Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 349 Flammable and Explosive

Chapter 349 Flammable and Explosive

Three new songs, "Qianbaidu", "Gentleman", "Su Yan".

The first song is a typical Chinese-style pop music. Before the appearance of Luoquan, Chinese-style and ancient-style songs were the niche among the niche, the unpopular among the unpopular, and only B stations can see this kind of songs on major video sites. Make a BGM video.

However, since Luoquan's "Blue and White Porcelain" became popular last year, there has been a wave of Chinese-style music boom in China, and Chinese-style songs with "brilliant literary talents" have continued to emerge on the market.

However, the lyrics of most of the songs are relatively empty. They just pile up words and combine various uncommon nouns into one sentence, but the content presented is incomprehensible.

The point is that the public thinks that the lyrics are well written, they are all uncommon words, and they can rhyme in the end.

Therefore, after the Huaxia style songs became popular, the evaluation has always been mixed, and the quality of the works is also good and bad.

Luoquan's Huaxia style is independent of these similar works on the market. Her Huaxia style is not very gorgeous, and the words are relatively common. It looks like a simplified ancient prose.

To put it bluntly, it is able to present a specific picture and form a complete story.

The newly released song "Thousand Baidu" is obviously of a very high level. The main song is full of long and short sentences, which makes people feel like they are reading Song Ci. Its high level has surprised many well-known lyricists.

"Gentleman" is a love song sung by Luo Quan from the perspective of a boy.

Luo Quan's love songs do not seem to be limited to his own gender. Whether it is "Nocturne" or "Ten Years", they are all from the perspective of boys, while "Nuannuan" is from the perspective of girls.

For her, the perspective of songwriting has never been fixed. The perspective she uses to sing depends on what the words she writes look like. Once inspiration emerges, gender, age, and experience are not a problem.

Just like the ninth song, "Su Yan" is obviously a song sung by men and women, but the singer is only named Luo Quan.

First of all, this simple, fresh and slightly sad song is quite nice, it belongs to the kind that can be played on a loop all night, and it is quite resonant to these young people nowadays.

As soon as the first few lines of the lyrics come out, people can immediately recall that teenage summer, the smiling face without makeup, and the regretful ending of the story.

The so-called sad but not hurt, probably so.

The theme of the song is nostalgia, but it is also mentioned in the lyrics: "Nostalgia can never go back to the past", just like the lost youth, no matter how much you miss it, you will never go back.

As for this one person playing two roles, Luo Quan also quickly gave an explanation on the dynamics of station B:

"Because the song was released in a hurry and the time was tight, and I didn't have any familiar male singers in China, and the only one I knew, Cao Mufeng, was studying abroad, so I could only sing by myself.

Speaking of chorus, in fact, the difference between male and female voices is not that big, they are both relatively small, limited by my timbre, the synthesized male voice will also sound a little girly.

But the final effect is quite good. The title of the song "Su Yan" is also a reflection of my life. Fans who are familiar with me know that unless it is a particularly important occasion, I will not wear makeup whether I am out or not.

Finally, tomorrow is the last song of the album. When the song is released, it will be the deadline for crowdfunding. I won’t say anything about cheers, lest someone say that I’m blinded by money. Here’s a simple reminder. (dog head)
above. "

Soon, the number of dynamic likes exceeded [-], and there were almost as many comments in the comment area as there were likes:

"By the way, how much is the crowdfunding now? I invested a thousand in it, and saved more than three months' living expenses!"

"I'm stuck at 500 million and I'm still short of 4000 million. I'm dying of anxiety!"

"It's almost that much. The domestic LSPs are not strong enough. If it weren't for the help of foreign LSPs, they might not even be able to reach 2 million."

"Have drained all my stock, I literally don't have a drop left. (Ghost)"

"Hey guy, the swimsuit photo has been squeezed out before it's released? You need to brace yourself."

"It's gone, it's gone, [-] million U.S. dollars is really too much, Luo Quan probably dared to say this figure after doing the calculations."

"The main reason is that there is too little time. If it is extended to one month, it may be enough."

"Indeed, Luo Quan definitely wanted to shorten the time on purpose. In the past, he released one song a day for his albums, but today it's good. He released three songs a day!"


Seeing the moans and sighs in the comment area, Luo Quan's smile gradually surfaced. I really can't blame her for this. I gave you a chance, but it's a pity that you didn't use it.

At the same time, those sunspots on the Internet are still playing the rhythm, but Luo Quan's new songs continue to sell well, no matter how fierce the disturbance is, it will not have any impact on Luo Quan, and the sales of digital albums have reached 600 million+!

Just when Luo Quan was about to make a preview of his ending song, station B suddenly got a push on the screen of his mobile phone, which was from "Xiahou Dun who pecked his eyes".

"Enough savings!!!"

Luo Quan was drinking milk when he saw the news and spit it out with a puff.

"What's wrong!" All the girls in the dormitory looked over, only to see that Luo Quan had a big mouth, and the corners of his mouth and neck were covered with milk.

"My God, I've saved enough." Luo Quan scratched his head, puzzled.

Lu Yao and Zhang Yun were still thinking about saving enough money, Lin Yizhu immediately reacted, and immediately lowered his head and picked up the phone.

"Crowdfunding is successful, and all [-] million US dollars has been credited!"

This is the latest news of Xiahou Dun who is pecking at the eyes. The account balance in the picture below is 667000000.00!

"I just saw that there was more than [-] million short, how could this be enough in the blink of an eye?" Lin Yizhu looked at Luo Quan in surprise.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry: "How do I know that?"

It happened so suddenly that she didn't know what to say for a moment. When she looked at it just now, the number hadn't increased significantly for a long time, but in the blink of an eye, it was enough. Which local tyrant is so fierce and one-time Filled in the gap of [-] million yuan!

Now, the comment area has already turned upside down, full of celebratory words:


"WDNMD, if you want to fill in the [-] million yuan, just fill it in. Which big guy did it, come out and let us worship."

"With all the calculations and calculations, Luo Quan probably never imagined that he would have a super wealthy fan who would spend [-] million."

"It's still the same sentence, just go and take swimsuit photos for the big guys for nothing, there must be dead water."

"Stupid! How much water is exposed in the dead reservoir, and it's not a direct 3D style if it's all in swimsuits?!"

"Sloppy, it seems that we are all too pure."

"I feel that Luo Quan may directly give us a photo of a diving suit, which is also a swimsuit in the strict sense."

"That's okay, the diving suit is still useless."

"No way, I prayed for 36 prayers, and it ended up falling down on this last trembling?"


Although the goal of [-] million US dollars has been achieved, the fans obviously fell into the anxiety of gain and loss after the ecstasy, for fear that Luo Quan would go back on his word, or use another method to fulfill the promise.

In the dormitory, Lin Yizhu also raised his head and asked Luo Quan: "Squad leader, what should we do now? We have collected enough money, do you want to shoot?"

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "What can we do if we don't shoot? This is what I said personally. If I don't keep it, what I say later will lose credibility."

Zhang Yun cheered: "Wuhu, the squad leader is going to take a swimsuit photoshoot, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Luo Quan was thinking about how to announce this matter, when news came from the Internet, it turned out that the last more than [-] million came from the fourth prince Harimandan of Dubai. A screenshot was posted on Twitter.

Luo Quan slapped his head angrily: "Why did you miss this master!"

Luo Quan, the prince of Harimantan, did not know him. He happened to meet his elder brother, the third prince Abshir, when he was in London with Leon at the hotel. From Abshir, he learned that one of his brothers was her Fans, want an autograph.

Later, Luo Quan gave a signed photo, and there was no intersection. The fourth prince never interacted with her on Twitter, so that she didn't regard this prince as her fan at all.

However, unexpectedly, at the moment when the crowdfunding failed, it was the fourth prince who turned the tide and took one-third of the amount by himself!
But for him, this amount of money can only be described as drizzle. The wealth of the Arab royal family is world-renowned. Except for the royal family of Thailand, these local tyrants in the Middle East are probably the richest.

To describe it in one sentence, it is billions of dollars, rich as oil.

Luo Quan knew that he had an Arab prince as a fan, so how could he set the crowdfunding amount at [-] million, no matter what, it must be set at [-] billion or more!
Now it's all right, the conversion of more than two billion life coins into US dollars is more than 3000 million US dollars, which is estimated to be the level of the prince's pocket money for half a month, and it can be easily taken out.

Regretting Luo Quan must be regretting, but the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say, she has never been a person who backtracks, and she must keep her promises.

Half an hour later, Luo Quan published a long article:
"To be honest, I didn't expect that a joke I made during the live broadcast would actually come true in the end.

The rhythm of this matter on the Internet in the past few days is actually quite large, saying that I betrayed my appearance for money, and my morals are corrupt...

In other words, is it immoral to take a swimsuit photo now?Let’s be open-minded. The shackles that have imprisoned Chinese women for thousands of years have already been lifted, but some people insist on buckling these shackles back. I think people with normal views will have no objection .

In addition, I want to emphasize again here, I have made it very clear what my personality is, don't impose any personality on me, and don't use those so-called personality to limit my behavior.

Some celebrities use their personalities to cover up their lack of ability, but I don't need it.

In addition, those who think that I do these things for money, please stop for a while. After the crowdfunding was launched, I contacted the domestic poverty relief organization. I will not keep any money raised by domestic fans. Donate all the land, let the government supervise it, and use the money to help the working people in poor areas.

In addition, after learning that foreign fans also participated, I also contacted the International Red Cross and donated all the money raised by foreign fans.

The name used for these donations does not have the word Luoquan. The crowdfunding initiators provided me with a list of names of the transfer accounts. I am in their name, and I am just a middleman.

However, because there are too many crowdfunders, it is impossible to list everyone's name, so I use Luoquan's fans uniformly, and only those with a particularly large amount will be marked in the signature.

The digression is over, it is your business if Heizi continues to blackmail, anyway, I have a clear conscience, and your rumors and slanders have no effect on me, have you seen my new album?600 million copies have been sold~~

Closer to home, this crowdfunding swimsuit photo shoot is actually just a joke of mine, but since the fans have done it, I have to treat it with my heart, so don’t worry that I will be perfunctory, but don’t expect me to shoot the same photos as porn stars. The effect of the three classics and T Zi pants is even more unthinkable.

As for the release time of the photo, everyone may have to wait a few more days. I have to ask for leave first, contact the photographer, and prepare the best equipment.In order to move to shoot.

As for the shooting location, it is currently tentatively scheduled to be in the Maldives. I heard that it is a world-class diving holy place, and the water several meters deep is still crystal clear. I have seen many photos, and they are indeed beautiful.

I said before that I will shoot a T resource, I don't know if I can reach this much in the end, maybe it will be exceeded, in short, everyone just needs to wait quietly.

Although all the [-] million US dollars raised by crowdfunding have been used for charity, I personally still regard the money as fans' support for me. Thank you very much.

As a reward, I will make [-] copies of the photos at my own expense, part of which will be donated to the crowdfunding initiators and fans who donate a lot, and the rest will be given to all fans who participated in the crowdfunding this time by random lottery, thank you You are always supportive of me.

Then, here is a small advertisement for the new album. The last song of "Chopin in November" will be released tomorrow night. But they are still in the pre-order state, it depends on you whether you can reach the tens of millions of pre-orders.

Finally, seeing that fans are all asking about the news of the last song, here is a spoiler for everyone. The title of the last song of "Chopin in November" is "Flammable and Explosive". Don't talk about it, everyone will know when you hear it tomorrow. "

After the long article, there are also several donation slips attached, which happened not long after the crowdfunding was launched.

After Luo Quan's long article was published, the black information about her on the Internet disappeared in an instant.

Ps. Thanks to book friends Xiaoxiao Menggui and L224 for the book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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