Chapter 345

In the music circle, a senior musician wrote on his Weibo:

"Luo Quan's talent is innate to her, which cannot be learned or replicated, so it is of little significance for reference.

However, her arrangement method for each song is worth learning and reference for all musicians. Ordinary people may not be able to see what is so good about her arrangement method, but listening to her songs is pleasant and catches the ear.

On the one hand, the melody is really good, and on the other hand, it is also derived from her mature and exquisite arrangement methods.

I have always felt that the gap between Chinese pop music and European and American music scenes is not as big as I imagined. Because of the different cultures, the lyrics we are proud of cannot resonate with Westerners, and they themselves are not particularly interested in writing lyrics. Much is required, as long as it rhymes.

And in terms of melody, I think we are not inferior to others.

But the reason for the different levels is mainly because the Western popular arrangers are so good, they will add a lot of elements to the songs to enrich the works. From a song, you can not only feel the song and the Lyrics, and you can also hear the accompaniment made with rare timbres. These are all important factors for a song to sound good.

Most of the domestic songs are too simple, and they are really weak in arrangement. Except for Luo Quan, her arrangement method is more exquisite than most western musicians.

This song "Nuannuan" is a very typical example. The lyrics are sweet, the style is cheerful, and the accompaniment is full of details. Although the theme is a love song on the street, the content is not empty at all. Compared with Luoquan's masterpieces, compared with these domestic love songs, they are also at the level of mass murder!
In any case, Luoquan is already far ahead of all Chinese people in the field of pop music. Perhaps "Chopin in November" still cannot achieve much internationally, but I believe that the future Grammy , Luo Quan will definitely win the prize and get soft! "

This evaluation, among so many compliments on Luo Quan, is considered to be a relatively dry one, and more of it is to praise Luo Quan's technology, but outsiders basically just watch the excitement.

People in the circle may understand it, but I don't know how many people really think about it.

But no matter what the circle thinks of Luo Quan'e's new song, whether it's technical or hip-stretching, the popularity of "Nuan Nuan" is not much lower than that of "Nocturne".

The two songs, one cold and the other hot, are also the first time Luoquan has tried this kind of sweet love song in the tone of a little girl. This kind of song is extremely lethal to girls in their twenties, especially those girls who are in the middle of it. The kind that just can't stop.

By 240 o'clock the next day, the sales volume of the record ushered in another increase. The single had sold [-] million copies, and the sales volume of the record was [-] million!
The album is selling so well, Penguin Music has already earned back the licensing fee paid to Luo Quan, and there are still eight songs left, and half of the sales will be profits after paying taxes!
According to the estimates of the data department, the total sales volume of "Chopin in November" is likely to exceed 500 million!

However, "Rite of Coming of Age", which is several times more expensive than this, has now sold 2000 million copies in Japan, which shows that the market of the two is really not an ordinary scale.

Luo Quan used a computer to do the calculations. After the album was sold out, the final money he could get was about [-] million, not too much and not too little.

Of course, for most people, this is already an astronomical figure that even eighteen generations of ancestors could not earn, but her current income is basically in US dollars, 4000 million yuan, which is equivalent to more than [-] million US dollars, equivalent The price of composing theme songs for four movies.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem like a lot!

Luo Quan smiled, and opened station B to see how far the crowdfunding has progressed. Although she didn't think it would be successful, it was her first swimsuit photo shoot, so she still had to pay attention.

I don’t know if I don’t watch it, but after watching the previous crowdfunding video, the number of views has exceeded 400 million, which is less than a day!
Moreover, there is a link in the video introduction, which leads to a personal column. On the top of the column is a photo of an ID card, but only the portrait and name, and the address and number are covered.

Below is the phone number, WeChat, and Alipay payment codes, and below that is a photo, a photo of a bank card deposit, next to which is marked in red: the amount (RMB) that has been raised so far!

Luo Quan looked at the numbers, good guy, there are already more than 3000 two million!

And every minute, this column will be revised. It was 1 just now, and this refresh is already 270.

"Did it rise so fast?" Luo Quan frowned. She counted with her fingers. If the increase was 1 per minute, it would be 180 million per hour, and 320 million per day. 20 million U.S. dollars, it seems that it can be completed in less than [-] days.

However, can this rate really be maintained forever?Luo Quan was deeply suspicious.

Scroll down to the comment section, and the first comment is the author of this column, Xiahou Dun, who is nicknamed Peeking Eye, that is, the ancient boss whose UID was 66 in the last video.

The content of the comment is:

"Friends of justice, this is my identity information, as well as my bank deposits, home address and ID number, which cannot be released at the moment, but if necessary, I will not conceal it.

When Luo Quan promised in the morning, the US dollar exchange rate was 6.67, and 700 million US dollars was 33 million RMB. Now it only took half a day to achieve [-]/[-]rd!

If you have the money to contribute money, if you have the strength to contribute, if you persevere, you will win.

Of course, if it is really not enough, then all the money will be refunded by myself. "

Below the comment area has become a large-scale show-off site, and the number of likes is arranged according to the amount of funds raised. There are many big local tyrants who spend millions like "Xiahou Dun who pecked his eyes", and small local tyrants who spend tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. At least, there are also a large number of True Love Party with hundreds or tens of dollars.

As this event is about to go out of the circle, the number of fundraisers will only increase.

The reason why it is said to be out of the circle is that Luo Quan immediately went to Weibo and Zhihu to browse, and found that many people have already discussed it, but it has not yet been on the hot search list.

However, paper can't contain the fire after all, not to mention the otaku fire accumulated over the years of being single.

Finally, it appeared in the fourth place on Zhihu's hot search list: "How do you think about Bilibili's crowdfunding of [-] million U.S. dollars for Luoquan to take swimsuit photos?"

The popularity is as high as more than 5000 million, which is even more topical than the release of the new album.

Highlight answer:

"Not much to say, I've already rushed.

(Picture: a transfer record of 300 million RMB)
My family runs a restaurant chain, so I’m not considered extremely rich. I’ve saved more than 500 million yuan in the New Year’s money I’ve saved over the years, as well as pocket money from my parents, uncles, and uncles.

I have spent more than 200 million yuan on playing games and buying hands-on one after another. Now that I see this crowdfunding news, I regret why I can only give such a little. "

Second highlighted answer:
"I only have hundreds of thousands of pocket money left this year, and the rest is all for my girlfriend to buy various clothes, bags, and cosmetics. I saw Luoquan's crowdfunding news today, and I plan to donate the rest.

My girlfriend saw it and had a big fight with me, saying that I usually ask your mother to buy a bag for thousands of dollars, and you push me back and forth. You spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on this woman without blinking an eyelid? !

I just broke up with her.

this woman?Do you deserve to compare with the most beautiful woman in the world?
Now that I think about it, Luo Quan is better. She is beautiful, sings well, and can cook. I don’t need to buy anything at ordinary times. When I miss her, I can watch videos and listen to songs, and I don’t lose my temper for no reason.

In comparison, I think Luo Quan is my girlfriend. I think the hundreds of thousands are worth the money!

Brother Moe, do you think I did the right thing? "

In the comment area of ​​the second answer, it can be said that there is a light of righteousness. Of course, there are not no voices of opposition:
"I agree with most of them, but you are wrong about one thing, Luo Quan is my girlfriend."

"Is this still the Zhihu I'm familiar with? Where did the previous high-quality and high-quality go? Saying such childish things for a woman is still for my woman!"

"As we all know, Luo Quan is the woman of all men."

"The outside world is scary. Everyone is thinking about how to rob my wife."

"Large exchange site for peach suppliers."

"Unexpectedly, there are so many tauren in Zhihu."

"I feel that the theme is a bit crooked. Don't you think about the problem of crowdfunding Luoquan's photo shoot?"

"I still need to teach? Give as much as you want. When the swimsuit photo comes out, show me with wide eyes!"

"I don't look at it, I just lick it."

"Add one, I'm not very good at licking."


Confucius once said: Food, sex, and sexuality can be said to be the two most basic desires of a human being. Of course, these four words did not mean appetite and sexual desire at the beginning, but in fact, it is so easy to understand. Nothing out of place.

This point can be confirmed in many fields. For example, Hollywood commercial blockbusters can always see the protagonist with a beautiful woman, and new car stores will always see beautiful models next to luxury cars. , The most topical big show.

Therefore, there is really nothing to be ashamed to say about liking ghs, because everyone likes to engage in it. How many saints in this world can truly forbid desire?

Therefore, Zhihu, which has always been known for its high-quality and high-quality answers, seems to have become an lsp gathering base at this moment. It is really surprising that each answer has turned into an idiot-like existence.

But not all the answers are so funny. When the news of crowdfunding became big, there were also many discordant voices:
"Isn't this just asking for money from fans? What's more, the lion opened his mouth to buy a set of photos for [-] million U.S. dollars, which is unheard of throughout the ages."

"Where's the promised pure goddess? Don't want the character set?"

"In the future, don't say that Luo Quan can't make hype, isn't it pretty good at making hype?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, crowdfunding [-] million US dollars, how many fools have to be fooled by this."

"The fan economy is like this. Idols cry poor on the Internet, and then use fans' money to live a life of superiority."

"What's the difference between this and those local tyrants rewarding the female anchor in the live broadcast, and saying that the boss is arrogant?"

"The world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient."

Sharp comments followed one after another.

However, Luo Quan dared to sit back and watch the matter become a big deal. Naturally, he already had an excuse in his heart, and directly published a long post on Station B:
"It's been a long time since I posted this kind of self-defense article. Here I don't say any nonsense about treating money like dirt. Who doesn't like money? It can turn white into black, ugly into beauty, and wrong into correct.

I also like money, but I will not use illegal methods to get money. As for this crowdfunding, fans are willing to give it. If I don’t accept it, I am afraid that some people will say that I am fake.

In fact, the crux of the problem lies in this crowdfunding. It is indeed a flag that I set up in my head, but since I have said it, it is still in the live broadcast room, so I have to be responsible.

Is crowdfunding illegal?Is it illegal to shoot swimsuit photos?It's not illegal, so why not do it?
In addition, regarding the character design, the only character design I have ever admitted on the Internet is the most beautiful in the world. If you find any place that can refute me, if you show it, I will admit it.

As for other geniuses and innocent characters, don't put them on my head.

In addition, I have always felt that life is only a few decades, and you will grow old if you don't pay attention. Time does not forgive people, especially women.

If I don't take a few photos of my youthful invincibility and my infinite charm now, who will believe that this old woman was once the most beautiful woman in the world after decades?

Finally, I would like to clarify that I am not short of money. If I really want money, I would not use this method. "Chopin in November" is currently on sale. Isn't it perfect for fans to use this method to support me? "

Luo Quan's words of defense this time followed the usual sharp tone, and responded to all the criticisms against her, but this time there was less yin and yang, and the confidence was quite strong.

Anyway, from her point of view, she had a clear conscience for what she did, and the only mistake was setting a flag in her head.

But taking swimsuit photos is not a deviant thing nowadays, which of these actresses on the Internet has not taken this thing?

Blame her previous conservative image for being too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, a slight change has attracted so many naysayers.

But, this small incident can't affect the sales of her new album.

In the evening, Luo Quan released the third song of his new album: "Hair Like Snow".

Once the song was released, it caused a sensation again.

After "Blue and White Porcelain" and "A Laugh from the Sea", this is Luoquan's third Huaxia style song.

Before that, there were very few songs of this type in China, and more of them were ancient styles.

The appearance of Luo Quan undoubtedly filled the gap in this area and greatly raised the upper limit of this type of song.

Ps. Thank you for the book currency rewarded by the book friend Jiuba Daka, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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