

Ordinary fans are still immersed in Luo Quan's singing and start an endless loop.

And those singers who have been paying attention to the trend of Luoquan, bought the album as soon as the new song was released and wanted to learn, fell into silence at the moment.

This style of music, such lyrics, can they learn it with excitement?

This is a style that has never been seen in the Chinese music scene. It has surpassed this era, but it is not at all harsh and ugly like those similarly advanced experimental music, but wonderful.

The voice that has been mentioned countless times resounded in the hearts of the singers: After all, it is Luo Quan, and she is the only one who can write such songs.

The style of the song may be imitated, but it is absolutely impossible to copy or surpass it. Luo Quan used her extraordinary talent to directly install a ceiling for this style of music. in her shadow.

At the same time, Huaxia's music critics fell into a carnival. After waiting for a long time, they finally got such a good song with explosive quality and full of details.

Although Luo Quan's new song was expected to be amazing, after all, the album is called "Chopin in November", so I don't have the courage to choose this name.

But these people still didn't expect "Nocturne" to be so good.

In less than an hour, many well-known music critics directly wrote articles of several thousand words, and began to play "Nocturne" in a fancy way.

(End of this chapter)

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