Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 380 Levels

Chapter 380 Levels
The venue of the Zhenhua Charity Auction Gala is still the venue on the Bund, and it seems that events related to the entertainment circle like to be held here.

With the gradual southward migration of the financial and entertainment industries, the rich and famous are more and more fond of settling in Shanghai. However, due to the rapid population expansion, Shanghai has also increased the restrictions on local household registration. Now I want to become a Shanghai person. , is not as easy as becoming a native of the capital.

Luo Quan did have the qualifications, but she felt that it was absolutely unnecessary.

Moving here and there, isn't it all Huaxia's household registration?Those who try their best to enter Shanghai Hukou are nothing more than to facilitate future generations to study locally.

Of course, Shanghai’s local hukou offers many benefits, and it is one of the most prosperous metropolises in Asia.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that water flows to low places and people go to high places.

However, Luo Quan feels that his hometown Yuzhou is also very good, and he will probably settle there in the future, so he has no plans to transfer to Shanghai Hukou.

The Bund tonight can be said to be full of stars. All the way along the way, there are luxury cars. Reporters are standing beside the red carpet with long guns and short guns.

At this time, there was a roar that sounded like a wild beast from far away on the road. This is the unique roar that can only be emitted by a high-power sports car engine. The sound has already been transmitted before the car sees it.

But on this occasion today, sports cars are all regular cars. Surrounded by Maybach, Bentley, and Rolls-Royce, any sports car feels instantly a head shorter.

It is also because of knowing this that the stars who drive sports cars today are relatively low-key, driving slowly, before stopping, and then the driver slowly drives away.

This guy was obviously putting in neutral and stepping on the gas pedal at a slow speed, clearly trying to show off.

This immediately attracted the attention of all reporters and celebrities who were still on the red carpet, wanting to see who was so stinky.

Under the focus of countless amazed eyes, a silver and black Lamborghini is slowly coming. The beauty exuded from its whole body reflects the top level of the human automobile industry. This is a car that can drive all car lovers crazy. beautiful car.

"It's poison!" Someone with knowledge immediately revealed the identity of the car.

There are only nine Poisons in the world, and there is currently only one in Mainland China, and the owner is Luo Quan, the hottest international singer at the moment!
If it's Luo Quan, no matter how stinky she is, she should be, because she has such qualifications.

The reporters hurriedly raised the cameras in their hands, ready to start work.

Luo Quan is now well-known in the entertainment circle, and the number of times he attends the red carpet in a year is not as good as that of others in a week. For such a big occasion, he must dress up.

All fools know how beautiful Luo Quan will be in all his costumes, this is a real traffic code!

However, just as the reporters were waiting in full force, the poison slowly drove across the red carpet and into the parking lot.

What is this for?People are caught in doubts.

The answer is that Luo Quan drove here by himself, and if he parked beside the red carpet, wouldn't that cause congestion?

After parking the car in the parking lot, Luo Quan kicked off his sneakers, and quickly changed into high heels.

Today, her whole body, except for the bag in her hand, is all Chanel.

The dress is a black and purple long dress with double straps, which is very cool.

It was already very cold in Shanghai at the end of November, and it would probably be very cold when we went out, so Luo Quan went straight to the red carpet with his bag in hand.

There is no signature rule on the red carpet, you can enter the venue directly without stopping.

However, most celebrities will not miss this great opportunity to show their faces, and usually stay on the red carpet for a while to accept interviews from reporters and media.

After all, there will be so many big names in the auction venue, and there are only so many shots, it is impossible to take care of everyone. For those second- and third-tier stars, the red carpet is the best place for exposure tonight.

"Luo Quan, can I interview you!"

"Luo Quan, what do you think of the title of Oriental Mozart?"

"Luo Quan, your new album has broken the sales record for Chinese albums, can you tell me your thoughts?"

"Luo Quan, how do you comment on your performance in the Shangyi Music Competition a few days ago?"

"Luo Quan, can you tell me how it feels to perform with your younger brother?"

As soon as Luo Quan stepped onto the red carpet, questions and microphones flooded her. She had a professional smirk on her face, and although her legs were shivering from the cold, she still stopped to answer:

"Oriental Mozart does not dare to be, I am just a singer who wants to bring good songs to everyone. The album and competition can not achieve good rankings without the support of fans, and I will continue to work hard in the future.

As for the cooperation with Leon, there is nothing to say, I wish him a happy birthday and debut anniversary! "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked quickly towards the venue, leaving behind the reporters with confused faces.

Along the way, other actresses also wore evening dresses, most of which were cooler than Luo Quan's.

In the cold wind, even though goosebumps covered her body, she still held on to her smile and showed her most beautiful side to compete with other actresses.

And those who don't need this traffic, such as Luo Quan, just keep moving forward, wanting to quickly enter the venue to blow up the heat.

Star ratings are in stark contrast here.

But even so, the reporters are more willing to use the camera to capture Luo Quan's back like a runaway princess.

It can only be said that the flow of the two is not in the same dimension at all.

"Phew, it's getting warmer!" Luo Quan stepped into the hall of the venue, the oncoming heating made her face that was a little stiff from the wind a little more bloody.

"Hi, please come this way with me." A welcoming lady came and said to Luo Quan very politely.

In fact, the hall is separated from the venue by a corridor, and there are very obvious road signs, as long as the eyes are not on the display, you can find the way.

But how can I say that the organizer is professional, and quite a few welcome ladies are invited to make the guests feel at home.

Arriving at the entrance of the venue, Luo Quan seemed to have entered a second world.

There is a lot of voices here, with a pair of smiles and toasts, calling each other brothers.

This place respects the old and loves the young, and the old faces lean against the red and nestle in the green, and their faces are full of red.

Luo Quan sneezed, the smell of cologne in the air was really strong.

What a bunch of local dogs farting foreign farts. The rate of Chinese people suffering from body odor is the lowest in the world, only [-]%. I don’t know why foreigners wear perfume like others.

People are trying to suppress their own body odor, are they afraid that their smell is not strong enough?
It's winter, and the ventilation is not that good. It seems that I will suffer tonight.

The location of the venue was arranged by the organizer, Luo Quan looked at the location arranged for her in the email... the seventh table from the left in the second row.

For the first time, I didn't sit in the first row!

Luo Quan was a little surprised. In the past, when she attended any parties or award ceremonies, she always sat in the front row except when she debuted last year.

So the guests sitting in the first row this time are not easy.

Luo Quan came to his seat and sat down. There was a circle of unopened mineral water and some paper towels on the table. Other than that, there were some decorations, which were really simple.

I don't know if it was too early, she was the only one at this table.

Before coming, she asked Wen Xia about it. Originally, Girls' Generation was also invited, but because there happened to be a variety show schedule, she didn't come, otherwise Luo Quan would have a companion.

Without acquaintances, Luo Quan could only keep his head down and play with his mobile phone by himself.

An entry about "Zhenhua Charity Auction Party" has already appeared in the Weibo trending search. Several female stars who came earlier have been on the trending search, and she is probably coming soon.

In the past at these evenings, the navy would use the already rotten adjective "beautiful" when marketing the female stars who attended in costumes.

But ever since Luoquan became the most beautiful in the world, this adjective seems to have become her exclusive adjective.

Especially after Liang Yan was ridiculed by the crowd for stealing the Luoquan dress, almost no female stars would use the word "beautiful" to market themselves, and they all replaced it with "Super A", "Shen Yan", "Wan Yan", "Sa", "Gongqi"... Wait, if you don't study it, you really don't know what these words mean.

"Hey, Luo Quan!" A thunderous and slightly hoarse voice came.

Luo Quan raised his head and smiled in surprise: "Director Jiang Wen!"

The person who greeted her was Director Jiang Wen who asked her to make the theme song for the movie last time.

Although the two had never met, Luo Quan was quite impressed with Director Jiang Wen's recognizable appearance and voice.

As for Jiang Wen, there is no need to go out of his way to understand Luo Quan. The Internet is full of photos of her. What recognition is needed for the most beautiful face in the world?

"What a coincidence, you're also sitting at this table?" Jiang Wen sat down next to Luo Quan.

A table can accommodate eight people, and the distance between each seat is still relatively large.

Luo Quan nodded and smiled, "It's quite a coincidence. I thought a great director like you could sit in the first row, but I didn't expect you to sit here too."

"Hey, what kind of a great director am I? I just made a few movies that ordinary people can't understand, and none of them hit the box office." Jiang Wen waved his hand and smiled, "By the way, your song is really good. Ah, "The Sun Also Rises" is also well-known, and I feel like this movie is a natural match for me!"

"Haha, I'm overwhelmed. It's a pity that my level is not as good as Mozart's. Fortunately, you didn't dislike it."

Jiang Wen chuckled: "I said this as a joke at the time, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously.

But one thing to say, among the people I know, your talent is this! "

Director Jiang Wen gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Wen was born in a compound in the capital, and he has always been arrogant and seldom convinced.To be able to give Luo Quan a thumbs up, it can be said that she is quite recognized for her composition level.

"I'm sorry, it's because my peers set off well." Luo Quan joked with a smile.

Jiang Wen also laughed when he heard this.

It's no secret that Huaxia Music is not as good as every year. If it wasn't for finding a suitable person to compose for the movie, Jiang Wen wouldn't have waited until the movie was finished before finding Luoquan.

"By the way, you are also interested in charity? It seems that you are not particularly interested in this kind of celebrity party." Jiang Wen raised his chin with his palm and asked Luo Quan curiously.

Luo Quan replied in a natural tone: "Of course I am interested, and I must give back to the society if I make money.

The ancestors said it well: If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

In the past, I had no skills and had to rely on government social relief. Now that I have skills, I must give back to the society. Isn't this just right? "

Jiang Wen smiled softly: "If everyone thinks like you, how can there be so many students in Huaxia who can't even eat enough?"

Luo Quan wondered: "Aren't you also here to contribute to charity?"

Jiang Wen leaned back: "It's not my turn to contribute, and I don't need to use this method to contribute."

"how do I say this?"

"Spend money to eliminate disasters, do you understand what I mean?"

Luo Quan was puzzled at first, then seemed to understand something, but quickly asked: "Do you mean the first scene or the second scene?"

There will be two auctions in this auction. The first one is that the organizers will sell their own collections, and all the proceeds from the auction will be donated.

The second round was a collection of rich foreign tycoons, and only a small part of the auction amount was selected.

"Of course it's the first auction. The second auction is a serious auction. It is said that there are many good things."

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan said: "So every year rich people come here to spend money to eliminate disasters. In other words, the organizer of the Zhenhua Charity Auction has a fairly strong background?"

Jiang Wen smiled slightly: "It can be regarded as a chance to spend money to buy peace of mind for these unkind things. Instead of transferring money abroad, it is better to donate some money to charity every year, and gain a good reputation."

Luo Quan sneered: "I thought there were such conscientious capitalists in this world, but I didn't expect them to be just puppets."

However, this puppet is still very necessary, at least some money can be squeezed out every year.

"By the way, does this protection fee have to be paid by every rich man present?" Luo Quan suddenly became curious, "I see that there are quite a few rich men here this time. What if there is not enough money to take pictures of others?"

"There is an indicator, how much donations will be made in a few years, if you don't get a photo this time, you can do it next time, if it doesn't work, you can donate hard, as long as you want to do charity, there will always be a way."

Luo Quan nodded: "That's true."

It was really unexpected that the Zhenhua Charity Auction was backed by the government.

But yes, without this level of backing, it is impossible to invite so many celebrities and rich people every year, and to have so many precious collections.

I just don't know if these collections are worth much. If they are all modern imitations, then it can only be said that the organizer is too stupid.

But even if it was a fake, the rich people who were invited would still have to send money.

Looking at these rich people with big bellies around him, Luo Quan sighed deeply.

Compared with the assets of these people, what is the little money donated?The highest price ever achieved in previous auctions was only over 1000 million.

Moreover, it is not yet known whether the money can really reach the people who need it.

(End of this chapter)

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