Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 356 Old Money and New Money

Chapter 356 Old Money and New Money
Kylia left, but Gudriwin stayed where he was, looking at Leon with a complicated expression.

"Gudriwin, you haven't caught up with Kylia yet, have you?" Leon looked at his friend and asked with concern.

"No." Gudere replied softly.

For Leon, his feelings are very complicated. On the one hand, this is a friend he has known since he was a child. Although he has not been together for a long time, he has been in touch with him all the time.

On the other hand, his favorite Kylia has been secretly in love, no, it should be Leon, which makes people uncomfortable.

It is really difficult to choose between love on the one hand and brothers on the other.

After hearing Gudriwin's answer, Lyon didn't know what to say.

For Kylia, he didn't have any thoughts, and only regarded her as a friend. Unfortunately, he regarded her as a friend, but she always wanted to sleep with him.

This is also the reason why he seldom returns to Europe. Once he comes back, he will face Kylia's entanglement. This time he did not expect to meet again in the Maldives. I am afraid that he will face a lot of troubles in the next few days.

"Everyone, the barbecue party has started, come here!" Augusta shouted to this side, the charcoal fire had been made, and everyone took their plates and gathered around the refrigerated truck to choose.

"Let's eat first, I'll try to avoid Kylia." Leon patted Gudriwin on the shoulder, and walked towards the party with Luo Quan.

The young people on Augusta's side, when they saw the large group of girls finally coming over, they all put down their movements and looked over.

Led by Lyon and Augusta, both sides made brief introductions to each other.

The first group of people who went to the beach in Augusta were basically young European aristocrats with noble status.

For example, Augusta himself is the direct blood of the Hohenzollern family. This family was also the main ruler of the German Empire. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a royal family. Although Germany does not recognize the royal family now, the European aristocratic circle still recognizes it. Of the noble blood of the Hohenzollern family.

And Roy is a descendant of Nahuang. Although Nahuang himself is the emperor, he still represents the capitalist class.

In addition, people such as Gudriwin and Kelia, both men and women, are descendants of nobles from Germany, France and Britain. They have known Leon since childhood and have a good relationship.

As for the young people who came in the second group, several men are friends of Augusta, but these people are different from Augusta and the others. They are all the sons of rich men in Europe and America. They have no noble blood, but I have the ability .

And following these rich second-generation girls, their identities are more complicated, probably including supermodels, Internet celebrities, [-]th-line stars, etc., whites, Latinos, blacks, Asians, etc., have obvious characteristics, long Beautiful, explosive body, and quite unrestrained.

Luo Quan came here to participate in the barbecue party, and they all changed into shirts and shorts, while these rich second-generation female companions only had a set of Bikinis on them.

In terms of fame, Luoquan is definitely the biggest. Girls' Generation is popular throughout Asia. Although Europe and the United States are not very popular, they still have some popularity.

Not to mention Luo Quan and Lyon, they are well-established world-class stars, and there is no one in the party who has not heard of them.

As for those rich second generations, they are also famous, but not many are really famous because of their own abilities. Most of them are based on their own fathers, or the fame gained by spending a lot of money at a certain auction.

The most low-key ones are the people from Augusta. If you don’t deliberately search on Wikipedia, it is basically difficult to see news about them.

However, this is also in line with the theme of the current era. Celebrities and capitalists enjoy the fame brought about by the explosion of new media, while nobles live a carefree life lying on their old books.

It is worth mentioning that when Luoquan was introducing Fred, a large group of wealthy second generations seemed to have unnatural feelings.

And Luo Quan wanted to introduce Fred, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember what his family did. He could only say that his family was in business.

Fred also immediately added: "It is indeed a business, mainly in chemicals and steel manufacturing."

Everyone had weird expressions, but no one questioned this statement, so they were taken over.

After getting to know each other, the barbecue party officially began.

This time, the Gita Hotel prepared a barbecue for [-] people. The food was filled with an extended truck, and there were all kinds of dishes.

Of course, most of them are raw seafood, which have already been processed, such as sashimi, sea urchin, and salmon eggs, which can be eaten raw with some seasoning.

However, Luo Quan has always kept seafood at a respectful distance, and with the recent weight loss, she dare not eat beef, pork, and chicken legs, so she walked around the truck and put a vegetable salad and a cup on the plate. Chilled orange juice.

"No way, Luoluo, you've become so plain now?" Wen Xia was holding a plate of orange sashimi, and was surprised when she saw the green vegetables on Luo Quan's plate.

Luo Quan rubbed his stomach: "Lose weight, otherwise how do you think you got this figure?"

Lin Yizhu began to seduce Luo Quan: "Squad leader, don't lose weight, your more than ten catties of meat have all reached the best parts, and continuing to gain weight will only make your body better."

"That's right, Izumi-chan, eating more meat can make your body healthier." Junko also joined the army of temptations.

Luo Quan was not fooled at all: "I think you all want to lie to me to gain weight, and then come and laugh at me again. Give up, you can't beat me in comparison to body and beauty."

After speaking, Leon walked over leisurely carrying a large basket.

Seeing the ultra-low-calorie meal prepared by Luo Quan, I was shocked: "No, sister, you eat this at noon? This stuff doesn't even eat the pigs on Dad's farm!"

"I think you are a pig!" Luo Quan kicked his younger brother's ass, "Don't tell me that you plan to eat this basket of meat by yourself."

Lyon used a plastic basket one size larger than the plate to store food, which contained four large chicken legs, five pieces of bacon, seven sausages, and a whole steak!

Leon spread his hands innocently: "Didn't anyone tell you that I eat a lot? And I'm still the one who takes the least. Seifert and Fred eat more than me."

Wen Xia fell into deep thought: "Then how did you maintain your figure? The three of you are not considered fat."

"Don't you see our strong muscles!" Leon turned sideways and compared the muscles to everyone, but he didn't know if it was because of his height and length, the bulging muscles were not particularly obvious.

Luo Quan smiled disdainfully: "I only see a lump of fat."

Leon also smiled: "In any case, I can enjoy this barbecue feast to my heart's content, but sister, you can only eat things that pigs don't eat like an ascetic monk."

"Get out!" Luo Quan kicked up again, this time with [-]% of his strength.

But Leon pushed forward quite nimbly, spared his ass, and ran away with a cheap laugh.

At this time, Seifert and Fred also came over, and they also carried a basket in their hands, which was full of meat, which was indeed more than Leon's point.

When Seifert saw the food on Luo Quan's plate, he opened his mouth and said in surprise, "Oh, my Virgin Mary! These things are even from your father's farm..."

"What do you say, what are you going to become today." The cold light in Luo Quan's eyes swept across Seifert's neck, and his delicate fists were slowly clenched, making a crackling sound like roasted beans violent noise.

With such a beautiful fist, he must cry for a long time after being hit, right?Seifert thought so.

Under the pressure of Luo Quan's eyes, Seifert suppressed all the remaining words, covered his mouth and ran away with Fred.

Wen Xia and the girls looked at it really funny, shook their heads, and went to make barbecues.

Luo Quan also followed behind them. Although he can't eat meat, he won't get fat after smelling it.

Back then, she was also a carnivore who didn't like meat. Which barbecue didn't mean eating meat with big mouthfuls?

Now in order to maintain her figure, she has really sacrificed too much.

The key From the current point of view, it seems that eating meat and gaining weight will not affect her figure, and it may even make her figure better.

But she didn't dare to gamble, who knows where the next catty of meat will grow?
There is no way. If you want to control your weight, you must control your diet. It’s not that you can’t eat meat, but meat like barbecue is too high in calories and it’s really not suitable for you.

Moreover, Luo Quan is also afraid, if he doesn't hold back this time, he will not be able to help eating the next time he encounters it, and he will sink completely in the end, so why lose weight then?

So, even though she was chewing all kinds of green vegetables in her mouth, and smelled the aroma of meat and spices being burned by the flames in her nose, she was still unmoved.

In fact, the taste of these vegetable salads is still good, fresh and full of water, full of various vitamins, it is a very healthy diet.

But in terms of satisfying the appetite, it is in no way comparable to meat.

"Eat it, eat it, be careful that you will gain three catties after a meal!" Seeing that he couldn't eat it, Luo Quan could only draw circles and curse in his heart.

"Why do you eat so lightly?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Turning his head, he found that it was Jing Gong Masaku.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Lose weight, it's almost 130 catties."

"With your height, 140 Jin is not considered fat." Jing Gong Masaku didn't see any plate while drinking red wine.

Luo Quan was curious: "Senior Jing Gong, why don't you eat it?"

Jing Gong Masaku lowered his head and took a sip of red wine: "I have never been used to barbecue since I was a child. Compared with it, I prefer oden and teppanyaki."

"By the way, how did you and...cousin meet?"

"You mean Augusta?" Jing Gong Masaku smiled, "I met when members of royal families from various countries got together. There are only a few royal families in the world. Whoever gets married will hold a succession ceremony , basically all foreign royal families will be invited to the party.

I have met your cousin many times, so we are familiar with each other.

This trip to the Maldives was organized by your cousin. He has a very high reputation among the young nobles in Europe. "

"It's so powerful..." Luo Quan murmured, she didn't expect her cheap cousin to have such a high status among these rebellious young people.

The reason why he used rebellious and rebellious was because when Luo Quan introduced these friends to his side just now, he clearly felt the contempt deep in the eyes of those nobles.

Luo Quan has always been sensitive and accurate to other people's eyes. She feels that what is hidden in the eyes of these noble children is contempt.

Except for a few, such as cousin Roy, the others are basically like this.

In fact, it is more accurate to say that being unruly is not wanting to offend people.

But it's normal, European aristocrats have rich ancestors, a long history, and high social status, so it's normal to look down on ordinary people.

In addition to contempt for identity, it may also be contempt for race. After all, Chinese people are also old and unlucky in the world, and they are often belittled and discriminated against.

In comparison, Masaku Masaku, who is Japanese, enjoys a lot in this circle, and I don't know what factors are responsible for it.

"What are you talking about?" Fred came over with a plate of roasted chicken legs sprinkled with cumin and pepper.

This strong fragrance made Luo Quan dizzy for a while.

"Take it away, take it away!" Luo Quan covered her eyes, not daring to continue reading, for she was afraid that if she looked again, she might see her mouth.

Fred said with a smile: "This is roasted by Lyon. He said that losing weight is not self-abuse. No matter how high the calorie of barbecue is, it will not directly turn into fat. If you keep exercising, you will not gain weight. The three of us have eaten since childhood. I grew up with the junk food in my home, but I didn’t see where I got fat.”

Jing Gong Masaku also nodded and said: "It is indeed the truth.

However, Americans have the highest obesity rate in the world, and it is definitely directly related to junk food. If you can eat less, you should eat as little as possible. "

"Are you the senior Jing Gong that Luo Quan mentioned earlier?" Fred turned his head to look at Masaku Jing Gong.

Luo Quan, who was staring at the chicken leg for an ideological struggle, was stunned, when did I tell you about Jing Gong senior?

"It's an honor for the young master of the Ibigail family to know me." Jing Gong Masaku kept a smile on his face, "But as far as I know, the Ibigail family should not be engaged in the production of chemicals and steel. Bar?"

"Then what does your family do?" Luo Quan looked up at Fred.

The latter's face is calm: "It is indeed engaged in the production of chemicals and steel, but the specific products sold are obtained by reproducing the above two things.

Specifically, chemicals make gunpowder and steel makes guns. "

Luo Quan was taken aback: "So your family sells arms!"

Fred nodded: "Our family owns half of the gun market in the United States."

Jing Gong Masaku continued: "Not only the United States, but also many people from all over the world buy your products."

Luo Quan fell silent. According to this statement, isn't Fred's family an arms dealer?
"But my products have never been sold to the Middle East." Fred said calmly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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