Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 377 Debut

Chapter 377 Debut
By the time Lyon's birthday party performance was on the top searches in various countries, Luo Quan had already boarded the plane back to Shanghai.

As a college student, she didn't seem to spend as much time at school this semester as she did outside.

Although the school won't say anything, if the media catches on this point and writes a few slanderous articles, it will eventually have a bad influence.

Art universities have shorter class time per semester than ordinary universities, and there is still more than a month before the winter vacation. For the rest of the time, Luo Quan plans to stay in school as much as possible, at least keep the students in the class Admit it.

Since the beginning of school, except for a few in one dormitory, she has not spoken more than ten words to other students in the class, and this kind of relationship is better than that of strangers.

But the problem doesn't lie with her, because Lin Yizhu's relationship with the boys is similar.

At the beginning of school, there were a few more courageous boys who went to chat with them and asked for WeChat or something, and met two love masters who were suspected of being Neptune.

However, Lin Yizhu and the others are not little girls who have just entered the society. After chatting for two days, they can distinguish which ones can continue to chat and which ones should be blocked as soon as possible.

After one pass of screening, it was found that only two or three of the twenty or so boys were good guys.

But when you think about it, Shangyi has always had high requirements for appearance in admissions, and most of the students who can enter are handsome guys, no matter how bad they are, they have good facial features.

Now that the atmosphere of middle school students in Huaxia is so open, how many boys with such conditions are not fish pond owners?
Of course, these pond owners are generally very self-aware. Since the beginning of school, no one has come down to chat with Luo Quan in private, except to find the class monitor for business.

On the contrary, the few boys who were certified as "good guys" by Lin Yizhu and the others, sometimes see Luo Quan's promotional new album or new movie in the space, they will immediately like it and post a sentence: I will definitely join in when the time comes!
A smiley face is usually added at the end.

Luo Quan could imagine that when these boys saw her posting this, they must have racked their brains to reply with some nice words to attract her attention.

But no matter what I said, I didn't think it was appropriate, and in the end I went back and forth, and I could only choose this answer.

Compared with those witty pond masters and sea kings, these boys are undoubtedly clumsy.

But compared to those "smart" love masters, Luo Quan has a better impression of this kind of stupid good guy.

So every time these boys leave a message under her talk, she will reply: Thank you for your support.

There is no other meaning, just to thank the classmates for their kindness.

Of course, if there is no accident, this relationship will be maintained until Luo Quan leaves school, and nothing will change.

For these boys, Luo Quan's rank is too high, and it is really out of reach. If they are not veterans who have already captured several girls, they may not have the courage to strike up a conversation with her.

So, this has hit a dead end.

Fortunately, for Luo Quan, this is good news.

When the school just started, there were several groups of seniors who came down from the dormitory to confess their love to her. Every time, there was a big fight, and the boys and girls nearby also followed suit, which really gave her a little headache.

Fortunately, since the school dealt with several typical cases, and the whole school reported criticisms, similar situations have never happened again.

But it is not ruled out that near the end of the period, some boys are hungry and thirsty, and they may come to express their love again.

For college students, when they are in their twenties, their hormones are strong and their actions are more emotional. Once their brains get hot, they may do something out of the ordinary.

All she can do is to cover the water and earth with soldiers.

When I returned home, it happened to be the weekend and the school was on holiday.

After Luo Quan sent a message to the principal to report that he was safe, he went directly to his villa in Tan Palace.

Luo Quan came back early, just in time to bump into Lan Xuan cooking breakfast.

"Boss, have you returned to China so soon?" Lan Xuan was surprised when he saw Luo Quan. He only saw the news of Luo Quan and Leon performing on stage yesterday morning, and he had already returned to China this morning.

"After the matter is over, I must return to China as soon as possible." Luo Quan is not familiar with the place there, and he is not as comfortable there as in China.

"You haven't read the news yet. You and your brother swept all the hot searches in the world yesterday. It's all about you two. The popularity is exploding!" Lan Xuan said, shaking her phone. She was still watching it just now. Looking at the trending searches on Weibo, the news about the siblings is still in the top five searches.

"Isn't this a normal thing?" Luo Quan spread his hands, not surprised at all.

With her and Leon's popularity, coupled with Universal's marketing promotion, and the double celebration of her birthday and debut anniversary, it is quite normal to have such enthusiasm.

"As expected of the boss, this situation is different from our subordinates." Lan Xuan smiled and flattered.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Don't say such flattering words, what are you and Su Yu doing recently? I'm busy these days, so I don't care much about this."

Lan Xuan brought out the milk from the microwave oven, and then put two boiled eggs into the bowl: "There's nothing else to do, Su Yu usually studies acting and reads books to enrich herself.

For me, just pay attention to the recent hot topics and learn how the public relations manuscripts of those popular stars are published. "

Luo Quan was curious: "Is there any way to do this?"

Lan Xuan smiled while peeling the eggs: "The doorway here has grown, it's just that you don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, boss.

There are often celebrities on Weibo who turn a crisis into an opportunity because of a good public relations manuscript, gain huge popularity and favor, and even soar into the sky!
And some celebrities directly lost everyone's favor because of a bad public relations manuscript, and even self-destructed their future.

Although public relations manuscripts are usually edited by a professional public relations team, when they are finally published, the agent must be responsible for checking them. I will learn more about cases now to accumulate experience, so that Su Yu will be able to suffer less in the future. "

"That's the truth." Luo Quan nodded, agreeing with Lan Xuan's words, "However, we are not afraid of the shadow slanting, as long as we do well, it doesn't really matter whether we do crisis public relations or not.

Since I debuted, I have been hacked many times. Most of the time, I don’t need to pay attention to it. Even if there is a big trouble, I just need to explain the matter clearly.

Now that the exchange of information is so developed, the truth will soon come to light. Instead of doing crisis public relations in a hurry, it is better to wait and see what happens, so as not to paint things more and more black. "

This is Luo Quan's philosophy of life, and it's very similar to her usual personality. At best, it's indisputable. At worst, it's a salted fish, and she doesn't even bother to care about being slandered.

However, she has never had any dark history. Although she speaks quickly and likes to tease people, she never touches the red line.

For such an artist, the navy can only fabricate lies if he wants to be black.

And as long as it is a lie, Jiu will definitely be exposed one day, and the developed network world has shortened this time to the extreme.

According to Lan Xuan, what Luo Quan said was not so much teaching her how to do crisis public relations, but rather teaching her and Su Yu how to be artists.

There is only one core point of view, and that is to talk less on the Internet.

No matter how high the emotional intelligence is, a person who can talk, if they talk too much, they will still overturn.

If you don't talk, you won't cause controversy.

Of course, the premise is that there is nothing wrong with your own actions, otherwise, even the best public relations team in the world cannot save you.

"Wait a little longer. I heard that Penguin has several online dramas to be filmed at the beginning of the year. Then I'll see if I can find some more roles for Su Yu." It was the promise that Lan Xuan most wanted to hear.

"Online drama? What kind of online drama?" Lan Xuan was still a little disappointed when he heard that it was an online drama.

In her opinion, web dramas and those low-cost thunder dramas are basically synonymous. Not to mention the low popularity of the filming, it is easy to make people laugh and laugh at them.

However, for Su Yu who had no filming at all, she really had no choice.

Luo Quan knew what Lan Xuan was worried about, and explained with a smile: "This web drama is different from the previous web dramas. The scripts are all big IPs, and the investors are also Penguins. It's a big production in the true sense.

The reason why it is called a web drama is because it is only broadcast on the Internet, but the quality is definitely not inferior to ordinary TV dramas! "

Lan Xuan finally smiled when he heard this: "That's great, big productions must have a lot of traffic, Su Yu lacks this kind of opportunity to bring attention now.

By the way, where did you get this news, Wen Xia told you? "

Luo Quan shook his head: "That's not true, Mr. Zhou Yangwen told me."

"Zhou Yangwen..." Lan Xuan was taken aback: "You mean the president of Penguin Interactive Entertainment?"

"It's him. I contact him to sign all the music in China. The friendship is very good."

Hearing that the boss said that he and Zhou Yangwen had a very good friendship, Lan Xuan was completely relieved now.

In the current domestic entertainment, Penguin is a well-deserved giant. From novels to music to games to film and television, Penguin is almost everywhere, and every field is at the leading level.

Although monopoly is inevitable because there is no opponent, it also reflects the energy possessed by penguins.

Although people like to scold penguins, it is undeniable that there are too many intersections between people and penguins, so people still use them while scolding them.

Back to entertainment, Penguin is notoriously rich and powerful, and loves to use big IP to make big productions. In addition to inviting traffic stars to attract traffic, Penguin also invites old drama talents to ensure quality.

Therefore, although none of the web dramas produced by Penguin in recent years can be a big hit, they usually have a double harvest of traffic and evaluation.

It can't be the top in the industry, but it can definitely be achieved.

And Luo Quan has a good relationship with the boss of Penguin Interactive Entertainment, which in Lan Xuan's view is like sitting on a golden mountain!

What is puzzling is why the boss has not filmed a web drama so far.

Now that we've reached this point, Lan Xuan plans to learn more about the situation: "By the way, boss, you mentioned to Mr. Zhou that you want to arrange roles for Su Yu?"

Hearing this, Luo Quan was stunned: "I mentioned it before, and he did promise to arrange some roles for Su Yu, but he also wanted me to participate.

Because I was too busy at the time, I could only reply later when I had time.But don't worry, Su Yu's role is definitely not needed. Even if I can't participate in the role in the end, Mr. Zhou should make arrangements. Anyway, he has cooperated so many times before, and there will be a new song to be released in a few days. He It is also impossible not to give me this face. "

Lan Xuan was taken aback: "A new song is going to be released again? It hasn't been a month since you released "Chopin in November", and you are going to release a new song?"

"I didn't send it, but I sent it to Ivy. I promised her before that I would give her an entire album a year ago and let her make her official debut.

However, my positioning for her is to export to domestic sales, so her debut should be popular abroad first, and then return to China to develop. "As Luo Quan was talking, Ivy came in from the door.

"Hey, boss, you're here too." Ivy looked up to see Luo Quan, and greeted him in surprise.

Lan Xuan said with a smile: "I was talking about you and you showed up. Have you had breakfast? If you don't eat it, eat it together. Milk and eggs are quite rich in protein."

"I just ate it. The school's big meat buns are fist-sized buns. The meat stuffing is no bigger than a thumb. I don't know where the face is called big meat buns." Ivy complained about the breakfast in Shangyi Canteen every day, while sitting on the sofa :

"Just now you said you were talking about me, what are you talking about?"

Luo Quan poured himself a cup of hot milk: "Talk about making your album debut."

"Really?!" Ivy suddenly jumped up from the sofa, "But when you said this, I sorted out all the songs I wrote a few times during this time, and chose three of them that I If you think it's the best, I'll show you right away!"

Ai Wei sent the electronic file of lyrics and music to Luo Quan, Luo Quan looked at it and said: "These are what you like, just add them in when the time comes, after all, it is your album, I just made part of it for you.

You should also cultivate your creative ability, especially put more effort into the pleasantness of the melody. Don’t be like my brother, the lyrics are all preaching, and the melody of the song is as ugly as chanting. "

Ivy pursed her lips lightly, and said: "I've been learning these things, but there has to be a process, and I think this kind of deep songs are actually pretty good for me. Huaxia lacks this kind of honest works now."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "This is your patent, as long as you like it, I am only responsible for giving you the conditions to create a fire, whether it can really become a fire or not depends on you.

As for the works, you just need to pay attention to the scale. After all, in China... you know, not everything can be sung. "

Ivy nodded vigorously: "I understand this, I got full marks in the ideological and political class."

While speaking, Luo Quan had already read the three best songs selected by Ivy, and then hummed the melody.

The lyrics are good, the melody is a little bit weak.

But used in the debut album, basically enough.

(End of this chapter)

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