Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 350 Preparation

Chapter 350 Preparation
"How to evaluate "Flammable and Explosive"?"

As usual, Luo Quan's new song was once again on Zhihu's hot search. As the final chapter of "Chopin in November", this song is more like Luo Quan's confession.

Fans responded to the question one after another:

"The meaning of the whole song can be summed up in one sentence: What do you want from my old lady?"

"Men always have too high requirements for beautiful women. They want people to be pure and sexy at the same time. If they wear more clothes, they say they are too dressy, which is not true; if they wear less clothes, they criticize people for being too flamboyant and not reserved.

In the past, Luo Quan paid too much attention to these comments, but this time his mentality may have changed, and everyone may see a different version of her in the future. "

"As the last song of "Chopin in November", it may not have met my inner expectations, but the timing of it is quite appropriate. I give it a score of 18 out of [-]. I only need the whole album. It’s still a [-], and the flaws don’t conceal the merits, this is the top two Chinese pop albums in the past ten years, and the other is "[-]" released by Luo Quan last year!"


All ten songs have been released, and "Chopin in November" is officially on sale. Previously, it has obtained more than 600 million sales through pre-sales. After the official release, it broke through 700 million sales in just one day. It is expected that the final data will be Breakthrough 300 million!

Although the album has just been released, the status of this album seems to have been settled.

Like "18", this is the best batch of albums in the history of Chinese pop music, and from the genre to the arrangement to the production technology, it has brought a subversive innovation to the stagnant Chinese orchestra. It is called the textbook of pop music in the new century!

For the Chinese pop music scene that has almost fallen to the bottom, this album is definitely not a flashback. In the eyes of musicians, this is a good medicine that can bring the Chinese pop music scene back to life.

The standards, techniques, and styles of good songs in the New World have already been formulated by Luo Quan. Even if the newcomers imitate and learn from them, they will certainly be able to produce excellent works. Be strong.

Of course, these are just the good expectations of domestic musicians. Whether the Chinese music scene can be revived or not depends on people. If Luo Quan is not the last genius, then everything will develop in a good direction......

"Ask for leave again?" Counselor Xu sat in the office and looked at Lu Yao who looked embarrassed in front of him, "What's going on in your dormitory, today is the fourth one, and there is something urgent at home?"

Lu Yao blushed and nodded: "It's something urgent."

Counselor Xu took a deep breath, seeing that the four female voices were usually quite obedient, so she didn't worry too much about it.

On the other hand, art colleges do have relatively loose control in this regard. Many of the students are artists, and it is inevitable that the schedule conflicts with the curriculum. Therefore, as long as you perform well in school, you can usually ask for leave.

It's just that today is a bit outrageous. Of the four girls in Luoquan's dormitory, three have come to ask for leave before, and this is the fourth one!

"Pay attention to safety, remember to keep in touch with parents and teachers, and don't go to places with potential safety hazards, do you hear me?" Counselor Xu issued a leave request and handed it to Lu Yao.

"Thank you teacher!" Lu Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief as she took the leave slip in her hand.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yizhu hurried over: "How is it, are you here?"

"Of course I've been invited." Lu Yao proudly shook the leave note in her hand, full of smiles.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "I just said that Counselor Xu is very talkative, but you are still worried that she won't give me leave.

Now that you are all on leave, then go to the supermarket to buy things according to the list later, and I will contact Wen Xia in the evening. "

"Yeah!" The girls cheered. There is nothing more comfortable than taking a long vacation to go out during class time, let alone going to a resort like the Maldives.

After the successful crowdfunding last night, Luo Quan was already preparing to go to the Maldives to shoot swimsuits, and asked casually if anyone wanted to go with him.

Of course Lin Yizhu and the others wanted to play together, but they felt that it would be a little bad if all the dormitories were off work, so they were still hesitant.

However, Luo Quan reassured her, saying that Counselor Xu was fierce in front of the students, but in fact he was kinder in private, and every time she went to ask for leave, she gave it.

So, the girls decided to give it a try, but they did not expect it to be a success.

In November, the Maldives is at the turn of the rainy season and dry season, and it is also the transition period from the off-season to the peak season. There are not too many people, and it is also a period of good weather.

It is located in the tropics, the weather is kept at around 30 degrees all year round, and the sunshine is very abundant, so skin care products such as sunscreen are definitely needed.

In addition, travel supplies such as swimsuits, sunglasses, and beach mats are also essential.

However, because Luoquan invited Lin Zheyuan's senior sister Wang Lan as a full-time photographer, it saved everyone the cost of purchasing photography equipment.

This time, in order to take a good photo, Luo Quan hired a first-class domestic photographer with his own money, and he also used the best equipment.

Expensive is a bit expensive, but it's all necessary, even if it's not for the fans, Luo Quan doesn't want to be so perfunctory in his first swimsuit photoshoot in his life.

Wenxia's Luoquan has also notified that the two parties, including their respective photographers and managers, add up to a total of 16 people, taking the same flight and staying in the same hotel.

Speaking of it, it's really fortunate that Wen Xia mentioned to her before that she was going to the Maldives for vacation, otherwise she really didn't know where to take her swimsuit photo.

Girls' Generation has been touring and appearing on shows for the past few months, and there are very few perspectives for rest. After the Mid-Autumn Festival party, the company finally gave them a short vacation and asked them to go to the Maldives to relax.

Of course, it is said to be relaxing, but in fact there is still a task. Girls’ Generation’s group drama is currently being broadcast on Penguin Video. This time the photographer will take pictures of the whole process, and after editing, it will be broadcast as a special episode of the group drama.

Hearing about the filming of the group show, Luo Quan knew that he would inevitably be in the film, but fortunately, there was no script for the group show of Girls' Generation, and he only filmed some daily routines, so he didn't need to pay special attention.

In the evening, the girls who came back from the shopping mall spread all the items on their respective tables, full of things and very imposing.

"Squad leader, what styles of swimsuits did you buy?" Lin Yizhu asked Luo Quan curiously while arranging his clothes, "I see you bought more than a dozen sets, don't you look at the styles?"

"I haven't tried it yet, but they are all regular swimsuits." Luo Quan went on a trip this time, and clothes accounted for 90.00% of the suitcase. Swimsuits, pajamas, and usual clothes, all prepared a few pieces.

Especially swimsuits, because she will be taking a photo shoot this time, so she specially bought a lot of sets, and she will probably buy more after she arrives in the Maldives.

Lin Yizhu said earnestly: "If you don't try it, how can you do it? You don't know if you buy a small one or a big one. When you arrive in the Maldives, what should you do if it doesn't fit you?"

Luo Quan was speechless: "How do you try on swimsuits in the mall? Besides, I bought them according to my height and weight. The swimsuits are also elastic, so there shouldn't be any inappropriate fit."

Speaking of it, Luo Quan has been insisting on losing weight in the past half a month, running and skipping rope every day, doing yoga, and eating very moderately, and his weight has finally dropped.

Although she only lost three catties, it was a huge improvement for her who had been gaining weight all the time!

But she's going to shoot a swimsuit soon, and she's actually quite uncertain in her heart. After all, where her weight is, she doesn't know if she will have fat on her body.

Luo Quan sighed sadly: "The only pity is that the vest line is not practiced. If there is a vest line, the photos taken will be perfect."

When Lu Yao heard Luo Quan's regretful voice, she seemed a little helpless: "Can I think you are mocking us? Return the vest line, and I am afraid that the swimming ring on my stomach will affect the shooting effect."

As she said that, Lu Yao lowered her head and pinched her stomach, pulling up a layer of flesh covered by her clothes.

These words can be said to have reached the hearts of Zhang Yun and Lin Yizhu. In this weather, everyone usually wears thick clothes, so they can't tell.

But once on the beach, everyone's figure will be revealed. Although girls usually pay more attention to diet, after all, they exercise less and accumulate fat inevitably.

As for the class monitor, don't look at her moaning and sighing all day long, saying that the weight loss has no effect at all, and the weight close to 130 is almost worrying me to death.

In fact, when the squad leader was practicing yoga, they had sneaked a lot of sneak peeks. How could this be a figure of [-]?
Concave and convex, with undulating peaks and peaks, this is the figure of a world-class supermodel!
That's it, and you still clamor that there is no vest line, if you really have it, you still have it?Do they want to live with mediocre figures?

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not mocking you..."

Lin Yizhu waved his hand: "Don't talk about it? You'll know if you have any fat on the beach. Besides, it doesn't matter if you have any. A lot of fat is not worth a touch of PS. No matter how fat a swimming ring is, it won't matter. I'll make you into a small waist!"

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded, folded the last swimsuit, and stuffed it into the suitcase.

Although she doesn't usually use sunscreen, considering the strong ultraviolet rays on the beach, she still brings a bottle, and Dabao is also a must.

In addition to skin care products, Luo Quan also brought cold medicine, toilet water and Yunnan Baiyao. It is inevitable to encounter minor illnesses and injuries when going out, and having these things can make her feel at ease.

The last thing, Luo Quan exchanged for advanced swimming specialization in the mall.

As a landlubber, Luo Quan has never been in the water in his life. This time, he is going to the Maldives, which is known as the holy land of diving, and also has to take photos in swimsuits. It would be a pity not to swim twice in the water.

Although the swimming skills are good, it is all theoretical knowledge after all, and the specific situation can only be known after practice.

At that time, you can thump and thump in the shallow water area first. As for the deep water area, forget it for the time being, there is no need to go there.

The girls were excited all night, and have been searching for relevant photos and videos of the Maldives, as well as local customs and specialties. They have also collected a lot of scenic spots, and plan to check in one by one in the future.

The result of this is that the whole dormitory stayed up all night, and just when they wanted to sleep, it was already six o'clock, and the plane was at eight o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yizhu looked at his watch in surprise: "Wow, it's already six o'clock, and I don't feel anything at all."

Lu Yao yawned, ready to wash up and eat breakfast: "I wanted to talk about it at three o'clock, but seeing how excited you are, I didn't mention it."

Luo Quan didn't care: "It's okay, it takes more than ten hours to fly from here to Maldives, and there is plenty of time for you to sleep.

Everyone wash their faces, go to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then get ready to go out and reunite with Girls' Generation. "

With that said, Luo Quan took out his cell phone and sent Wen Xia a message:
"Are you awake?"

Wen Xia quickly replied:

"I just woke up and was packing my things."

"I didn't sleep all night, I stayed up all night." Luo Quan rubbed his eyes and replied with a smile.

"(Sweating) As for being so excited, I still haven't seen the world, this time it will open your eyes!"

"Go away! You haven't seen the world, New York, London, New Zealand, where have I never been?"

When Luo Quan retorted, she was actually quite guilty. When she went to these places, she went straight to the hotel when she got off the plane, and spent most of her time in the room. Gonzo.

"I've been to so many places, why don't I have any souvenirs?"

Wen Xia immediately grasped Luo Quan's weakness, and the latter couldn't justify himself, so he could only end the topic angrily:
"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and do belly-holding exercises, and wait until I get to the beach to see how I can instantly kill you!"

"Tch, you can be a little confident in this aspect, but this time there are eleven of us, and nine of them are dancers. I don't believe we can't find a body that is not as good as yours."

"Then we'll wait and see. (Proud)"

Luo Quan, who finally regained his fortune, was in a good mood. After washing up, all the girls went to the cafeteria to have a hearty breakfast.

I will eat two meals on the plane later. Everyone knows the level of plane meals. Eat more now to avoid starvation on the plane.

After breakfast, Luo Quan and others met Wen Xia at the back door of the school.

Lin Yizhu and the others all knew that Wen Xia, the monitor's friend, was also studying in the same grade, and the two often met each other, but they had never met Wen Xia.

"Wow, big star!" Lin Yizhu was very familiar, and greeted Wen Xia when he saw him.

"This is Lin Yizhu, this is Zhang Yun, and this is Lu Yao." Luo Quan introduced his roommates to Wen Xia one by one.

Wen Xia's personality has always been warm and cheerful, and after chatting with Luo Quan's roommate for a few words, the relationship has already become familiar.

Soon, the van arranged by the company to pick them up arrived.

Wen Xia put on her sunglasses and opened the trunk of the van: "Let's go straight to the airport and meet the others there."

(End of this chapter)

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