Chapter 370

"Go hot pot!"

"The big cat fell..."

On the screen, the last hero of GNR was killed by the enemy, and the bullet screen was full of GGs.

The League of Legends S7 held in China, all the teams in China finally came to an end today.

The GNR team, which we had high hopes for, finally lost two match points with a 2:1 lead, and lost to the previous S champion "Korean Telecom".

"You can lose!" Luo Quan slammed the table down, his tone full of annoyance.

The world is different, why should the same drama be staged for her again? !

"Have all Huaxia's teams been eliminated?" The other three girls have heard of the famous League of Legends, but they have never played it. Moreover, Huaxia LOL has been abused by foreign teams every year, so that the domestic popularity has always been. in decline.

In addition, a popular game called Chicken Eater has recently been released, which has seized a large number of players in the market.

Originally, this year was the best time for the Huaxia LOL team to win the championship. The version fit very well, but unfortunately they were still no match for the big devil in South Korea, and were directly carried away by five Galios.

In fact, before the first round of the game started, Luo Quan had already posted three large posts on Zhihu Weibo at station B, asking the coach to ban (disable) Galio.

She seldom posts on multiple platforms at the same time, this time it is an exception for s7, she posted five times in five games, Weibo, Zhihu, and station B combined accounted for eight trending searches!

The game is in China, and during the break period, you can see it whenever you swipe these three apps.

But the coach is the top iron, so he was chosen five by the big devil.

If the school is not too far away from the Shanghai Central Sports Center where the competition is held, Luo Quan really wants to drive there directly to help the coach relocate!
"60E was defeated yesterday, and today GNR is also cold. This time, we can only watch the Koreans win the championship in China's Bird's Nest." Luo Quan replied while scrolling through Weibo.

"GNR lost to Korea Telecom" has rushed to the top ten of the hot search, and the number of comments exceeded 10 in less than [-] minutes, and the popularity exploded.

The GNR team is very popular, has many fans, and naturally has a lot of black fans. Moreover, as the only remaining domestic team, after being eliminated from the top [-] in the country, it was regarded as the only hope for China to win the championship.

As a result, when the form was good, the head was not able to match Galio, which led to the loss of the game.

As a result, both fans and black fans directly scolded:

"It's a shame and a shame! Let the Koreans hold the cup in the Bird's Nest, and they are ashamed!"

"What's the point of winning for a year, and losing the most crucial game, trash."

"My youth is over, s2 has been in 6 years lol, I really can't win a championship."

"DNF promises to take in heartbroken LOL players..."

"Luoquan's third platform posted fifteen ban Galio posts, and Weibo alone had four trending posts, so I just pretended not to see it."

"The coaching staff are crouching dragons and phoenixes, it's okay to move me."

"Don't take the plane, everyone in the team can swim back along the Huangpu River... Big Cat Hot Pot can take the subway."


Although the popularity is declining, LOL is still the most popular end game in China, and Glory of Kings dominates the two major port game markets, and both are backed by Penguin, with some of the most powerful media promotion in the country.

Because this is still a home game, Penguin started promoting it as early as July, and GQT has liked and reposted related news. This is also the first time that e-sports has received such a huge amount of public attention.

In the end, I lost tonight. A year of expectations and hard work were all gone, and in the end there was only the sentence that was at the top of the hot search list: Why not BAN Galio!
Click on the hot search, and the top ones are the few microblogs posted by Luo Quan, all of which have the same content.

Although LOL players have always disliked celebrities, thinking that they mentioned LOL just for hype and hype, they still quite approve of Luo Quan.

On the one hand, it is because of good looks. After all, most of the players who play lol are boys, and the value of appearance is justice.

On the other hand, during the summer vacation, Luoquan's live broadcast went from zero solo queue, to a diamond in the first district in two months, and then a master at the end of the version.

This can be regarded as the highest rank among the known stars. Some of Luo Quan's wonderful operations have even been included in the collection of "Anchor Blows Up the Super God Chapter", which can only be shown by great masters, which shows the high level.

So when she speaks, lol players will not ridicule her.

Especially tonight, Luo Quan acted like a prophet from the beginning, knowing that Galio would become a huge hidden danger, and even @coach's Weibo account many times.

To be honest, the last time Luoquan @人 was more than three months ago, when I was promoting the fifth season of "I Am a Singer".

But even with all the hard work, it still couldn't change the regrettable result.

However, Luo Quan did not completely lose confidence. If the timelines are consistent, this time next year will be the time when the League of Legends will come back to life!

Of course, this is only a possibility, not an absolute possibility. After all, there are two different timelines. If there is a slight accident, the result may be completely different.

Therefore, after the game, Luo Quan did not scold the coach and the players like other angry lol players, but issued a message of encouragement:

"It's a pity to lose 2:3. Everyone has tried their best. After all, the opponent is the Triple Crown Champion. There is no shame in losing. Next year, we will regain our momentum. The S8 champion must be ours!"

In the tide of scolding all over the Internet, Luo Quan is one of the rare rational remarks.

It's a pity that although there are many likes, it has no effect on the overall situation. Those who change their curses still have to curse them.

However, her operation has attracted a lot of fans. The number of fans on Weibo has increased by more than 100 million overnight, and the number of comments has more than tripled!
This also made other stars discover the wealth code, and suddenly realized that the traffic of e-sports is so large, and they had never discovered that this area could have such a large popularity before.

Many stars have also begun to spontaneously learn about League of Legends and Glory of Kings, and those capitals have also begun to consider turning e-sports into a variety show.

It seems that lol has encountered Waterloo in China, and it is about to fade away, but no one knows that its spring is coming quietly.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Luo Quan, she never thought of having an e-sports meal.

Although lol traffic is indeed terrifying, it is the hottest game both at home and abroad.

But the player's quality is really worrying. She has a good image now and has a lot of crowds. If something goes wrong one day, it will be troublesome.

The fighting power of the fan circle girls is considered high, but compared with the fighting power of the e-sports boys, it is completely insignificant.

People can make up all kinds of jokes, jingles, and scold you around the corner, so that the public can laugh while watching your jokes.

Luo Quan used to dare to line up with fan circle girls, but it doesn't mean he dared to line up with these people, the two are not at the same level at all.

So, although she is very popular in the e-sports circle now, except for S7 these days, she has hardly posted about lol. At most, she congratulated whoever won the championship before on Weibo.

S7 is over, I don't know how many people's youth is over, this winter is so cold that it makes people feel cold all over.

And the winter that belongs to Luoquan has just begun.

The next day, November [-]th, the movie preview of "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" by Global Investment was released.

As Universal Pictures has invested the most in a film since the new century, the publicity it has given can only be described as horror.

China, the United States, Russia, France, Britain, and the mainstream media of Wuchang all made room for this movie today and reported it.

Twitter, Youtube, and Weibo, the two largest publicity sites with the largest ticket warehouses, were also taken over by Universal. Related tweets on Twitter reached [-], and the number of views of movie trailers on Youtube exceeded [-] million in a short period of time.

On Weibo, Lord of the Rings posters appeared directly on the initial advertising page, and three of them were listed in the top ten most searched.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring hits theaters on December 12!"


"Luoquan fairy princess. (Surprised face)"

These hot searches are basically obtained from the trailer, and the two-minute-plus trailer shows all the main characters.

Although Director Ford is not as good-looking as Director Carnathan, he respects the original work very much, and there are more elves in the first film, and elves are the most beautiful race in the book.

Therefore, in the trailer, the handsome guy and the beautiful woman can be said to be one side after another, and when the elf princess played by Luo Quan appears, under the moonlight filter specially created by director Ford, she is as beautiful as the elf princess herself.

And an epic fantasy masterpiece, of course, cannot do without exciting battle scenes.

In 2017, the special effects technology has already reached the point where the fake ones are real and immersive, and this time Universal invested heavily in the film, so Director Ford also has no restraint in the use of special effects.

Although most of the outdoor scenes have been shot in the beautiful scenery of New Zealand, director Ford still added a lot of special effects to these shots, adding many landscape backgrounds full of fantasy elements.

In the trailer, only a mere corner of this huge production is revealed, which dazzles countless audiences who have been devastated by the special effects of [-] cents for too long.

And the most burning part of the entire trailer must be the last scene where Gandalf faces the Balrog alone.

The flaming Balrog roared in the trembling cave, and the thin Gandalf, although scarred, still shouted to it without fear: "You can't pass through this place!"

There is no doubt that this must be a visual feast, an epic fantasy masterpiece, and the most anticipated movie in recent years.

As a well-known director in Hollywood, Director Ford no longer needs to prove his strength.

The script uses the famous work of the originator of Western fantasy. Almost all Chinese fantasy web novels are born out of this book, and the movie script also greatly follows the original work, so there is no need to worry too much about this.

Not to mention the investment. So far, Universal has not announced the final cost, because they advertise an unlimited investment, and they can spend as much as they can. It is necessary to make "Lord of the Rings" into "Ben-Hur", " Epic works like War and Peace.

When the former was filmed, many European nobles were invited to participate in the performance, while the latter was filmed by the former Soviet Union with millions of soldiers and civilians, and the cost was staggeringly high.

As for the actors, there is Luo Quan for good looks, best actor for acting skills, and other supporting roles are also talented British and American groups recruited by the director.

Combining all these factors, there is no reason for this movie to be a bad movie.

However, in the past few decades, things that must die have been staged countless times.

Before "The Lord of the Rings", it is not that there have been masterpieces that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and hired famous directors and actors to shoot, and they were blown into epic movies before they were released.

But most of them ended up being epic bad movies, and the investors lost all their money. Even the directors and actors also entered the winter of their careers because of the movies.

As the saying goes, high returns also come with high risks.

The more hyped the work is, the place where there is even a little bit of hip pull will be enlarged infinitely, and if you don't pay attention, you will encounter a double collapse of word-of-mouth and box office.

Therefore, while "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" has received great attention and expectations, it has also received huge doubts.

First of all, is the adapted work itself, whether it really restores the original work as the director said, and whether the original work meets the current people's aesthetics and refreshment.

This is a big problem. Many famous works are often superimposed or randomly deleted for various reasons after adaptation. In the end, the literary works that can win the Nobel Prize are photographed as garbage full of loopholes.

Second, is the actor.

There are a total of two female roles in this movie, and Luo Quan played them all by himself.

The two heroines of such an important movie were handed over to newcomers who have only made one movie. This is also a point that worries the public.

Although Luo Quan's last movie grossed nearly [-] billion at the box office worldwide, she was completely a vase in it. If a beautiful actress was replaced, even if the effect was a little worse, it wouldn't have any major impact on the movie. influences.

On the contrary, because the heroine is too beautiful, Wu Jin, who is usually quite heroic, is often reflected in the mediocre, stealing a lot of limelight.

In "The Lord of the Rings", Luo Quan probably will continue to play the role of vase this time, but according to the character setting, she is not only an elf princess, but also an elf queen.

The queen's temperament and aura are the key to whether this role can gain a foothold.

Luo Quan's singing and writing are professional, which is second to none in the world.

But when it comes to acting, she is not from a major and can only explore with her own feelings. Although the appearance is very suitable for the personality of the two female characters, it is still unknown whether the temperament can meet the standard.

The premonition released so far can only see a very brief scene of Luo Quan, with only two or three lines of lines, and no acting skills at all.

I don't know if it's because of her acting skills, so I specially weakened her part when editing the premonition.

In fact, people will question it, the main thing is that Luo Quan does not have any works at present, and she is indeed not amazing in acting.

But don't worry, time will tell.

(End of this chapter)

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