Chapter 378 Cool

"How long is it?" Ivy pouted and asked, "I feel like my neck is about to break..."

"Immediately, it's almost there." Luo Quan put the false eyelashes on while speaking, then took a step back and said excitedly: "You're done!"

Su Yu and Lan Xuan immediately gathered around to watch the boss' masterpiece after working for a long time.

"Boss, your skills are not bad! You have already caught up with a professional makeup artist, why don't you usually wear makeup?" Su Yu asked Luo Quan suspiciously after seeing Ai Wei's makeup.

Luo Quan put away the cosmetics: "The main reason is that it is troublesome, and secondly, it is not necessary."

"Show me the mirror!" Ivy was actually putting on makeup for the first time, and she was eager to see what she looked like.

"Hmm..." Looking at herself in the mirror, Ivy felt a bit weird while showing surprise.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but the dark circles under my eyes are a little too big, which makes me feel like I don't get enough sleep every day." Ivy looked at her two panda eyes in the mirror, pouted and complained.

Luo Quan immediately corrected it: "This is called smoky makeup, and this effect is what you want, so that you can better show your personality and leave a deep impression on people on the first look!"

Hearing what Luo Quan said, Ai Wei took a closer look and found that the makeup is really good. It has more characteristics than ordinary makeup, and it is not as coquettish as those heavy makeup, and the layering is quite good.

The most important point is that this makeup makes up for the small shortcomings of Asian facial features that are not deep and three-dimensional, full of mystery and hazy atmosphere.

However, this kind of makeup always feels a bit ostentatious, and it is not suitable for wearing it on the street.

"Take the guitar, go and take some photos with me first." Luo Quan picked up the phone, turned and went upstairs.

Before releasing an album for Ivy, there must be some marketing and a warm-up.

The smoky makeup for her here is also to give her a personality of a girl with personality.

If it is based on the Japanese marketing method, it is usually to show a few backs to whet everyone's appetite, just like when Luo Quan debuted.

But this time it was her turn to be the boss, and she didn't intend to use this method.

Ivy's image is so good, just put a frontal photo to attract fans, there is no need to make these twists and turns.

As for taking photos, Luo Quan is not a professional, so I can only let Ivy hold the guitar in a few poses based on my feeling. The expressions and movements must be cool, and it is enough to highlight the characteristics.

"Is that enough?" Ivy asked hesitantly after taking the photo.

According to Luo Quan's request, she has been improving her singing and performance skills during this period of time, making progress every day, and her inner self-confidence is also increasing day by day.

But when it was her turn to make her debut, she couldn't help but panicked.

Luo Quan had a panoramic view of Ivy's nervous appearance sweating from the tip of her nose, and said with a smile, "Are you nervous?"

"A little bit." Ivy nodded and admitted, but it wasn't a little bit, but very nervous!

Luo Quan patted Ai Wei on the shoulder: "It's normal. When I debuted, I was similar to you now. I was worried about gains and losses. I kept thinking about whether I could be popular, and I didn't sleep well for several nights.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you choose this path, you will face this day sooner or later. At least for now, you still have someone who has experienced it like me to rely on. "

"Thank you boss, I will definitely not embarrass the company!" Ivy clenched her fists to cheer herself up.

That's what she said, but Ivy still went back to the room to adjust her emotions. Facing major events in life, it's really not that easy to slow down, it takes a process.

Here, Luo Quan posted Ivy's photo on Twitter, and gave her a warm-up first.

She has already signed a record contract with Sony, and Seifert will personally plan and promote it, with sufficient resources.

Although Ivy is a complete newcomer at Universal, once I heard that she is an artist of Luoquan Company, and Luoquan is still in charge of the title song of her debut album, there is no problem at all.

From the perspective of Universal's managers, with Luo Quan's creative level, even an ordinary person who sang her songs can become a huge hit.

Not to mention a singer like Ivy, who has an outstanding appearance and a professional counterpart.

Therefore, Universal Music readily agreed to invest a lot of publicity resources for Ivy, even if it was only on the condition of signing a record contract.

Of course, part of Seifert's credit is also mainly responsible for this, after all, it has something to do with it.

The publicity won't start until December. Here, Luo Quan takes the lead and uses his Twitter, which has tens of millions of followers, to do the publicity.

"I would like to introduce to you a newcomer from our company, she is a great beauty." Luo Quan finished typing, merged the photos he took just now, and clicked send.

Although compared to station B, Luoquan tweets less frequently, but because this is almost the only channel for foreign fans to understand Luoquan's daily activities, both the number of fans and the activity of fans are quite high .

In addition to the fact that her performance with Lyon on the same stage yesterday is sweeping the traffic heat of the harvesting world, her every move at this time can be said to be highly anticipated.

The tweet here has just been posted, and the comments immediately exceeded 3 in less than 10 minutes, and [-] in [-] minutes, and even reached the tail of the hot search trend in Asia.

An ordinary tweet can be trending, even for Luo Quan, it is not very common. It can only be said that yesterday's performance was too successful.

At this time, the comment area of ​​the tweet was also quite lively.

Although everyone was a little disappointed not to see Luoquan’s selfie or Luoquan chicken soup for the soul, but was pleasantly surprised to see a new face this time:

"Luoquan's company? When did Luoquan have a company?"

"Luo Quan registered an entertainment company in China. I heard that there are currently five artists, but I only know three so far. This should be the fourth."

"The artists of Luoquan Company are all good-looking. Although this girl's makeup is a bit different, she is also very beautiful!"

"I like this kind of cool girl so much, it's completely grown on my XP~~~"

"A girl with a lot of personality, with a very attractive expression!"

"This is an electric guitar in her hand, isn't it early rock and roll?"

"This makeup is probably either metal or punk. It's rare to see Chinese girls interested in these things."

"This is the most handsome Chinese girl I've ever seen. I'm sorry Luo Quan, I can only refuse your love."

"Does your family know how severe your paranoia is?"

"Luoquan is obviously mine!"

"Draw out your gun, I want to fight you!"


From a preliminary point of view, the acceptance of Ivy by Luoquan fans is quite high.

The main reason is that Ivy has a strong foundation, plus her unique makeup, outstanding personality, and love of rock and roll, which immediately distinguishes her from other coquettish sluts. She is highly recognizable and can easily arouse the interest and favor of most people.

Of course, there must be a considerable part of it because of Luo Quan. Ai Wu and Wu are not talking about it. As an artist of Luo Quan Company, she is still using her Twitter to promote it. As long as Ivy is not particularly weird, think It is not difficult to gain everyone's favor.

The main thing is that it will take a few days, and the wind comment will be made after more people pay attention.

It is estimated that the media and marketing accounts have already noticed her, and relevant articles and analysis are expected to come out soon. While gaining popularity, challenges will also follow.

Whether it's the melon-eating people who are too idle, or the colleagues who are more in danger, they will immediately search all the information related to Ivy on the Internet.

From her student resume before she was admitted to Shangyi, to the remarks she made on various accounts on the Internet, as long as there are traces left, it will not be long before they will be dug out.

Maybe it will become her dark history, or it may become her innocence proof.

But before that, Luo Quan asked Ivy carefully about her previous words and deeds in reality and on the Internet, and let Ai Wei recall it by herself.

Basically no problem.

Although her parents are divorced, Ivy's parents are quite educated and reasonable, and the difficult growing environment also shaped her simple and strong character.

Not only that, in the absence of family affection, she maintains an optimistic and positive attitude towards the future. She has always been cheerful at school and has a good relationship with her classmates.

As for the Internet, although Ai Wei has a five-year-old account on Douban, she spends most of her time diving, and has basically never been to toilets like Goose Group. She usually just browses posts with a dull head, or reads book reviews and movie reviews. of.

Like Luoquan, it belongs to the type of salted fish.

All in all, there are basically no black spots in Ivy's resume.

Even when she is depressed sometimes and laments the injustice of fate, she still uses her own works to express it. If she is really attacked, I am afraid that she will find it in her unreleased songs.

In fact, there is no need for Luo Quan to worry about these problems. The potential stocks that can be seen by the system will not have any major problems.

Like Fan Ying, although the talent in rap is visible to the naked eye, the system never mentioned him from the beginning to the end.

Later, the facts also proved that this Fan Ying did have some flaws in character.

Unfortunately, the current system only provides Luo Quan with two potential stocks.

The skeleton of the company is now in its infancy, but whether it is fame or strength, it can only be said to be third-rate. It is completely supported by her boss, and the road to development can be said to be a long way to go.

But just like what she said to Ivy before, everything is difficult at the beginning......

"Everyone, a friendly reminder, the scene to come will be very dazzling, it's best to wear sunglasses first." Just after lunch in the afternoon, Luo Quan said mysteriously while holding a square box with exquisite workmanship.

The diamond ring she entrusted Johansen to buy has finally arrived. Including tariffs, the total cost is nearly 700 million US dollars, which is comparable to a poisonous car!
Lan Xuan said excitedly: "The courier sent by those big men in black just now is this thing? Open it and see what it is!"

Girls seem to be born with intuition for gems. Although they haven't opened it yet, everyone knows what's inside.

"Will, will, will!" Luo Quan opened the box, revealing the diamonds embedded in the black soft cotton.

Red diamonds, pink diamonds, blue diamonds... Countless diamonds complement each other, and the dazzling light passes through the eye sockets of everyone, astonishing everything.

"Damn it!" Lan Xuan had never seen such an outrageous diamond ring, and felt dizzy.

Su Yu hurriedly sat down on the chair and sighed, "How much is such a big diamond ring worth with so many diamonds?"

"About 2.4 million yuan." Luo Quan said truthfully.

In fact, the value of this ring is definitely far more than 2.4 million. It was just because Johansen wanted to make a friend, so he sold this thing that would never appear on the market to her.

Ivy showed a wry smile: "I always thought that my salary of 100 million yuan a year is already a huge sum of money, but this ring is worth 2.4 million yuan. I can save enough without eating or drinking for 240 years. It's really scary. .”

Su Yu also nodded, deeply agreeing.

"Pattern!" Luo Quan put the diamond rings on the table, one in each hand, and patted Su Yu and Ai Wei on the shoulders, "You are the artists of our company, and you are destined to become big stars all over the world in the future. Isn't it possible to earn 2.4 million just by talking and laughing?!"

Ivy shook her head vigorously: "I can't imagine such a picture at all. There is too much money, and there is no specific concept."

Luo Quan took out the diamond ring and put it on his finger: "Read more Urban Shenhao novels, and you will find that money is just a number. What is really valuable is your works. With works, money is not enough." Just reach out? Understand the applause!"

The three women slapped their hands dumbly, but they still couldn't understand the feeling Luo Quan said.

After all, she is only a girl in her early twenties, Lan Xuan and Su Yu are somewhat better, and have an understanding of the ability of artists to attract money, while Ivy has no idea how much money she will make in the future.

"Of course, I'm not instilling in you the concept of money at least!" Luo Quan saw that everyone's expressions were wrong, and immediately began to teach: "What I want to say is that making money will be easy for us in the future One thing, with such ability, there is no need to take money too seriously, and lose the big because of the small.

We can choose to spend our money on something more meaningful. "

Su Yu said timidly: "For example... buy a diamond ring?"

Luo Quan's face darkened: "I'm talking about charity. You only saw that I bought a diamond ring for 2.4 million yuan, but you didn't see that I donated more money to the poor in our country."

The three women looked at each other: "Didn't you hear it from the media? Was it the crowdfunding event?"

Luo Quan was taken aback for a moment: "Ah... It seems that I haven't disclosed it to the media, but you should know that the money I donated is only a lot more than the money I spent on luxury goods.

The so-called An De Guang mansions with tens of thousands of houses, sheltering the world's poor and happy people, although I don't have such a great awareness as Du Zimei, but at least I am trying to develop in this direction. "

The three women suddenly realized: "Understood, we must not only enjoy ourselves, but also be willing to be charitable, right?"

"That's right." Luo Quan nodded with a smile, and the bright flower in his hand seemed to be even more dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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