Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 365 A Beautiful Girl Will Not Have Bad Luck

Chapter 365 Beautiful Girls Can't Have Too Bad Luck (Part [-])
"I raise, 300 million!" Seifert leaned on the back of the chair with his left hand, and threw out [-] chips with his right hand, as if he was in control of the overall situation.

In a seven-player game, there were only two players left, and all the others chose to fold.

Fighting Seifert was a thin, pale boy who seemed to be the son of a Russian oligarch with few acquaintances on board.

But his poker skills are quite good, he has been winning in the first few rounds, and it is estimated that a small 500 million has already been credited.

"Call the bet 300 million." The boy with a pale face asked the bunny girl beside him to light a Cuban cigar, with a calm expression on his face.

Now tens of millions of chips have been accumulated in the prize pool, and the adults around them haven't played so much yet.

"Continue to bet, 300 million!" Seifert continued to bet as the party that took the initiative in this round. If the white-faced man does not want to admit defeat, he must continue to follow.

"Follow." The white-faced man showed no stage fright, he followed as much as Seifert cast, as if he was going to fight him to the end.

The amount of betting here has exceeded the chips when the two first entered the table. In fact, as early as the first round of raising, Seifert and the white-faced man each exchanged 1000 million US dollars in chips, ready to fight .

After one more round of betting, Seifert finally stopped.

At this moment, he only had about two million chips left in front of him, leaving himself a way out.

The chips in front of the white-faced man are also not much. If he loses this hand, he will have to spit out all the previous wins and pay back.

The private cards of the two have already been dealt out, and a total of five public cards are also clearly visible.

But everyone still has two hole cards that only they can see, so until the last moment, no one will know who is big and who is small.

"Showdown." Seifert stopped betting, intending to end the game.

The public card pool is 6699A.

The white-faced man turned over his hole cards, and there were 2 Aces!

According to the rules of Texas Hold'em, the player's own cards can be combined with the public cards, and the largest one is used for comparison in the showdown stage.

At present, such a community card cannot form a straight, but it is very easy to use 6 or 9 groups of full houses.

But no one thought that the white-faced man's hole card was a pair of aces, which directly formed a board of triple aces and two 9s, which was one of the biggest combinations in the full house.

In most poker games, this situation can be called a lore. It is too rare that the God of Gamblers is always a straight, and the dramatic effect is greater than the actual possibility.

However, Seifert smiled after seeing the cards played like this: "To be honest, I'm really worried that you have two 9s in your hole card. Fortunately, how can anyone have such a good card?" luck."

As he said that, he turned over his hole card with a "snap", and it turned out to be a pair of 6s!


All the gamblers around shouted in amazement, that someone actually got four of them!

There is a pair of 6s on the community card, and Seifert's hole card is also a pair of 6s, so his biggest card is four 6s, any four of a kind is bigger than any full house, this round is Seifert laughing At the end.

"It seems that today's card luck is not good." The white-faced man shook his head and laughed, as if he didn't take his loss of more than 1000 million US dollars to heart.

But he did not continue to stay at this poker table. After changing the chips, he went to other poker tables to change Feng Shui.

"See, I'm not nicknamed the Texas Gambler for nothing." Seifert hugged a lot of chips in his arms and smiled happily.

This round really made him feel numb. Those who lost in the afternoon all won back, and at the same time, it also hit Luo Quan's arrogance.

At this time, Luo Quan also had some interest in Texas Hold'em, feeling that this game is a little more fun than Pachinko, which not only tests skills, but also depends on luck.

However, the tens of millions of cards ended, and the other young gamblers seemed a little scared. They all ordered a glass of wine and went to the rest area to calm down. There is no game to participate in yet.

Seifert, who had won a lot of money, was also full of confidence at this time. He packed the chips in a bag and staggered to the area where the adults played cards. Luoquan Lyon and Fred also followed.

It is said to be an area for adults, but in fact, there are quite a few young people here, like Cousin Augusta, Roy, they all play here, Kevin and Johansen are also there, and there are hills of chips piled up in front of everyone , Can't see win or lose.

Everyone walked to the side of the card game where Eric was. Luo Ni sat beside Eric and fed him grapes. The other rich men were also surrounded by red and green, but the clothes exposed a lot, and they were probably not the same as Luo Ni. identity.

The game was also in a very anxious state at this time. Although the cards had been dealt out, the game was always in a cycle of raising and calling.

Pile after pile of chips with a face value of up to one million were thrown into the pot. Luo Quan originally wanted to count how many there were, but new chips were thrown in not long after the count.

It is impossible to calculate at all, it is estimated that it has exceeded [-] million!

"She doesn't understand the world of local tyrants." Luo Quan sighed in her heart. Before, she thought that her net worth could already be called a rich man. After all, she is also the top ten existence on the Forbes Celebrity Under 20 Rich List.

But compared to the real rich, her net worth is only equivalent to the chips used by others for a night of poker.

In the end, the raised amount reached the upper limit of the game, which is 1000 million US dollars. After throwing the last round of calling, everyone chose a showdown.

In a general gambling game, sometimes the cards are of the same size. At this time, all the chips in the pot will be divided equally by the people with the same size of cards.

Obviously, there was no such situation in this game. A rich man from South America became the final winner and exclusively enjoyed nearly [-] million US dollars in chips in the pot.

"My God, this is more profitable than robbing a bank." Luo Quan couldn't help sighing.

The South American rich man who won the money was in a good mood. Hearing Luo Quan's sigh, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Little girl, robbing a bank is illegal, but these are all my legal income."

Everyone laughed, while Luo Quan scratched his head in embarrassment.

But looking at these people can still laugh, it is estimated that the small amount of money lost has not affected their mood.

On the other side, a new game has begun.

It was a poker game played by Augusta's cousins, and the table was full of acquaintances. Seifert had just won a big one, and at this time he was also excitedly pulling everyone over, wanting to make persistent efforts.

However, Leon and Fred are not very interested in playing poker. They played a few rounds with Seifert just now, and they have already lost seven to eighty eight of the [-] chips. Outsiders have to buy chips with their own money, so they refused. I accepted the invitation from Augusta and chose to watch.

"Cousin, do you want to play a few (crossed out) or two?" Augusta asked with a smile.

Luo Quan raised a finger: "But I only have [-] chips."

"Come on, if you don't have enough chips, I'll lend you." Roy was very enthusiastic, but it was a pity that the layout was a bit small.

Johansen said grandly: "I don't care if you borrow it or not. I will take care of your chips. If you win, it will be yours!"

"Then how embarrassing, I can still exchange more than 9 chips, which should be enough to play a game." Luo Quan said, asking the waiter to take all the remaining chips from her.

She basically didn't move the 11 chips that Auburn gave to the guests. In addition to the pachinko win just now, she now has [-] chips.

If it is an ordinary game, this is enough to play two or three hands, but I don't know how old Cousin Augusta and the others are.

Under the warm invitation, Luo Quan also sat down on the chair, wanting to play a game.

In fact, whether it's Pachinko or the current Texas Hold'em, Luo Quan didn't participate with the intention of winning money, but was simply curious about these activities and wanted to try them out.

As for technology, she can exchange it in the mall, but it's not necessary.

Card playing skills are indeed important, but luck is the key in comparison. Luo Quan feels that her luck has always been good. If she changes skills, she will have no gaming experience.

The poker game started, Luo Quan, Seifert, Augusta, Roy, Kevin, Johansen and two gamblers she didn't know were sitting at the poker table.

The two gamblers looked older, and they had been hanging out in the casino before, and no one greeted them, and they didn't know who their friends were. Seeing a poker game here in Augusta, they wanted to participate.

Augusta was also hospitable and did not refuse these two strangers.

In order to take care of Luo Quan, everyone's first round of betting is relatively small, the purpose is to facilitate Luo Quan to decide whether to fold after reading the hole cards and the community cards.

If she folds, she doesn't lose much that way.

However, Luo Quan had just started playing, and her luck with the cards was not particularly good. Every time she looked at the hole cards, her own cards were relatively small, and every time it was her turn to speak, she folded her cards in despair.

The other gamblers in the gambling game are you come and go, all kinds of raises and calls, and the final pot of each game can be around one million.

At the beginning, everyone could win and lose each other, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

But after six or seven hands, the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt completely towards the two strange gamblers. One person had just raised a big bet, and the other would quickly fold, and the final result was often that the person who raised the bet had the most cards .

This kind of situation kept repeating in the following games, and the two of them seemed to be partners in tacit understanding, winning away the chips of other people on the table round after round.

The key point is that these two people are also well versed in the way of boiling frogs in warm water. Every time they raise, they will not add a particularly outrageous number, so that Augusta and others will not easily fold their cards. They always call after a few rounds , was defeated in the showdown stage.

After a few rounds, the two won tens of millions, at least to say the least.

"Five million dollars!" Augusta called again. Although his tone was calm, his face was obviously a little ugly.

In the game of his group, it doesn't matter how their friends win or lose, no one will hurt their feelings for this little money.

As a result, they were all won by these two outsiders now, and it felt like the two were still fighting and cooperating with each other, which made him a little upset.

In this new round, the others chose to fold their cards early, only he had a good hand, and this time he wanted to fight those two outsiders to the end.

Not trying to win money, just simply wanting to win.

However, temper cannot be converted into luck. During the showdown, everyone turned over their cards and Augusta lost again.

At this time, Kevin stood up and said with a sneer: "I didn't recognize them before, but I just checked my phone and found out that the two players were the top four players in the International Texas Hold'em Championship.

Masters like you don't go to play with those adults, what are you doing here to play with us young people? "

One of the gamblers with a mustache laughed: "They're all adults, why are they young or not?

On the gambling table, you can compare skills, luck, and financial resources. The only thing you can't compare is age. Since you are willing to gamble, you have to admit defeat.

If you suspect that we are cheating, you can report to the casino and investigate us. We accept all investigations. "With that, he rolled up his sleeves, looking upright.

Another man in a suit with a tall hat also laughed: "But if you can't afford to lose, you can tell me and we will leave immediately."

"Who said I can't afford to lose?!" Johnson slapped the table, "Again!"

Most of the young people are full of vigor, and those present here are usually arrogant, how can they bear such ridicule.

It doesn't matter if you lose money, but being looked down upon by others is worse than slapping them in the face.

"Happy to accompany you." The two professional poker players couldn't be more happy about this situation, thinking that the young people are really too impulsive, and they will blow up when they get excited.

The game continued, and starting from this game, Augusta directly canceled the betting limit, obviously planning to either succeed or succeed this time!
Luo Quan had been an outsider in more than a dozen rounds, and he was in a state of bewilderment throughout the whole process. Even more than a dozen hands were ridiculously small, and he folded almost all of his cards in the first round.

This was her last thousand chips, and Luo Quan bet it directly, planning to lose and leave.

After the two hole cards and the three community cards were dealt, Luo Quan rubbed his hands, thinking that people can't be so unlucky, even if they discard so many hands, it's time for luck.

Open it up and look, hey, it seems that there is still a lot, one A, one K!

It was already the biggest hole card in the past dozen hands, and the public card was a K, a Q and a 3, and she came up with two K!

Although she is very proficient in the rules of Texas Hold'em, such a card should be considered very big.

As long as a K or an A comes after the community card, the deck will be very stable!

"As usual, ladies come first." The bearded man pretended to be a gentleman and asked Luo Quan to speak first, but he didn't take her too seriously from the bottom of his heart.

At first, everyone thought that Luo Quan would fold as before, but this time she stood up and grabbed ten chips worth [-] from Seifert: "Lend it to me, and return it to you later. "

After finishing speaking, she threw a chip of [-] yuan into the pot: "I want to raise my bet in this game."

Ps. Thanks to the book friend Deng Shen, Xiao Ye Yuan Dance Music, the embarrassing cat, and the book coins rewarded by watching the sea across the bank at dawn, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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