Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 363 To Alice

Chapter 363 To Alice
"Yes, it's like the song you made at your grandfather's birthday party last time." Auburn said, feeling a little embarrassed, "I know, such a request is a bit difficult, but I I really hope that Rorschach and Teresa can have an engagement banquet that will be remembered by the world."

Auburn's thinking is actually very easy to understand. As rich as he is, no matter how much money he makes, it is just the accumulation of numbers.

The two years after his father's death also made him understand some truths. Fame, prestige, and wealth are actually things outside the body, and they will pass away with the end of life.

Only by leaving your own imprint on human history will it not be so easily forgotten.

It is almost impossible for a businessman to achieve this, unless he can become the president of the United States as a businessman.

But it is not completely impossible, such as right now, using the curve to save the country.

After learning how famous his niece was, Auburn began to think about it.

Half a year ago, at Charles's birthday party, Luo Quan's song "Canon" shocked the music world. It was praised as one of the most beautiful melodies in the world, and now it has been written into the music enlightenment of primary and secondary schools in many countries. She will also have a place in the annals of classical music as teaching materials.

Even with that, Charles also had good luck.

In the future, when the music teacher introduces this piece to the students, he will definitely say: This is composed by the famous musician Luo Quan at his grandfather Charles’ birthday party, and the whole composition does not exceed 5 minutes!

Such a reputation cannot be exchanged by Auburn with ten times the wealth.

However, right now there is an opportunity to reproduce it. If Luo Quan is willing to compose a song for his son, their family will be included in the history books in the future!

After listening to Auburn's appeal, Luo Quan didn't have any particular embarrassment, but just glanced at his father.

Whether you can help me with this depends on how good the relationship between Dad and this Mr. Auburn is. She is not a bad person, but she is not so unkind.

"Daughter, the decision on this matter is up to you." Eric kicked the ball back, but if he didn't refuse in this situation, it was tantamount to agreeing.

Luo Quan nodded, and said to Auburn: "Recently, I have been composing a song, but the name has already been chosen, and it is not easy to change.

However, when journalists promote it, I can ask them to specifically indicate that this is a song for your son and his fiancée. "

"That's really great!" Hearing this, Auburn almost wanted to laugh, "After the banquet is over, there will be a dance, and the opening piano performance will be performed by you, niece... Uh, Can you make it?"

Luo Quan smiled and agreed: "It should be enough."

Originally, I just came to play on the boat, but it turned out to be the same as last time at Grandpa's place, and I still had to show my hand.

But this is also a good opportunity for her to make a name for herself. This era is too impetuous. It is a pity that the fame she gained after finishing "Canon" last time did not last even a year.

However, there is no need to worry about works of this level that their sense of existence will be diluted by time. Just like all classic works in the history of music, they will have the opportunity to return to the public eye after a while.

The song that Luo Quan will play this time has a slower rhythm than "Canon", and its popularity is also in the middle. It often appears in music boxes and PHS ringtones, which has a sense of age.

But for people in this world, this is a melody that has never appeared before.

The banquet lasted for nearly two hours. The three brothers said that they were tired of eating seafood, but in the end they ate until their stomachs were round and they burped from time to time.

Luo Quan enjoyed the vegetable salad specially prepared for her by the chef, and was full after eating. After wiping his mouth clean in the mirror, he was ready to perform on stage.

Seeing that the guests were almost finished eating, Auburn stood on the stage with a proud look: "Everyone, there will be a dance after the banquet, please go to the dance hall next to the guests after the meal.

In addition, I am very honored to announce to everyone that Luo Quan, the daughter of my best friend Eric, just made a piece of music in response to the engagement banquet of Rorschach and Teresa, and will play it at the ball later Zou, I hope you can enjoy her works. "

As soon as the words came out, everyone started discussing in surprise.

Luo Quan's fame was well known at the banquet. It is no longer a new thing for Albert's family to have a musical genius, and now this musical genius has composed another piece of music. Everyone is very curious about this time. What kind of tunes can she make?

Music and art have always been an important tool for these new and old nobles to distinguish themselves from the nouveau riche. Even if they don’t listen to classical music at all, they still have to look arty. At this time, leaving is not the same as sitting on the ground. identity?

Besides, in addition to enjoying Luo Quan's playing, the following dance party is also a relatively important social event.

After all, there are not a few handsome men and beautiful women present today, and the romantic Westerners don't mind having a loving encounter with these outstanding opposite sexes after drinking and eating.

Even those husbands who brought their wives had such thoughts in their hearts.

So, after the banquet, everyone went to the ballroom next door.

This place is much more spacious than the banquet hall. The piano is located in the north of the room, and the table in the corner is filled with champagne for guests to drink.

Seeing that it was almost time for people to come in, Luo Quan followed Auburn to the side of the piano, looked at all the guests with a smile, and was very polite.

There are quite a few acquaintances around, Senior Jing Gong, Cousin Augusta, Roy, Kevin, Johansen...all looking at her with burning eyes.

No matter what the reason for these people to gather here, she is the undisputed protagonist at this moment, and even if she just stands there breathing, she can easily pull their hearts.

"It should be the ultimate wish of all men in the world to be able to marry such a girl." Roy looked at Jing Gong Masaku beside him, "Are you right, Masaku-san."

Longing and admiration flashed in Jing Gong Masaku's eyes, but in the end only loneliness remained, and he sighed: "She should not belong to only one person, she should be the treasure of all those who love her."

Roy just felt goosebumps all over his body: "I didn't expect that your thoughts are quite philanthropic. If you can tell Luo Quan such nasty words, maybe she will be moved and fall in love with you."

Jing Gong gave Roy a blank look: "Stop making fun of me... Luo Quan said that she will not fall in love with any man at least until she is 40 years old."

Roy was speechless: "Do you believe what a woman says? Maybe she already has a boyfriend, and it's just to make you say so in vain."

"No, she has been surrounded by girls since she was a child, and she doesn't have a good relationship with boys, no!" Jing Gong Masaku's tone was quite firm, and this was one of the few things he could be sure of.

Roy shook his head regretfully: "That's such a pity, such a beautiful woman is actually an unmarriageist.

No, unmarriageists don't reject male companions, is she les? "

Jing Gong Masaku's face immediately became weird: "It shouldn't be, a reporter asked her a similar question before, but Luo Quan denied such a statement, and according to my observation, although she has a good relationship with her female friends , but not that much better.”

Roy fell into doubt: "That's strange, so what kind of mentality does this girl have?"

Jing Gong Masaku sighed helplessly: "If I could understand, I wouldn't be single until now."

The men in the audience were distressed because of Luo Quan. On the stage, Luo Quan had already sat down and put his fingers on the keys.

Luo Quan whispered into the microphone: "Actually, I have already created half of this piece of music, named "To Alice", but the remaining half finally came to inspiration after attending the banquet, and I was able to write it down. Complete.

This is a love poem to a beautiful girl, and on this occasion, it could also be called "To Teresa".

Luo Quan said, looking at Rorschach and Teresa who were not far away: "This is the title of the song that belongs to you two alone, and it is a love poem written for Teresa."

Rorschach and Teresa looked at each other with happy smiles on their faces, their hands were tightly clasped, and no force could separate them.

The relatives and friends around also looked at the two with blessings on their faces, everything was so harmonious and beautiful.

After Luo Quan finished talking about his creative journey, he turned his head to look at the piano, his expression became serious.

The reporters who had been waiting for a long time turned on their cameras one after another, preparing to record this scene that may be recorded in history.

In an instant, the entire ballroom became silent.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong ~~~~"

A quiet and beautiful melody flowed from Luo Quan's white fingertips, rippling in the ballroom.

It is the same as Luo Quan's previous works, which catch the ear from the very beginning, and you don't need any appreciation ability to be fascinated by it.

But while taking care of ordinary people, the piece itself is fresh and refined. Whether it is rhythm, conception, or overall layout, it is quite mature, and the movement is also very smooth. It is a work with a high degree of completion.

In other words, even the most demanding music critics will not be able to find any faults in this piece, and it is a classic classical music that appeals to both tastes and tastes!

The piece is not long, only about 4 minutes, but the guests all heard the affectionate lines from Luo Quan's piano sound, just as she said, this is a love poem, a mellow and beautiful love poem.

When the performance was over, everyone couldn't wait to give Luo Quan the warmest applause. At this moment, no amount of wealth, no dazzling jewels, could compare to the beauty of music and art shining on Luo Quan.

After the performance, Luo Quan bowed to the guests in return, and then returned to his family.

"How about it, is this song okay?" Luo Quan looked at the three brothers proudly, and almost wrote "quickly compliment me" on his face.

Seifert frowned: "So-so."

Luo Quan stared: "Won't your conscience hurt when you say such things?"

"I don't know if I can have you play at my future wedding?" Leon looked at his sister expectantly. If he can invite her to play, then this will definitely be the wedding of the century!

"Of course, you already have a goal?" Luo Quan suddenly became curious.

Lyon categorically denied: "There is no goal, it's just an appointment in advance."

After Luo Quan left, the pianist on board continued to play the piano, and the dance officially began.

Luo Quan looked around, and it was definitely not wise to stay any longer before she came to invite her to dance, so he hurriedly left the ball hall.

There were also three brothers who walked together. Young people in the United States have never liked dancing. It is Old Money (old nobles) who like to make scenes. Compared with them, they prefer racing cars, walking dogs and playing games.

The above two kinds are not available on the ship, and playing games is not interesting now. After much deliberation, I went straight to the casino on the ship.

In the afternoon, Seifert came back here, and he has plenty of time tonight. He intends to get it back with interest. By the way, he dragged Luo Quan, who had nowhere to go, to let her witness how the gambling king became a gambling king. of!
However, because they came earlier, there were only a few croupiers and waitresses who cleaned up the poker tables in the casino.

Luo Quan didn't see the beautiful dealers, nor did he see the escort girls in bunny costumes.

When he came to the front desk of the casino, Seifert threw out a black card and said aggressively, "Exchange me for $500 million in chips first!"

The waitress quickly finished swiping the card, and at the same time, someone behind him brought up a plate, inside which were piled up a small pyramid of beautifully shaped black chips, each with a face value of [-].

"Sister, do you want to play too?" Leon and Seifert also exchanged some chips and asked Luo Quan at the same time.

"Playing cards? Forget it, I'm not very good at it." Luo Quan shook his head decisively.

But it’s all here, and it’s definitely not interesting to just watch it. Fortunately, she saw Pachinko in the casino. She has played this kind of Japanese national-level gambling game a few times, but it’s on a video game machine, and the physical machine has not been operated yet. , but the difference is not expected to be particularly large.

Compared with playing cards, this kind of thing has almost no technical content. It depends on luck. Although you lose more than you win, if you just try it out, you won't lose too much.

Besides, the generous Mr. Auburn prepared $[-] in chips for all the guests attending his birthday party. According to the price of Japanese pachinko, $[-] is enough for her to play for three days and three nights.

"Exchange me $20 for pachinko marbles, thank you." Luo Quan said to the waitress.

20 US dollars is equivalent to more than 2000 yen. According to the par price of Japanese pachinko, one or two thousand marbles can be exchanged.

But on the boat, a pachinko marble cost 20 yen to get, so Luo Quan exchanged 20 dollars for a hundred or so marbles.

"Isn't this something for children to play? Besides, how much can you win with 20 chips?" Seifert held 500 million chips and looked at the marbles on Luo Quan's plate with contempt.

Luo Quan did not show any weakness: "Be careful, you will lose everything before me!"

(End of this chapter)

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