Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 379 Charity Gala

Chapter 379 Charity Gala
Although the words are grand and upright, after Luo Quan got the ring, he really didn't dare to show it off on the Internet immediately.

Compared with luxury houses and luxury cars, diamond rings are a real luxury item and have no value except for viewing.

In the early days, it was a necessity for couples to propose marriage, and as the biggest lie of this century was exposed, diamonds have also become a kind of IQ tax.

Nowadays, man-made diamonds are much brighter, bigger and better quality than natural ones, and the price is extremely low, so diamonds are actually worthless long ago. What is valuable is actually the paper certificate that proves that it is a natural diamond.

The bright flower in Luo Quan's hands is certainly a rare treasure, but it has no added value, no story, and no sense of age. Not on the same style of glass products.

If she posts this stuff now, it will indeed attract quite a lot of envious voices, but the voices of criticism and ridicule are probably not small.

Today, Luo Quan does not need to use this method to satisfy his vanity, so it is better to keep this diamond ring and appreciate it for himself. If there is a good opportunity in the future, he can take it out as a surprise for everyone.

And when Su Yu and the others knew that such a beautiful diamond ring could only be shelved, they immediately cried out what a pity.

At the same time, I also sighed at the boss's pattern, such a choice is more thorough than Jinyi Yexing, and there is no chance for others to know.

Luo Quan looked at Su Yu who was playing with the diamond ring, and said with a smile: "This thing can't be more expensive, but it's actually worth the same. It's easy to fall off when you wear it, so it's better to put it in the cabinet for peace of mind."

Ivy was curious: "Boss, you said it so lightly, do you have better treasures?"

"Of course, my baby is unique in the world!" Luo Quan said, putting his hand into his neckline and groping for it.

The three women looked over in surprise, their eyes straightened.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Luo Quan frowned, and then took out a necklace from the neckline.

Lan Xuan suddenly felt half-disappointed: "Hey, I thought you were going to show me that treasure."

"Can you be more serious." Luo Quan was speechless, she never thought that such a sentence could make them think wrong.

"Look clearly, this is the treasure I'm talking about!" Luo Quan spread the ancestral treasure that her father gave her in the palm of his hand, and Luo Quan has been wearing it next to his body since he got it. It has just been touched, and the necklace still has warmth and smell.

Su Yu sniffed: "It's very fragrant."

Lan Xuan guessed: "It's a familiar smell, could it be a certain collection edition perfume of Chanel?"

Ivy clapped her hands: "Could it be the boss's body fragrance! Peerless beauties seem to have this kind of special function!"

"Have you never used Safeguard Lemon Fragrance Shower Gel?" Luo Quan looked confused, "This should be one of the most common shower gels in China."

"........." The three girls suddenly fell into silence.

After a while, Su Yu finally said in a low voice: "Too many chemicals are added to this kind of thing. I heard that it hurts the skin, so I never use it."

Lan Xuan nodded: "I use Victoria's Secret's latest Rose Essence Shower Gel, which is pure natural and has no additives. It can not only increase the lubrication of the skin, but also bring a special fragrance."

"Gorgeous, I've never used these things." Luo Quan said as he rolled up his sleeves, revealing his dazzling ivory-white arms.

Su Yujian was amazed: "Looking at the photos taken by the boss before, I thought the skin was so good because of some filter, but I didn't expect it to be so white!"

"Is this really without foundation?" Ivy said and grabbed it with her hands. The place where she started was cool and firm, and when she lifted it up lightly, the skin slipped past her fingertips.

"Outrageous!" Lan Xuan couldn't help giving Luo Quan a thumbs up, "Boss, in your situation, if you travel to ancient times, you will be the heroine in the legend."

Luo Quan was curious: "What story?"

Su Yu waved his fingers solemnly: "Jiuchi Roulin, Maweipo, Fenghuo opera princes, and they are all beauties when they are angry."

Luo Quan immediately waved his hands angrily and amusedly: "Fuck you, I'm a bad woman who brings disaster to the country and the people? Can't I be a heroine like Mu Guiying and Hua Mulan?"

Ai Wei smiled and said: "It doesn't match your image, I think it's more appropriate to be a beauty."

"Don't digress, the key point is this necklace." Luo Quan ended the topic, "focus everyone's attention on this necklace again."

Lan Xuan frowned and said: "This necklace feels a little rough in workmanship, especially the gemstone cutting. If you look carefully, it is full of flaws."

"Of course, after all, this is jewelry from hundreds of years ago." Luo Quan explained.

The three women were taken aback: "Hundreds of years? What is the origin!"

Luo Quan introduced: "This is a birthday present from my father. It is said to be a family heirloom of the Albert family, and its origin is even older than the Albert family. It is said that it is a jewelry craftsman from the French royal family to the Holy See. It was built, at least five or six hundred years ago.”

Lan Xuan finally understood: "I said, why is this pendant a cross? It turned out to be religious jewelry. This orange gemstone is quite beautiful, but the cutting process is a bit poor."

Luo Quan nodded: "This is the real priceless treasure. This necklace has witnessed the rise of the entire Albert family and has extraordinary significance.

To me, ten diamond rings are worth less than this! "

Ivy asked curiously: "So how much is it worth?"

Luo Quan pondered for a while: "I'm afraid it won't work if you insist on using money to set the price, the material of this necklace is actually not very precious, and it's not worth a lot of money.

But the history it carries is too heavy, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cultural relic.

Converted to China, this is a cultural relic before the Ming Dynasty. If you want to sell it, it should be worth three years in prison. "

"If you say that, we will understand." Lan Xuan stepped back tactically, and when he talked about the word cultural relics, he knew that this thing could not be measured by money.

Luo Quan put the necklace back with a smile on his face: "Actually, having more money or less money is secondary, the key is that this thing still has magical abilities.

This necklace is called Lucky Kiss, which can bring good luck to the owner. "

The third daughter immediately laughed: "I see, boss, your current fortune is not ordinary."

Of course, these can only be regarded as flattery words, Luo Quan can be popular but at this level, all fools know that it is related to her amazing appearance and talent, and other factors are almost negligible in front of these two characteristics.

However, luck is something that sometimes I can't help thinking about it. It seems that every time Luo Quan encounters trouble, it will end up being a special plane to help her take off.

As for whether it is because of this necklace, it is a matter of opinion. Sometimes from the point of view, this should be a blood advantage. After all, Luo Quan has a serious European blood.

After seeing Luo Quan's treasure, Lan Xuan and the others still felt that the ring was more valuable, so they proposed to take it back and play with it all night.

Luo Quan has always been very generous with these belongings, letting them take them away with a wave of his hand to appreciate them.

Originally, I thought I could rest at home on Sunday, but when I checked my mailbox on Saturday night, Luo Quan saw an email.

It was sent by a charity organization, saying that tomorrow night in Shanghai, there will be a charity auction party. At that time, top celebrities in China will be there, and Luo Quan is also invited.

In the past, Luo Quan probably wouldn't have joined in the excitement.

But now, what she represents is not just herself, her company and artists all rely on her. It is quite beneficial for resource sharing to get in touch with more big names in the entertainment industry when going to this kind of occasion.

She used to be a singer, and she had good works, and the channels would come to her by herself, and she was required to choose these channels.

So Luo Quan has the confidence to refuse all the promises. She can go to this kind of occasion if she wants to, and she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to.

But after becoming a boss, she can no longer be so self-willed, because her artists are not as arrogant as her.

It is understandable that they need to compromise reality when their wings are not yet full.

In fact, Luo Quan has been in the society for many years in his previous life, and these principles are like a mirror in his heart.

But he has been aggrieved so much, he had to pretend to be a grandson in order to make a living, and now that he is finally able to be a master again, he naturally can be as willful as he wants.

It's a pity that the time for self-will is a little shorter, even if she is so salty, she still wants to continue to develop.

After all, working for others is not as good as letting others work for you. Now she has completed the most primitive accumulation in the entertainment industry. It only took one year to complete the journey that others may not be able to complete in ten or twenty years.

But now, she has embarked on a brand new path, and many things have to be re-started and compromised.

After all, there is such a sentence in "The World's Forces": put on socks before shoes, be a grandson first and then a father!

Although a bit vulgar, the truth contained in it is quite profound.

Of course, this does not mean that Luo Quan has to be a grandson now. Her starting point is already much higher than others, and her own potential is still unclear. As long as there are no accidents, she will be popular for many, many years.

And the capital and the media will always stalk her, but if the company is to be as popular as she is, it will depend on the efforts of her boss and other artists in the company.

This charity gala is the first step to make a difference.

Although it is not necessary to shoot anything, it is also good to expand your network. After all, you can’t bother people with everything. Mr. Zhou is not. Although Penguin Interactive Entertainment has a lot of resources, it is mainly concentrated in online dramas. Relatively weak.

After deciding to go, Luo Quan searched the information of this charity organization on the Internet, so he had to know whether it was legitimate or not.

After all, there are too many so-called charities that sell dog meat under the hood. They are called charities, but there are not a few of them that are actually Q-washing.

After searching the reputation of this institution, Luo Quan found that this institution was established by a wealthy overseas Chinese who did not want to be named.

This overseas Chinese has a rich collection of collections in his home, and he also has a passionate patriotism. In addition to often buying lost Chinese cultural relics from abroad and donating them to the country, he also takes part of his collection to hold auctions every year. The proceeds from the auction are donated to education and infrastructure in the west for free, and every money can be seen where it goes.

What kind of spirit is this?This is simply a real family entrepreneur, so noble and selfless that Luo Quan doubts these resumes.

Anyone can write Baidu entries now, and ghosts know whether the information is true or false.

It's no wonder that Luo Quan couldn't believe it. It's just that people in this society are not old-fashioned. But if there are few news about transferring assets and avoiding taxes in the name of charity, she would not doubt the patriotism of such a conscientious and rich man.

But if this is true, then she admires this venerable old man from the bottom of her heart. There are not many wealthy people in China with such a spirit.

The top of the richest list has been changed one after another, no one's butt is clean, and there will be some negative news every now and then...

Generally speaking, this charity named Zhenhua has no major problems, and its reputation on the Internet is quite good.

And because more and more celebrities are invited every year, and the number of celebrities is getting bigger and bigger, this annual charity auction party has also become a major event in the entertainment circle, and every time it is held, it will bring considerable enthusiasm.

This can also be regarded as using traffic to promote charity and arouse social attention to poor people, which is a great thing.

Celebrities spend money to buy fame, but also get a good arty collection, and at the same time strengthen other bigwigs, it is also beneficial and harmless.

Therefore, the Zhenhua Charity Auction is held more grandly and attracts more and more attention every year.

Of course, this year is a little different from previous years.

This year, in addition to Zhenhua Charity Organization, several overseas auction institutions also participated in the collection.

The Zhenhua Charity Organization’s own collections will be used for charity.

And these foreign institutions are using the name of the Zhenhua Auction Gala to auction the collections commissioned by some collectors.

After all, China is famous for having many rich people who are willing to spend money.

So this time, in addition to those celebrities in the entertainment industry, there will also be many rich people who are at the top of the Asian rich list and participate in the second round of auction.

As the host, the Zhenhua Charity Organization also persuaded those foreign auction houses to use a small portion of the proceeds from tonight's auction for China's charitable causes.

It can be regarded as a commission paid to them for borrowing this platform.

After the news came out, the public opinion unanimously applauded the behavior of Zhenhua Charity, calling it the benchmark of China's wealthy.

The media has also begun to build momentum for this auction on a large scale. It is said that there will be some rare collections in this auction.

(End of this chapter)

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