Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 347 People Are Really Powerful

Chapter 347 People Are Really Powerful

"Luoquan fans crowdfunding"

A few days ago, Luo Quan's new album was released, and it stayed on the Twitter trend list for a while, but there was almost no overlap between the fans who used Twitter and the fans who listened to Chinese songs, so it didn't cause too much trouble.

And this time the hot search appeared without warning. Looking at the title, Luo Quan's fans in Japan and the United States thought her second Chinese album was on the street again, and it was so miserable that she had to rely on fan crowdfunding to make ends meet. the point.

It turned out that Luo Quan's fans in Huaxia initiated the crowdfunding.

After understanding the reason for the crowdfunding, all the male fans became excited.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. My own star has a peerless face, but he doesn't know how to maximize human happiness. This has always been a pain in the hearts of fans.

Those female stars in Europe and America always dress in whatever way they want. The last show was full of low-cut miniskirts. It was sexy to dance for a month. Only Luo Quan likes to wrap herself tightly.

If it's cultural differences, Chinese actresses should still be exposed, and various large-scale portraits are also released from time to time.

It's not easy to say this kind of thing directly, if the male fans mention it, then the female fans should be unhappy.

But this time it was Luo Quan who proposed it on his own initiative, although there was a prerequisite, and from the analysis of her context at the time, Luo Quan did not believe that her fans had the ability to raise [-] million US dollars at all.

Indeed, this is an astronomical figure. Huaxia's crowdfunding has also fallen into a stagnation after three days of triumphant progress, and currently only 8000 million yuan has been saved, and the task progress is less than 20.00%.

However, Luo Quan ignored that there are still a large number of hungry and thirsty fans overseas. They have been waiting for this moment for too long. Now when they see the news of crowdfunding and shooting swimsuit photos, they are instantly excited.

"I want to tell my mother that Luo Quan is finally willing to take swimsuit photos?"

"This is a great progress, thanks to Huaxia's netizens for allowing Luoquan to make such a promise!"

"Who knows how to send money to this crowdfunding brother, these two black and white grid pictures won't work."

"That's Huaxia's fast payment method, and there is a bank card number below, just pay directly."

"Speaking of whether it is true or not, it feels a bit like a liar."

"It's true. It has been searched several times in Huaxia. The information of the organizers is fully disclosed, and many fans have participated."

"[-] million US dollars feels a bit too much, even if we add it, we may not be able to make it up."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Don't hesitate anymore, if you miss this village, you won't have this store!"


When I woke up in the morning, I saw Luo Quan whose name was hung high on Twitter, and I was in a strange mood.

Originally, I saw domestic fans crowdfunding more than 8000 million yuan, and thought it was basically useless, but I don’t know who posted this on the Internet. Now fans all over the world know that their idols are going to crowdfund for swimsuit photos. .

However, the effect of doing so is quite remarkable. "Xiahou Dun in the Eye of the Table" just updated the crowdfunding progress, and the amount in the bank card has skyrocketed from more than 8000 million to more than 4000 million. to describe!

Seeing this figure, Luo Quan couldn't help feeling that the people of Japan and the United States still had money. In just half a day, they had almost collected the amount for three days in China.

Originally, when she set up this flag, the target of crowdfunding was only domestic fans, but now fans from all over the world have participated.

Seeing the growth rate in front of him, maybe this group of LSPs can really make up the money, so Luo Quan tweeted:
"At the beginning, I didn't expect that foreign fans would participate, and the speed of today's growth is really surprising, but I forgot to add it at the time.

The deadline for this crowdfunding plan is after all ten songs of my album have been released. Now I have released five songs. Next, I will take a day off and release the remaining five songs in four days. That is to say, there are still five days left for this crowdfunding to end. "

After this statement came out, the fan groups at home and abroad were blown away. In five days, more than 1 million yuan was left, which is equivalent to more than [-] million yuan a day.

However, the more Luo Quan was like this, the more the male fans didn't want her to succeed.

If you miss this opportunity, the next time you meet Luoquan, you will be crazy and make a promise. I don’t know when you will have to wait. Luoquan’s three fans are mainly concentrated in China, Japan and the United States. These are the three largest economies in the world. There are so many people. I don't believe it's less than [-] million a day!

Then, a crazy scene happened.

Originally, Luo Quan just wanted to set a time limit for this crowdfunding, but in the eyes of fans, this almost became an ultimatum, and at the same time, his own voice also confirmed the authenticity of the crowdfunding.

Although foreign fans have money and are willing to spend it on their favorite stars, they will not spend it in a muddle-headed way, and they have to wait for confirmation before taking any action.

And after Luo Quan's statement was issued, all the fans who were still watching didn't hesitate anymore, and they all brought out their wives.

At the same time, Lyon, who just finished the first phase of filming of "Titanic", is reading at home in New York, mainly to catch up with the progress of school. Recently, he has been filming and touring, and has not been to school for a long time.

Just as he was fascinated, there was a movement outside the house. Leon looked up and found someone watching the car coming, probably Seifert.

"So it's you two!" Leon opened the door and found Fred besides Seifert.

"You came to see me in the middle of the night again, and it was because of my sister?" Leon vaguely remembered that Fred also visited late at night a while ago, "Could it be that my sister is dating again on the Internet?"

"That's not true, but it's more exciting than this!" Seifert said excitedly, "Your sister is going to take a swimsuit photo shoot!"

"Oh... umm!!!" Leon's eyes stared like bells on a cow's neck, "Say it again!"

"Your sister is going to take a swimsuit photo shoot." Seifert handed the phone directly in front of Leon. On the screen, Luo Quan was broadcasting live. Below was a lot of text descriptions. The word swimsuit photo was also enlarged in red font. Bold it.

There are pictures and the truth, Leon wrote: "Holy shit! It's actually true, when did my sister become so open?"

Seifert shrugged helplessly: "It's not that you don't know your sister's character, she can say anything with a single mouth, and she set the flag during the live broadcast this time, and her fans took it seriously."

"So, you guys come to find me..." Leon glanced at Fred next to him, who had a troubled expression, excited and anxious.

Seifert said with a smile: "This kid, he didn't want so many people to see your sister's swimsuit, but he also wanted to see it himself, so he was very entangled, so he called me to ask my opinion.

I don't know what to do, so I'm here to discuss it with you. "

"What do you think of me? I'm her younger brother!" Leon took out his cell phone with a serious face, "Let me see how much money I've collected."

Seifert wanted to punch the prudish guy: "Is that how you treat yourself as a brother?"

Leon was speechless: "It's just a swimsuit, and it's not a private photo. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. In the past, your family went to Hawaii for beach vacation every year. Haven't you seen your sister's swimsuit?"

Fred and Seifert seemed to be awakened by the words, which seemed to make sense.

"It's only 500 million US dollars, which is far from enough." Leon said, looking at his account, he still has [-] million US dollars, but this is what he earned from touring, and he took it all out and returned it. Some are reluctant.

Fred smiled shyly: "I have some spare money here, it should be enough."

Unexpectedly, Seifert interrupted directly: "Stupid, if you give so much money by yourself, someone will dig out your identity at that time. If it is exposed, how will you face Luo Quan in the future?"

Fred nodded: "That's right, so give me a little less?"

Seifert Chen reviewed: "What I mean is, the three of us first pooled 500 million US dollars and sent them through different accounts. After all, there are still several days before the deadline, and there are so many local tyrants who like Luoquan, maybe This time tomorrow is enough, so the three of us don't have to worry about being exposed!"

Lyon made a decision directly: "That's the reason, let's reapply for an account first."

At twelve o'clock New York time, the three men completed a conspiracy.

At this time, Luo Quan had just finished his lunch and was resting on the bed.

"Ah cut!" Luo Quan sneezed suddenly.

"Someone is thinking about our monitor." Lin Yizhu said on the next bed.

Lu Yao retorted: "Just kidding, there are so many people who miss the monitor, there are more than a dozen in our class alone, if this is true, how many times does the monitor have to sneeze a day?"

Luo Quan rubbed his nose: "You guys are enough, just a sneeze can talk so much."

"Squad leader, can you crowdfund a swimsuit shoot?" Zhang Yun, who was lying on the table doing homework, raised her head and asked.

Lin Yizhu laughed and said, "I just checked, and it's already 6000 million RMB, almost half of it."

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's probably that much. My fans are all about the same age as me. How can there be so much spare money? This is [-] million U.S. dollars, not [-] million yen."

Zhang Yun was a little puzzled: "It shouldn't be. The squad leader has more than 300 million fans on station B, more than 2000 million Weibo fans, and nearly 2000 million Twitter fans. Even if there are duplicates, there are still tens of millions of fans. what."

Luo Quan laughed: "At first glance, you don't really understand the number of fans. This thing is too watery. I have 3000 million followers on Weibo, and 30 active members are already burning high and accumulating great virtues.

Although station B is a bit less hydrated, but there are more student groups, I may not be able to afford the albums I release, and they even crowdfunded for me to take photos, so that his parents know it and it’s no wonder they won’t be scolded!
The situation in foreign countries is a little more complicated, but it is almost the same reason. The number of fans, no matter how many there are, is not credible. "

Lu Yao was curious: "So, this crowdfunding will not succeed?"

Luo Quan spread his hands: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe I'm lucky and meet a local tycoon who spends a lot of money and spends half a billion dollars just to see me in a swimsuit."

Lin Yizhu shook his head vigorously: "Half a million US dollars is nearly 3.5 million yuan. I have never even heard of such a prodigal son. Even Ye Kai and Si Cong, the two top masters, can't reach this level."

The fact is indeed the case. Although Luo Quan sometimes gets angry and talks a little bit, the basic logic is still there. With an amount of [-] million US dollars, it is really an impossible task for fans to crowdfund.

Such an order of magnitude of money is astronomical even for many listed companies. China, Japan and the United States are indeed the top three economies in the world, but the wealth ratio of the social population is quite abnormal. The poor die poor, and the rich die rich. countries like Norway and Switzerland.

So, despite the fact that he has already saved nearly half of the amount, Luo Quan knows in his heart that this is almost the limit of his fans.

Speaking of which, she still has a little complacency in her heart. Compared with the top players in China, although her fans usually don't talk much, they are quite energetic when something happens. Although the starting point is a bit unhealthy, if it is for her music works Great.

Of course, she wasn't criticizing her fans for their lsp behavior. Who doesn't like beautiful women wearing swimsuits? Besides, she brought it up by herself, so no one can blame her fans.

The crowdfunding business is basically like this, and Luo Quan opens station B much less frequently than a few days ago, and now she pays more attention to her new album.

Two songs were released in a row yesterday, and they still received rave reviews. The sales of the digital album finally exceeded 300 million, and the number of comments on each song was around [-]. Over the past few days, cover versions on the short video app have also sprung up like mushrooms emerge.

What's even more commendable is that, whether it is public opinion or industry evaluation, this album of hers is also unanimously praised.

The two have always been somewhat divided in the past. The public likes good songs, while the judges pay more attention to the musicality. When a phenomenon-level song comes out, the comments from both sides usually diverge.

Except for some veteran singer-songwriters who have not moved for a long time, only Luo Quan can make these two groups reach a consensus.

But for those voices clamoring for her to bring Chinese songs to the world, Luo Quan can only express his helplessness.

This is beyond the scope of her ability, belonging to different cultural circles, Luo Quan never expected to be able to do this.

so.Luo Quan never responded to these increasingly high-pitched voices.

After a day's rest, fans have been urging Luo Quan's sixth song on Weibo.

This time, Luo Quan did not delay until night, but chose to release it in the morning.

The released song is "Chapter 7 of the Night", which seems to be the same type of song as "Nocturne".

In fact it is.

(End of this chapter)

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