Chapter 366
"It seems that your luck has finally changed this time." The bearded man twirled his beard and said to Luo Quan with a smile.

His cards are also a K and a 9, but unfortunately they are not the same color, but he has a vague premonition that this one will make him a straight!

Everyone took turns to talk, and this hand was obviously a bloody one. Except for Johansen who folded early because the cards were too small, everyone else chose to raise.

Because it is a no-limit game, everyone's bets are twice as much as before, so the raising chip was quickly raised to more than a million.

The two rounds of betting are over, and the fourth card is revealed, Jack of Hearts!

Luo Quan's card is A of Hearts and K of Hearts. The public cards are K of Spades, Q of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds, and J of Hearts. She is only one step away from a royal straight flush!
The bearded man's cards are 9 of spades and 8 of clubs, which is only one card away from a straight flush.

The third round of betting began, and Seifert, Augusta, and Kevin folded their cards one after another.

Obviously this hand of community cards is quite big, but their cards are basically below 8, which is outrageous, and they have no capital to continue fighting.

Soon, only Luo Quan and the two professional players were left on the poker table.

The two of them were obviously extremely dissatisfied with this harvest. All of them folded after only one round of raising, and the combined pot was less than 500 million.

But there seemed to be a fat sheep in front of him, it looked like a novice who had just entered the poker table, maybe he could squeeze a little from her.

The bearded man glanced at the man in the hat, as if saying that this fat sheep is mine, you wait for the next round.

But the man in the hat didn't seem to see it, it seems that he also took aim at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan, who is harmless to humans and animals, is still pressing the cards in his hand nervously, hoping to give her a 10 of Hearts later.

This is the first time for her to play Texas Hold'em, and Zajinhua has played a lot before. In fact, Zajinhua is like a simplified version of Texas Hold'em, but the rules are slightly different.

In fried golden flower, three aces are the highest card, and a straight flush is slightly lower.

Although she is playing Texas Hold'em now, she always subconsciously feels that the cards are not strong enough, but she also knows in her heart that if she really gets a 10 of Hearts, then she will be a lore.

However, at this moment, she still looked quite nervous... pretending to be nervous.

On the poker table, poker skills, luck, and momentum are one of the magic weapons for winning. Sometimes even if you draw a bad hand, if you can overwhelm your opponent in terms of momentum, you can still make the opponent fold.

Momentum, to put it bluntly, is acting. The more realistic the acting, the more the opponent will believe it, and then make a wrong judgment.

At this time, Luo Quan is playing a rookie who has just entered the poker table and is worried about gains and losses, making these old fritters feel that they can win casually at first glance.

Playing cards, the bearded man and the hatd man are professionals, but if you want to analyze people's real thoughts, you are a complete layman.

"Raise, 400 million." The bearded man was quite confident, and he planned to use this little chip to try the quality of this rookie.

As soon as 400 million was called, Luo Quan's eyes widened immediately, showing a tangled and worried expression.

This appearance, in the eyes of others, obviously means that the cards are not too big or too small, and they want to gamble but are a little afraid of losing.

The public board is KQJ3, and it is indeed easy to form a straight, but the suits of the public cards are different, and he is only one card away from forming a straight.

In the nearly ten games before, the biggest card was three queens, and even four queens never appeared.

He touched a straight this time, which can be said to be very lucky.

What's interesting is that his next player, the man in the hat, chose to call the bet without making a sound.

Before, the two cooperated tacitly and joined hands to harvest a bunch of rich second generations. They thought that the relationship must be good.

Unexpectedly, when they fell in love with the same fat sheep now, no one would choose to be courteous, but immediately turned against each other.

But this is also normal, there is no real brother on the poker table.

After a round of betting is over, the croupier turns over the last community card.

Hearts 10!

The eyes of the bearded man and the hat man finally calmed down, and they felt that they had won the battle.

Only Luo Quan was still as frightened as before. Obviously, this 10 didn't have much effect on her card.

From this analysis, her hole card has a high probability of KQJ choosing a full house.

In normal times, this is considered a very big card, but unfortunately, it is not enough to look at in front of Shunzi.

"Call, 400 million." Sure enough, Luo Quan, who had been raising before, did not raise in this round, choosing a safe hand.

"Raise, 1000 million." The bearded man pushed a large amount of chips into the pot.

This round, he knew that Luoquan had been completely reduced to a cash machine, and he didn't need to pay attention anymore. The next thing he had to deal with was his friend. The 1000 million was to test his quality!
Unexpectedly, the man in the hat was unmoved at all: "Call."

Both of them are very confident in their cards, and they can't tell anything from looking at each other's expressions.

On the contrary, Luo Quan timidly borrowed 1000 million chips from Roy and threw them in.

The bearded man frowned, falling into doubt.

Why is this rookie so reckless? Logically speaking, a full house would have folded long ago when he saw the next player raise so much.

Unless her card is bigger than a full house!

But this is an unlimited game. If you want to showdown, you can only wait for one person to all in.

Now meeting such a stunned young man, this really adds a lot of difficulty to the game.

This rookie doesn't matter, what the bearded man is really worried about is his companion who keeps smiling.

He didn't want to increase the possible losses too much because of this rookie.

So the bearded man said in a deep voice: "New players in Texas Hold'em are always so confident, but such self-confidence is usually an important factor that makes them fail miserably."

"You don't care how others play, if you don't call, give up!" Roy and Johnson pushed all their chips in front of Luo Quan, intending to hold her to the end.

They didn't know what Luo Quan's cards were, and they didn't have too much hope, but they definitely couldn't swallow this breath easily.

Now it's clear that two tigers are fighting each other, and Luo Quan is the spoiler, as long as she keeps stirring up the muddy water, one of them will bleed out!

"Hehe." The bearded man was stunned and stopped talking, continuing to call 1000 million.

And the man in the hat raised directly: "2000 million!"

The sound was a bit loud, and it attracted the attention of the gamblers at the nearby card tables.

"Damn it, the next door has reached 2000 million?" Eric, who had just finished a round, suddenly heard this shout at the table.

"It's my daughter!" Luo Ni's sharp eyes saw that it was her daughter who was playing against two foreign men.

"Everyone, I'll go over and have a look." Just after a game, Eric got up and walked over with his wife.

There were quite a few people from other tables who went there together.

The bearded man and the hatd man are the semifinalists of the World Texas Hold'em Championship. They usually roam the major casinos, and it is common for them to win 2000 million in one night.

At the same time, they also have their own industries, with a net worth of more than one billion US dollars, and they can also be called a wealthy party.

After all, if you just play cards well, you won't be able to get on this ship.

But even if they are worth a billion dollars, raising to 2000 million this time is already a lot. After these rounds of raising, almost all the winning chips from before have been invested, and the tens of millions of chips they exchanged before going to the table are already left. Not much.

At this time, it is bullshit to talk about stopping the loss in time and closing the hand. With so many chips invested, no one is willing to let it go. You must know that this is a pot of hundreds of millions of dollars!
"Call the bet 2000 million." Luo Quan pushed out half of the stack of high chips in front of her, and the chips she borrowed from others were almost bottomed out.

The bearded man's face was gloomy, and he began to regret why he couldn't keep calm.

When I was at 500 million before, I should have realized that something was wrong when I saw that the next player was so determined to call.

But at that time, all he thought about was slaughtering the fat sheep, so he missed the best chance to escape.

Although there would be a lot of losses in folding at that time, at least he still won overall.

But now, if they lose at the showdown, they will lose all their money!
No, no more raises from that bastard!

"All in!"

In an uncapped game, no one calls stop, and the raise will continue. The bearded man is not in the position of taking the initiative. Although all in z is not good for him, he can only put his mind on it and put his 3000 million chips Bet it all.

Now all-in, if he wins, he can take all the chips so far.

But if the other two continue to bet, then the next chip has nothing to do with him whether he wins or loses.

The man in the hat has a stronger family background than the bearded man, but seeing that the bearded man has come to make a move, he will not participate in the next raise.

Then it was left for him and Luo Quan to choose whether to expand the size of the pot as well.

"Call, 3000 million." The man in the hat exchanged chips with the casino while betting.

"Raise, 6000 million." Seeing that the time had come, Luo Quan also directly took advantage of it, and directly took all the chips from Seifert, Cousin Augusta and others, planning to take the big ones.

Eric and Luo Ni's eyelids twitched when they watched from behind. They didn't expect their daughter to be so fierce. Didn't they say that they can't hold Texas Hold'em?
The prize pool has exceeded 11 million U.S. dollars, but for Luo Quan, she only invested [-] U.S. dollars, and the rest were borrowed from other people's chips.

Although she didn't say she wouldn't pay it back, if she was willing to pretend to be stupid, no one would ask her for it.

To be honest, if she really wanted money, she would just swipe, and there were many people willing to use it as a cash machine.

Being rich is truly amazing.

Although the man in the hat is a master of poker, he has no skills to use in this situation.

No matter how powerful the technology is, it is no match for the wealth sitting on Jinshan. The possibility of winning and losing money has nothing to do with the cards at this time, but each accounts for 50.00%.

The key is whether he can accept the amount of money lost.

Now he has only two options, one is aii in and the other is to fold.

If he calls, Luo Quan re-raises in the next round, which will be 2000 million!
His net worth is more than one billion, but it doesn't mean he has so much cash. If he really loses so much, the problem will be serious.

"All in!" The man in the hat didn't dare to gamble anymore, and directly put all-in on the 6000 million chips he just got.

Three people played against each other, two people all-in, the betting stage finally ended, and it came to the exciting opening stage.

The bearded man couldn't wait the most, and turned over his hole cards, a K and a 9, and the KQJ103 community card formed a 910JQK straight, but not a flush.

"Hahahahahaha..." The man in the hat let out a long laugh, and it turned out to be a straight, and then he also turned over his hole card, 8 of hearts, 9 of hearts, and it was a straight flush of hearts from 8 to 10!

The bearded man seemed to have been hit by a thunderbolt, his brain buzzed, and he fell down on the chair, unable to get up again.

At this time, Luo Quan also showed a sweet smile, his smile was so bright, like a sunflower under the beautiful sunshine, so beautiful and eye-catching.

At this moment, the two professional poker players couldn't see the slightest worry and timidity in Luo Quan's eyes, only joy and calm eyes.

She stretched out her fingers as round and smooth as white jade, and gently flipped over her cards.

"Holy shit!"


"Oh my godness!"

Although the words are different, the meaning of the expression is basically the same. If you use Chinese, in most cases it is two words: "I'm fucked!"

Luo Quan's hole cards are Ace of Hearts and K of Hearts, which together with the community cards constitute the biggest card in Texas Hold'em, the Royal Flush!

A Royal Flush is a Royal Flush regardless of suit, as long as it is 10 to Ace, it is considered a Royal Flush.

Whether it is the ordinary straight flush of the bearded man or the straight flush of the hat man, in front of Luoquan's royal straight flush, they can only be killed in seconds.

Like the bearded man, no matter how calm he was before, the man in the hat turned into a puddle of mud on the chair as if his spine had been whipped.

Speaking of it, the situation of the bearded man is better than that of the hatd man, at least he didn't miss the nearly [-] million raise in the end, and he didn't get on the roller coaster from heaven to hell.

The man in the hat was different. Originally, he thought his straight flush was already a killer. Who knew that a mountain could be as high as a mountain!

No one could have predicted that there would be a royal flush, and it was won by a novice who folded more than ten rounds in a row. This is almost like winning the first prize in the lottery!
At this time, the two looked at the flowery smile again, the most beautiful face in the world had become more terrifying than the devil in hell, and thinking about the chips they had thrown in, they felt dizzy.

This is the casino, one thought of heaven, one thought of death, from winning to losing sometimes in an instant.

Fortunately, these two people are not ordinary people who need to go bankrupt for gambling after all. Losing hundreds of millions of dollars will definitely hurt their muscles and bones, but it is not enough to jump off the building tonight.

But for a long time to come, the two of them probably won't touch gambling again, and Luo Quan has done a good deed.

And as the biggest one so far tonight, Luo Quan hugged all the hundreds of chips with a face value of up to one million in the prize pool to him.

I hugged it three times, and I couldn't finish hugging once!

After repaying the borrowed chips, Luo Quan settled the chips gained this time.

Nearly [-] million!
"This is really more lucrative than robbing a bank." The rich man who was complained by Luo Quan before returned the same words.

Everyone laughed... except the two on the chair.

Ps. The Year of the Ox is approaching. Here I wish all book lovers a happy new year, good health, rising grades in reading, and rising wages for those who have already worked!

Everyone, the Year of the Ox is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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