Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 376 You Inspired Me

Chapter 376 You Inspired Me

As night fell, the female fans who bought tickets began to check the tickets to enter the venue, while the female fans who did not buy tickets could only watch these lucky ones go in to have a birthday party with Leon.

Fortunately, there is a large electronic screen outside Madison Square Garden, so you can see the situation inside as well as outside.

Inside, the lighting and sound have been adjusted, and Lyon is ready to go on stage.

Because today is the birthday plus the debut anniversary, the atmosphere of celebration is greater than the performance, so Leon didn't dress in a particularly fancy way, just dressed casually at home.

The same is true for Luo Quan, who is wearing a Chanel jacket and jeans, and looks more rustic than Lyon.

After a while, Luo Quan, who was playing with his mobile phone in the background, heard the screams of the fans. It seemed that Leon had already come on stage.

Chatted with fans for a few minutes, expressed his gratitude to fans for their support for him since his debut two years ago, and also talked about the extreme fan incident a while ago, telling everyone to be rational when chasing stars.

Of course, that's what I said, but seeing Leon appearing in front of my eyes, the female fans couldn't stay rational. Ever since he came on stage, the screams have never stopped.

In the venue in winter, the air conditioner turned the heating to a higher level, and the warm atmosphere made the fans who were already blood churning even more dizzy and almost passed out.

When such top stars hold gatherings like this, emergency personnel are usually deployed on the scene. Lyon is relatively good, and even now there are still not a single fan.

A few years ago, a certain Uranus superstar held a farewell concert, and six of them passed out within 3 minutes of the opening.

Seeing the excitement of the fans, Lyon, who was worried about an accident, shouted to the staff to lower the temperature of the air conditioner in the venue.

A few minutes later, Lyon's performance officially began.

Although the fans came to celebrate his birthday, as a star, it is impossible for the fans to come and perform for him.

It's a celebration, but it's actually just a special concert.

Lyon has written quite a few rap songs since his debut. The lyrics are profound and meaningful, but the accompaniment is usually not very nice.

Fortunately, the company found someone to write him a lot of pop songs with melodies and brainwashing. Among them, the few songs written by Luo Quan must be of the best quality, especially "Baby". masterpiece.

Although this song has been criticized by many people as a slobber song without nutrition, it is definitely the most successful slobber song in recent years, and it is not one of them.

Because of the unprecedented commercial success, this song also won this year's Grammy Award for Best Pop Song, and Lyon also soared to the sky with this song.

Whether attending a concert or on a show, Lyon's first hit song is always "Baby", and there are never exceptions.

Over the past year, he himself has lost count of how many times he has sung this song.

In his words, he almost vomited from singing this song.

But there is no way, fans like it, no matter how tired they are, they have to continue singing.

The crisp guitar strum sounded, and the fans cheered immediately, knowing which song it was just by listening to the prelude.

At the same time, Luo Quan also began to make preparations.

The birthday party didn't last very long, at most two hours. As a mystery guest, she was going to perform on stage very early, and Leon was jumping and jumping on it alone, which really seemed a bit monotonous.

I just don't know if these fans of Lyon would like to see her sister.

Luo Quan thought about it for a while, if it was at her concert, and Leon suddenly appeared, what kind of psychological activity would her male fans have...

Lyon sang and danced on the stage for nearly 10 minutes. He was already sweating profusely in the winter, so he could only rest on the spot panting.

At the same time, the staff immediately arranged the decorations on the stage.

The fans saw the actions of the staff and discussed with each other, thinking that this was a new program from Lyon for everyone.

A new show indeed, but not by Leon.

"Today is a very important day for me. Not only did you come to celebrate for me, but my family also came to the scene." Lyon began to pave the way for Luo Quan's appearance.

The female fans suddenly became excited and vaguely guessed who it was.

"Now, please welcome the mysterious guest with warm applause—my sister Luo Quan!" Leon raised his hand as an invitation, and Luo Quan appeared from the passage from the backstage to the front desk.

Today she is wearing a big ponytail, and the ponytail is bouncing up and down following her cheerful steps. At the same time, she raised her hands to greet the fans of Lyon:
"Hello everyone~~~"

Off stage:


The excited words of girls all over the world are the same. At this time, there is really no need for too many complicated things. A high-pitched scream is enough.

"I'm very happy to be here to celebrate Lyon's birthday and the second anniversary of his debut. Thank you for your support, which made him achieve what he is today." He and his fans deliberately hid themselves.

The main reason is to consider that all the female fans of Lyon are present, and there are only a few fans of her and Lyon at the same time, so speaking like this can better take care of the emotions of Lyon's only fans.

Although she is Lyon's sister, in the eyes of fanatical fans, she is a woman who has a very close relationship with Lyon. This alone is enough to arouse their jealousy.

Fortunately, what Luo Quan was worried about did not happen. The female fans responded to her with the same enthusiasm, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After a few gossips with the female fans, the highlight of the night began.

As the sister and brother with the highest face value known so far, the two have always been a dream combination in the eyes of the outside world.

It's a pity that although the two have collaborated on many songs, they have never performed on the same stage.

Today, everyone’s wish was finally fulfilled, and the work they brought was an electronic music.

Lyon smiled and said to the fans: "Electronic music is very popular recently, and you have been asking me to sing a song, but you know, I am not good at writing electronic music songs at all.

Fortunately, I have an older sister, everyone knows her songs, right? "

"Understood!" the fans shouted in unison.

Luo Quan's talent no longer needs to be explained, the best songs in Lyon are all written by her.

Before the fans heard him sing those educational raps, it was a bit tormented, but fortunately, Luo Quan's appearance perfectly solved this problem.

"This song is called "Closer". I hope everyone will like it." Leon grabbed the microphone tightly, and Luo Quan stood next to the electronic synthesizer, and everything was ready.

"Hey I was doing just fine before I met you
I was fine before I met you

I drink too much
i'm a little drunk
And that's an issue but I'm okay
it's a problem but i'm ok

…………………… "

Compared with two years ago, Lyon's voice has completed the transformation from a childish voice to a mature voice. It used to be like a little boy, but now it has become a big warm boy.

Although the voice condition and singing skills cannot be compared with my sister, it sounds quite magnetic to the ears of ordinary people. As for the singing skills, it is enough. Europe and the United States actually don't value singing skills as much as Huaxia.

This electronic music continues Luo Quan's consistent style of composing music for Lyon, which is brainwashing, and the rhythm is quite impressive, and you can become addicted after listening to it once.

Unlike most explosive electronic music, Luo Quan's song is actually not too noisy, and Lyon's singing is a little lazy from the beginning to the end.

Although the pure electronic part is so cool that it makes people shake their legs, it doesn't use the timbre of the subwoofer. It is a very clear sound. Compared with these electronic sounds on the market, this is a very fresh and refined masterpiece!

It is worth mentioning that the lyrics of this song are not suitable for children, and there are some restricted-level descriptions.

When Leon and Seifert first got the song, they were a little confused, wondering if it was written by Luo Quan.

But Luo Quan's explanation is also very reasonable: "Aren't you all singing this style of yellow songs over there? I am also going to the countryside to cater to the market. Besides, your female fans should be very happy to hear you sing this, right?"

This seems to be the reason, Leon thought about it, he is 19 years old anyway, and his works really need to be more mature.

Although Leon doesn't need to flaunt his maturity in this way, he also doesn't like others calling him a little milk dog, a brat, or a sissy.

As a somewhat machismo, these titles are what he dislikes the most. It is definitely best to get rid of them as soon as possible, and the maturity of the works is a very good way.

If you keep singing those little fresh love songs that are too sweet to be boring, it is indeed easy to have a negative effect.

Of course, in such a happy atmosphere, the fans didn't pay much attention to the lyrics when they heard the lyrics. The main reason is that everyone was shaking their heads and dancing to their heart's content. It was really difficult to hear every line of the lyrics clearly.

The song "Closer" completely ignited the atmosphere in the venue.

At the same time, the server in the live broadcast room broadcasting the birthday party was also overloaded at this time.

Originally, this app belonging to Lyon was a bit reluctant to deal with his fans all over the world, but now "Luo Quan Appeared in Lyon's Debut Anniversary" was also trending on Twitter in the United States, and countless Luoquan fans also came after hearing the news.

With so many users all of a sudden, the server was really overwhelmed, and the live broadcast also faltered.

In desperation, Universal could only shut down the app's function of watching the live broadcast urgently, transfer the live broadcast to Youtube, and notify all fans on the app homepage, please go to Youtube to watch.

Afterwards, this newly applied account for Universal Live Streaming had more than 200 million online viewers as soon as it relied on the live broadcast, which directly broke the record for live broadcasting on YouTube, and the popularity can be called explosive.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was rolling wildly, female fans were calling their husbands, and male fans were calling their wives, boys and girls all over the world seemed so harmonious at this time.

After the electronic music finished singing, Luo Quan and Leon continued to sing the singles that were released before. The two appeared side by side in front of the camera, and personally explained what it means to be radiant.

These two siblings are too dazzling, no matter if they are female fans or male fans, they are all a little crazy at this moment.

Unfortunately, such happiness is always short-lived,

Before they knew it, the birthday party had come to an end. After the chorus of the two ended, the big cake prepared by Universal Company for Leon was also pushed up.

The birthday cake was two meters in diameter and had three layers, with nineteen candles lit on the top layer.

Seifert, who is a good friend of Lyon, also came to the stage at this time, intending to spend this happy moment with him.

Amid the singing of the happy birthday song, Leon closed his eyes and made a wish, and then blew out all the candles.

The audience cheered.

The next step is to divide the cake. Although the cake is very big, there are more than 2 people in the venue, and it is impossible for everyone to eat a piece. It can only be given to fans who are closer to the stage.

The fans behind saw it, and although they were envious, they still had smiles on their faces.

After sharing the cake, Leon didn't say goodbye to everyone.

Luo Quan wrote two songs for her this time, "Closer" is one, and the other is to thank the fans.

While everyone was eating the cake, Leon picked up the microphone by himself and said, "Thank you all for coming to my birthday party. It has been two years since I debuted. It has not been smooth sailing in the past two years, but luckily The best thing is that I have you to accompany me, encourage me, and help me out of the predicament.

This time I would like to thank my best friend Seifert. Without him, there would be no star Leon in your eyes. "

There was applause from the audience, and the eyes of many fans were already wet.

For many mother fans and sister fans, they can be said to have watched Leon make his debut, grow up, and become the current little heavenly king.

In the past two years, what Leon has experienced is indeed not as smooth as outsiders seem. After all, he has become so popular that he is almost like a public enemy of the industry. In private, he does not know how many competitors have bought his black draft. Being smeared and attacked online is commonplace.

Fortunately, they survived all of these things, survived together with Leon, and it will be even better in the future.

"It's still a song written by my sister. I want to sing this song to all my fans and friends. Thank you for your unwavering company. I hope everyone will like this song "You raise me up."

After Leon finished speaking, the accompaniment began to play in the background, and Leon sang softly, with a gentle voice.

This song actually has a high-pitched part that is a test of singing skills, but Luo Quan re-arranged it and changed it into a tender version, which can be fully controlled without any singing skills.

The chorus part of the song is also the essence. Lyon mixed his gratitude to everyone into the music with a passionate voice:
"You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
Because of your inspiration I can conquer the mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
Because of your encouragement, I can brave the storm and ride the waves

I am strong when I am on your shoulders
I'm so strong because I have your shoulders to lean on
You raise me up to more than I can be
You inspire me so I can keep going beyond"

At the end of the song, both the fans at the scene and in front of the screen burst into tears.

Ps. This song is also for the readers of the singing book. Thank you for your support, which gave the author the motivation to keep writing!
(End of this chapter)

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