Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 375 The troubles of young Leon

Chapter 375 The troubles of young Leon

I don't have many friends in Luoquan, USA, and I lay in my room for several hours, not knowing where to go.

Leon stayed in the recording studio to practice singing, Seifert has been dealing with reporters and media in the company, and Fred had gone to Italy a few days ago.

Fortunately, the entertainment methods of modern young people are relatively simple. A mobile phone connected to the Internet can solve everything.

However, playing with mobile phones belongs to playing with mobile phones, but you cannot disclose your itinerary on social platforms.

This time she came to the United States to celebrate Leon's birthday, and also to be a surprise guest on his debut anniversary.

If everyone knows that she has come to the United States, will there be any suspense about this mysterious guest?

Although there is no suspense at all, this sense of surprise must be maintained. After all, the combination of the siblings is not low in popularity in the United States, and the songs they sang together have also dominated the B chart for a long time.

The only pity is that the siblings have not performed on the same stage yet.

You know, pop chorus plus hip-hop is the most common music combination nowadays, and many pop singers have collaborated with hip-hop singers to release singles.

But in terms of music quality, the cooperation between Luoquan and Lyon is at the ceiling level. Both "Love the way you lie" and "seorita" are quite catchy divine comedies, and there are also divine comedies like "Stan" to support the connotation .

So much so that on the B list, Luoquan and Lyon were once the popular combination with the highest popularity and sales.

However, the fashion trends around the world are changing all the time. Since last year, hip-hop culture has become popular, and black singers have set off a rap craze all over the world.

Leon became popular so quickly, in addition to being handsome and pleasing to girls, on the other hand, he also got a ride on hip-hop.

However, as a large number of musicians began to follow the trend and create hip-hop songs, the market was immediately hit by good and bad works, and inspiration, rhyme, and rhythm were also drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The result of this is that plagiarism and reference are prevalent, and the audience is also somewhat aesthetically fatigued.

So at the end of 2017, the popularity of hip-hop finally inevitably declined, and it was replaced by electronic music.

In fact, electronic music was extremely prosperous in the 90s of the last century. One form of it was once popular all over the world. I don’t know how many handsome men and women have danced with it.

That's right, disco music.

In China, this term is as old as the urban-rural fringe, production team, and flared trousers.

It is rarely seen now, but it was really a common entertainment for the people of the whole country back then.

However, with the popularization of mobile phones, the Internet, and computers, lively disco music has gradually been replaced by more soothing pop music. Anyone who still stops disco music now will definitely be stamped with the word "soil" on their foreheads.

However, although disco music has declined, electronic music has been developing, and the situation has always been good.

The disco has not disappeared, it just changed its name to a bar, where you can still dance while listening to the dynamic music.

In a disco you have to learn some steps sometimes, but in a bar it doesn't matter, and it's okay to dance around like a madman, because everyone does.

Different from the "notorious" disco dance music, although electronic music is noisy, its evaluation and popularity are quite high. In recent years, there have been excellent works emerging, and it can be seen from time to time at the Grammys.

But in the past few years, it has always been that look that is more than enough than the bottom, and it is more than one level worse than hip-hop.

However, since last year, electronic music has become popular.

Taking Luoquan's release of the song "Faded" as a node, electronic music has appeared in the new century's first YouTube song with more than [-] million hits worldwide.

And "Seve" broke the record of clicks on YouTube, and set off a global craze in the true sense.

While the craze was a ghost-step dance, it did bring a huge amount of traffic and attention to electronics.

The most important thing is that some capital has taken a fancy to the cake of electronics, thinking that there is a very large market hidden in it, which is profitable.

So the capital injection gave the musicians the motivation to create, and then the excellent works brought the market's attention and praise, and the capital made money and increased investment.

Unknowingly, the electronic music market has entered a virtuous cycle of rapid development.

In the past, the top [-] singers on the B list could only see the names of five or six DJs at most, and most of them were co-branded with other singers, and there were very few monologues of their own works.

But in the past six months, the number of DJ names has increased by three or four times, and such a change cannot be described as a flash in the pan.

Electronic music has really become popular, and it has already swept the world.

It is worth mentioning that "Faded" is an important node in the popularity of electronic music. Although it failed to win the Grammy, it is an out-and-out milestone in the hearts of pan-electronic music fans, and it is also a milestone in the hearts of Luoquan fans. The work that best embodies her ethereal and beautiful sound.

Just like the lyrics in this song, her singing seems to come from ancient Atlantis, dreamlike and unreachable.

However, Luo Quan only used "Faded" as a tool to attract attention at the time, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After it became popular, he never paid attention to the field of electronic music.

Looking back now, the original cake in this field has been divided up.

The good news is that it's not a waste of time for her to go back to electronic music now.

The anniversary of Lyon's debut this time is also an opportunity for her to test the waters, release an electronic music, and see the market reaction.

Of course, when Seifert asked her to write a song for Lyon, he also mentioned whether he could try electronic music,
Universal, as a world-class music giant, is very sensitive to market trends, and has a premonition that next year is very likely to be a year of electronic music.

The two sides hit it off, so this time Luo Quan not only made a pop song thanking fans for Lyon, but also made a very dynamic and brainwashing electronic music, and it was a chorus of men and women.

Of course, she will have to do the DJ job at that time. Although Leon is a quick learner, it is a bit difficult for him to learn how to play discs all of a sudden. Luo Quan can do it here with a thought.

Leon's birthday and debut anniversary have remained high on Twitter, with tens of thousands of tweets every day.

The large electronic screen in Times Square was also screened by Lyon. Every afternoon, Lyon would appear on the big screen, and then there were various words of celebration.

On the 17th, Madison Square Garden was even more crowded. Lyon female fans gathered from the United States and all over the world held up his support board and shouted his name.

Luo Quan himself had never seen such a scene.

She thought that the fans she met when she returned to Japan to attend the record awards half a year ago were already enthusiastic enough.

But compared with the female fans of Lyon in front of them, they can only be regarded as insignificant.

So many people were crowded that the traffic on Manhattan's 34th Street was paralyzed. It took the New York police all morning to evacuate the fanatical fans.

It wasn't an evacuation, it was just getting them off the road, but the sidewalks became more crowded, even out of Madison Square Garden.

This kind of congestion caused public condemnation both at home and abroad, but when they learned that the cause of the congestion was because of Leon's birthday, more than half of the people chose to be tolerant.

No girl can refuse this handsome young man who looks like the reincarnation of Apollo, and many boys may be jealous of him, but he has a sister, and Aiwujiwuxia will be more tolerant to him, after all, he is his own brother-in-law. .

Therefore, although the online discussion about the traffic paralysis caused by Lyon is quite heated, there are still relatively few negative comments, and most of them lament the explosion of Lyon's popularity.

It can only be said that fortunately, few people know about the formation of Luo Quan's visit to the United States this time. If her male fans know that she is going to be a guest today, it is estimated that the number of people who will come will not be much less than that of Lyon's female fans.

Taking advantage of the traffic returning to normal, Seifert took Lyon and Luoquan into Madison Square Garden in an inconspicuous black car.

"Look, these are fans who love you deeply." Seifert said to Lyon while driving.

The material of the car screen is quite special, you can see the outside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

Along the way, the screaming never stopped. Although I don't know what I shouted, the enthusiasm is definitely visible to the naked eye.

"This is called an international superstar. Most of my male fans are prostitutes. They would rather spend 5 yuan to buy pirated recording albums with rubbish sound quality than spend more money to listen to genuine copies." Luo Quan saw it, That is the envy of the real name system.

If her male fans were so fanatical, tsk tsk, she would be the richest man in the world under the age of 20.

"It's not a good thing that fans are too fanatical. Did you forget that a female fan committed suicide before?" Leon was terrified when he mentioned this incident.

This misunderstanding caused by the fact that the American express company pulled his hips almost threw his flourishing career into the abyss.

Fortunately, he wrote back to this female fan, otherwise the consequences would have been a lot to say.

Of course, it turns out that it is beneficial to have more friendly interactions with fans, so that there will be a lot less excuses left. Later, my sister helped write a song, and the huge crisis in my career has become a point to improve my reputation.

However, turning the corner to safety also gave him a deep understanding of fans' feelings for idols.

As an idol, he is like a thermometer, and fans are like a pot of hot water.

The more enthusiastic the fans, the more popular he is.

But if the enthusiasm is too much, it is easy to blow the watch.

And fan enthusiasm is beyond his control, unless he does something stupid that loses points, fans will only love him more and more.

To be honest, Leon sometimes can't sleep at night because of this incident.

There are many reasons why celebrities are anxious, or because no one buys new albums, or because they cannot make money without endorsements.

Anxiety like Lyon's because of his popularity is relatively rare.

"By the way, sister, are you worried that your fans will be too enthusiastic and do some extreme behavior?" Leon asked Luo Quan curiously while looking at the fans outside the window.

"Why are you worried?" Luo Quan didn't expect his younger brother to be troubled by this matter, "As a star, what you worry about is that your fans are not enthusiastic enough.

Think about it, how embarrassing it would be when you danced and sang on stage, your voice was almost hoarse, and your fans were stunned.

Besides, the more enthusiastic the fans are, it means that they love you. This is a good thing that many [-]th line artists can't even hope for. "

"You think so?" Leon frowned, "But I'm always worried that they will do something extreme because they like me too much."

Luo Quan heard Leon's worry, smiled, and explained: "I know what you are worried about.

In the past, some male fans left me messages, saying that I would not marry, and that if they could not become my boyfriend, they would die.

But I never bothered with them.

When fans first follow stars, there will be a period of fanaticism, but as time goes by, this fanaticism will gradually become rational.

Studying and living will quickly divert their attention, and when they look back, such a frantic state will never appear again.

Just like those male fans who say that I will not marry, they have said the same thing to other actresses, and I am also one of their thousands of wives.

Of course, it's not like there are more extreme fans who have a strong desire to possess celebrities, and even stalk and harass their lives in private.

For this kind of fans, it is better to call the police directly, because this is not normal star-chasing behavior at all.

Idols are indeed commodities for fans. On stage in front of the camera, you can do your best to please them.

But this does not mean that in private, after you take off your idol clothes, you must satisfy these fans without a bottom line. "

"Why can you see so clearly?" Leon looked at his sister curiously.

Luo Quan shrugged: "Because I'm not an idol, I'm a bystander.

Idols can't live without fans, but I can hold fans fast through my works.Their love for me starts with talent, and then they are loyal to my appearance.

So I faced them and had the courage to refuse. "

Leon's face darkened: "Don't you mean that I rely on my face for food?"

Seifert quickly corrected Leon's erroneous thinking: "Don't look down on the little boy, I think I can't eat by my face.

Don't look at me as the head of the marketing department of Universal Records, but I always look forward to a super rich woman who can see the fragility hidden under my workaholic appearance and give me a chance to eat softly. "

"Go away!" Leon gave Seifert a white look, "In the past, I may have relied on my face, but next year, when my wrong movie is released, everyone will see my strength.

I found that I am very talented in acting. In the future, I will definitely be the best actor in the Oscars. Don't bully the young and poor! "

Luo Quan nodded: "It's good to have ambition, but you have to work hard to carry it out to the end.

Don't bully the young and poor now, then don't bully the middle-aged and poor, don't bully the old and poor, in the end, you will be the dead. "

After speaking, Luo Quan and Seifert laughed, and Leon's face was black.

(End of this chapter)

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