Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 344 Crowdfunding 1 Million Swimsuits

Chapter 344 Crowdfunding [-] Million Swimsuits
Tonight's hot searches were dominated by Luo Quan. From 08:30, the top three on the hot search list were all news related to her. After the new song was released, it became even more uncontrollable, directly occupying the top five!

In fact, there are many TV dramas and variety shows today that want to attract attention, and there are also big productions from major manufacturers. Usually, any topical plot will be in the top ten of the most popular searches, but today they are all out of the top [-]. .

No one would want to compete with Luo Quan for popularity at this time. Except for her, no one in China can be on the hot search list of most media platforms with a new song, causing the whole Internet forum to go viral. Lively discussion.

Especially after the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the name Luo Quan has become a phenomenon. Whether you follow her or not, you will hear her name frequently these days, just like when she released her new song "Don't Give Up" in Japan.

Moreover, it was the Japanese government's conscious propaganda nationwide, and this time Luo Quan basically relied on his own ability.

At twelve o'clock, the sales data of "Nocturne" also came out.

Within four hours of being on the shelves, a total of more than 3102 million singles and 5000 million "albums" were sold, and the total sales exceeded more than [-] million!

It broke the record, and broke all relevant records since China began to count record sales. In a unit of time, "Chopin in November" is well-deserved No. [-] in China, whether it is sales amount or record sales volume.

The album's title song "Nocturne" also received unanimous praise from both inside and outside the industry shortly after its release.

"Like most of Luoquan's songs, "Nocturne" has a popular melody, profound lyrics, exquisite arrangement, and unique production, no matter from the artistic level, technical level, or people-friendly level. As far as it is concerned, it is impeccable.

This is a classic that can be written into the history of Chinese pop music, and at the same time it is not as out of fashion as those songs that have already been written into the history of music.

Luo Quan's nocturne brought a kind of innovation, using an almost unreal melody combined with dark lyrics to create an extremely advanced pop style, which can already be seen in "In the Name of the Father" See some clues, and "Nocturne" is a higher level.

For the Chinese music scene that has stagnated or even started to retreat, "Nocturne" is undoubtedly an epoch-making work. It is worthy of reference and reference for all Chinese pop singers, and it also makes the world understand that even love songs can be written. Very deep.

It is worth mentioning that this is only the first song of "Chopin in November".

According to Luo Quan's habit, among the next nine songs, there will be at least one or two songs that can reach the same level as this song, maybe the next one, maybe the last one. Predictability is what fascinates me the most, because until the last moment, you will never know what kind of surprise Luoquan can present to you. "

This is a music review for "Nocturne" written by a well-known music critic with millions of fans in the circle. He said it was written for "Nocturne", but there are quite a lot of points mentioned.

Several other music critics also looked similar, and the words they praised "Nocturne" and Luo Quan were more disgusting than the other.

In the past, these music critics seldom commented on pop music and love songs, let alone popular love songs. In their articles, there will be a large list of songs that you have never seen before. There is only one feeling, that is, what are these things?

It is a characteristic of these music critics to use niche and art as an excuse, and to be proud of being unpopular and high-ranking. These behaviors are often criticized, and they feel that they are self-aggrandizing.

But, there is no way, these popular love songs on the market now have depth but no depth, melody without melody, and many of them are melodies from other people's melodies, and they don't even bother to change the lyrics, they are directly localized.

In such an environment, how do you let these music critics comment and recommend.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

However, the appearance of "Nocturne" lifted their spirits, as if digging out a radiant gemstone from a pile of black coal, not to mention how happy they were.

The next day, Luo Quan took advantage of the long National Day holiday and was also promoting the new album, so he opened the long-lost live broadcast room.

He still didn't say hello, but his popularity immediately soared to over a million in less than 5 minutes.

"Good guy, it's finally on the air!"

"I waited for a long time and finally waited until today."

"Luo Quan's "Nocturne" is so nice, it has been on repeat all night."

"This is the first time in my life to spend money to buy a song. After buying it, there is only one feeling, and that is the value!"

"When is the next song coming out?"


Seeing the fans being so upbeat, he started to mention her new album, and Luo Quan didn't have to say it deliberately.

After reading the questions asked by fans, Luo Quan chose a few to reply: "I won't squeeze toothpaste this time, and the second song will be released tonight. It's a sweet song for little girls, suitable for those who are in love. couple in the

The barrage burst instantly:

"Are you in love?"

"When did this happen?"

"You're still a little girl, those strong men who were beaten up by you probably won't agree with this matter."

"As soon as I came in, I saw Luo Quan was in love, what's going on?!"

"Master Qingjie."

Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh when he saw these bullet screens: "This is just a love song style, who stipulated that you must be in a relationship before you can write a love song?"


"It's fine if you don't talk about it, just scare me."

"Just send it now, I can't wait."

"Will this album sell physical records?"

"Buying digital albums will cost me all my pocket money, so let's forget about physical records."

"It's not impossible to consider if there are special gifts."

Having said that, Luo Quan definitely wants to say a few words:

"This time I will sell the physical record offline, and the price will be lowered as much as possible. In addition, there will be some short videos I made myself in the record, as well as my new photo album. These are all gifts."

"Is it a swimsuit photoshoot?"

"I still want to see swimsuits, you are a jerk!"

"May I ask, who here doesn't want to see it?"

"Crowdfunding [-] million, let Luo Quan take a swimsuit photo for us."

"If it is really made, I will buy as much as this record is printed!"

Seeing the group of LSPs in the barrage, Luo Quan smiled and got pissed: "Why don't you forget it, every time you talk about supporting the album, but the sales don't work every time... If only you could crowdfund one For $[-] million, I'll take a set of swimsuit photos for you."

Obviously, Luo Quan was joking, and she didn't believe that fans would be willing to spend so much money just to see a few photos.

Don't look at the tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room, at least there are 10,000+ real people watching the live broadcast, and each person will have to share thousands of dollars.

There must be many people in the live broadcast room who can spend thousands of dollars, but there are very few people who can spend thousands of dollars just to buy a few photos.

Therefore, when Luo Quan said it, he didn't even think that the fans would accept it.

The two words that men are most afraid of women say: How about forgetting this time, no.

Luo Quan took them all at once. This is a great humiliation to all the lsps at station B. The big guy was instantly angry:

"You can look down on me, but you can't look down on all our lsps!"

"Hey, I have a bad temper, I don't believe so many people can't make up [-] million dollars!"

"This time, you just wait for us for nothing!"

"Gentlemen, I'm so excited."

"When there was a disagreement, we started talking."

"Surprised! A certain singer's album can't be sold, but she used swimsuit photos to promote it!"

"If it's really filmed, I'll give you tens of thousands of yuan, but it's not enough for me alone."

"Boss is rich, I only saved a few thousand dollars here for a year, and I'm thinking about buying a new computer at the end of the year..."

"There will be better equipment next year, but this is the only opportunity for Luoquan to shoot swimwear!"

"Is there a group leader organization, let's take the brothers to rush!"

"I think there is something wrong, I will build a penguin colony later, and discuss the big plan together!"

"My wallet is starving!"

"I'm afraid it's not your wallet that's hungry and thirsty."

"Remember your promise, don't lie to us then."


Seeing the fans being so serious and ambitious, Luo Quan felt a little flustered, but his mouth was still firm: "Don't worry, I'm such a first-year international star, how can I keep my words?

After raising [-] million US dollars, I will directly take a swimsuit photo of a T! "

When the words were released, the speaker had no intention of doing so, but the listener intended. Luo Quan hadn't realized that he had set a flag.

Since ancient times, few who dare to set up flags have not been slapped in the face. Will Luo Quan be slapped in the face?

At first, she thought she wouldn't.

An hour later, "Crowdfunding [-] million U.S. dollars for Luo Quan to take swimsuit photos!" rushed to the hot search on station B, and the hot search content was Luo Quan's live recording. With enough US$[-] million, she will take swimsuit photos for everyone as a fan benefit.

As the saying goes, fan benefits are commonly used, but swimsuit photos are not commonly used. If you miss this village, there will be no shop.

Moreover, since Luo Quan's debut, he has always been known for being conservative. Even if he wears an evening dress, the neckline is relatively high, and he doesn't show much, and he always looks like this.

However, this time, Luo Quan let go, obviously she didn't believe that her fans could have such spending power.

Indeed, 13 million US dollars is not a small number. Converted to [-] million yuan, you must know that the total revenue of Station B last year was less than [-] million yuan. Although it received capital injection from Penguin this year, its market value has skyrocketed and it has become the first station of Huaxia Video. , but the comprehensive film and television in the first half of the year was only [-] billion yuan.

In other words, this [-] million US dollars is equivalent to the total revenue of Station B for a quarter!
Luoquan has sold tens of millions of records this year, and his reputation has spread throughout Asia, Europe and the United States, and he has only earned [-] million US dollars. Therefore, this amount of money is really not as light as it is said.

This is also the reason why she dared to make this promise, because she knew it was impossible to achieve.

However, this video became popular, with more than 300 million views in half an hour, tens of thousands of likes, 66 to [-] coins, a sixth-level number in the comment area, UID is [-] The words of the hardcore boss Pinned to the top:
"I entered Station B in 09. From the earliest Two-dimensional pirated version and the small broken station of GHS, I have watched Station B go from being ignored to the current spring and autumn peak. From the house dance area to the COS area, what race? I haven't seen a beautiful woman with a figure?

However, I have never seen Luo Quan like this.

Luo Quan really likes station B, she regards this place as her home, is it different from all the celebrities who came here before?Besides her, which star can you find who can share everything on station B like her?
In my opinion, she is just like her own family at Station B.

However, as her own family, she actually underestimated the strength of us, Azhai, and us, who have traveled through various dimensions and saved the world countless times, to be underestimated to such an extent, it is too much.

Fortunately, Xia Bo has a family property, and he wasted his time twenty-three times, saving a mere two million yuan. This time, he took all of it out just to remind Luo Quan: Damn it, don't underestimate the two sting apes, you bastard! "

To be honest, Luo Quan was a little tearful when he saw this comment, but at the same time he felt a little burning.

The replies under the comments were also extremely ebullient, and they all said: add me, let me share a little of your vitality, that day we all turned into lights and other slogans, obviously everyone's emotions were mobilized.

But, looking back, what if this group of people are so excited, what if they really get enough money from the housekeepers?
Therefore, Luo Quan was still a little nervous, and stayed in the comment area to see if there was any follow-up development.

However, although the number of videos played soared at the speed of a rocket, there seemed to be no other movement in the barrage except for loud slogans.

I stared at it all night, nothing happened.

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll just say, how could it be successful."

At eight o'clock, Luo Quan's second new song was released, titled "Nuan Nuan".

"Nocturne" is from the perspective of boys, while "Nuan Nuan" is from the perspective of girls, and the style is completely different, especially the lyrics. "Nocturne" is cold and depressing, while "Nuan Nuan" is warm and healing. dog food song.

Obviously, Luoquan is trying to take all the boys and girls market. "Nocturne" is more popular with boys, and girls are definitely new to songs like "Nuan Nuan".

In this way, she can achieve mastery in the field of pop music, and she no longer has to worry about the so-called difficulty in tuning.

Of course, compared with "Nocturne", the depth of "Nuan Nuan" is naturally much worse. After all, it is a purely sweet love song.

But if it was just like this, Luo Quan wouldn't put it in his album, without any technical content, how could it catch her eyes?
And soon, a group of professionals also noticed this scene and issued some opinions of their own.

In other words, Teacher Luo Quan is going to teach Chinese pop singers again.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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