Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 348 Darkness

Chapter 348 Darkness

"Classical Gorgeousness and the Beauty of Art Depravity"

This is the title of the answer with the highest number of likes among Zhihu related questions after the release of "Chapter 7 of the Night".

The article briefly analyzed how great this song is in pop music. The author wrote in the article:
"Its classical beauty is so intoxicating, the arrangement is so good that it overlooks the ordinary popular category, the whole song is gorgeous like a poem full of imagination, and the works are rigorous and orderly, reflecting the supremacy of Chinese musicians in pop music works Artistic pursuit, my personal love for it is beyond words.”

If this is an evaluation written by an ordinary music fan, then there is actually not much reference value, but this article is written by a music professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, and the value contained in it is quite different.

In fact, when "Chapter 7 of the Night" was first released, ordinary music fans did not give it a particularly good evaluation, because its melody was not as catchy as "Nocturne", and the lyrics seemed a bit cloudy and difficult to understand. .

But when the analysis on the Internet came out one by one, everyone was stunned. They never thought that a song could contain so many details.

Almost every one of its lyrics contains an allusion to Sherlock Holmes, making the atmosphere full of suspense and exploration.

From a professional point of view: Luo Quan recorded the whole story from the perspective of God. The extreme melody and immersive lyrics combined with electronic, classical, rap, and bel canto make the whole song a strong three-dimensional image.

There is no doubt that this is a song with an explosive amount of information, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a movie in music.

This is a divine comedy that is destined not to be easily accepted by the public, but it is also the case that distinguishes it from those vulgar guava love songs, and truly makes the music have artistic value.

Therefore, although "Chapter 7 of the Night" did not gain the same popularity as "Nocturne" on Weibo at the beginning, but as more and more people in the industry spoke highly of it, and many pop music bigwigs posted blog recommendations, this The song is still on fire.

But what everyone didn't expect was that "Chapter 7 of the Night" became popular, and it even made a Chinese song she released last year become popular, even more popular than "Chapter 7 of the Night" No less.

The reason is that a well-known music producer recommended "Chapter 7 of the Night" on Weibo, saying that this is the most outstanding work in the Chinese music scene in the past 20 years, and it is completely unique, and there is no song that can compare with it.

And compared with "Nocturne", it is more worthy of being called the pioneer of the dark genre. The more classical melody and singing style like Italian opera aria also make this dark and weird atmosphere more intense.

There is actually no problem with such a statement. Weibo has also received nearly [-] likes and comments from top searches. Obviously, most people agree with his evaluation.

However, the music producer apparently only recently started to pay attention to Luo Quan, and has not heard his previous songs.

An old fan of Luoquan retorted in the comment area: "This song is indeed very good, but I personally think that "In the Name of the Father" is the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene, and the dark genre should also start from it. , It’s a pity that this song didn’t become popular for too long when it was released, and now many people don’t know it.”

Soon, this comment was pushed to the forefront of the comment area, but it was scolded:

"Where did the little ghost come from? I've never heard of "In the Name of the Father", and it deserves to be compared with "Chapter 7 of the Night"?"

"Don't trick your master, "Chapter 7 of the Night" is the creator of the dark genre."

"Do you dare to call yourself the pinnacle of Chinese in any song now? Don't understand anything, just open your mouth?"

"Before the evaluation, at least show off your professional diploma. Who wouldn't talk big."

The comments one after another defending Luo Quan seem very heartwarming, but in the eyes of old fans, they are simply embarrassing toes.

Luo Quan himself also saw these jokes in the comment area, which were indeed amused, but it also showed that she was indeed popular, and it was a good thing that so many newcomers became her fans.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the music producer who posted on Weibo to explain himself, but he probably didn't continue to pay attention to his Weibo, and he didn't issue a statement for a long time.

There is no way, in order to avoid old and new fans scolding, Luo Quan can only explain himself on Weibo:
"I just saw that someone mentioned "In the Name of the Father" in the "Chapter 7 of the Night" news, I hope new fans will not be angry, because this is also my song (狗头), and the style of the song is indeed dark.

However, when the album of this song was released, although it received some praise, the sales volume was not particularly satisfactory due to the problem of publicity, and it did not get much popularity in the end.

Personally, "In the Name of the Father" is my favorite among all Chinese songs. I once said that this is a work that I may never be able to surpass, and this sentence is still true today.

Interested fans can listen to it, Penguin Music is now free.

In addition, I also hope that the old fans will not crowd out the newcomers. It takes a process to go from being unfamiliar to being familiar. Although it was a joke, it also shows their support for me. "

For her fans, Luo Quan is always as gentle as a spring breeze, which is one of the reasons why passers-by can no longer take off her fans once they are fans of her.

And after this Weibo post came out, "In the Name of the Father", a masterpiece that hadn't been mentioned for a long time, returned to the public's field of vision again.

This was supposed to be the most glorious Divine Comedy in the Chinese pop music scene, but because of style issues, it was released early before Luo Quan became famous.

At that time, it did receive countless praises from the industry, but the popularity was maintained for a short period of time, less than half a month, and almost no outsiders mentioned it.

But good works will never completely dissipate because of time. When "Chapter 7 of the Night" became popular, the song "In the Name of the Father" once again entered the public's field of vision.

Soon, those musicians who gave "Chapter 7 of the Night" a super high evaluation have posted an article again, the content is similar:

"I take back my previous evaluation of "Chapter 7 of the Night". "In the Name of the Father" is the pinnacle of Chinese pop music. This masterpiece that should have been noticed long ago has never been fully discovered until now. It is really a great shame for people in my circle to come out!"

That night, "In the Name of the Father" topped the Penguin Music Hot Songs chart. Luo Quan's new song made the old song popular, and even attracted praise from the entire industry and outside the industry. It is really a rare prosperity in the Chinese pop music scene.

However, when a tree grows big, it attracts attention. Now that Luo Quan is making a killing everywhere and earning a lot of money, his peers in the industry are really jealous.

The cake in the mainland is only that big. Everyone just writes a few good songs that learn how to bark a dog, or Sinicize a few foreign songs, without any technical content. If you earn one yuan a month, it will be enough to spend for several years!

But now, it is too difficult to make money. The audience of the songs I wrote is now reduced by half, and the value that the songs can create is also cut in half. Income plummeted!
Someone once said: "Before the appearance of Luoquan, the Chinese music scene could survive happily, but after the appearance of Luoquan, it is difficult for these people to die."

This is the situation now. After "Chopin in November" comes out, fans will only feel sick when they listen to those plagiarized Chinese saliva songs. At least before next spring, they will not want to lie down and earn money. Big money is completely impossible.

It can be said that the existence of Luo Quan has cut off countless singers' fortunes, which is comparable to murdering their parents.

But Luo Quan had no taint before, and if he wanted to send a notice to blackmail her, no navy would accept it.

But now, she herself has brought the handle to her door. Isn't it the crowdfunded swimsuit that is making a lot of noise on the Internet? If this is used well, Luo Quan will suffer a lot!

As a result, many singers who were jealous of Luoquan began to conspire, and a piece of news about this matter was also freshly released the next day, bombarding Weibo.

"Crowdfunding at Station B in Luoquan, does it constitute illegal fundraising?"

"Amassing nearly [-] million yuan, just for a swimsuit?"

"The scope covers the whole world, the star Luo Quan's way of making money."


Articles with extremely eye-catching titles appeared on the hot searches.

Luoquan's crowdfunding and shooting of swimsuits was actually a hot search before, but at that time, everyone was thinking about Tu Yile, and no one would think about these things.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer, fans crowdfunding for idols, isn't the whole fan circle like this?

But as the amount increased, more and more people began to investigate, and the legitimacy of this crowdfunding began to be questioned.

What an artist fears the most is breaking the law.

Ordinary people who break the law may not be sentenced, and they can spend money for personal gain.

But if a celebrity breaks the law, he is a bad artist. At the least, he has been hidden in the entertainment industry for several years, and at worst, he will be banned from the entire network forever!

Now the amount of crowdfunding at Station B has reached 2000 million RMB. Such a huge amount is enough to attract the attention of the country. If it constitutes illegal fundraising, it will be a big deal.

Under the leadership of the water army, the melon-eating crowd began to express their own opinions on the Internet: why Luoquan is cool, Luoquan is illegal, and the rhythm of asking fans for huge amounts of money is brought into the air.

No one has actually searched the Internet to see whether such behavior is illegal. Most of them saw someone saying that Luoquan had violated the law, and then flocked to it, making all kinds of remarks that hate the rich.

Today's relevant news has already been on three hot searches, and it is three big Vs criticizing Luo Quan's behavior at the moral and legal levels.

The words used in the article were extremely sharp, and it portrayed Luo Quan as an artist who was blind to money and had no bottom line. In the comment area, passers-by, black fans, and fans gathered and scolded.

In the end, in order not to affect the new album, Penguin still contacted Weibo to post related hot searches.

But this kind of behavior gave Heizi the courage to chase and bite, and the voices denouncing Luo Quan on the Internet became louder and louder.

Forced by public opinion, Penguin Music made a guest appearance in Luoquan's PR team and released a statement:
"According to the law, illegal fund-raising is an act in which the fund-raising party uses commodities with real value to raise funds from the public, and promises to repay the capital and interest to the investors.

Photos do not have actual value, so they do not constitute illegal fundraising. "

The illegal things are clear, but the moral aspect still cannot stop the public from discussing it.

Many female boxing Vs on Weibo said: "Collecting up [-] million US dollars to shoot a swimsuit, this was said by Luo Quan himself during the live broadcast, what is the difference between this and the ancient brothel women asking their benefactors to pay for ransom?
Although it is not illegal, it is morally corrupt and has no bottom line for money. "

Soon some fans used Luo Quan's family background as an excuse, but Heizi immediately refuted:
"Who would hate money?"

"You can earn [-] million U.S. dollars by taking a few photos. Only a stock god can master an easier way to make money than this."

"Isn't this the same nature as the female live broadcaster dating the No. [-] local tyrant offline?"

When standing on the commanding heights of morality, even if you know that the other party is a keyboard warrior, you can't refute it.

On the Internet, a good person with no taint will be blamed far more than a bad person covered with taint when there is a scandal.

Luoquan is currently in such a situation.

But she wasn't worried at all, and even added a chicken leg to dinner.

"Luo Luo, why don't you say anything? Let the public opinion continue like this. It's hard to predict what the consequences will be." Wen Xia read Weibo all day, couldn't help it, and called Luo Luo Quan asked what was going on.

"It's good to make a big fuss. If I don't make a big fuss, how can I let the people of the whole country know my great achievements?" Luo Quan wiped his oily lips from eating chicken legs with a tissue.

"What do you mean?"

Luo Quan persuaded Wen Xia softly: "Don't worry, it's been arranged a long time ago, if a few black people who don't know the so-called talk nonsense and get anxious, then this day can't be over?
It must be that my new album is selling too well, and some people are jealous of me, and they use it to make fun of me. You see, I ignore these people. "

Zhou Yangwen called to tell him these things just now, saying that he had found out some inside information, but those naval studios were too talkative to get any evidence.

Wen Xia nodded: "Since you have a plan in mind, I won't ask any more questions. After a few days, our women's group will organize a holiday for group building. The location is in the Maldives. Do you want to come together?"

Luo Quan didn't give a clear answer: "It depends on the situation. If I get [-] million US dollars, I will go. If my fans are not strong, then I can't go."

"Okay, anyway, there are still a few days left. It's not troublesome to buy more tickets and book more rooms for more people."

After talking on the phone with Wen Xia, Luo Quan turned on Penguin Music.

3 minutes ago, "Chopin in November" released a new song again.

This time, three songs were released at once!

(End of this chapter)

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