Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 353 Aphrodite at the Seaside

Chapter 353 Aphrodite at the Seaside
The yacht docked at the sea pier, and a dozen young people got off the yacht and returned to the shore along the wooden bridge.

"What a big and handsome boat!" Wen Xia looked at the luxury yacht floating in the waves in the distance, and said enviously.

Lin Yizhu took a few glances and said, "That's a supreme luxury yacht made in Russia, with a total length of 36 meters, can accommodate more than 40 people, and the price is around 2.2 million U.S. dollars."

Wen Xia was taken aback: "Are you so clear?"

Lin Yizhu explained: "My father also owns one in the Philippines, but it is mostly used by my brother to play with. I haven't been on it a few times... Yachts are considered standard equipment for rich people. The monitor's father should have one too, right? "

Luo Quan remembered his father's bragging, saying that apart from the aircraft carrier, he could get any ship, and the yacht would be a piece of cake.

"I haven't seen it, but it should be there."

Wen Xia sighed: "This is the life of the rich, two horses worth more than [-] million dollars... Hey, that person looks familiar."

"Which person?" Luo Quan lowered his head and continued to apply sunscreen seriously.

Wen Xia sat up from the beach chair, and pointed in the direction of the group of young people: "Look, is that the royal grandson who chased you in Japan before?"

Luo Quan frowned and looked over, and saw a handsome East Asian guy standing among a group of blond foreigners, opening a bottle of champagne and drinking with his head held high.

"It's really him... How come you have such good eyesight, you recognized him at a glance?" Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia suspiciously.

Wen Xia shrugged innocently: "You are so handsome, so I took a few extra glances."

"Boring." Luo Quan pouted, and put on the sunglasses and sun hat on the table.

Wen Xia had a smirk on her face: "You see someone you know, why don't you go up and say hello?"

Luo Quan continued to put on sunscreen: "He is traveling with his friends, why should I go up to say hello rashly? Just play on your own."

While talking, another yacht sailed from the sea, but this yacht was much shabby compared to the previous one. It was less than ten meters long and had an old-fashioned style. Some rust and scratches could still be seen on the outside of the hull.

Especially when it stops next to the supreme yacht, it forms an extremely sharp contrast.

"Damn, whose yacht is so luxurious." Seifert hooked the anchor on the metal bar of the pier, and then jumped onto the wooden bridge.

"Why do you care so much, go ashore to find water, my throat is about to smoke!" Leon couldn't wait to go ashore, his eyes had already set his sights on the shops on the beach.

"Acquaintance again." Wen Xia saw Leon rushing into the store in a hurry, and felt that there was a good show today.

Seeing his younger brother, Luo Quan couldn't sit still: "Why are the three of them here?"

Not only Leon, but Seifert and Fred also followed. Although wearing sunglasses, Luo Quan still recognized them.

Wen Xia grinned and said, "Are you going to continue sitting?"

"I want you to tell me!" Luo Quan muttered, then put on a white shirt as thin as a cicada's wings, and walked towards the store.

"Ah~~~It's comfortable." Leon took a big mouthful of coconut juice and felt refreshed.

"Why don't you wait to call your sister directly, I don't think you can hide from her with such an excuse." Fred made a suggestion to the other two.

"Let's talk about it later, let me drink first." After a busy morning, Seifert himself was a little tired.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the three:
"What a coincidence, are you here on vacation?"


Hearing this sound, Seifert spurted out all the coconut milk he had in his mouth before he could swallow it.

Turning his head to look, Luo Quan crossed his arms and looked at them with a half-smile.

"Oh, isn't this Luoquan? I didn't expect to meet you here. You are so breathtakingly beautiful in a swimsuit!" Seifert's expression was extremely flamboyant, and his compliments were as disgusting as ever.

Luo Quan sneered coldly: "Your acting skills are not good at all, learn more from my brother, and don't have such an exaggerated expression."

After finishing speaking, the three of them suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Haha, sister, we just happened to be on vacation in the Maldives, and just saw you posting that you were coming too, so I wanted to come and surprise you." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Leon could only bite the bullet and talk halfway. a lie.

Luo Quan also knew in his heart that most of what his brother said was not the truth, at least not entirely.

However, she didn't need to worry about this kind of thing, and her face softened a little: "The three of you just drive such a broken boat out for vacation? Can that thing strike up girls on the beach?"

Seifert was not happy when he heard this, and mentioned his plaid shirt: "The most important thing to strike up a conversation is the skills of speech, and the tools are only secondary. Don't think your brother is so handsome. If you really talk about courting girls Like, he's not as good as one of my toes."

Leon rolled his eyes speechlessly, and turned his back to express that he didn't want to listen to his arrogant friend continue to blow.

"It's Leon, ahhh—"

There were screams not far away. It turned out that the female tourist on the beach recognized Leon and ran over while screaming.

As the "Lyon" grows louder, the attention of the entire beach is drawn to the store.

As an idol popular among women all over the world, Lyon has far more fans than her sister.

Most male star chasers are more rational, while female star chasers are basically irrational at all. As soon as Leon appeared, the girls who noticed basically ran over.

Fortunately, there were only about a hundred people on the beach, and there were only about twenty young girls, except for Luo Quan and the others, there were only a dozen or three girls around.

After taking a group photo with these excited girls who were about to cry, Leon Luoquan and others left the store and walked towards Wen Xia.

"Hey, I don't know if the girls who took pictures with me just noticed your restless toes?" Leon patted Seifert's shoulder, winking with yin and yang.

Seifert said righteously: "Heh, now that I am an agent, how can I steal your limelight?"

Luo Quan finally couldn't hold it anymore: "Stop bragging, the most important thing in chasing a girl is face. If Leon doesn't speak, a large group of girls will come around. Can you strike up a conversation with more than a dozen girls with your mouth?"

"Superficial!" Seifert became annoyed, expressing that he didn't want to continue arguing with the pair of yin and yang siblings.

"Ah, isn't this teacher Leon!" Junko and others came back from playing volleyball, and when they saw Leon, they bounced around before taking a breath.

Seifert saw that she was an acquaintance, but no one paid attention to her. They all surrounded Leon and chattered, and suddenly felt that he had a heart attack.

"Today's bad luck!" Seifert felt Luo Quan's sarcastic gaze and explained.

But this explanation seems so weak.

"Okay, I won't laugh at you anymore, I'm going to take a photo." Luo Quan said as he walked towards Wang Lan, "Sister, let's get to work."

"Just waiting for your words." Wang Lan and Li Yuan got up immediately, and picked up a piece of equipment that had been adjusted a long time ago.

The three of them gradually moved away from the crowd, and Luo Quan also took the opportunity to ask: "Senior sister, this is my first swimsuit photoshoot, is there anything special about it?"

When it comes to our business, Wang Lan, who had been silent before, obviously talked more: "Talk more, talk less, first of all, you have to be clear about the audience you want to shoot this set of photos and the theme you want to express.

First of all, exposure in swimsuit photos is unavoidable, but it is not as naked and direct as in body portraits, and it is more about the hazy beauty of holding a pipa and half covering the face. "

Luo Quan nodded: "Understood, if you want to reveal it, you still cover it up, right?"

"That's it." Wang Lan agreed with Luo Quan's understanding.

Luo Quan lowered his head and thought for a while: "I don't have a clear theme yet, but the audience is the fans at home and abroad, but the scale should not be too large, and it is easy to be gossiped by the domestic media."

Wang Lan understood Luo Quan's concerns, and said comfortingly, "You don't have to feel embarrassed or worry about anything, whether it's domestic or foreign, swimsuit photos are not considered large-scale photos anymore.

Because even if it’s a swimsuit photo shoot, you can still shoot a youthful and sunny style, as long as there are no X-like elements in it.A better shot can also be artistic.

The key lies in the expression and body language of the model. The eyes should be clear, and the movements should be natural and brave, without the slightest blur, otherwise it will easily have the opposite effect.

For swimwear photos, color is the foundation, but to achieve color but not silver, the model and the photographer need to work together with the same goal. "

Luo Quan took a deep breath: "Senior sister, you are a professional. I will follow your instructions."

Wang Lan smiled: "That's for sure, I will do my best to take the best photos.

First, you have to open yourself up. "

Just the first request made Luo Quan dumbfounded.

"Open?" Luo Quan said in embarrassment: "There are so many people on the beach......"

"I didn't mean that." Knowing that Luo Quan had misunderstood, Wang Lan quickly explained: "I mean to open your heart. Although you put on a swimsuit and went to the beach, you still have some resistance and restraint in your subconscious. Maybe you Did not realize.

What you have to do now is to make all your movements natural and make this beach your bedroom. Do you feel embarrassed in the bedroom because you only wear swimsuits? "

"Understood." Luo Quan opened his tightly clenched palms, and gradually opened up his inner defenses.

Wang Lan continued to do ideological work: "Also, don't care about other people's eyes, you are the most beautiful in the world, and all the eyes that gather at you, whether they are admiring or greedy, are the greatest compliments to you.

Musically, your talent is your greatest asset.

In terms of portraits, your appearance and figure are your greatest wealth. No one can compare with you at present, so your self-confidence should come from the inside out.

You have conquered the world once with musical notes, now, you need to conquer the world again with your frown and smile! "

Luo Quan laughed: "Senior sister, you are eloquent. Did you minor in debate?"

"I'm minoring in psychology, but I always meet new people in this line of work. If I'm timid, sometimes I have to be a chicken soup teacher for the soul.

But your qualifications are incomparable to those newcomers. You must be confident, and you should be confident. No girl in the world can have more capital than you! "

After listening to the senior sister's energetic encouragement, Luo Quan felt that his body and mind were indeed much more relaxed.

Seeing that Luo Quan seems to have entered the state, Wang Lan began to proceed to the next step: "Next, it's time to give this set of portraits a name."

This can be regarded as setting a main tone for the whole set of photos, and the general direction of the next shooting will also be determined.

Suddenly asking her to choose a serious name, to be honest, Luo Quan has never thought about it, because she actually didn't treat this swimsuit photoshoot as a serious work, she just wanted to take some good-looking photos for fans Benefits.

But after listening to Wang Lan's words, she knew that swimsuit photos can also be made into works of art, and her heart began to come alive.

Since it is a work of art, the name should not be so perfunctory. Originally, Luo Quan wanted to name it "[-]-Day Tour of the Maldives", but now...

"How about calling it "Aphrodite by the Sea"?" Luo Quan quickly came up with a name inspired by a famous piano song "Adilina by the Water" she had heard before.

Compared with Adilina, Aphrodite, as the Greek god of love and beauty, is undoubtedly superior.

Wang Lan had blown her so hard just now, so she was a little flustered at this time, and her naming and words were much bolder.

"Are you a little too arrogant?" Luo Quan scratched his head and asked.

"What a good name!" Wang Lan and his apprentice Li Yuanju's eyes lit up: "No one is more suitable for this name than you!"

"Then it's settled." Luo Quan made a decision with a smile.

In fact, she is also beating drums in her heart. Although Aphrodite is the god of love and beauty, the supreme existence of appearance and charm in Greek mythology, she is not only in charge of love and beauty, but also has a bad reputation because of her dissolute nature.

However, these gods in Greece are actually not too different, there are not many serious gods, and ordinary people will not go deep into all the characteristics of Aphrodite, they only need to know her most representative characteristics It's perfect.

"Okay, let's start shooting." Wang Lan opened the lens protection cover of the mirrorless camera, "There are a lot of actions that need to be made next, don't feel embarrassed or anything, just follow my instructions... Let's go into the sea first, It just hits the ankle."

Luo Quan walked a few steps into the blue sea water, the cool sea water gently slapped her instep, and the sea breeze lifted her golden hair, fluttering wantonly in the air.

According to Wang Lan's command, Luo Quance faced the camera, looked into the distance with a smile on his face, put his hands on the back of his head, elbows forward, and his arms covered his cheeks, leaving only half of his face for the camera.

The golden sunlight sprinkled all over Luo Quan's white and flawless body, and the raised arms made her proud parts stand tall.

Everything is so beautiful and natural.

(End of this chapter)

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