Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 357: Since Ancient Times Episode 8

Chapter 357 Eight episodes since ancient times
ps. Tomorrow, the next day and the beginning of the month, I will ask for daily leave. By the way, I will sort out the next plot.

Fred explained politely: "Our main sales targets abroad are the bodyguards of senior officials and rich people in those countries, from pistols to rifles to bulletproof vehicles, and we are also the only arms company in the United States that does not sell to the Middle East. "

"Really?" Jing Gong Masaku smiled, noncommittal.

Luo Quan herself is not such a holy mother. Everyone knows who the culprit of the chaos in the Middle East is. As for whether these arms companies are in charge, she doesn't know, and she doesn't want to know.

But she also didn't believe that Fred's arms company would be as honest and promising as he said, otherwise the rich second generation just now wouldn't be as silent as a mouse seeing a cat when they saw Fred.

"I don't care so much who you sell to, as long as you don't deal with Huaxia." Luo Quan stuffed a broccoli flower into his mouth, "Also, don't you two meet like the tip of a needle, just met for the first time , how come it looks like an enemy."

Luo Quan naturally pretended to be confused, she knew exactly who the conflict was, although she felt a bit bitch when she said it, but if she figured it out, who knew what would happen.

Hearing Luo Quan's words, the two stopped looking at each other tacitly, and looked at each other.

"By the way, is this grilled by Lyon?" Luo Quan's attention returned to the barbecue brought by Fred.

The bacon and chicken legs were charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma was overflowing, which made Luoquan's mouth water.

Fred regained his spirit immediately: "That's right, eat some, it's not that serious to eat once in a while."

It was indeed very tempting, but Luo Quan struggled again and again, and still refused the greasy chicken drumsticks, and only ate three slices of bacon: "We still have to control our diet."

Everyone had a great time at the beach barbecue, only Luo Quan had a pitiful meal of vegetable salad with three slices of bacon.

"You are really suffering." Wen Xia looked at the licked plate in front of Luo Quan, and shook her head.

Lin Yizhu objected: "If I can have the good looks and figure of a monitor, I can eat vegetarian dishes every day."

"That's what I said..." Wen Xia really has nothing to refute, if she can really be as beautiful as Luo Quan, and the price is only to eat a vegetarian diet every day, no one will refuse such a deal.

After the party was over, Luo Quan exchanged contact information with his newly recognized cousin, and then went back to their respective homes.

Everyone lives in a hotel on Guitar Island, but Luo Quan and the others live at the tip of the obtuse corner, while Leon and Augusta live at the other two corners respectively.

It was hot at noon, and everyone was full. Those who were still energetic gathered in the room to play, and everyone else went back to the room to take a nap.

Several people in Luoquan's dormitory slept on the plane for nearly a day, and now they are quite energetic, and Wen Xia and the others gathered around the table to watch Wang Lan process the photos taken in the morning.

"Wow, this photo is outrageous!" Lu Yao let out a cry of surprise.

A frontal portrait of Luo Quan appeared on the screen of Wang Lan's laptop. In the photo, Luo Quan had his hands spread out, facing the sun, with a broad mind.

Wen Xia hugged Luo Quan and shook her: "Sure enough, swimsuit photos can show your figure the best. I didn't realize that you are so talented, Luo Luo."

This shake didn't matter, it made Luo Quan, who was only in his swimsuit and shirt, undulating.

Seeing it, the girls felt their entire face was burning, especially when poking it, it was no different from a monkey's butt.

"Don't shake it, shake it again, and Junzi will have a nosebleed." Luo Quan smiled and pushed Wen Xia's hand away, and then buttoned his shirt.

After playing around in the room for a while, Wen Xia and the others were also tired, and went back to their rooms to take a nap.

Wang Lan was still processing the photos, and Li Yuan was studying by the side.

Luo Quan picked a few photos and asked Wang Lan to send them to her mobile phone, and then she sent them to Bilibili and Twitter:
"I took a lot in the morning, and I will upload a few for everyone, Kang Yikang."

Luo Quan prepared four photos, but only uploaded two for the first time.

One is a frontal shot from just below the knee, and the other is a view of the beach on Gita Island.

Fans quickly gathered around, but these two photos were almost worthless.

Soon, the comment area began to denounce:

"So white legs, I lick them."

"No nail polish, good review."

"That's it? (Confident)"

"No way, Sir, so fast?"

"What's so good about just a pair of calves, I want to see the swimsuit!"

"I can play with this pair of calves for a year!"

The disappointment of the fans did not last long, and soon, Luo Quan sent out the remaining two pictures.

One is on the beach, with her back to the camera, raising her right hand and saying yes, she looks very energetic.

Although only one figure can be seen from the back, it is already full of imagination.

The last photo was made by Wang Lan, and it is the cover photo of this photobook.

On the left side of the photo is the logo of the photobook titled "Aphrodite by the Sea".

In the center of the photo, Luo Quan is walking by the sea, the blue water is rushing towards her, and the white waves are blooming on her crystal-skinned feet and long white and round legs.

Luo Quan lowered his head and smiled, stroking the beige-blonde hair lingering around his ear with his right hand, his body covered by the swimsuit, just like the sea, there are turbulent waves hidden in the calm.

Luo Quan did not make any outrageous movements as a whole, and his expression and eyes were clear and natural, but such a photo can easily arouse the most primitive desire in people's hearts.

After 1 minute of posting, the comment area fell instantly.

"Who can stand this!!!"

"This figure is so good, I couldn't see it at all before!"

"This OPAI, show me I'm hungry."

"There's nothing much to say, brothers let's go!"

"I regret letting my wife take pictures of these things..."

"I envy the photographer, I don't know which bastard is cheaper."

"Good news, the photographer is a woman."

"It's so beautiful, I don't need to go over the wall to find resources on foreign websites in the future."

"I'm all right."

"It's too slow you guys, I've done it three times."

"Forcing the ashes to annihilate, brother, please restrain yourself!"


At this moment, Luoquan's male fans are probably the happiest and most excited moment. Not only Station B, but also Twitter is a sensation at this time.

Compared with the slightly conservative atmosphere in China, foreign netizens' comments are obviously more explicit and bold. Of course, the behavior of taking swimsuit photos is also quite tolerant.

Although everyone is an Lsp, the eyes for appreciating beauty are the same.

Although the real dry product is only this photo, but to be honest, it is enough.

The mystery that has puzzled the outside world for a long time has finally been answered.

After Luo Quan's measurements and underwear size were exposed by hackers, there has been controversy on the Internet about Luo Quan's figure.

On the one hand, Luo Quan usually dresses quite conservatively, not even having a low collar, even in evening gowns.

So many people think that Luo Quan's figure may not be as tall as the rumors say.

But now, after there are pictures and the truth, all the rumors are self-defeating. This is the ultimate figure that can be called a stunner in the world.

Dressed to look thin, undressed fleshy, it is probably her.

Station B is full of screen-licking and aggressive comments, while Zhihu started the analysis as usual, but this time, all the gentlemen were present.

"How would you rate Luo Quan's swimsuit photos?"

As soon as the problem came out, it went straight to the sky, rushed to No.3, and has a great momentum to continue to rise.

"Uninvited, just analyze the string of logos in the photo.

Luo Quan mentioned that this is a photo book, and the photo book is probably called "Aphrodite by the Sea". Maybe some people don't know what it is, but it is actually a goddess in ancient Greek mythology. She also has Another name, called Venus, is the embodiment of love and beauty.

With Luo Quan's appearance, it is not too much to say that she is the Venus of the world, right?In short, the name is quite appropriate, and this is just the cover, there are more and better content later, so everyone should add some nutrition these days, so as not to be insufficient after the full version of the photobook comes out. "

"Thank you, I have been waiting for a long time, and finally this day is here!

I never dreamed that Luo Quan's real figure could be so plump. From shape to size, it was almost perfect. Considering her height, it was just right and wouldn't look too cumbersome.

In the end, thousands of words were merged into one sentence, this shit is 34D, it has developed early, and now it is at least 34E.

The most frightening thing is that girls stop growing at the age of 18, but Luo Quan is still growing at 19!

Probably this is the so-called God's blessing, maybe I can grow up to 20 years old, I just hope that I can take more similar photos in the future, so that the brothers can feast their eyes. "

"It's boring to say too much praise, let's talk about something new.

Luoquan sent a total of four photos this time, but they were set to be unable to download. I tried to take screenshots with my mobile phone and computer, but it didn’t work.

Luo Quan posted it on Station B and Twitter, and the situation is the same. I don't know if it will be available for download in the future.

On the other hand, these four photos are ridiculously large. Station B has compressed the image quality, but I still don’t feel it. I went to Twitter to find photos, and Twitter directly gave me a download link, and the four photos were integrated into one Compress the package, unzip it, I have a look, the guy is more than 200 M, that is, a photo is fifty or sixty M!

This is the level of 4K picture quality, which is the kind of picture quality that you can't see the flaws when you put it on the computer screen.

It seems that Luo Quan is very considerate of us licking the screen to Lsp this time.

But the picture quality is so high, if the equipment can't keep up, it would be too wasteful, and this time besides the photo, there should be videos, if it is also 4k picture quality, then the big guy probably needs to change to a better monitor .

In short, this time, Luo Quan really took photos to give back to fans. I hope that fans will be a little bit more qualified in the comment area, and their words should not be too explicit, and they should not spread it outside Bilibili and Twitter.

As long as you are a fan of Luo Quan, you will not be unable to get these photos. If you are not a fan of Luo Quan, there is no need for them to see my wife's swimsuit photos. "

"Everyone's comments are okay, but the answer with the third highest praise makes me very uncomfortable. What do you mean by your wife? That's obviously my wife!"

"Your wife is amazing!"


After a long discussion between Bilibili and Zhihu, Weibo finally responded.

Although Luo Quan took great pains to prevent the theft of photos, as long as his thinking does not slip, there are more ways than difficulties.

One day, I used an ultra-clear projector to project it on the screen, and then used an ultra-clear camera to shoot.

Although the picture quality is still not as good as the original picture, it is definitely much clearer than those pictures taken with a mobile phone to a computer.

After putting it on Weibo, it quickly attracted huge traffic and rushed to the fifth place in the hot search.

"Luo Quan Swimsuit Photo!"

Comment area:
"As a black fan, I really hate this artist who has been on so many trending searches and robbed so many resources within a year of his debut.

But only talking about her talent and appearance, she really doesn't know how to get rid of it anyway, and today I added another one, which is her figure.

I don't know what to say, I am very jealous and envious. "

"Sister, don't be like this. It's not Luo Quan's intention to be on the hot search. She herself has called on fans many times not to quarrel with black fans. If you learn more about Luo Quan, you will know that it is really a good one. artist."

"Luo Quan's figure is really amazing, better than those international models, and it's just right, and I don't feel bloated at all!"

"Is there really no P? She's only 19 years old!"

"God is too eccentric, how can I give her all the good things!"

"It's so attractive, but it's not sexy at all. I can't figure out why."

"Luo Quan's face is originally pure and lustful. The overall look is pure, with clear eyes, but there are hooks deep in the eyes."

"The layout and lighting of this photo are also good. It doesn't feel like it was taken by an ordinary photographer."

"Of course, this was taken by Wang Lan."

"My God, it's actually Wang Lan!"

"Can anyone explain it? I don't know much about it."

"Wang Lan, one of the top two female photographers in China, there is Lin Zheyuan, a talented photographer in the photography circle, who is handsome and has good photography skills. He participated in some competitions in the United States before, and his works have won praise and favor from many judges. Wang Lan is Her senior sister!"

"Sounds great."

"It's really amazing. She only cooperates with top domestic brands. The most recent photoshoot was with Girls' Generation."

"Am I the only one who pays attention to Luo Quan's skin? It's as white as ceramics. Even if you have white blood, it's too outrageous. What kind of filter did you use?"

"There is no filter, Luo Quan's previous photos also have this skin color, this is called cold white skin, it is cool white, that's what Bing Xueying said about the skin."

"Many celebrities in the entertainment industry have set up cold white-skinned people, but most of them rely on filters or directly apply cosmetics."


Today, the sun came out from the west. Luo Quan was on the hot search this time, and the Internet was full of positive comments, and I couldn't find any black fan quotes.

In the past, releasing albums or even appearing on CCTV was not so harmonious.

Luo Quan himself was a little surprised when he saw this scene. Could it be that giving benefits is the best choice to avoid attacks from black fans?

She was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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