Chapter 374
The Shangyi Music Contest ended, Luo Quan did not go back to school the next day, but directly asked Principal Li for a leave of absence, and then flew to the United States by plane.

November NO.11 Singles' Day is Leon's birthday, but Leon has been busy filming "Titanic" for the past few days, and it is getting to a more important plot, if it stops halfway, it will affect Director Carnathan's creation Passion and consistency.

Therefore, even on his birthday, Lyon has been filming on the set, and the filming will not end until tomorrow.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was going to participate in the competition here, and it was not until today that he was free to go to the United States to celebrate his brother's birthday.

After she got off the plane, the filming of Leon's scene had just finished.

However, Seifert has no intention of giving him time to celebrate privately. As a star, any commemorative date is a very important marketing point.

November 19th is Lyon's [-]th birthday. A few days later, it will also be the second anniversary of his debut. Such an important day must be spent with fans.

As early as half a month ago, Universal had already started the publicity, planning to hold a birthday and debut anniversary celebration at New York's Madison Garden on the evening of November [-]th.

At the celebration, Lyon will not only sing the latest single written by his sister Luo Quan, but also a mysterious guest will attend the performance together.

This news is like rain after a long drought for fans of Lyon. In the past six months, Lyon has been focusing on filming. The offline activities are much less than that at the beginning of the year. They haven't seen each other offline for a long time. To Leon himself.

For a group of fanatical girlfriend fans and mother fans, this is simply a kind of torment, as cruel as breaking up a couple in love and not allowing them to meet.

This birthday celebration is the same as the concert, selling tickets online.

However, due to the limited space of Madison Gardens, there are only 2 tickets for sale this time. As soon as they are opened for purchase, they are gone in an instant. Those with a slightly slower Internet speed have not even had time to order them. sold out.

Although there is no ticket, you can also watch the live broadcast on the personal app produced by Universal for Lyon, but how can watching the live broadcast online compare with meeting her husband offline.

As a result, those fans who did not buy tickets held up a lot of banknotes in an attempt to collect tickets at a high price.

And those scalpers who bought some tickets were also speculating wildly at this time, and a ticket in the back row was once sold for [-] U.S. dollars.

But even with such a high price, Lyon's huge fan base is still in short supply.

There are only so many seats in total, and the organizers can't take care of everyone. Except for some fans who are lucky enough to buy cheap tickets, the others who have tickets are either wealthy women or true love shoppers.

In the United States, Lyon's popularity is undoubtedly phenomenal. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the idol of all American girls. What is even more rare is that Lyon became famous at a young age, but his conduct is extremely correct.

With so many paparazzi and opponents staring at him, he didn't find out a single scandal or negative news. Under such an open social atmosphere in the United States, he can be regarded as a moral model.

It is also true that the female fans love him even more.

The so-called "long goodbye is better than a newlywed", this time I haven't seen my "husband" for so long, the female fans must have held back a lot of emotion, and the atmosphere at the birthday party is expected to be quite lively.


"I haven't seen you for a few days, Luo Quan, you have become beautiful again." It was Seifert who came to pick up Luo Quan at the airport, and the greeting was still so boring.

Luo Quan said helplessly: "Next time we meet, can you praise me in another word? I can hear the callus."

"Hey, there's something wrong with boasting." Seifert said as he took Luo Quan's suitcase and found that it was a bit too light. He asked curiously, "What did you put in it? Why is it so light?"

Luo Quan recalled: "Just a few clothes, shoes, skin care products, as well as notebooks, chargers and so on."

"Better than my sister, her luggage is also these things, but the weight is more than twice as much as yours, I don't know what else is in it." After complaining about his sister, Seifert took Luo Quan on Car, came to Eric's villa in New York.

It's noon at NO.16. Leon practiced singing all night last night, and now he just woke up, sitting on the sofa, drinking cereal, and watching the news on his phone.

"Leon, happy birthday!" Luo Quan walked into the room and shouted happily when he saw Leon.

"Sister, you're here." Leon also stood up and smiled.

"By the way, I also prepared a birthday present for you." Luo Quan turned around and took the suitcase from Seifert's hand, opened it directly and took out a box from it.

"This is a Guanyin jade pendant that I asked my roommate to buy. It is made of Hetian jade and is exquisite in workmanship. The key point is that it has been consecrated by an expert. I wish you safety." Luo Quan said as he opened the box. Transparent Jade Guanyin.

The texture of jade is very good, and the carving technology is quite superb, which is a rare jade pendant.

"Consecration?" Leon obviously didn't know what Luo Quan meant by open light, but he still liked this jade pendant.

He was in the hip-hop circle before, and all his peers around him were all big gold chains. Wearing gemstones and platinum necklaces are all tasteful.
Now that his sister gave him this jade pendant, it just looks like there is a gap in grade between those vulgar things.

It’s the consecration by an expert that he doesn’t quite understand. He knows some Chinese, but he can’t understand this kind of special words.

"Consecration... You can understand it as the priest's blessing, but the monk who blessed this jade pendant was not the priest, but the monk." Luo Quan explained a little bit, but he didn't know if it was right.

Leon suddenly realized: "I understand when you say that. Isn't this similar to your lucky kiss? Staying in church for a while can bring people good luck."

Luo Quan nodded: "Basically, it's a good thing anyway, but you have to be careful, if you find any cracks on this jade pendant, especially Guanyin, you should take it off immediately and don't wear it again."

"Is there still such a saying?" This touched Leon's knowledge blind spot again.

Luo Quan himself is not superstitious, but since this Jade Guanyin has been consecrated, sometimes it is better to believe it, and no matter what, if the jade pendant cracks, it must be replaced.

I just don't know if the God of China is willing to protect a foreigner like Lyon from disaster. Anyway, they are all in the west, so they shouldn't be so particular about it.

"Normally this doesn't happen, so you don't have to worry too much." Luo Quan calmed Leon's heart a little, and then sat down on the sofa.

Leon also sat down, took the cereal and continued to eat breakfast.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and his body became stiff as if he had been electrocuted.

Shit!Why didn't you put your things away!

Leon looked at the things on the mezzanine under the glass coffee table, and couldn't help but curse.

Soon, the sharp-eyed Luo Quan also found this thing, she bent down and reached out to take it out from below.

Then Leon blushed and Seifert was dumbfounded.

"Why is this thing in your hands?" Luo Quan stood up, shaking in his hand the physical version of the photo he sent not long ago.

These physical copies of her printed photos are mainly given back to lucky fans and local rich who spent a lot of money on crowdfunding.

Luo Quan flipped through the title page and found that this was not a photo for lucky fans. On the title page it clearly said thank you for your donation of millions of dollars.

In other words, this boy Leon contributed a full 100 million US dollars to her crowdfunding!

"Good boy!" Seifert jumped up, "I didn't expect you to hide your sister's photo album, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"This...I..." Although Leon wanted to strangle Seifert to death, he couldn't refute his words. Since he couldn't explain it, he could only choose to die together: "Didn't you also donate 100 million dollars?"

Luo Quan turned his head to look at Seifert: "So you also have a share."

Seifert immediately made a dignified expression: "I swear to God, I read your photo album with the intention of appreciating art, and there is absolutely no evil intention in it!"

"Me too!" Leon followed suit, "Sister, you know me, I am a pure person, a noble person, a person who has escaped vulgar interests!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "People's hearts are in the belly, how do I know if what you say and what you think are the same thing."

This matter is embarrassing and embarrassing, if it is true, it is just like that.

After all, when she took photos on the beach, Leon and the others were also there, and she didn't feel anything at that time.

After thinking it over, Luo Quan didn't have any extra thoughts, and said directly: "I confiscated this thing."

Leon blushed, and explained weakly: "Actually, I didn't look at it a few times when I got it, I just wanted to keep it as a souvenir."

Luo Quan was a little helpless: "Didn't they take a group photo at that time?"

"Then how can it be compared with these photos." Seifert continued to develop his three-inch tongue, "These photos represent the most beautiful and splendid years of your life, God spread His favor on mankind It's you alone, and the camera truly records your final, true and most beautiful appearance.

After many years, when young people are curious about your youthful appearance, they only need to look through these photos to know how glamorous you were back then, which made the whole world fall in love with it.

So I think these photos are art, and we collect and flip through them out of appreciation of beauty. You should be happy. "

The so-called thousand wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear, although Seifert's praise sounds nasty, but Luoquan sounds quite useful.

And what he said seemed to be the case. As beautiful as she was, people appreciated her more than blasphemy.

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Finally, I said something human, but don't think that you can fool me by saying good things to me. Tell me, why do you two want to crowdfund me?"

Leon asked, "Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"of course it's true."

Leon scratched his head and said, "It's mainly for the maximization of human happiness...I didn't say this, but Seifert said it!"

"Hey, she's quite good at making up nouns." Luo Quan looked at Seifert, who took half a step back, and quickly explained: "This is a female star, sooner or later, which popular artist in the world hasn't photographed her?" This kind of photo. Besides, you have such a good figure, it's a pity not to show it.

And you may not know that since these photos came out, Hollywood's evaluation of you has taken a 180-degree turn, and you have been directly promoted to a real goddess, and you can be said to have a magnanimous stardom in the future! "

Luo Quan sneered and said: "If I don't shoot these, my stardom is just as magnanimous, and there is an essential difference between me and those actresses who become famous by taking off their clothes, and I will definitely not rely on these high positions in the future."

Seifert nodded deeply: "This is natural, you are the greatest musical genius of the new century, the Mozart of the East, the terminal of human beauty, the god of love and beauty who fell into the world..."

"Okay, okay..." Luo Quan interrupted Seifert's bragging words as if giving the name of the dish, dumbfounded. This series of titles is really too nasty. Although they are all facts, they are in front of him. There is no need to say it.

Seifert’s words actually have a certain truth. As an actress, no one can be an innocent girl for a lifetime. Whether it’s for the work or for transformation, sooner or later they will try the sexy route more or less.

It's not that she's repulsed by this aspect, it's just that it's not the time yet.

Photo albums are everywhere on the Internet, and there is nothing these two guys can do if they really want to see them. It seems that she is a bit hypocritical if she is so entangled.

Be generous, she has nothing to lose, after all, she is not an outsider.

"Crack." Luo Quan put the photo album on the coffee table and pushed it in front of Leon.

"What...what do you mean?" Leon glanced at the elder sister.

"However, you bought this for 100 million dollars... Anyway, it's better as a collectible."

Leon nodded like pecking rice: "Then I will definitely keep it as a family heirloom, and when I have sons and daughters in the future, let the little ones see how beautiful your aunt was back then!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan was not happy: "It's as if when you have a son, I'll be too old to watch."

Seifert shook his head: "That's not certain. Leon and your plan are the same. Don't consider relationship issues before the age of 30. When his son understands these things, you should be 45."

"So what about 45, is it very old?" Luo Quan asked softly, tilting his head, with a kind smile on his face.

"When...of course you are not old, you will remain young forever in the future!" Seifert and Leon broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly explained.

"Cut." Luo Quan snorted and went upstairs with the suitcase.

Ps. Thanks to book friend Dolly the Sheep for donating book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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