Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 354 The Noble Party

Chapter 354 The Noble Party
After taking another photo, Wang Lan stopped. Gradually, she could no longer satisfy these routine movements.

"Can you perform more difficult movements?" Wang Lan asked.

"More difficult?" Luo Quan stood up from the water, "I know karate and some yoga, and my body flexibility is not bad."

"I said you could do yoga!" Wang Lan said overjoyed. If she could do yoga, there would be too many poses to choose from.

"In this way, try a more difficult movement yourself first, and don't force yourself if it doesn't work."

Luo Quan didn't speak, closed his eyes, took a few breaths, and began to grasp every muscle in his body.

Although the system can't help her lose weight, the various martial arts obtained through the lottery have made her body parts quite flexible. In addition, she has practiced yoga hard recently and has mastered various postures. Luo Quan's current level can be said to be a yoga master Not too much.

After adjusting for half a minute, she slowly raised her left foot, with the sole of her foot touching the side of her right knee, and clasped her hands together in front of her chest. She stood there quietly like a tree, motionless.

"Hold it!" Wang Lan said, asking Li Yuan to adjust the position of the reflector, and then aimed at Luo Quan and pressed the shutter.

"Are you ready?" Luo Quan kept his movements unchanged and opened his mouth to ask.

"Okay, are there any other movements, mainly ones that can bring out the softness of the body and limbs?" Wang Lan put her hands on her chest and made a gesture from the inside out.

Luo Quan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

As she spoke, she sat straight forward in the split-horse, crossed her head with her right hand, grabbed the toe of the foot behind her, and made it form a quadrilateral with her back.

Such a concave shape makes Luo Quan's already proud parts look more round and majestic.

"Perfect!" Wang Lan couldn't help admiring, and at the same time frantically pressed the shutter with her fingers.

"There is also an advanced board." Luo Quan also gradually let go, and continued to increase the difficulty of the movements.

I saw her draw a semicircle with the front leg on the soft white sand, and her two long legs reached behind her, knocking one high and the other low in the air, and grasping the toes with both hands.

This pose fully shows the beauty of Luo Quan's long legs and plump TUN.

If her roommate was here, she would definitely understand where Luo Quan's fat body grew.

Just like what Wen Xia said before, Luo Quan is the public enemy of all girls. When other girls grow fat, they always get fat in the waist and then in the face. With more than half a catty of fat on their bodies, it seems like the end of the world is coming.

And Luo Quan's increased weight is like the traffic flow under the command of the traffic police, and they all go to where they should go in an orderly manner without causing any congestion.

Therefore, Luo Quan's weight of more than a dozen catties did not reduce her appearance in any way, on the contrary, it directly turned her thin body into a devil!
At this time, Wang Lan could not find any words of praise, and could only repeat words such as "very good", "beautiful" and "too beautiful", and pressed the shutter quickly... ...


On the beach chair, a handsome black-haired Caucasian guy tilted his head and looked into the distance, sighing sincerely.

"What are you looking at Roy?" Masaku Kiya, who was sitting next to the handsome black-haired guy, asked curiously.

Roy raised his hand and pointed: "Look there, there is a girl with a superb figure who is taking a photo. She is white and has a good figure, and her body is ridiculously flexible!"

Jing Gongya pretended to look at the past, her heartbeat doubled immediately: "It's her..."

Roy was surprised: "You recognized her from such a distance? I can't even see the eyes on her face."

Jing Gong Masaku bowed his head in despair, and said softly: "It can't be wrong, it's her."

Roy smiled and said: "It seems that this girl has some stories with our Masazu-san, but since you all meet again here, maybe it's a wonderful fate?"

Jing Gong Masaku shook his head and smiled wryly: "There is no fate, I actually knew that she would come to the Maldives, but I didn't know that we would meet so soon.

And I have no story with her, it's just my unrequited love. "

Roy joked: "No way, Jinggong, you are the most popular girl among us. In the past, others had unrequited love for you. Now you are the other way around. Is this girl so beautiful?"

Jing Gong Masaku was speechless: "Nonsense, she is the most beautiful in the world now."

Roy thought about it: "The world is the most mean the princess from Albert's family?"

"That's what you call her? But isn't the relationship between her grandfather and the current British royal family relatively normal?"

Roy took a sip of the cocktail comfortably, and talked eloquently: "Although the blood of the British royal family is orthodox now, the Albert family is not a collateral line, the ancestors of both families are the same.

Besides, the relationship between the Albert family and the Hohensolt family is quite close. With the blessing of so many factors, it is reasonable to be called a princess in our circle.

The only pity is that her mother is a Chinese commoner, which is the biggest disadvantage of her noble blood. "

Jing Gong Masaku became serious: "Don't say these things in front of her, and don't say them again in the future.

The disadvantage you feel is her greatest pride. She respects and loves her mother very much. "

Roy quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I drank a little too much, and I made a mistake.

But seeing that you are so nervous about her, you still can't forget your unrequited love, I'm curious how beautiful she is? "

Jing Gong Masaku suspected that Roy was joking with him: "Haven't you seen her picture? Also, I don't miss her, I just..."

"Stop coming." Roy waved his hand to interrupt Jing Gong Masaku's explanation, "There are so many nobles and wealthy daughters who came together this time, and there are not a few who are interesting to you, and you all keep a distance. Isn't this obsessive?
Also, when I follow girls, I always look at real people offline. No matter how beautiful the photos are, I won't even look at them. Besides, in this world, real people may not be able to go anywhere. "

Jing Gong Masaku was a little helpless: "First of all, my father is about to succeed to the throne, as the future crown prince, my wife can only be Japanese, and it is irresponsible to have any relationship with women from other countries under this premise.

Secondly, Luo Quan has never had plastic surgery, and the real person will only be more beautiful than the photo. "

"I think you are really hopeless." Roy shook his head and laughed. "I want to see how beautiful this girl is. It can keep you dreaming and talking for her everywhere."

After saying that, he put on his sunglasses, stood up and walked towards Luo Quan...

"This is the last action." Wang Lan reminded while holding up the camera.

Luo Quan took the last pose, with his hands and left foot propped up against the ground, his back bent backwards, his whole body forming an arch bridge, and his right leg raised high, which was very aesthetically pleasing.

"Okay!" Wang Lan drank softly, and Luo Quan's body softened, and he sat directly in the water.

"Huh, it's over, I'm exhausted." Luo Quan rubbed his waist and shoulders.

Although her body is very flexible, in addition to flexibility, these movements also require quite high strength of the limbs. After a set, a lot of physical strength is exhausted.

"Let's go here first today. I took so many photos in the morning. I have a lot of work in the afternoon." Wang Lan was immersed in the joy of the harvest at this time. In the past, she was known for taking few but fine photos. This time It's an exception, and I don't know how many similar shots were taken.

However, similar shots also need to be selected, because the environment, lighting, and the body of the model are changing all the time. What she needs to do is to pick out the best shots and optimize them.

Luo Quan was about to call it a day when a voice suddenly came from behind:
"Miss Luo Quan?"

Met a fan?This was the first thought in Luo Quan's mind.

Originally, I wanted to find a piece of clothing to approve, but the white shirt I was wearing before was already soaked, so I had no choice but to stand up and turn around, forcing out a smile: "Hello."

"Hiss." Roy, who had admired Luo Quan's beauty up close, gasped. After dozens of opening remarks he had thought up before coming, he only had one thought: How can there be such a beautiful girl in the world?

No wonder it made Yazuo-san so obsessed, it really is the best!Roy thought silently in his heart.

No matter how amazing he is in his heart, as a well-bred aristocratic gentleman, he has to maintain the politeness he should have towards girls on the surface.

"Please forgive me for appearing in front of you suddenly, just because a friend of yours mentioned your beauty to me just now, saying that you are the most beautiful girl in the world. At first, I didn't believe it. The idea is so stupid!"

"Your friend?" Luo Quan vaguely guessed who it was, but still asked knowingly.

"It's Jing Gong Masaku, you must still remember him?"

Luo Quan put on a slightly surprised expression: "It's Senior Jing Gong! Is he also on the beach?"

"There." Roy turned around and pointed. Masaku Kiya, who was looking this way, froze, paused for a few seconds, then raised his hand and waved.

Luo Quan also smiled and waved.

"Well, we will hold a swimsuit party on the beach at noon, and there will be many handsome men and beauties coming, but if a beautiful woman like you can come to participate, it must be an honor for all of us boys!"

This was Roy's temporary idea, but it was also a sincere invitation.

It's not impossible to participate in parties, but it would be unkind for her to go alone, so she hesitated: "But I have many friends, I can't leave them to play alone, and I can't drink..."

Roy smiled generously: "Then let your friends come together. It doesn't matter if the girls don't know how to drink. This time it's a swimsuit party, but it's mainly a beach BBQ. It doesn't matter whether you drink or not... By the way, you How many friends do you have?"

Luo Quan thought for a while and said, "Fifteen or sixteen!"

so much!Roy's eyelids twitched, but after thinking about it, it was not his treat anyway, and the generosity of others was over.

"It doesn't matter at all, twice as many people can come together!"

"You are so generous." Luo Quan praised with a smile, "Then I'll ask them for their opinions."

Roy smiled and nodded: "OK, we'll be right there. When the party starts, I'll come and call you."

It's good to be pretty, and you can eat wherever you go.Luo Quan happily returned to the place where everyone basked in the sun.

The three boys were playing cards with the four girls. I don't know if they were playing Texas Hold'em. The punishment seemed to be pouring a bucket of sand on them.

Several girls were buried with some sand on their legs, Fred had no sand at all, Leon and Seifert were the worst, most of their legs were buried in the sand.

Luo Quan applauded and signaled everyone to look at her: "Everyone, the tourists over there just now said that they are going to hold a beach barbecue party later, and generously said that we can also participate. Does anyone want to participate?"

"Damn it!" Seifert stood up from the sand, and threw a hand of bad cards into the middle of the pile, "I, I, I, I want to participate! I've been hungry all morning, and I'm going to be hungry if I don't eat anymore died!"

"Sister, my card luck has just improved, and I'm about to kill all directions." Leon gave Luo Quan a resentful look, and pushed the cards in his hand into the pile.

Luo Quan was speechless: "It's still a change of luck. With the momentum of you two, if I come later, I will wait to be buried alive."

After playing all morning, the girls who have been drinking juice are indeed a little hungry. When Luo Quan said that there is a free barbecue party, there are still people who are willing to refuse, and they all raise their hands to ask to participate.

At the same time, Roy told the organizer of the tour about inviting Luo Quan just now, a tall blond man, he was very speechless to Roy's behavior:

"You are so generous, Roy, you invited others in my name before the party started."

Roy smiled meanly and said, "Don't be so stingy, Augusta, the specification you set is a barbecue for 50 people, and we only have [-] people in total, and adding another ten or so is not too much.

Moreover, there are all beautiful girls over there, and one of them is the super best of the best! "

Augusta laughed angrily: "Is that white thing in your head really brains? Three sentences can't be separated from beautiful women.

Learn from other people's elegant mulberry, live among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches your body, this is your real life experience, you are also a man with a fiancée, if you go on like this, be careful that your father will take care of you. "

Roy didn't care: "What are you afraid of, my life is only a few decades, and I don't want to occupy my right to pursue happiness because of an arranged marriage."

Augusta rolled her eyes: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Roy shrugged his shoulders: "Anyway, I have already invited you. You are the master. It's up to you whether you go or not. If they find you later, you can say that I went to the toilet."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Augusta put her hips on her hips helplessly, looking at Roy's twitching butt, she really wanted to kick him up.

"Really find some troublesome things for me to deal with!"

Although he was cursing, Augusta still walked towards Luo Quan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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