Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 372 "Nightingale"

Chapter 372 "Nightingale"

"Principal, what do you want from me?" Although Luo Quan had basically guessed it, he still had to ask.

It's still a while before the game starts, but all the big guys are here.

The social attention of this competition is so great, many big media reporters have come, and after the competition, it won't be long before it will be trending.

In addition, many senior music circles living in the capital also came this time. This time I came to see these musical talents of Shangyi.

With so many big bosses here, the principals naturally lead their most proud students to make introductions, so that they can have someone to help them talk when they graduate in the future.

Of course, this kind of treatment is basically only eligible for the best student in the school every month. The one who enjoys this treatment at Shangyi is undoubtedly Luo Quan.

"Let me introduce to you the seniors in our Huaxia music circle." Principal Li smiled proudly and asked Luo Quan to stand in front of all the grey-haired old musicians.

"This is Fang Jun, the vice president of the Huaxia Music Association, who is also an honorary professor of folk music at the Central Conservatory of Music." Principal Li introduced an old lady with silver hair.

"Hello, President Fang." Luo Quan bowed to salute, and he grasped the younger generation's posture very well.

"It's really talented people from generation to generation. I've heard of your works, and you're considered a genius!" President Fang looked at Luo Quan, his eyes filled with gratified love for talent.

Those who can communicate here were basically called geniuses in the past. With the proliferation of Internet, the media is more and more fond of using exaggerated headlines to attract attention, and the frequency of geniuses is also appearing more and more frequently.

As a result, it is no surprise that everyone is familiar with the emergence of some kind of genius now, as if genius has become an ordinary adjective, and sometimes it is not even a commendatory word.

However, Luo Quan is standing here today, not for these young people present, only she can afford the word genius.

A piece of "Canon" and a piece of "To Alice" made the Western media exclaim that this is the young Mozart of the East. For the Western media that has always been discriminatory against China, this is simply a huge change that cannot be imagined.

This also better reflects how indisputably amazing Luo Quan's talent is.

"President Fang, you're too proud. I still have a lot to learn and improve." Luo Quan was modest in his daily life, and at the same time, he took a wrong look at the people around him.

Young people, middle-aged people, and old people all look different.

The middle-aged people are both leading professors of the two conservatories in the capital. They looked at Luo Quan with friendly eyes, but they were full of jealousy when they looked at the laughing Principal Li.

The young people looked differently, all looking at Luo Quan, although their expressions were indifferent, but their eyes revealed pride and eagerness to compete with her.

In front of their elders, young people always want to compete with their peers who are equally outstanding. They have also been praised as geniuses many times before, so it is normal to have a competitive mentality.

"Come on, let me introduce you to President Wu of the Central Conservatory of Music. He is a master in the piano field in China. He was also a celebrity who has been to the Golden Hall in Vienna." Principal Li was introducing, but it sounded like Something weird.

"Why are these trivial honors mentioned?" Dean Wu chuckled, and he didn't get angry very gracefully, but let Dean Li almost get it.

"Hello, Dean Wu." Luo Quan bowed to salute. Huaxia is a society of human feelings, and it pays attention to etiquette. There are all senior bosses here. Today, she probably has to bow once to introduce one.

But what is better than Japan is that Huaxia does not have to bend so deeply, and there is no need to worry about lumbar disc herniation.

Principal Wu laughed loudly: "You don't need to be so polite, you are now a rising music star in China.

Unfortunately, if you are admitted to our Central Conservatory of Music, you will definitely get better teaching and publicity. "

Before Luo Quan responded, Principal Li became unhappy: "Why, Old Wu, what you are saying is that we are not good at art."

Principal Wu quickly waved his hand: "I didn't say that. I just think that there are many senior musicians living in the capital. If you encounter any problems in music, it is convenient to ask for advice."

Principal Li's skinny smile
: "Shanghai has many seniors, so you don't need to worry about it, Dean Wu."

Speaking of this point, there must be no further debate. If Dean Wu talks about it, it is tantamount to saying that those seniors who live in Shanghai are not as good as those in the capital.

Although there is a high probability that it is true, even if it is true, it cannot be said in public.

The atmosphere at the beginning was a little tense. Fortunately, the competition in the Chinese music circle is not as fierce as that in Europe and the United States. Everyone usually meets in theatrical performances and variety shows.

The deans and principals might be choked up because of their own schools, but after the big guys started to chat, the relationship immediately eased a lot.

As the center of this discussion, Luo Quan was naturally frequently questioned by these seniors.

The main question is to ask her some opinions on Chinese music and Western music. Luo Quan himself has almost no opinion, but he can't help but have the knowledge of the whole world in his mind. Choose some unique answers that are suitable for her age and read. Just come out.

In fact, what can you think? The current environment is like this, and it is almost impossible to change in a short period of time. We can only wait for geniuses to come out one by one to lead the times and change the status quo.

Luo Quan, as the first real genius, has already come out and made a pretense, but she is definitely not enough on her own.

But fortunately, at least Huaxia has a genius like her, and there is still hope.

Thinking that Luo Quan is only 19 years old now, and there is still a huge room for improvement, and the future is limitless, you seniors can't help but want to laugh out loud, shouting that the future of Huaxia Music is promising.

Soon, however, they will stop laughing.

At six o'clock in the evening, the audience, judges and other guests have not seen for a long time, and the contestants have already put on their makeup.

With the debugging of all the equipment in the background, amidst a burst of grand music, the host of CCTV began to give a speech on the stage.

This music competition is obviously organized according to the standards of the Youth Song Competition. The host invited is also a very popular male host Sa Beining in recent years. Because he is loved by the audience, everyone also affectionately calls him Xiao Sa .

At the end of the speech, Xiao Sa also said a few innocuous jokes to enliven the atmosphere of the scene just like the previous show, and then the competition officially started.

"Next, we invite Fan Ying, who is the first contestant to appear today, and his program is the rap song "Social Man"!"

As a relatively young host, Xiao Sa is quite familiar with these newly emerging things, and it is not that she has never dealt with rappers before, and everyone is still polite and civilized on the show, so I don't think there is anything wrong.

However, the bosses, principals, and professors on the judging panel don't think so.

Rap?When will something like rap come to this place?

This is the first thought in the minds of most of the judges, except of course, everyone from Shangyi.

"Is rap considered music?" Principal Wu turned his head and asked Principal Li. Looking at his expression, he really wanted to ask this question. After all, Principal Li just came back from the United States and drank foreign ink for a while.

Although Principal Li was embarrassed at this time, he was his student after all, so he could only bite the bullet and nod: "Of course it is, and it is a fairly mainstream music form in the West. happy."

"This thing, which is similar to Allegro, can also be called music? If young people learn this, how will Huaxia music develop?" It was Dean Liu of Huaxia Conservatory of Music who asked the question, and his words were heartbreaking.

Principal Li laughed: "Rap is merged into the pop department in our college, there are not many people, so it's not as serious as you are worried about.

And I have also listened to Fan Ying's songs, the lyrics are really good, and the accompaniment is also of a certain level, definitely not vulgar and low-quality works.

Besides, the audience for each type of music is different. You can't think that rap is something without merit just because it has so many audiences. "

"Stop arguing, let's listen first and then talk." Vice President Fang said to end everyone's discussion. Contestant Fan Ying has already appeared on stage. No matter what, it is the respect that judges should show after watching the contestants' works. .

It can be seen that Fan Ying's expression is a little angry.

But it wasn't because of the remarks of the judges in the audience, because he didn't hear it at all.

His expression is mainly for those who look down on rap on the Internet. As a rapper, he always wants to make rap a good music that can be truly recognized by the public. He hopes that one day hip-hop can become the mainstream music in China like Europe and the United States type.

However, since hip-hop became popular, it has been despised and ridiculed by the public, and it is considered to be better than those shouting.

Fan Ying has sparred with these countless times, but in the end it was a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, this time he is on the CCTV stage, and he wants to use his music to break the world's view of hip-hop!

So he has to keep his anger, turn it into strength, and dedicate his best hip-hop!

He bowed to all the audience, and the explosive accompaniment sounded.

The music presented by Fan Ying this time is very different from two months ago. All flawed areas have been optimized and revised. His singing level has also made great progress, and he is no worse than those senior rappers.

The lyrics he wrote are quite deep, coupled with passionate performances, and a very mature and highly completed accompaniment, he presented the audience with a work that is completely different from most rap music.

This, indeed, deserves to be called music.

After the song was sung, Fan Ying stood on the stage panting, and the judges in the audience changed their expressions and paid more attention to him.

The students behind him also gave warm applause.

At the beginning of the scoring session, ten judges scored together, the highest score was removed, the lowest score was removed, and the average was taken. Fan Ying finally scored 9.1.

Quite a good score, Fan Ying finally showed a smile at this time.

Regardless of the result this time, he did his best and is worthy of his status as a rapper!
Principal Li smiled and said, "Look, I'll just say this song is not bad. After all, not all hip-hop is rubbish. You have to watch everything dialectically."

The others didn't talk to each other, they just watched the next student performing on stage.

The competition continued, and the best music works from Shangyi took turns to perform on the stage. Each contestant showed his best skills in order to win glory for himself and his alma mater.

The quality of most of the works is still good, and there are a few masterpieces that make people shine, but they lack the kind of shocking masterpieces.

Everyone knows what they are really waiting for today.

The competition went step by step, and soon, the judges scored one by one, and soon came to the last place.

Luo Quan is the winner of tonight's game!
"I invite Luo Quan, the work she brought is the new century music "Nightingale"."

It was obviously the first time for Xiao Sa to hear this form of music, and she seemed a little confused.

Before Luo Quan performed, Vice President Fang asked her to explain the concept of music in the new century.

As I said before, Luo Quan repeated those things again.

However, theory is not as intuitive as practice. Although the judges roughly understood what was going on, the concept was still not specific enough. After all, they had to let Luo Quan perform to understand.

After talking about the theory, Luo Quan's performance began.

This time her performance was very different from the previous contestants. The huge screen in the studio was divided into many small screens, and each small screen showed Luo Quan in school uniform, holding different musical instruments.

On the largest screen, Luo Quan is sitting in front of the piano, smiling, with his hands quietly on the keys.

On the stage, Luo Quan himself was holding a flute.

ps. The BGM "Nightingale" in this chapter

Putting the flute horizontally by his mouth, Luo Quan took a deep breath, and the crisp and melodious sound of the flute was heard, and the rhythmic and exquisite transition was like the low voice of a nightingale in the forest under the moon, with ease It will bring the listener into a wonderful fairy-tale world.

The sound of the flute faded, and the sound of the piano rose again. On the big screen, Luo Quan danced with both hands, and her body language became a tool for her to express her music.

The human and the piano are combined into one, forming a beautiful picture scroll and pleasing music.

This is an element of what she calls new century music, infecting the audience with beautiful performances!

However, no matter how beautiful the piano is, the core of this piece is still the flute.

The sound of the piano was just an introduction. When Luo Quan's flute sounded again, Luo Quan in the other small screens also started to move, and the violin was pulled slowly.

Several voices merged, and everyone in the audience was shocked.

This style of music is clearly Chinese style, and it is a typical pentatonic scale!

No wonder it's called Nightingale, it really is a piece of Chinese style, and it's excellent in terms of melodiousness and musicality!

The professors nodded one after another and exchanged opinions. The whole night's waiting was finally worthwhile. This is the shocking music they really want to hear.

But the surprise is still to come. The first 2 minutes are Dizi's solo show after all, although it is indeed ethereal and mellow like a nightingale, cute and playful, and full of the beauty of China.

However, compared with the real Chinese style of music, it still feels a little bit worse.

That's right, it's the feeling of grandeur.

Huaxia has a vast territory, a long history, and most of the music is magnificent, but this Nightingale still feels a little stingy from the current point of view.

If only to this extent......

Before the audience questioned for too long, Luo Quan quickly gave the most perfect response.

The music has now reached the most peaceful moment before the climax, and all Luo Quan on the screen are quiet at this time.

Suddenly, a picture of her wearing a tuxedo command uniform appeared on the big screen, and she held her baton high, as if waiting for something.

The audience held their breath at this time and began to wait.

The whole place was silent.

Suddenly, the baton in Luo Quan's hand fell suddenly, and all the voices rushed in like a thousand horses, like a silver bottle breaking and a river rushing.

The sound of the flute, the piano, the cello, the violin, and Luo Quan's vocal harmony......

The eighteen musical instruments recorded by Luo Quan start together at this time, and she is a symphony orchestra by herself at this time!
The entire studio resounded with grand music that seemed like the sound of the prosperous age, and I don't know how many listeners had their eyes moistened at this moment.

This kind of music has not appeared for a long time.

The joy of the prosperous age did not last too long. No matter how beautiful the tune is, there will be a moment when it will end.

All the brilliance experienced will eventually need to be repaid by loneliness.

At the end of the piece, only Luo Quan on the stage was left playing the ethereal flute softly, as if in the deep forest under the moon, the unseen nightingale was still calling softly...

(End of this chapter)

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