Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 373 Full Score

Chapter 373 Full Score
The thunderous applause almost drowned Luo Quan. As several judges and teachers stood up and applauded Luo Quan, all the students also stood up and applauded Luo Quan.

Before scoring, Vice President Fang obviously wanted to say a few words.

I saw her holding the microphone and smiling: "This is the best Chinese-style song I have heard in recent years!"

The host Xiao Sa showed a surprised expression, and did not expect that Vice President Fang would give such a high evaluation.

However, although it was unexpected, it was also reasonable. The ensemble of the song just now was so shocking that even he who had experienced many big scenes couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

"This is definitely an excellent song that can go on the international stage." Vice President Fang continued, "Although the instruments used in the performance are almost all Western instruments, the flute is the core of the whole song, and the whole song The artistic conception is also full of the magnificence and softness unique to China.

In my opinion, this kind of piece is already considered a masterpiece. If I were to give it a score, I would give it a score of one hundred and one thousand. Unfortunately, the full score is only ten. "

As he said that, Vice President Fang drew 10 on his scoring board, and the other judges also started to score.

The final result is obvious, remove the highest score, remove the lowest score, take the average, Luoquan's score is 10 points, the only work with a perfect score in the audience!
"Thank you, thank you all the judges and teachers for your affirmation of my work." Luo Quan began to say his acceptance speech, "At the same time, I would also like to thank Shangyi and the teachers of Shangyi for giving me the opportunity to participate in this competition, which gave me the motivation to create This song."

Hearing Luo Quan's words, Principal Li was so relieved in the audience, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

"Finally, I would also like to thank my family, friends and classmates. They have given me a lot of encouragement and help on my way forward." Because it was the first time he won the award on the CCTV stage, Luo Quan put Thank you all that can be thanked.

Originally, she wanted to thank CCTV for its strong support for this competition, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was not her turn to say this, so she removed this sentence.

In the end, Luo Quan won No.1 in this year's Shangyi Music Competition with his undisputed performance, and Principal Li also showed off in front of several other deans.

This is a game with no losers, because everyone knows who will win No.1, but they are not sure how to win No.1. In fact, all students have already prepared to lose.

If you had to find a loser, it would probably be Fan Ying.

Before the game, the hip-hop circle marketed him as a player on par with Luo Quan, and he didn't win No.1 in the rematch because he felt that there was a shady vote.

But now after the finals, no one thinks that Luo Quan needs to rely on shady things to win him. This is ruthless crushing on the level of talent.

Although Fan Ying has done well this time, in front of Luo Quan, both the performance and the song itself seemed so vulnerable.

Luo Quan originally planned to bring the orchestra to perform on stage this time, but for the sake of fairness, he chose one person to perform.

Then, she herself became a symphony orchestra, and she played all the instruments by herself. The visual impact brought by this proficiency in all eighteen instruments is really too great.

So much so that after the show was broadcast, the entire network was discussing this picture.

"I alone am the symphony orchestra!"

This is today's hot search list.

The hot searched content is the climax of "Nightingale", a video in which Luo Quan starts playing at the same time on more than a dozen screens, the scene is spectacular.


"Am I wrong? Why are there so many Luo Quan?"

"These are the accompaniments recorded by Luo Quan himself, and he formed a symphony orchestra by himself."

"Damn, this is awesome, how did she learn so many musical instruments?!"

"Not only do you know a lot, but the level is quite high. I listened carefully, and they are basically at the level of professional musicians!"

"Maybe this is genius."

"In the future, whoever gets a tenth grade piano certificate and brags about how talented he is, I'll throw this video in his face, let's see!"

"Although, why does she have to play so many instruments by herself?"

"Originally, I planned to invite a symphony orchestra to accompany her, but those people in the rap circle dissed her and refused to let her find foreign aid, so Luo Quan did it by himself."

"I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary singer, but what I got in return was diss and contempt. Stop pretending. I'm a genius and I'm showing my cards."

"Hahaha, I died from laughing."


At the same time, Zhihu, who hadn't talked about Luoquan for a while, was also very lively at this time.

The related question "How to evaluate Luo Quan's performance in the music competition" broke through tens of millions of heats, and Gao Liang wrote the answer:

"Counted, there are violins, bamboo flutes, pianos, and an entire orchestra. Although not complete, the basic framework is still there. There are a total of nineteen instruments.

Luo Quan was 19 and a half years old, and she started to practice musical instruments as soon as she was born in the womb. She only practiced one type for a year, and the level of each instrument basically surpassed that of experienced amateur musicians.

I don't know how to describe it other than outrageous. "

"To be honest, some of them have touched my blind spot of knowledge.

This world is not without music masters who are proficient in various musical instruments, and there are even more than eighteen kinds of musical instruments.But these people are basically over [-] years old and have a long practice time.

As for Luo Quan, who is only 19 years old, this is not something that can be summed up in one sentence by studying hard.
Edison said that genius is 90.00% sweat plus 90.00% inspiration. Everyone knows the second half of the sentence, that is, this [-]% inspiration is more important than [-]% sweat.

But on Luo Quan, I think it should be 90.00% inspiration and [-]% sweat!
With the talent she has shown so far, it probably wouldn't take much effort to learn these musical instruments. "

"The bigwigs at Zhihu finally feel how terrifying the gap between individuals is at this moment.

It is said that all men are created equal, this sentence obviously does not apply to Luoquan.

Some people are destined to become great and leave their names in history. In every era, there will be a few wavers who stand at the peak of the wave, and Luoquan is one of them.

But you don't need to be too inferior. After all, there were not only students from the Conservatory of Music, but also the proud sons of Tsinghua University and Peking University.

The gap between most of them and Luo Quan is actually the same as the gap between us and Luo Quan. From this we can get:
We = Peking University students of Tsinghua University.

If you think about it this way, it will be more comfortable. "

"If the world is a movie, then people like Luo Quan are the main actors, and then [-]% of the elite are extras, and the rest are props."

"Whenever I see this kind of people who use their natural talent to wantonly whip and write mortal self-confidence, I will silently go to the balcony and look up at the starry sky with an astronomical telescope.

Stars, Milky Way, Xingxuan, black holes, compared with these, even the earth is so insignificant, let alone a particularly excellent life form on the earth?
This is my best way to escape reality, you can refer to it. (dog head)"


There is no doubt that this wave of operations by Luoquan has severely hurt the feelings of ordinary people, and it is so good that it exceeds most people's perception.

However, as the most down-to-earth goddess in history, Luo Quan can always come up with some new tricks for everyone.

On the night of the award, Luo Quan posted a post on Station B:
"Where are my fans? Let's play a role! You have seen all the swimsuit photos, why is the pre-sale box office so stretched?"

Below the news is a piece of domestic pre-sale box office statistics for "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", which is only about [-] million yuan.

As the second movie in her career, and it was such a big production, Luo Quan must want "The Lord of the Rings" to be a big hit at the box office.

What's more, she has a task to impress the audience with two consecutive domestic box office films breaking one billion. As a result, the pre-sale box office is only 600 million, which is not the same as her expected result.

However, fans of Luoquan were also very wronged, and they sent comments to defend themselves:

"I swear to God, I really pre-ordered, and many fans in the fan group also shared the electronic ticket stubs."

"Although I don't like to watch this type of movie, I still bought one."

"I really support you."

"Understand it. After all, there are Yang Guang movies in China. The prostitutes are willing to spend as little as 100 yuan to watch this movie. Buying your swimsuit photo is not bad."

As soon as this explanation came out, Luo Quan was entertained, and she still had to rely on lsp to drive productivity. If she had passionate scenes or large-scale scenes in this movie, the pre-sale box office would probably quadruple!

It's just playing a vase in it, and there aren't many scenes, so it's really nothing to watch.

In addition, this also made Luo Quan understand a truth, that is, her appeal in movies is far from enough.

If it was her new album about to be released, it would not be a problem to give away 2000 million yuan in pre-sale sales, but if it was a movie, she would only be worth 600 million yuan.

And there are many people who go for other leading actors or original works, and they don't have much to do with her.

It can only be said that she can call the wind and rain in the music circle at present, but it does not mean that she can dominate the film circle, after all, the two are not the same concept.

Singing and acting are excellent, and the film industry is recognized as the apex of the entertainment industry. Wanting to have box office appeal is not simply a matter of showing your face.

The number of fans on Weibo, the number of broadcasts of online dramas and even the sales volume of songs, these can all be used to scan data to create the illusion of being top-notch.

But the box office is different. It depends on real money to pile up. Few people use data at the movie box office.

Therefore, if you want her to have appeal, you have to really star in a movie with a leading heroine, and get a good box office and evaluation.

At present, she does not have the conditions for this.

First of all, good scripts are hard to come by. With so many directors sending her scripts, the only ones she is familiar with are "The Lord of the Rings" and "Titanic", and one of them can't be acted yet.

The names of the other scripts were all unfamiliar, and she didn't know if it was bad or good, so she had to not accept any of them.

The system gave her the chance to redeem the script.

But after signing Ivy and Su Yu, she discovered that this was just a mall for exchanging scripts, and to exchange scripts, she still had to rely on popularity.

What's more, it depends on the heat value of the two of them, not Luo Quan's own.

In addition, the scripts that can be exchanged are also limited, and the scripts need to be unlocked in sequence according to the fame levels of Ivy and Su Yu.

The higher the fame, the better the scripts to unlock.

These tasks seem to return to the various arrangements made by the system for her at the beginning of Luoquan.

Fortunately, it's not mandatory, it's there anyway, she likes to do it or not.

Of course, both Ai Wei and Su Yu are the future stars of her company, so there is no reason to let them go. In fact, Luo Quan has been preparing for the future development of the two of them, almost every year and year. There will be action.

Realizing his shortcomings in movies, Luo Quan deleted the post just now, and then reposted:
"I can assure everyone with my character that this movie is definitely a very wonderful work, and it is definitely not a loss to go to the cinema to enjoy a visual feast for tens of dollars.

Of course, everyone may still be on the sidelines, but after the movie is released, everyone will understand that I am not lying. "

For the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, Luo Quan is quite confident.

Even "The Fellowship of the Ring", which has relatively small war scenes, can still win multiple Oscars for its fantastic and magnificent scenery, grand story background, and beautiful and melodious soundtrack.

Although it failed to win the Oscar for Best Picture that year, it was only because the competitors in the same year were too strong.

However, this year's movies are generally not very good. There are no big productions or movies adapted from good scripts. Compared with "The Fellowship of the Ring", it is really shabby.

This is also the reason why the film studio rushed to release it before the end of 2017, just to make some gains at the Oscars ceremony in February next year.

Although commercial blockbusters have always been disliked by academics on the Oscar side, "The Lord of the Rings" is not an ordinary commercial blockbuster, and its original work is a fantasy novel that can be called a masterpiece.

There is no need to worry about the depth of the composition.

The film's soundtrack and special effects are also invited from the world's best teams, and the theme song is also composed by Luo Quan himself. No matter how you look at it, this lineup is like a king bomb.

It can be said that this is a great work with great confidence from the director to ordering box lunches for the actors after the filming is finished.

The original "Lord of the Rings" was filmed for five years, and the trilogy was completed in one go, and the filming was completed at one time.

Now, thanks to technological progress, a lot of time has been saved, but it still takes about three years to finish the filming.

And the preparations for the second part have already started. According to Director Ford, he doesn't care how much box office "The Fellowship of the Ring" can win, because breaking the record is a matter of course.

He has only one goal, and that is how many honors he can get in the Oscars.

And Luo Quan cared so much about the box office, mainly because of the mission, so some caring was messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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