Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 358 Party Invitation

Chapter 358 Party Invitation

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Quan and Wang Lan continued to work, while the others went to the entertainment facilities on the island to play.

After the busiest time period has passed, there are very few people on the beach in the afternoon. Looking around, there are only a few sporadic couples taking pictures and showing their affection by the beach.

On Luoquan's side, underwater operations started.

It’s hard to justify not taking a few photos in the water, and the water quality and underwater scenery in the Maldives are so good, there is really no reason not to take pictures.

However, because Luoquan has never swam before, the shooting location is still the diving beach area near the shore, and the deepest place is less than 1.5 meters. However, by adjusting the camera lens angle a little, you can still simulate diving in deep water. Effect.

Fortunately, I exchanged for advanced swimming specialization in the shopping mall. Although I was a little scared when I first entered the water, after getting used to it for a while, Luo Quan's swimming posture in the water quickly became more comfortable.

She doesn't need to pose too many difficult poses for underwater portraits. This kind of portrait is mainly to shoot an artistic conception and light and shadow. It was the so-called aesthetic style ten years ago in the previous life, which was very popular among non-mainstream teenagers at that time. If it is accompanied by some depression quotes, it can be called lore.

There is no communication in the water, the resistance in the water is relatively high, and Luo Quan doesn't have that much physical strength for synchronized swimming, but her figure and appearance are there. In a place with such good water quality and light, nothing will be bad for shooting.

The only fly in the ointment is that there are fewer fish in shallow water, and you can't swim with large groups of colorful tropical fish like those divers.

After shooting videos and photos for more than half an hour, Luo Quan felt a little dizzy when he went ashore.

It is estimated that the breath is held too frequently, causing the brain to be a little hypoxic, just take a rest.

Wang Lan and Li Yuan worked together in a division of labor, one took the camera, and the other focused on the camera to take pictures. There was no need to dive into the water like Luo Quan did, and his expression didn't change much.

Today's underwater work is basically completed. Take a few photos at dusk, and then you can call it a day and go back to the hotel.

The shooting work on the first day is always heavy, but the next few days will be much easier. I will shoot all the swimsuits I bought before and record a few videos, which is basically the same.

After all, she is not a professional model, and it doesn't make sense to shoot too many repetitive subjects.

Unless she is willing to take some large-scale photos, or change into a few cooler swimsuits, most male fans will probably agree with both hands and feet.

But if she does this, it doesn't matter what the character is, but the good image she has created in China may be gone.

With her current reputation, there is no need to rely on these fringe balls to stir up popularity, so this idea can only be an idea, and there is no possibility of it coming true.

After finishing this crop, everyone was playing with their mobile phones, waiting for dusk.

Luo Quan put his hands on the beach and looked around.

There is one thing to say, the sky here is really clean, like the sea, you can’t see the slightest impurities, just take a photo and it’s the scenery, feeling the lazy sunshine and the warm sea breeze, not to mention how leisurely it is.

It's not just a vacation, but it would be very nice to settle here.

It's a pity that she's not used to the food here, it's all seafood. In addition, seeing too much of this big and empty scenery will cause visual fatigue.

And the bustling metropolis is changing all the time, and wonderful events are constantly happening, where there are luxury and money fans, and the crowds are chasing after them.

For ordinary people, there is actually not much difference between the two places.

But for a National People's Congress star like her, it is her significance to shine brightly under people's attention.

Just when Luo Quan was thinking about the truth of life, the three Lyon brothers drove over in a beach buggy.

"Beep!" The horn sounded suddenly, causing Luo Quan to turn his head away in shock.

Seifert opened the trunk of the car, and there were juices of various flavors inside: "Beautiful lady, are you thirsty? I have all kinds of juices here, and the price is a kiss of love from you."

"No air kisses, do you want flying kicks?" Luo Quan ignored Seifert's request and asked for it directly.

"You are boring." Seifert took out a bottle of orange juice and threw it to Luo Quan.

"Where's the screwdriver?" Luo Quan asked with a frown as he looked at the drink in his hand that was tightly bound by the tin bottle cap.Do you want her to open it with her teeth?

Seifert laughed loudly: "You are so good, just show everyone an empty-handed bottle cap."

Luo Quan stared: "Do you want to see the skull with empty hands?"

"Sister, you have such a bad temper, be careful of becoming mean in the future." Leon said, throwing a bottle opener to Luo Quan.

It is a relatively metaphysical statement that phases arise from the heart, but there are not uncommon examples that have been verified, and there is some truth to it.

But Luo Quan is not so irritable in front of everyone. In front of her parents and the camera, her image is a well-educated, gentle and good girl.

It can be seen from this that she can pretend so much that fans who beat her to death would never have imagined that the real face of her goddess in private is so violent that she would open people's skulls at every turn.


The bottle cap flew high, and then fell heavily on the sand.

Luo Quan gave Seifert a demonstrative look, and finished it in one go with the momentum of a Liangshan hero swallowing hard wine.

"Stop!" Luo Quan made a break, and threw the empty bottle back: "Give another bottle to Sajia!"

"What is Sajia?" Leon asked curiously, having never heard of this name before.

"It means "I"." Luo Quan gave a brief introduction, but Yong Sajia simply felt that this word was very powerful.

It's so easy to get thirsty on the beach, I don't feel it without drinking, and I still want to drink after drinking a bottle.

After drinking another half bottle, Luo Quan breathed out comfortably.

Looking at the three people, they found that they were looking down at their phones.

Luo Quan was curious: "What are you looking at?"

Leon looked up and replied: "There is a fun place, do you want to go?
A friend of my father celebrated his 45th birthday, and the cruise ship just passed through the Maldives three days later. He and Aunt Luo Ni are on board now, and asked us if we want to go on board. "

Luo Quan couldn't help but want to complain: "What a coincidence, they all gathered in the Maldives."

"What?" Leon didn't hear clearly.

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's okay, let's go to the Maldives to have fun, anyway, mom and dad are on it. Can you bring friends up there?"

Lyon shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be possible. The rich man's birthday party is on his private cruise ship, and he must have an invitation letter to attend."

Luo Quan pointed to the other two: "Then Seifert and Fred can't participate too?"

"Did you underestimate us so much?" Seifert was upset. "My father also has an invitation letter, but he is too busy to go. He just sent the invitation letter to me and asked me to attend on his behalf."

Fred explained: "This rich man is a VIP client of our company. I have met his son many times, so we are acquaintances."

"Okay, I'm narrow-minded." Luo Quan realized his mistake.

There was a temporary extra itinerary, but the impact was not particularly great. It was nothing more than changing a few more sets of swimsuits every day. I waited until dusk on the beach, took photos and videos, and then returned to the hotel.

Tonight's dinner is a seafood feast carefully prepared by Gita Hotel. Considering everyone's taste, the main dishes are Australian lobster, crab and sashimi.

Luo Quan ordered a pasta and sausage separately.

It is not enough to not eat meat. Fortunately, meat sausage contains more flour and minerals, and the calories are not very high, but eating it will make you thirsty.

At the dining table, other people were feasting on fresh seafood, while Luo Quan was eating noodles alone, taking a small bite of meat sausage from time to time.

In the past, she also ate meat, but after thinking about it, this way of eating was really not elegant, so she changed it slowly.

However, Wen Xia couldn't be more clear about Luo Quan's eating habits in the past, the kind that could directly stuff a bottle of pulsation into his mouth, but now he pretends to be so delicate.

"Hey, have you even adjusted the way you eat so gracefully now? Isn't it the style of a Liangshan hero before?" Wen Xia sat next to Luo Quan with a smile, and put her arms around her shoulders.

Luo Quan chewed slowly and said, "I've always been like this, please don't defile people's innocence!"

Before Wen Xia opened his mouth to speak, Luo Quan immediately interrupted: "Don't talk about the photo of the giant mouth of the abyss, it's a matter of angle, and the media deliberately ps to smear it!"

Wen Xia shook her head helplessly: "I let you finish talking."

Luo Quan didn't blush and his heart didn't beat: "Because that's the truth."

"By the way, squad leader, have you received the invitation?" Lin Yizhu also sat down, "It's the eldest grandson of the head of the Rothschild family."

Luo Quan recalled: "I don't know who it is, but my dad did tell him today that a friend's birthday is coming soon, and this friend's cruise ship will pass by the Maldives in a few days, so my brother and I will also go on board. Get together."

Lin Yizhu nodded: "That's right, my brother is on the cruise ship, just now he sent a message asking me if I want to go aboard, I thought to myself that the squad leader's family background should also be invited, so I came to ask you."

"It's a pity that this is only by invitation, and you can't bring friends up." Luo Quan sighed at Wen Xia, if possible, she would really like to take Wen Xia Junzi and the others on board to play together.

Wen Xia waved her hand: "Just go and have fun, we still have to film a group show."

"By the way, does the Rothschild family really exist?" Luo Quan asked Lin Yizhu curiously.

She had read many urban novels before, in which whenever finance and hidden families were mentioned, the Rothschild family would inevitably be mentioned. What controls half of the world's wealth, more than [-]% of the power, and a single sentence can cause the stock market to crash. Category.

It sounded like Long Aotian was at the extreme, and at that time Luo Quan really thought that the Rothschild family was so awesome.

As a result, Luoquan searched the Internet later and found that the situation was not the same at all.

There is indeed this family, and it is indeed rich.

But that was in the last century, and now the total assets of the Rothschild family are only around one billion US dollars, which is so exaggerated in these novels.

However, I heard that this time it was a treat from this family again, and so many rich people were invited. It doesn't look as down and out as described in Wikipedia.

It just so happened that Lin Yizhu was a know-it-all in this area, and Luo Quan also wanted to ask her for advice.

Lin Yizhu did know a little bit about the inside story of this family. In fact, people at her level could more or less know a little bit, Luoquan was an exception.

"The Rothschild family is mainly engaged in financial business. It started in Europe in the [-]th century. The family ancestors maintained a good relationship with the royal families of European countries. Later, they went to the United States to develop business in the early [-]th century and invested a lot. large corporations, including Morgan and Rockefeller.

But later, the name Rothschild mysteriously disappeared from the list of investors of most companies, and the only ones that were still famous were a few banks in Europe.

The publicity is that the operation is poor, resulting in heavy debts and can only sell stocks to repay the debts, and the family assets have also shrunk significantly, which can be described as declining.

But what my father told me is that this family hides behind the scenes, let a group of white gloves help them operate, secretly invest in a lot of companies, live a life of making money with money, and cutting common people's leeks.

Because it is impossible to count the specific assets of this family, it is not very easy to directly compare with giants like Microsoft and Apple, and there is a high probability that it cannot be compared, but it is definitely a top rich family.

The key point is that this family has a long history, and the connections accumulated over hundreds of years are their greatest wealth, which is not possessed by all the upstarts in technology in the new century. "

Wen Xia said in surprise: "Then, isn't this Rothschild the emperor of the underground world?!"

Lin Yizhu laughed: "The underground emperor can't turn to these rich people. It's these people who are really powerful."

As she spoke, she gestured for a pistol.

This is very easy to understand. The great man said it well: Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Only by mastering force can one have power, and the amount of money is at best the upper limit of the treatment that the rich can enjoy in peacetime.

And force can determine whether there is peace, and the gap between the two is not the same.

As for who is the underground emperor, Lin Yizhu didn't say, neither did Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

In fact, who is the underground emperor does not have much meaning. Now this world is a world of five permanent members. If we really want to talk about the emperor, we will choose from these five countries.

It's a pity that these five countries are not imperial countries. Although power is concentrated, it is impossible to do whatever they want.

Of course, for an ordinary person, the richest man in a small county can already be called an "emperor".

And above the county seat, there are cities, districts, provinces, and the richest man in the country.

However, no matter how rich the richest man in the country is, in front of the state machine, he is nothing more than a chicken and a dog. It only takes a simple conversation, and tens of billions of wealth can be wiped out in an instant.

Therefore, Luo Quan has never been very interested in these so-called rich people and families.

(End of this chapter)

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