Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 351 Competition

Chapter 351 Competition
"Luo Quan?"

In the airport cafe, a girl approached Luo Quan.

"Senior Wang Lan, hello, hello." Luo Quan immediately got up to say hello when he saw the person coming.

This is the well-known photographer Lin Zheyuan introduced to her. The two communicated on the mobile phone before, and she will be fully responsible for the shooting plan in Maldives this time.

"Who is this?" Luo Quan noticed that there was a girl behind Wang Lan, who looked quite young and timid.

Wang Lan introduced with a smile: "This is my apprentice Li Yuan, who is also a student of Shangyi. She is a first-year student in the Department of Photography. Because there are more equipment this time, I asked her to help me, and I can learn something by the way. thing."

Lin Yizhu was very enthusiastic: "So you are a classmate, welcome."

"These are all the equipment you pay for, Sony's A7R3 micro-SLR camera, DJI drone M2 Pro, underwater equipment I own, and some other parts, all here."

Both Wang Lan and Li Yuan had a suitcase and a long black box in their hands, and their expressions didn't seem to be very heavy.

"Let me carry one for you." Luo Quan said, taking a box from Wang Lan.

It is not sinking, but considering that the items inside are relatively fragile, you have to store it carefully when you get off the plane.

"Everyone is here..." Wen Xia came in from outside the coffee shop, followed by the girls of Girls' Generation.

"Wang Photography, why are you here?" Wen Xia suddenly saw Wang Lan in front of Luo Quan, with a surprised expression.

Luo Quan explained: "Sister Wang is the photographer I hired this time. Why, you guys know each other too?"

Wen Xia nodded: "We have cooperated several times before, and Wang Photography is a big celebrity in the circle."

Wang Lan laughed: "It's all for face and praise from colleagues."

"Just for this sentence, I think senior sister, you are much better than that guy Lin Zheyuan. If he is praised so much, his ass will be up in the sky!"

Hearing Luo Quan's complaints, Wang Lan couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Lin is indeed more flamboyant, but his talent in photography is not lower than mine. There is hope to become a world-class photographer in the future."

Luo Quan was taken aback: "It turns out that Senior Lin said that he is the most talented student in the history of Shangyi Photography Department. Is it true?"

Wang Lan nodded: "It sounds exaggerated, but it is true."

Wen Xia interrupted the conversation between the two immediately: "Let me tell you, if you want to reminisce about the old days, you can talk after getting off the plane, okay? Go to the security check first, okay?"

Luo Quan was a little embarrassed: "Let's go, let's talk too much inadvertently."

In fact, there is still plenty of time, and the registration is early, but because there are more people this time, if there is any problem, it can be resolved as soon as possible.

Although the Maldives is not exempt from visas for China, it can apply for a visa on arrival. After arriving in the Maldives, you can apply for a visa with your air ticket, passport and hotel reservation form.

The Maldives is known as the country of a thousand islands. The land area of ​​298 square kilometers is subdivided into 1192 islands, but only more than 200 of them are inhabited.

More than half of the more than 200 islands have hotels.

The hotel booked by Wen Xia's agent is called Gita, a five-star hotel located on Gita Island (fictional).

The area of ​​Jita Island is not very large, only less than 2 square kilometers, and the overall shape is an obtuse triangle. The hotel rooms are lined up on two obtuse sides. In the center of the island are restaurants and entertainment facilities. Long sandy beach, the scenery is quite good.

Because it’s not the peak season yet, there aren’t too many tourists on Gita Island. A dozen or so people from Luoquan actually bought the room numbers connected together, which is quite lucky.

After passing the security check, the checked baggage that should be handled should go to the waiting room of the waiting room.

Luo Quan and the Girls' Generation girls are quite familiar. Although they haven't talked much recently, they have been together for several months before, and the relationship has not faded. When they entered the waiting room, they gathered around and asked things.

The most frequently asked question is the plan for this swimsuit photoshoot in the Maldives.

"Quanjiang, how did you come up with the idea of ​​taking a swimsuit photo shoot?" Junko Yagyu hadn't seen Luo Quan for a long time, and as soon as she entered the waiting room, she couldn't wait to sit on Luo Quan's right hand side, taking Wen Xia's place They were all robbed.

Wen Xia stood aside, sneered: "It's not that she is a bit of a slut, she set a flag with fans during the live broadcast."

Luo Quan said stubbornly: "Although it was not my intention to set up a flag, the fans finally collected [-] million US dollars. Doesn't this mean that my fans are very powerful?"

Junko nodded quickly: "It's really amazing, I don't know if we can raise so much money instead."

It was just an unintentional sentence, but the other members of Girls' Generation really thought about it.

This kind of crowdfunding is actually quite a test of fan loyalty and financial ability. Girls' Generation is currently known as the top girl group in Asia. It is basically invincible in China, and its popularity in Japan and South Korea is also quite high.

But if fans are really asked to crowdfund [-] million, can it really be done?

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuner frowned and said: "It feels a bit difficult. The success of Luoquan's crowdfunding this time is also the result of calling on fans all over the world to add a Dubai prince, and this Dubai prince alone bears one-third of it."

Wen Xia laughed: "We also have such a local tyrant and benefactor."

"Huh?" Lin Yizhu and the others' ears perked up, and they could still hear this kind of gossip!
Seeing Wen Xia's smiling expression, Junzi blushed: "Sister Wen Xia, don't talk nonsense, I don't have any money back."

Wen Xia spread her hands and smiled: "I didn't say who it was, you just stood up, who is to blame?"

"Is that Ye Kai?" Luo Quan recalled that Wen Xia had told her that there was a top young man in the country who gave Junzi a big help during the Girls' Generation group night.

Hearing Ye Kai, the other members of Girls' Generation also laughed. They all know the story of Junko and him, and this is no secret in the group.

At the beginning of the tour, this Mr. Ye had to go to the front row to support him every time he came back, and he even went to the backstage to give Junko roses during the intermission.

But every time Junzi would clearly express his rejection, but Ye Gongzi's face was as hard and thick as soaked and cooled cowhide, no matter how many times he was rejected, it was useless.

Although he didn't come to the tour scene much later, but his trumpet often interacts under Girls' Generation's official blog. Junko's super chat is also one of the administrators, and the purity of fans is very high.

"In this way, if Junzi is willing to take photos in swimsuits, this Mr. Ye might really be able to throw out [-] million yuan." Luo Quan made fun of Junzi with a serious expression.

"I won't tell you any more." Junko blushed and shyly sat beside Yue Wei.

Wen Xiajiang and Jiang Yun'er pulled to Luo Quan's side, stood in front of the two of them, and looked carefully.

Luo Quan's smile froze on his face: "What are you looking at?"

"Comparing your figure, didn't you just say that you wanted to kill our Girls' Generation instantly on the beach? Yun'er is about the same height as you. I want to see if you can kill her instantly."

Wen Xia was talking, and finally attracted the attention of all the members of Girls' Generation.

Luo Quan retorted: "Don't bring hatred to me, I just said I will kill you in seconds!"

"I'm the captain of Girls' Generation, and the captain's face has been damaged, so the team members will naturally help me out." Wen Xia said with a straight face.

Luo Quan laughed and said, "So you admit that you have been killed by me?"

Wen Xia was noncommittal: "Don't change the subject for me, your gauntlet has already been issued to all the members of Girls' Generation, and then naturally we will deal with you...... Everyone, right?"


The girls are a little excited.

In terms of appearance, they are not comparable to Luo Quan, they are destined by nature, and they cannot be adjusted to the same level the day after tomorrow.

But a good figure can be obtained through acquired exercise. Many of them were already idols before they formed a group. They have taken many years of fitness classes and danced for several years. Don't be too good!

If you don't have a curvaceous S-curve, you don't dare to wear navel dresses and miniskirts on the stage that everyone is watching.

Therefore, when it comes to body competition, even Junzi, who is the least confident, dares to touch Luo Quan.

She is very clear about her friend's personality. She is a typical two-dimensional home girl. In addition to going to school for three years in high school, she just stays at home and goes shopping very few times!
With such amount of exercise, what kind of good figure can you have?

"Hey... It seems that you are very confident." Luo Quan spread his hands flat on the back of the chair, sitting like a big guy: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, I have been doing high-intensity exercise and practicing yoga recently. .”

When the three roommates heard this, they all laughed out loud, dismantling the stage very shamelessly.

No one knows who they are in the same room these two months and what state Luoquan is in.

If you say that you have been exercising recently, but it's only been half a month, what's the point of saying it badly?
"It seems that your roommate agrees with what you said?" Wen Xia folded her arms, her smile gradually rippling.

"They're laughing at you for not knowing what you can do!" Luo Quan never let go of his mouth.

The main reason is that her family knows her own affairs. It is one thing that she does not exercise, but it is also a fact that she grows obediently and in the right place.

Seeing the number 130 usually makes her feel very crisis-conscious, clamoring to lose weight if she is too fat, but only she can tell whether she is fat or not in the bathroom.

Isn't Versailles literature popular on the Internet recently? It's actually about people like her.

The members of Girls' Generation carefully observed Luo Quan. Today, she was wearing a Chanel loose coat as usual, and all her figure was covered under the thick coat.

I must have gained weight, so I wear such thick clothes, trying to cover up the fat!This is what Wen Xia thought in her heart, and she let go of her originally suspended heart.

"Hey, if I don't practice dancing for a day, my bones are a little loose." Jiang Yun'er straightened up, put her hands behind her back and stretched her waist, her chest was raised high.

In terms of size, she is not the biggest girl in Girls' Generation, but she must be the most well-proportioned one, which is quite beautiful.

This stretch made Luo Quan's three roommates feel inferior.

After Jiang Yun'er stretched, she glanced at Luo Quan with a half-smile.

Although this is her boss, girls always like to compare themselves in terms of body and appearance, let alone super beauties like them.

You may not say it on the lips, but you will want to compete openly and secretly.

In private, the members of Girls' Generation often engage in similar contests. It is recognized that Jiang Yuner, Yue Wei, and Wen Xia have the best figures. Among them, Yue Wei claims to be the conscience of Girls' Generation because she has the broadest mind.

Luo Quan didn't care: "Oh, it seems that Yun'er wants to provoke your boss."

Yun'er pretended to be wronged and said: "Why, I just stretched myself."

"Cut, wait for me!" Luo Quan's clothes were too big, and he definitely couldn't fight back at this time, so he could only speak harshly.

As a result, Wen Xia took advantage of the victory to pursue and ridiculed Luo Quan for a while.

Luo Quan didn't speak, how proud Wen Xia is now, how happy it will be when she slaps her in the face.

While laughing and laughing, Lin Yizhu and others can be regarded as getting acquainted with the idols of Girls' Generation.

Girls always have endless topics to talk about, and the degree of overlap is quite high, and they become acquainted after chatting.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia were still hurting each other just now, and after a while they sat together and met again, and began to discuss their travel plans after arriving in the Maldives.

As an island country built of coral reefs, Maldives has quite a few diving beaches and coral biomes, which are very suitable for diving.

Unlike Luo Quan, Wen Xia's swimming skills are quite good. He had passed the diver certification test in South Korea before, and this time he went to the Maldives, so he definitely wanted to try diving.

Of course, Maldives will arrange professional diving instructors to accompany diving tourists. Yachts and emergency personnel are parked on the water at any time. The diving locations are also carefully selected, and they will not choose places that are too deep. Basically, there is no need to worry about safety.

However, Luo Quan has always been timid, and he has never been in the water before, so he expressly rejected Wen Xia's proposal for diving.

And there are so many people this time, only Wen Xia has a diver's certificate, she can't dive alone, everyone is watching from above, right?
She went diving alone, and as the captain, she definitely couldn't do that.

Wen Xia thought about it, and felt that this was the same reason, and finally gave up the idea of ​​diving in the deep water area, and decided to just swim near the diving beach. In fact, the difference is not particularly big.

Chatting and chatting, it was time to board the plane. Everyone carried their luggage, checked in and got on the plane one by one. The girls helped each other carefully store the camera equipment.

In the sweet and gentle voice of the purser, the girls put on their seat belts, switched their mobile phones to flight mode, some were listening to music, and some were still chatting.

It has been almost two months since Luo Quan met Junzi and Yun'er last time. In the past two months, Luo Quan recruited two more artists to the company, and he wanted to tell them about these.

And Junzi and Yun'er also have a lot to say to Luo Quan, but these words have to wait for Luo Quan to make up for the sleepiness last night.

After staying up all night and morning, her eyelids are so heavy that she can't open them...

(End of this chapter)

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