Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 355 Relatives

Chapter 355 Relatives
"Beautiful ladies, the beach barbecue party at noon is about to begin, does anyone want to join us?" Augusta came to the girls, and was a little unhappy just now, but now seeing so many figures A top-notch beauty, there is no trace of impatience on her face.

"Augusta?!" Leon called out his name in surprise when he saw the man who came to invite them.

"Cousin!" Augusta didn't expect to meet Leon here.

Leon laughed: "Today is such a coincidence, there are acquaintances everywhere."

Augusta embraced Leon and smiled happily: "So you also came to Maldives to play, these are your friends?"

"No, they are all my sister's friends, and she happened to be traveling here."

"Your mean Luo Quan?" Augusta is not very familiar with Luo Quan, but only knows that Leon has an extra beautiful sister, who was born to Uncle Eric and a Chinese woman.

"Yes, yes." Leon said, turning his head and shouting to Luo Quan who was looking at his photo in the camera: "Sister, come here!"

Hearing Leon calling her, Luo Quan returned the camera to Wang Lan and walked over.

"what's up?"

It was almost lunch time, Luo Quan also changed his outfit at this time, adding an unbuttoned white shirt on the upper body, and a pair of hot pants on the lower body.

"Meet a relative." Leon introduced his sister: "This is the son of my mother's brother, Cousin Augusta.

In addition, Augusta's great-great-grandfather and our family are considered to be of the same lineage, so it can be regarded as close relatives. "

Luo Quan reacted immediately, and greeted warmly: "So it's Cousin Augusta, it's such a coincidence to meet you here."

Augusta's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably: "I heard that Cousin Luo Quan is very beautiful before, but I didn't expect her to be more exaggerated than the photos and rumors."

"It's been awarded, it's been awarded."

Augusta suddenly remembered the business: "By the way, the hotel staff who arranged the barbecue party are coming soon, everyone can come here now, my friends over there are also young people, most of them are not airy and easy to get along with of."

Luo Quan nodded: "Okay, we'll be right over."

After Augusta left, Luo Quan turned his head and asked Leon, "Where is this cousin from? Why didn't I hear Dad mention it before?"

"Cousin Augusta is German, and her full name is Augusta Friedrich.

The reason why my father didn't mention it is probably because of my mother..." Leon paused and didn't continue.

Not because his mother was mentioned, but because there were some things that could not be said.

Luo Quan didn't continue to ask, but just smiled and said: "It's good if they are relatives, but I have met a lot of acquaintances today."

"Haha, it's quite a coincidence." Leon thought his sister was talking about her, so he could only laugh awkwardly.

Knowing that the organizer of the party is a relative of his own, Luo Quan also said to the girls with confidence at this time: "Everyone pack up your things and prepare to go to have a barbecue."

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

The photographer who followed Girls' Generation could only wipe off his sweat bitterly and continue shooting.

Fortunately, Wen Xia is quite sympathetic to the photographer, and asked her to shoot a few videos later and call it a day.

After all, I will be staying for seven days, even if I shoot 10 minutes of content every day, it is enough to broadcast two rounds, and this kind of fans don't need to polish the quality so finely.

As for Luoquan, today's shooting mission has just started, and there will be shooting missions in the late afternoon, at least to take some photos with the dusk as the background.

Tired is a bit tired, but fortunately, there is also a barbecue meal at noon to reward.

Gita Hotel quickly sent five trucks, which were equipped with tables, chairs, benches, barbecue grills, smokeless charcoal and other barbecue equipment. Assorted food and beverages.

At the same time, a luxury yacht came again from the sea, and a group of handsome men and women came from the wooden bridge of the pier amidst laughter.

Three groups of people gathered together, Luo Quan was obviously a bit restrained, so he sat in a corner drinking a drink and waited for the hotel staff to install the grill.

"Who brought those girls over there?" A boy among the newcomers asked curiously.

Some boys joked: "If you bring so many female companions by yourself, even a lion can't handle it."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the girls also blushed pretty, covering their mouths and laughing lightly.

Augusta took a sip of champagne: "That's my cousin and my cousin's friend."

The person who told the joke was a little embarrassed, his mouth was open and he didn't know what to say next.

Roy stood up to smooth things over: "It's okay, they are all out to play. Although she is Augusta's cousin, if you think she is beautiful, you can go over and strike up a conversation. Are you right, Masaku-san?"

Jing Gong Masaku knew that Roy's mouth was like a husky that had taken off his stiffness, so he didn't want to talk to him: "Don't ask me, I just want to fill my stomach now."

"I didn't see Cousin Augusta, but I saw a super handsome guy." A girl saw Leon who made a group of girls laugh from a distance, and excitedly licked the corner of her lips.

"Isn't that... Leon?" Someone recognized him.

Most of the people who can come here are friends of Augusta, and most of them know his cousin Leon.

In fact, this is nonsense. Among the young people in the European aristocratic circle, who doesn't know Lyon?The eldest grandson of the Albert family, not a prince's prince, the most handsome in the world.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, had always lived in Huaxia before, and Eric had never announced that he had a daughter before reuniting with Luo Ni, so these young nobles did not have a deep impression of Luo Quan.

But if you mention the most beautiful talented female singer in the world, you will definitely think of it immediately.

Roy pretended to be surprised: "No, Kylia, don't you still miss Leon?"

A tall boy beside Kelly frowned and clenched his fists when he heard this.

"What's none of your business?" Kylia replied unceremoniously, "I'm not like you. I was engaged to be married by the elders in my family. No matter how much I miss Leon, it is reasonable and legal."

Roy hurriedly made a petition for mercy: "It is indeed legal, it is indeed legal."

Everyone's complexion changed a little at this time, everyone knew that Kelia liked Leon, and everyone knew that Gudriwin liked Kelia.

Usually one is in Germany, one is in the UK, and one is in the US.

Today is a good day, all three of them are here.

"I'll go over and say hello." Gudriwin, the tall man behind Kylia, said in a deep voice, and then walked towards Leon on his own.

Kylia frowned and looked at Gudriwin's back, hesitated for a while, and followed.

A girl asked Roy: "Aren't you following up to see? Gudriwin is not in a good mood, and he failed to confess his love to Kylia last night."

Augusta's eyes widened: "There's also this kind of thing. I said why he had to go out at night for no reason, but when he came back, he looked like he was robbed by robbers on the road."

Roy looked over there: "It's not possible to hit Lyon in front of so many girls, right?"

Jing Gong Masaku was not worried at all: "No, if he dares to do something, he must be the one who suffers."

Roy was curious: "Have you still been in touch with Leon? He is very powerful now?"

"There is no connection." Jing Gong Masaku shook his head with a smile, "I just know Leon's sister Luo Quan."

Roy excitedly said, "You mean the top-notch beautiful girl who can bend her back at ninety degrees and stand on one foot as an arch bridge?"

Augusta glanced over sharply: "Pay attention to the wording, that's my cousin."

Roy quickly covered his mouth: "Sorry?"

Jing Gong Masaku also looked at Roy, shook his head helplessly and smiled: "Don't look at Gudriwin's 1.9-meter tall man, he has also practiced boxing, and his skills are not bad among us.

But as far as I know, like him, Luo Quan can easily fight two, and I can't guarantee that I am her opponent. "

"Is it so powerful?" Some girls couldn't believe it was true again and again.

Jing Gong Masaku didn't speak, but just remembered what some karate masters said to him on the way back after being rejected by Luo Quan at Narita Airport.

It's a good thing that the two sides didn't make a move, otherwise they really wouldn't dare to guarantee the safety of the emperor grandson.

Jing Gong Masaku was dumbfounded by this at the time, the one his father sent him was a [-]th Dan Karate Karate master, the kind of fierce man who can beat ten in street fights.

Facing a girl now, and actually saying that he can't protect Zhou Quan, Luo Quan's strength is too terrifying.

This is still an analysis based on the opponent's aura without doing anything. Making such an evaluation can only show that Luo Quan's strength is probably stronger than the actual analysis.

Although Jing Gong Masaku couldn't understand why Luo Quan, who looked so delicate and beautiful, could have such terrifying force, but it was indeed the truth.

(Ps. The karate given to Luo Quan by the system is based on Conan's worldview standards, referring to Xiaolan dodging bullets at close range, and kicking over a [-]-pound strong man with one kick.

The martial arts masters there can be regarded as the limit that ordinary people can achieve under common sense, although it is still outrageous.

Without this arrangement, Luo Quan's body size would not be able to beat a strong man who is 1.9 meters and [-] catties even if he is a tenth dan karate, unless he is a UFC fighter like Zhang Weili.

When a normal woman meets a man whose physique is equal to or greater than her own, there is only one technique that is best to use, and that is to run! )
"Wouldn't Gudriwin be ashamed later?" Roy was no longer worried about Leon, but worried about Guderwin getting up.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat Lyon, but if you are hammered by a girl in public, then Gudriwin will lose face.

"Gudriwin should have a sense of proportion." Augusta put her hands on her hips, not knowing whether she should intervene.

It is really difficult to choose between a good brother on the one hand and his cousin on the other.

And here, Leon, who was surrounded by a group of Yingying and Yanyan, suddenly felt a shadow cast on his face out of thin air.

Turning his head to look, he saw a strong man with ten-pack abs and huge chest muscles appearing in front of him, staring straight at him.

"Oh, so it's Gudriwin, long time no see." Leon sat up and greeted him warmly.

Gudriwin's expression didn't change much: "It's been a long time since I saw Lyon, why did you come to the Maldives, why didn't you come to play with everyone?"

Leon laughed and said, "I just found out that you are also here on vacation, so you just came here."

"Leon~~" Kelly also walked in front of Leon at this time, her tone was so crisp that it made one's bones go limp.

Leon's legs trembled: "Oh, my sister Kelly, can you stop talking to me in such a tone."

"Miss Kelly?!" Kelly almost jumped up from the ground like a cat whose fur had exploded.

"You heartless, have you forgotten what you said to me that night?" Kylia was about to cry.

Leon froze for a moment: "Speak clearly, don't frame me, what did I say to you that night?"

Kylia crossed her waist and said aggressively, "Tell me, let me wait for you to come back and marry me."

Gudriwin's eyes were shocked, and his fists were clenched again.

Leon looked distressed: "Did I say this... Ah, I remembered, there was such a thing, but do you still remember when I said this, how old were we? to twenty.

Can you take it seriously if the kid is joking? "

Kylia is uncompromising: "This is not a reason for you to unilaterally break the contract."

Lyon's tone suddenly became serious: "Sorry Kylia, my marriage can only be arranged by my grandfather, and as the eldest grandson of the Albert family, I have the responsibility to bear my accusations.

My grandfather said that my future wife must be the most beautiful girl in the world, at least prettier than my sister... Right, sister! "

Luo Quan, who was eating melons and watching the show, was dumbfounded. Why did the ball pass to her feet in the blink of an eye?
"Er...there is such a thing." Luo Quan hesitated for a while, and helped his brother out of the panic.

It was obvious that this brat was the one who refused to arrange the marriage at the beginning, but now he has become righteous and awe-inspiring, with the appearance that the family is above all else, it is really shameless!
"Are you Leon's older sister?" Kylia looked at Luo Quan fiercely, but in an instant, all her thoughts of competing with her turned into nothingness.

This is a girl who can't find any flaws, and she has been crushed from her looks to her figure.

Luo Quan smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am her sister Luo Quan, you should know me, right?"

Of course Kelly knew, but she didn't know that she was actually as beautiful as the photo, no, it should be even more outrageous than the photo!

"I see, Leon, it seems that you don't like me from the bottom of your heart." Kylia finished speaking bitterly, then turned and left.

Leon looked at Kylia's back, feeling a little embarrassed: "This is all done."

Ps. Thanks to the comedian Nick Song, looking for the book coins rewarded by Nan, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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