Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 362 Composing

Chapter 362 Composing
"Sorry, I can't accept such an expensive gift." Luo Quan quickly raised his hands to refuse.

Although she subconsciously likes this kind of shiny gem, but rationally speaking, she absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing.

For such a large pink diamond, the market price is at least 500 million US dollars, and it is the kind that has no market price. It is too expensive.

Johansen persuaded: "This is really just a small gift to me, not too expensive."

Luo Quan didn't waver, just kept shaking his head: "I appreciate your kindness, but I really can't accept it. If you insist on giving it, then I can only pay for it at the market price."

Everyone can see Luo Quan's love for this diamond ring. As soon as the box was opened, Luo Quan's eyes and face changed a little, and now everyone got what Luo Quan liked.

It's just that she didn't expect her to stick to the bottom line so much. She obviously likes diamond rings, but she can resist not wanting them.

Johansen always felt that 90.00% of the women in the world could not refuse the diamond ring in his hand, but Luo Quan was the one percent exception.

It must not be sold. It would be ridiculous if a gift was sold to the recipient, and even if it was to be sold, it would have to be something that cannot be bought with money.

So, Johansen also chose to take a step back: "Since you insist so much, forget it. But I think you should also like things like gemstones and diamonds, and this pink diamond ring is indeed not the best. If you want to Buy one, and I can recommend a more beautiful one to you!"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense." Luo Quan quickly waved her hand to deny, she didn't want to be misunderstood as the kind of superficial woman who only likes gems.

Johansen smiled: "That may be my misunderstanding, but I still want to recommend that ring to you. If you like it, I can give you a very favorable price, just as a friend."

"That's fine." Seeing that this was the point of the conversation, Luo Quan could only bite the bullet and agree, thinking that he might bleed again this time.

This pink diamond ring alone is worth more than 2000 million US dollars, nearly [-] million yuan. A better diamond ring than this thing, how expensive is it?
Perhaps this amount of money is nothing to a son like Johansen, but to her, it is already a very large amount.

After successfully dealing with the two local rich young masters, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Over there, Leon had also just struggled to escape from the crowd of women. There were bright red lip marks on his face, neck, and collar.

Seeing this, Seifert smirked: "Look at our Leon, how enthusiastic girls are towards you."

"Stop making sarcastic remarks." Leon was too tired to scold Seifert, and just waved his hand to signal him to shut up.

Seifert was curious: "By the way, how did you get away? Are those girls willing to let you go?"

Leon wiped off the lipstick on his face with a tissue, and explained: "They didn't share the spoils equally, and they started arguing, so I slipped away while they weren't paying attention."

Seifert looked longingly: "I'm really envious, when I can let a group of girls quarrel for me."

Ryan disdained: "If you really encounter this situation, you will know how uncomfortable it is."

Seifert stared: "I think you are in the blessing and don't know the blessing!"

Just as the two were about to argue, there was movement in front. It turned out that the owner of the cruise ship finally came out.

Auburn Rothschild, the current patriarch of the Rothschild family, since the old patriarch passed away two years ago, Auburn, as the eldest son, has inherited his father's position as the patriarch, and at the same time inherited the Rothschild family seven more than wealth.

However, Auburn is active by nature and doesn't like to stay in one place for too long, so he has been sitting on this cruise ship for the past two years, traveling around the world while handling family affairs.

Today is his 50th birthday. Half a month ago, he invited celebrities and rich people to the boat to attend his birthday party.

The Rothschild family did have a meeting, and almost all the people who had been sent invitations showed up, and those who couldn't make it, asked their sons to attend on their behalf.

It is worth mentioning that there were quite a few media reporters among the guests at the scene.

The old patriarch used to hold birthday parties, and generally would not invite reporters, and most of the time he kept a low profile.

However, Auburn and his father have completely different temperaments, and they are more publicized. On the occasion of his [-]th birthday, there are so many bigwigs coming to support him. He must want reporters and the media to promote him.

Although Rothschild has always been relatively low-key, it is absolutely understandable to come out from time to time to brush up on his presence.

The 50-year-old Auburn stood on a platform about ten centimeters above the floor. In his forties, there was not a single trace of white hair on his head, all dark brown curly hair, and the hair volume was quite gratifying.

There are many men younger than him in the audience, and many of them have already bald more than half of their foreheads.

"Thank you for coming." Auburn spoke the first speech of the day into the microphone.

"Since my father passed away, this is the first time the Rothschild family has held a large-scale banquet. Today, you are here to celebrate my birthday, which proves that you all cherish the friendship with the Rothschild family. As the patriarch, I deeply It's an honor."

There was applause from the audience, and polite smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

After the applause, Auburn continued to smile and said: "There are actually two important things today, one is my birthday, and the other is more important, that is, my son Rorschach finally expressed his love to his girlfriend who has been in love with him for seven years. Teresa proposed!"

As they spoke, a young couple walked slowly from behind Auburn to the front of the stage. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and they greeted everyone's blessings together.

Auburn looked at his son with a proud face: "So, rather than saying that this is my birthday party, it is better to say that this is my son Rorschach's engagement party.

I have not had any special achievements in business in my life, but what I am most proud of is that I have cultivated Rorschach, which is the greatest pride in my life.

As the future patriarch of Rothschild, I believe he will lead the family back to its former glory! "

"Who is this Luo Xia? Is he very powerful?" Luo Quan asked curiously while applauding.

Fred replied: "I am quite familiar with Rorschach. He is enthusiastic, easy to make friends, full of sense of justice, wise, and has unimaginable acumen in business and finance. Every project he invests in is not profitable. , None of the stocks he bought did not go up.”

"So awesome?!" Luo Quan was stunned after hearing Fred's evaluation. Isn't this the God of Wealth himself?
Fred nodded: "It's really awesome. The bigwigs on Wall Street have a very high opinion of Rorschach. They think that in the near future, he will grow into one of them who can control the stock market."

"It's a pity, with such a powerful ability, he is destined to become a capitalist." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed, not knowing whether he was lamenting Rorschach or those leeks that were up and down in the stock market.

Seifert laughed: "The capitalist of capital? The term you chose is quite interesting. Are there other capitalists?"

Luo Quan nodded: "There is a concept that is opposed to capitalists. We call it people's entrepreneurs, but the number is very small."

The audience was chattering away, and the two on the stage had finished their engagement vows and exchanged engagement rings under the witness of the priest.

After the ceremony, the birthday and engagement banquet officially began.

Plates of large meals were dragged by the waiter to the dining car and presented to the table.

Open the lid, and there are all kinds of top-quality seafood feasts on the plate.

"It's seafood again..." Luo Quan gently held his chest, feeling a little nauseous.

After staying on the island for a few days, she was faced with seafood every day. Although she didn't eat any, she was tired of smelling the smell every day.

Originally, I thought that I could eat something else on the boat this time, even if I only ate vegetarian dishes, I could change it a bit, but the crab lobster caviar was still the same.

"What, the food is not to your liking?" Eric asked with concern immediately when he saw that his daughter's expression was not right.

Luo Quan took a sip of the juice and suppressed it: "In the past few days on the island, I ate all these things."

Leon gnawed on a crab leg: "Sister, aren't you trying to lose weight and still eat seafood?"

Luo Quan picked up a slice of tomato: "I haven't eaten it, but I'm tired of smelling it."

Luo Ni was puzzled: "Daughter, I think you are quite slender, so why lose weight?"

Eric also echoed: "That's right, and losing weight is not a diet, let alone avoiding meat. The problems caused by nutritional imbalances will be even greater."

Luo Quan quickly explained: "Meat is still eaten, but I don't like seafood."

At this time, Luo Ni also remembered Luo Quan's eating habits: "Indeed, my daughter has never liked seafood since she was a child. After living in Japan for so many years, the total amount of fish she has eaten is probably less than one."

"It's okay, there will be other dishes later, if they don't suit your appetite, I'll let the kitchen make them for you." Eric looked at his daughter with a pampering expression on his face.

Leon put down the crab legs that had been chewed up, wiped his mouth, and said weakly: "Actually, I'm getting tired of eating seafood too. Can you ask the chef to cook me something later?"

When Eric saw his son, he remembered that he forgot what he had arranged, and immediately burst into anger: "Fuck you! You are not picky eaters, so you can't fill you with such a big table?!"

Luo Ni hugged Eric's arm: "Oh, talk to me, why are you so angry with Leon?"

Eric's anger didn't dissipate: "If you're not fierce, he doesn't have a long memory, so he can't handle such a little thing well."

Leon lowered his head, looking aggrieved.

Seifert and Fred were suffocating their laughter as if they were having epileptic seizures, their faces convulsed and deformed.

"Pfft." Luo Quan couldn't help it, he laughed out loud, but immediately took it back.

Luo Ni said to Leon: "Okay, let's eat first, and when your sister has another meal, ask her to order one for you."

"Thank you, Auntie." Leon raised his head and continued eating when he heard someone speak for him.

This also corresponds to Ah's saying: For a father, daughters are all his own, and sons are all adopted.

The difference in how Eric treats his son and daughter is really visible to the naked eye.

"Eric!" The family was eating when the host of the banquet finally came to the door.

"Auburn, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have gained a lot of weight." Eric stood up to greet him. After the two embraced affectionately, Eric patted his old friend's sizable belly.

"So many people are a bit out of shape. Also, how is your head better than mine?" Auburn glanced at Eric's shiny front forehead and laughed.

The men in Albert's family are prone to baldness, and Eric is considered to be in a better condition among the men in the family. Like the second child and father, because of busy work all year round, his hair has long since fallen out, and he spent a huge sum of money on hair transplants. useless.

Considering that Lyon will transform from an idol to an actor in the future, with an increasing workload, he is likely to be forced to become bald before he turns 35.

Fortunately, this phenomenon only occurs in men. Women in the Albert family do not have such hidden dangers. On the contrary, most women have quite thick hair.

"This is your daughter." The two brothers chatted and came to the table.

Auburn knew Leon, but this was the first time he met Luo Quan.

In the past two years, he has traveled around the world, and he has some understanding of the most beautiful woman in the world who suddenly appeared. While being amazed by her appearance, he always feels a little familiar.

A few days ago, I reunited with Eric after a long absence. Auburn chatted with Eric about this matter, only to find out that this is his eldest daughter.

Auburn was surprised and at the same time felt that the old man Yahweh was really eccentric. The father is already so handsome, and the son is more handsome than the father. I didn't expect the daughter to be more evil!

"Hello, Uncle." Seeing his father's good friend approaching, Luo Quan hurriedly got up to greet him.

Standing together were Leon, Seifert and Fred, the latter two also knew Auburn.

"Fred, you're here too." Auburn knew that Seifert and Leon had a good relationship, so it was not surprising that they appeared together, but he didn't expect Fred to be there.

"Hello, Uncle Auburn, my father is busy with business in Italy, so he specially asked me to attend your birthday party on his behalf."

"Italy... I see." Auburn didn't ask much.

After greeting the young people, Auburn sat down with Eric again and chatted for about ten minutes.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that she had nothing to do with her, but his father beckoned to her: "Daughter, come here."

Luo Quan raised his head and took a look, then got up and walked over.

"Father, what's the matter?" Luo Quan put his hands behind his back nervously and pinched them together.

Auburn asked with a smile: "Niece, I heard that you are very talented in music, you can write a song in a few minutes."

"It's not so exaggerated. If the inspiration comes, it will take about 10 minutes." Luo Quan smiled modestly.

"Uncle, can you do me a favor." Auburn's tone became more sincere, "Today is not only my birthday, but also my son Rorschach's engagement day, can you take this opportunity to compose a song for For both of them?"

"Compose?" Luo Quan was stunned.

Ps. Thanks to book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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