Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 369 The 2 Faces of the Goddess

Chapter 369 The Two Sides of the Goddess ([-])
Although the question was a bit sharp, Luo Quan's expression didn't change much.

For interviews, if you don’t dig holes or embarrass the guests, how can you create topics and get ratings?
"Wearing this thing depends on the occasion. No one on the beach will feel that there is something wrong with you wearing a swimsuit. When you return to China, it is very reasonable to wear this in late autumn." Luo Quan said Spread your hands and try your best to show off the clothes you got from the Chanel stylist for free.

"Then what do you think about those voices on the Internet who think you are too revealing in your swimsuit?" The hostess continued to ask, still referring to the recent controversies about Luo Quan.

Luo Quan smiled: "Probably because I have a good figure, so wearing a swimsuit looks more revealing. In fact, I have paid great attention to choosing the style of the swimsuit, but... there is no way."

The hostess also laughed, probably because of Luo Quan's frank Versailles statement.

Luo Quan went on to say: "In fact, I knew from the very beginning that taking swimsuit photos would cause controversy. From the beginning of my debut to now, I have been very careful about my clothes and appearance when I appeared on camera. Generally speaking, my character is conservative. The kiss scene is also for this reason."

The hostess looked puzzled: "But why did you choose to take a swimsuit photo now?"

"I said the wrong thing." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "I have a problem, that is, I tend to let myself go during the live broadcast, and it is easy to say the wrong thing. At that time, I just made a bet with the fans, saying that as long as you If you can crowdfund [-] million US dollars, I will take swimsuit photos for you.

I didn't think they could do it at first, but who would have thought that they would really make enough. There is no way, people can't stand without faith, and the promises they made with their own mouths have to be fulfilled even when they cry. "

The hostess smiled and nodded: "As far as I know, you donated all the [-] million US dollars, right? Have you ever thought about holding such a large sum of money yourself?"

"Never thought about it." Luo Quan immediately shook his head and denied, "There is an old saying that goes like this, a gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way. Although I am not a gentleman, I am not the kind of star beggar who begs for fans.

I want money, and I will use my works to exchange with fans, so that I can take more money in exchange for it, but if I keep the money for myself through so-called crowdfunding, I will not Conscience. "

"If you have such an idea, even if you are not a gentleman, you can definitely be regarded as a lady." The hostess finally praised Luo Quan, and then continued: "Actually, I have seen your swimsuit photos, and there are many on the Internet. , It's really beautiful."

As he said that, Luo Quan's swimsuit photos appeared on the projection screen in the conference room, and those photos of her doing yoga were also the most amazing photos commented by netizens.

Luo Quan did not expect that during the interview, there would be a sudden photo of her.

It's one thing to post it online for everyone to see, but it's another thing to post it in front of her now.

As a result, no matter how thick her skin was, she immediately turned red, like a delicate peach blossom in a gentle breeze in March.

"Is it really okay to just release it like this?" Luo Quan covered his mouth and said with a smile, "This is CCTV."

The hostess smiled: "Times are advancing, in fact, the public's acceptance of these things has changed a lot from ten years ago.

There are many positive comments on these photos of you on the Internet. "

Luo Quan nodded, still hiding his embarrassment with a smile, nodded.

The staff of the photography team didn't make things too difficult for Luo Quan, and removed the photos after a while.

The hostess looked at Luo Quan deeply: "It can be seen that you are really a very traditional girl."

Luo Quan scratched his head: "It's okay, in fact, I'm really dull when facing the camera, or I can't let it go, after all, I have only debuted for more than a year.

In fact, I am quite cheerful in private, and I often joke with fans during the live broadcast, and we can get along well. "

"That is to say, you actually have two sides. One is the jerky in front of the camera, and the other is the straightforwardness in real life. Can this be understood?" the hostess asked Luo Quan.

"It's about the same. In fact, frankness should not be very accurate. It should be better to use "skin"."

"Skin?" Although the hostess often browses Weibo, she is almost 40 years old after all, and she still can't understand the memes of these young people.

Luo Quan raised his head and thought about how to explain it: "Probably... it's mischievous, grimacing, gaudy..."

It's okay not to explain, but the hostess was even more puzzled by this explanation.

"I can probably understand what it means." The hostess didn't bother specifically, but proceeded to the next stage of questioning:
"Let's change the subject and talk about these things about your music, or about your talent."

"I really don't dare to take the word talent." Luo Quan smiled and waved his hand, "Many people at home and abroad are touting my talent. The most outrageous argument is that I can be compared with the young Mozart. To be honest, I'm really not that good."

"But your works are really good. Even if you don't talk about pop music, just talk about "Canon" or "Fur Elise". These are classical music that have caused a sensation in the world. His works are also highly praised.”

Luo Quan pursed his lips and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I have always disliked all the titles of musical genius given to me by the public. I just want to dedicate good songs to everyone. These melodies have nothing to do with heaven. They belong to the music world. The crystallization of the predecessors."

This time the hostess didn't understand at all: "Why do you say that?"

Luo Quan explained seriously: "All modern music genres, whether R&B, rock, or jazz, trace their roots back to classical music.

The melodies used in the songs, you can definitely find similarities in classical music, we pop singers are actually just using the legacy of those great musicians.

And almost all types of modern music are formulated by Bach, the father of Western music. No matter how we create, we can't break away from "Equal Temperance".

This is actually the reason why China's pop music can't catch up with the West or even Japan no matter how it is created, because pop music itself is an imported product. "

As soon as Luo Quan said it, he said hi, and said a lot of controversial things, but the expression of the hostess became excited: "Then how do you think Huaxia Music can catch up with the West? Or what do you think about yourself? Sample?"

"I definitely can't." Luo Quan shook his head like a rattle, "As I said before, all my knowledge of music comes from my predecessors, and I can't jump out of the framework set by my predecessors.

If you want to catch up with Europe and the United States, what you need is innovation. I don’t think I have such ability, but I believe that China is full of talents. Sooner or later, there will be a great musician like Bach who will formulate a set of music that belongs to China. "Bible". "

The hostess said seriously: "How long do you think it will take for such a person to appear, and what conditions do you need?"

At this time, many professors and directors of Shangyi's music major gathered outside the door.

Originally, they were going to be interviewed to talk about how to cultivate the morality of Luo Quan, a musical genius, but they didn't expect to come to attend a class now.

Luo Quan took a deep breath and started the lecture: "First of all, relying on one person is definitely not enough. It is not because of Bach that Western classical music has produced such rich fruits. It is composed of Bach, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. The result of the joint efforts of these musicians.

Second, it is the environment.

As the so-called economic foundation determines the superstructure, classical music was born to grow to meet the spiritual needs of European aristocrats.

And Huaxia is still in and will be in the development stage for a long time. The vast majority of people are working hard to have a house of their own. Students are desperately accepting exam-oriented education for the sake of scores, and can receive music-related education in one year. There are only a handful of them.

So despite the fact that China has the largest population in the world, there are really very few people who study and make music in the real sense.

You can't expect to train Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven one after another on such a small crowd base.

The same principle can also be used in football. Although most primary and secondary schools have built football fields, how many students actually play football?It is estimated that there are not as many students walking on the football field as usual.

Therefore, I think some people’s so-called idea of ​​catching up with European and American music is a bit unrealistic. Of course, it would be best if there are such talents, but I think that what should be paid more attention to is to make the people rich and let the students develop in an all-round way. , so that people do not give up the construction of spiritual life because of the heavy mortgage. "

It was originally about art, but it ended up talking about people's livelihood, and I don't know if it can be broadcast.

"It seems that I have said too much, and I have deviated from the topic." Luo Quan suddenly realized this, and stopped while covering his mouth.

"That's very well said. These issues are actually a consensus in the society." The hostess didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She could only say that the host of CCTV was still able to cover it. I guess I've heard it worse than this before. Radical remarks.

"But judging from the media reports, you are already the most talented young musician in China. If you can't even do it, who should you count on?"

"Why do we have to pursue the approval of foreigners?" Luo Quan asked rhetorically, "Cultural differences exist. Outside the East Asian cultural circle, who can get the beauty of Chinese? Just focus on the domestic market of more than one billion people. Let’s wait until the day when Chinese replaces English and becomes the common language of the world, then consider catching up with European and American music. Talking about these things now is a waste of light for a blind man.

Of course, Chinese classical music is worth promoting. Pure music without lyrics has no aesthetic barriers, and it can also make foreigners feel the classical Chinese style. "

The host continued to ask: "Can you talk about this in detail?"

Luo Quan scratched his head and smiled: "Shangyi's teachers are more professional than me in this regard. I am a student of Shangyi now, and I have a lot to learn, including what I said before. Opinions are not necessarily accurate.”

After this chat, the conversation turned to Shang Yi, and the old men beside him were overjoyed when they heard it.

The following interviews did not involve such a professional field, and more focused on Luo Quan's childhood.

As we all know, every genius must have had a tragic childhood, the more miserable the childhood, the higher the achievement in the future.

But Luo Quan is obviously different from most geniuses. According to what she said, she has been pretty smooth since she was a child. Although her father is abroad all year round, her mother has given her double love, and she has never felt lonely at any time.

Primary and secondary school life is also very happy, with good friend Wen Xia as company, getting along with classmates is basically harmonious.

Of course, the three years of high school were a little more difficult, but it is normal to encounter discrimination in a foreign country, but overall, I am still the same as most people, ordinary.

These are all the past in Luo Quan's memory. Except for concealing his father's history of abandoning his wife and daughter, the rest are basically true.

"Then what is your next plan?" This is the last question of this interview. After talking about the past and the present, it is time to look forward to the future.

For the future, Luoquan has always had a clear plan: "Work hard to create. Strive to become a world-class star, and at the same time make all the artists in my company become big stars."

The hostess was curious: "Do you still have a company?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Yes, I have a company called Quanshui Entertainment. Currently, including me, there are five artists in total, but I can't say who they are."

At this point, the interview on Luoquan is over.

Next, the hostess interviewed these leaders of the school again, adding some material to the program, which may not be used, but Shang Yi will definitely show her face in the program, which was agreed when she came.

The second night after the interview, the program was broadcast simultaneously on TV and online.

Late-night shows don't have much ratings, only a few middle-aged people who suffer from insomnia and are bored, who occasionally watch them when they switch to the TV station.

But on the Internet, Luo Quan's interview set off a wave of public opinion.

First of all, her duality in front of the camera and in private, let everyone know her true character, knowing that the goddess is actually a funny comparison, and her image suddenly becomes three-dimensional.

The second half of the interview was much more in-depth. The program team did not edit Luo Quan's words, but released them in their entirety. His views also aroused considerable discussion inside and outside the music circle.

Although there are controversies, most people agree with Luo Quan's point of view. It's just that the discussion is a discussion, but it still doesn't play a big role in reality.

Ps. Thanks to book friends 20170716132845086 for the rewarded book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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