Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 367 Always bring surprises

Chapter 367 Always bring surprises

After staying on the boat for one night, Luo Quan returned to the Maldives with Lin Yizhu on the seaplane arranged by Auburn.

When she came out this time, there was not much time left for her to ask for leave. If she went back to Huaxia with the cruise ship, it would definitely be too late.

It just so happened that they didn't drive too far, Luo Quan and Lin Yizhu flew back directly.

Before leaving, Luo Quan also allocated more than 3000 million of the [-] million US dollars in chips that he had just acquired, and handed them over to Johnson.

I agreed to buy a diamond ring from him before, and I thought it was just a perfunctory, but Johansen actually arranged for her after returning home at night.

It is a large diamond ring named "Bright Flower", which is composed of red diamonds, pink diamonds, blue diamonds and white diamonds. Among them, the red diamond weighs 1.5 carats and is the flower center of this diamond flower. Carat pink diamonds together form the pistil, surrounded by a circle of diamonds, luxurious and beautiful to the extreme.

And the price of such a diamond ring is naturally ridiculously high, a full 3234 million US dollars.

A little cheaper than her car, but not by much.

However, Luo Quan, who had just made a fortune just now, was also rich and powerful at this time, so he bought this very nice-looking ring very generously.

When Johansen showed her the photo, he originally wanted to give it to her directly, but Luo Quan's attitude was still the same as before. He firmly refused to accept it for nothing and insisted on buying it at the original price.

In desperation, Johansen could only settle for the next best thing, and offered Luo Quan a discounted price of 3000 million U.S. dollars on the grounds of making friends, that is, to wipe away the odds.

At this point, Luoquan definitely can't care about it any more. Diamond rings of this level are usually private collections of rich people, and rarely circulated in the world.

It is quite interesting that Johnson is willing to sell it to her and return so many discounts, although his purpose may not be particularly pure.

But at least a gentleman talks about his deeds regardless of his heart. From the beginning of meeting, he has been showing favor.

And if she continues to be hypocritical, it is indeed easy to make people feel disgusted.

Of course, this situation is generally minimal.

Therefore, after setting the price, Luo Quan happily handed over one-tenth of the chips that had not yet been converted into deposits to Johansen.

For the rest, all the casinos exchanged for deposits.

This time Auburn owed Luo Quan a big favor and waived all the handling fees for her.

In addition, considering Luo Quan's identity, he did not give her money directly, but completed the payment by way of share transfer.

In fact, it is normal. Although casinos are legal in many places, it is also a consensus that the water is deep. Many people will choose to use casinos to launder their money after receiving unclear income.

The more common way is this way of transferring shares.

This time Auburn gave Luoquan big companies like Apple and Tesla, and they could get a legal income of [-] million U.S. dollars by selling them directly.

However, the stock market prices of these two companies have been quite good in recent years. If they have been held in their hands, there will be good room for growth.

Although Apple was wiped out by a hacker a few percentage points some time ago, but because of the timely handling and good public relations, the market quickly rose back.

However, Luo Quan was also bitten by a snake once, and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Since then, he has never saved any important information on his iPhone.

And this time when I got the shares of Apple, even though I knew that this was a highly profitable business, I still decisively chose to sell, and got back nearly [-] million in real money.

As for the remaining Tesla shares worth [-] million US dollars, Luo Quan did not sell them.

The car company established in 03 has recently been engaged in new energy vehicles. After the announcement of the new car, it has been widely praised by the industry, and its sales at home and abroad are also increasing day by day.

Overall, this is a company with great upside potential. Luoquan's $[-] million worth of shares is roughly equivalent to [-]% of Tesla's current shares.

Not much, but not too little. After all, Tesla is now a large company with a market value of nearly 400 billion.

However, Luo Quan himself didn't know how to operate, so he asked his father, and his father said, don't operate blindly if you don't know how to operate, just hold it in your hand and wait for the dividend at the end of the year. This is basically suitable for all novices who are new to the stock market advice.

As a retail investor with scattered funds, it is quite difficult to make waves in the stock market, unless a huge number of retail investors unite to make a difference.

If you want to go head-to-head with those financial giants on your own, it is synonymous with leeks. Every time the stock market fluctuates, the first to die are usually those who think they can have a chance to catch the leak.

Overnight, Luo Quan became a rich woman with a net worth of over 20 billion.

When she returned to Maldives, the sun was still as warm as when she left.

For her now, money seems to have really become a number.

I have a house, a car, and jewelry.

The material aspects have been greatly satisfied, and the next step is the spiritual needs.

Compared with material pursuits, her spiritual pursuit in this world, that is, her journey to stardom, has just begun.

The time for Luo Quan to return to the Maldives was just right, and Wen Xia and the others were preparing to pack their luggage and book a flight back home.

Seeing Luo Quan and Lin Yizhu who came back suddenly, the girls were pleasantly surprised and booked two additional tickets.

After boarding the boat this time, Lin Yizhu didn't meet Luo Quan, mainly because there were too many people.Lin Yizhu was dragged to get to know all the uncles and uncles, so he couldn't take it easy.

After the banquet, I was invited to dance by a group of boys, so I didn't go to meet Luo Quan.

However, when Luo Quan played "Fur Elise" on stage, she could see it clearly, and after she finished playing, she proudly said to her elders and other peers: "This is my monitor, we live in the same dormitory! "

After having lunch in the Maldives, all the girls got on the plane back home.

It’s been a lot of fun coming out this time, especially the members of Girls’ Generation, whose nerves have been tense since March and now are finally relaxed. These days, they can lie on the beach and bask in the sun without thinking about almost any work ,Sea breeze blowing.

It was a bit hot in the sun, so I jumped into the water and swam a couple of times, that was a pleasure.

The only fly in the ointment is that the food on the island is a bit monotonous, most of which are related to seafood.

Junko Yoona is better, she has eaten more since she was a child.

But most of the other people live in the inland of China, and it's okay to eat once in a while, but they feel a little tired after eating too much.

Of course, this is just a small blemish in the journey.

After a [-]-hour long journey, the plane arrived in the capital.

Everyone also parted ways here, Girls' Generation will live in the residence in the capital for a few days, and first have a week of training to get rid of the laziness of these days.

Then those who should be filming TV series will be filming TV series, and those who should be on variety shows will be on variety shows.

The end of the year is coming soon, and we are going to make a wave of performance, and it is said that we will go to South Korea to develop a wave at the beginning of next year. Now the company has been in the stage of marketing promotion, and the specific development route has not yet been fully determined.

However, it is probably to let the girls participate in some popular Korean variety shows first, to get acquainted there, and after the popularity accumulates, they will start to carry out activities in a group form.

Although Korean stars almost disappeared in the country during the year when the ban on Korea was issued, the official has never acknowledged the existence of the ban on Korea.

Moreover, the GD Bureau did not restrict domestic stars to develop in South Korea. If you really have the ability to counterattack Korean entertainment, this is also a good thing for the country.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the domestic artists with greater influence in Korea are basically artists from Xiangjiang, and it is estimated that there are only Luoquan and Girls' Generation in the mainland.

South Korea's entertainment industry is quite developed, and the Korean wave has a place even in the United States. It is not so easy to counterattack.

Looking at it now, Girls' Generation is more promising than Luo Quan.

After all, in July last year, Luo Quan made a promotion for his new album in South Korea despite the turmoil of the Korean ban, and lost a lot of popularity.

Although he recovered a lot later because of his appearance and works, his image in the eyes of the Korean public is not particularly good, and it is incomparable with China and Japan.

At present, she has captured two of the three countries in East Asia, and now there is the last one left.

Of course, it's still relatively early to talk about these things, and her work still has to focus on China, Japan, Europe and the United States, after all, these are the real big markets.

After wandering outside for nearly a week, the girls finally returned to the campus after a long absence.

The first thing is to go to the counselor to sell the leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Quan walked into the office, he found that something seemed wrong.

"Dean, why are you here?" Luo Quan looked at Dean Zheng curiously.

"Oh, Luo Quan, why didn't you say anything when you asked for leave." Dean Zheng let out a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Quan, and hurried over.

Luo Quan was a little nervous, thinking that she had asked for too much leave, and the school was a little unhappy: "I asked the counselor for leave... It is true that I have asked for a lot of time recently, I will definitely pay attention next time!"

As soon as Dean Zheng heard that Luo Quan had misunderstood, he explained with a smile: "I didn't mean that, the school will naturally give leave to students if they need it.

I mean, why don't you answer the school's email when you are abroad? "

After President Zheng reminded him, Luo Quan realized that his iPhone hadn't been turned on yet.

Before, all she left for the school was the mailbox logged in on the Apple mobile phone. After turning off the phone, she first sat for [-] hours to the capital, and then sat for two hours to Shanghai. She has been out of contact for a whole day.

Luo Quan quickly explained: "I don't use this phone very much now, and I've been flying all day, so I forgot to turn it on."

"It's fine, just come back." Dean Zheng laughed, "Luo Quan, this time you've done a great job for Shangyi!"

"Striving for glory?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized: "You mean the song "To Alice" I was talking about?"

It has been a day and two nights since she played "Fur Elise". There were many reporters present at the time, and it should have been sent out that night, and it is estimated that it has almost fermented in China now.

"It's "Fur Elise"!" Dean Zheng was as happy as a child at this time, "Foreign media have praised you as a musical genius comparable to Mozart, whether it is "Canon" or "Fur Elise", both are rare in a century Excellent work once in a while.

The major domestic media are now rushing to report. Thanks to you, Shangyi has now become a famous school that has bred world-class music talents! "

Speaking of this, Dean Zheng couldn't help blushing: "Although I know that your talent has nothing to do with the school, after all, you have only been enrolled for less than three months.

However, for the sake of publicity, the school did say some vanity words when dealing with reporters..."

Luo Quan understood what Dean Zheng meant, and said with a smile: "I understand what you mean, but as a student of Shangyi now, it is a good thing to bring honor to the school no matter how you look at it.

It is also my honor for the school to use me for publicity. "

Dean Zheng also laughed out loud when he saw that Luo Quan understood righteousness so well: "Luo Quan, you are really our Shangyi... no, we are the pillar of music in China!

The important task of leading Huaxia Music to the world will have to be taken by you in the future. "

Luo Quan hurriedly waved his hands and said fearfully: "Dean, you think highly of me, I'm just a student now, and I still have a lot of shortcomings, how can I dare to bear such a reputation.

If it is really advertised like this, with so many seniors and qualifications, what will they think of me in the future?What does public opinion think of me? "

Dean Zheng shook his head: "I definitely wouldn't say such things to the media, but it is an indisputable fact that you are now becoming the leader of the younger generation of music.

In fact, whether it is classical music or pop music, your achievements have surpassed many old-timers.

As the saying goes, the back waves of the Yangtze River push forward the front waves, and when you have such an excellent back wave, those artists who are both virtuous and talented will be very happy, and it is too late to support you, so how can they exclude you. "

In the eyes of Dean Zheng, Luo Quan is really too modest.

He has met many of his peers who are already crazy when they have one-tenth of Luoquan's grades, and being arrogant about their talents is also a common problem of most geniuses.

Only Luoquan has always maintained a pure heart, which is also the most valuable thing about it.

But only Luo Quan knew that although she couldn't see it on the surface, she really couldn't take these works as her own talent with peace of mind.

Therefore, humility is used to cover up a guilty conscience.

"By the way, the finals of Shangyi Music's big names are about to begin. This music competition is becoming more and more influential, and it has progressed to the point where it will be broadcast live on CCTV.

Therefore, CCTV will conduct an interview with you soon, which is why I am anxious to find you, and I will tell you here to prepare well.

You have been to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, so you should know what to do. "

"I understand." Luo Quan nodded, expressing that he had remembered it in his heart.

Ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by book friend Zircon, thank you!

In addition, happy Chinese New Year, book friends!

(End of this chapter)

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