Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 371 Before the start of the game

Chapter 371 Before the start of the game

The Shangyi Music Competition, two months after its opening, finally ushered in the finals.

In the previous semi-finals, after Shangyi launched the whole network voting, Fan Yinggang had some advantages at first, but was squeezed to No.2 by Luo Quan, who was very popular and had better works.

In fact, the "Nightingale" played by Luoquan in the preliminary competition was basically a semi-finished product, and the advantages of the music could not be fully utilized by playing it on the piano.

But even so, she still worked hard in the second half of the rematch, overtook Fan Ying strongly, and won No.1 in the rematch.

Fan Ying, who claimed to be supported by the entire hip-hop circle, did not continue his advantage to the end. After being overtaken by Luo Quan, a group of fans were anxious to canvass him everywhere, and even linked this ranking with the honor and disgrace of the entire hip-hop circle. .

It's a pity that although the number of votes has increased, the increase has not yet reached the level of surpassing Luoquan.

After the voting results came out, Fan Ying's fans began to yell at Shang Yi on the Internet for operating behind the scenes, and deliberately voted for Luo Quan.

More and more people scolded it, and it even became a hot search in the end.

Originally, this was just some people in a small circle complaining, but it turned out to be on the hot search and made public.

Although hip-hop has been very popular in China during this period and is the wealth code of traffic, it is still a niche culture after all, and how can it be compared with the mainstream.

Therefore, when these people's complaints were popularly searched, they were immediately ridiculed by Luoquan fans and passers-by:
"Who gave you the illusion that you can beat Luo Quan as a fan?"

"There are a few small-time rappers, do you really regard the series as an international superstar?"

"That is to say, Luo Quan never canvasses for himself, but if he posts a post on Weibo B, won't that crush Fan Ying from the beginning to the end?"

"The works and popularity are all one-sided, so why do you still have to vote?"

"It's fine for niche things to be self-enclosed. If you insist on jumping out, if you don't let the competition, you will say you are discriminated against. After the competition, you can't compare and say that others operate in secret. Let you say everything."


There is no doubt that the hip-hop circle encountered its first Waterloo since summer in Luoquan.

Since this rather rebellious circle became popular in the summer, it has been fighting with people in other circles, and many people have even been dissed by rappers who wrote songs.

But this time it was considered a hard stubble, and Luo Quan who dared not scold and couldn't scold him.

Don't look at Luo Quan's current image on the Internet as gentle and quiet. Back then, he was also a savage existence on the Internet. It's just that he settled down after being reported, but those diss songs were all there.

And she herself has written rap songs, whether in English or Chinese, the quality is so high that it explodes.

A rapper who really has something will not know what level Luo Quan is, so he will not provoke her.

So although there are quite a few people writing songs to diss Luoquan on the Internet, most of them are rappers who are not in the mainstream, and their purpose is to gain popularity and hype.

Luo Quan never treated these voices as if he could hear them. There were too many people trying to get angry with her, and it was too tiring to respond to all of them.

Besides, these are just clowns. With her current status, she is no longer worthy of being dissed by her dedicated songwriting.

So even though the topic on the Internet was very hot, there was no movement at all on Luoquan's accounts, and those who wanted to tie up marketing with her were jumping in anxiety.

Singing a one-man show, after all, can't maintain too much enthusiasm, Luo Quan ignores it, these people have nowhere to rely on if they want to dance.

The finals of the Shangyi Music Competition are also being prepared as scheduled and will be held soon.

The original plan for this music competition was to be held on Dragon TV, but because the popularity was too high, it attracted the attention of CCTV. In the end, it was cut off by CCTV and changed to be held in the capital.

This is definitely a good thing for Shangyi. Although Dragon TV is good, it is still a lot worse than CCTV. Being on CCTV is equivalent to being recognized by the country, and it will be more confident in publicizing it to the outside world in the future!

Moreover, the judges participating this time are not only music professors from Shangyi, but also several professors from the School of Chinese Music and Chinese Music, and even some bigwigs from the national team will also be present as judges.

Such a terrifying lineup was unmatched by the Youth Song Competition.

Generally speaking, competitions that allow these seniors to gather must be qualified at the national level, but this time the students participating in the competition only include these students from Shangyi School, which can be regarded as the benefits of traffic.

Speaking of it, I have to thank Fan Ying and his fans. If they hadn't made such a big deal and aroused so much social attention, the Shangyi Music Competition really wouldn't be able to reach this point.

The fly in the ointment is that because the contestants are limited to Shangyi School, although it is one of the best music schools in the country, it is only one of them, and the quality of the works cannot be compared with the national competition.

Therefore, even if the carefully selected works are sent to the finals, most of them are barely satisfactory.

Fortunately, there is Luo Quan in it.

If this competition is a crown, the other contestants are the broken diamonds adorning the crown, and Luo Quan is the most dazzling jewel on the top of the crown.

The color of the cut diamonds almost doesn't matter, because the gemstones are already eye-catching enough that those who admire them will not notice these blemishes on the crown.

Those who participated in the competition with Luo Quan are sad, because they are destined to become Luo Quan's foil, no matter how hard they try, they can only compete for No.2.

But they are lucky at the same time, because they will be known and remembered by people because they participated in the same game as Luo Quan.

The competition was held in the studio on the fourth floor of the CCTV building, and the judges were composed of professors and directors of various music schools and members of the national team.

The audience invited student representatives from local universities such as Chinese Music, Chinese Music, Tsinghua University, and Peking University. The first two schools came to study and get to know the big names in the industry. It is a large-scale social event in the music circle. Activity.

The students from the latter two schools came here purely to enrich their after-school life and experience. Of course, there are also many fans who love music or Luoquan. In short, the composition is more complicated.

Because Shangyi is too far away, in addition to the participating students, only a dozen or so student representatives were sent to observe. Anyway, they are all students from their own school, so there is no need for a support team.

At ten o'clock in the morning, everyone from Shangyi arrived in the capital. After an early lunch, the students went straight to the CCTV building under the leadership of Principal Li.

This Principal Li is the official principal of Shangyi. Luo Quan had only met two vice principals before, one was Vice Principal Liu, and the other was Vice Principal Zheng who also served as the dean of the Conservatory of Music.

It was the first time she had met Principal Li, mainly because he had been doing study research in the United States before and only recently came back.

After coming back, I met Luo Quan immediately, and gave a very high praise to her recent work "To Alice".

He also told her that when he was studying at the Manhattan Conservatory of Music in the United States, he would meet with many musicians in the music world every day. Every time he met these musicians, he would talk about her and praise their school for teaching such a student.

It can be said that Luo Quan really raised a lot of face for him and the school.

Of course, he and all Shangyi's teachers also know that whether Luoquan is awesome or not has nothing to do with Shangyi, and he still has this point.

The so-called bridal sedan chair is carried by everyone, Principal Li praised her so much, and promised various benefits and preferential treatment as soon as she came back, and she herself reciprocated, insisting that the school and teachers were well educated.

In short, the relationship between the two is quite harmonious.

Luo Quan didn't know anything else, anyway, if he wanted to take a long vacation in the future, it would probably be completely unimpeded.

A group of 40 people from Shangyi came to the CCTV building, and led by the staff to the studio where the competition was held.

All kinds of banners and facilities in the studio have been arranged. The game will start at [-] o'clock, and the TV and Internet will broadcast live simultaneously.

There are a total of 20 students participating this time, more men than women, and most of them are pure music, and then there are two pop songs and one rap song.

When entering the CCTV building, Luo Quan was at the front of the line, and Fan Ying stayed at the end of the line. I don't know if it was because he was too guilty to face Luo Quan.

Because they were the ones participating in the competition, everyone came earlier. At this time, there was no one else in the studio except the staff.

Everyone first went to the stage to familiarize themselves with the venue, and then gave the accompaniment to the director team.

There is no rehearsal for the competition, but some procedures still have to be gone through in advance, mainly to let everyone familiarize themselves with it, so as not to make mistakes later. After all, this size is also a national live broadcast of CCTV. Although it is not impossible for accidents, it is definitely best to go through it once.

As for the accompaniment, Luo Quan originally planned to let the fairy music troupe that accompanied "The Moment of Farewell" last time, that is, the troupe directed by Senior Song Ling, to accompany her performance this time.

It was already agreed, but who knew that those rap fans were only allowed to have one contestant on stage, and no foreign aid was allowed.

There is no way, all the instruments can only be recorded by Luo Quan himself.

Taking advantage of the time when he came back from the Maldives, Luo Quan recorded all the cello, violin, piano, electronic organ, and harmony according to the content of each part.

In addition, I also played a guest role as a conductor, and I also performed the actions of the conductor.

In order to make the effect appear magnificent, Luo Quan also overlays some musical instruments, for example, overlaying a recording belonging to the violins twenty times, and finally it sounds like there are twenty violins playing.

Of course, no matter how stacked, it is still not as good as the effect of a serious symphony orchestra, and this competition is destined to appear less than perfect.

This time for the competition, the clothes everyone prepared were the winter uniforms issued by the school.

As the most trendy university in China, Shangyi's school uniform is not the blue and white design with big sleeves and trouser legs that is common in China.

First of all, boys and girls are all dark coats with slim-fit trousers, and a thin warm shirt inside, and then whether to add a scarf according to actual needs.

To be honest, this kind of configuration is enough to resist the cold in the capital, but in Shanghai, in most cases, it is impossible to wear such thick clothes, and it is not enough to wear such a little when it is really cold.

So although Shangyi's school uniform has been selected as the most handsome school uniform in China many times, it is still a decoration and can only be worn on school celebrations or other important events.

Today, obviously, is this important event.

The students changed into school uniforms with the Shangyi badge printed on them early on. All of them had fluttering skirts. The boys were handsome and the girls were heroic. Then they were given a masterful hand by CCTV's make-up artist, and their image and temperament immediately rose to a higher level!
Not long after, students from the four major colleges and universities in the capital came one after another. These schools obviously have uniform requirements for the students who come to observe. The boys are all in suits and leather shoes, and the girls are all in dignified gowns.

But these outfits are too common, compared with Shangyi's ingeniously designed school uniforms, they are immediately overwhelmed.

However, the students of universities in the capital city have a sense of arrogance, especially the students of Tsinghua University and Peking University. No matter where they get this title, it is a card, not to mention that most of the students who come this time are the elite of the students.

Of course, arrogance is not domineering. After the students came in, they still greeted everyone in Shangyi warmly and showed their friendship as landlords.

Principal Li and a group of professors and directors were also warmly received by the leaders of the local music schools in Beijing.

However, the leaders of the Beijing Conservatory of Music were enthusiastic, and the professors who came with them didn't look so good.

In fact, it is also easy to understand, whether it is Chinese music or Chinese music, as one of the best conservatories in China, and both in the capital, there is no shortage of various competitions.Going to CCTV is also a major focus of competition.

But because of the advantage of being close to the water, no matter how much the two schools competed, they never gave away this fat water.

It turned out that Shangyi, an outsider, was allowed to be on CCTV this time, and it was broadcast live nationwide during the prime time, and so many seniors and professors were invited, which shows the importance attached.

And for such a grand event, only the students of Shangyi can participate in it. It's no wonder that the professors of the other two schools have a good face.

Not to mention the professors, even the students are actually not very good in their hearts.

This was originally a great opportunity for them to show their faces, but now they can only sit and watch from the audience.

You know, these are their biggest competitors in the future, and now they have to cheer for them in the audience.

Of course, others don't care what they think in their hearts, at least the actual actions of the teachers and students of the local music colleges in Beijing are quite generous, with polite language and enthusiastic attitudes.

She is especially enthusiastic about Luo Quan. In just a short while, four student council presidents and seven ministers have come to her and asked for her contact information.

Although these boys came from different schools, Luo Quan did not favor one over another and rejected them all.

But after rejecting the young one, the old one came to the door again.

"Luo Quan, come here." Principal Li, who was chatting with several principals, suddenly called out to her.

Luo Quan looked up, then walked over.

Ps. Book friends thank you!it is good!I won, Dolly the sheep, this time I have mastered the rewarded book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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