Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 383 Blind cat hits dead mouse

Chapter 383 Blind cat hits dead mouse
"Two hundred million dollars, you are really willing to spend money!" Jiang Wen thought that he was already a prodigal, but he didn't expect that there was a master who was even more prodigal than him sitting next to him!
"Same as you, I just like it just by looking at it." Luo Quan smiled, and took the golden seal from the female assistant, and a fragrant sandalwood box was also presented at the auction.

Luo Quan handed the bank card to the female assistant and asked her to take it away and swipe the card. Although she just held the box in her hand and did not open it, the system had already started analyzing the seal.

"How? What's the situation?" Luo Quan asked the system expectantly.

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you listen to first?" The system's tone couldn't hear sadness or joy.

"Okay." Luo Quan knew in his heart that this was the case.

"This is an offensive system, which is the standard system for the protagonist in fantasy novels."

"The system is divided into types?!" Luo Quan was taken aback, "Then what type are you?"

"I'm a universal type, and I don't have the ability to transform you into Long Aotian."

"........." Luo Quan was silent for a while, "What about the bad news?"

"The age of this seal is too long, plus it has suffered too much damage, and most of the power on it has disappeared. I am not sure whether I can absorb its function."

"That means I probably spent [-] million U.S. dollars to buy a piece of useless gold bump?" Luo Quan glanced at Huang Jun's back in front of her, and she felt that she was the biggest one that got dropped at the party tonight. fish.

"Collecting is always like this. It is inevitable that there will be times when you will lose money. Besides, it hasn't started to be absorbed yet. Everything is still uncertain."

The words of the system sounded too cheap to Luo Quan. Luo Quan suppressed his temper and asked, "If it succeeds, can I also be like the protagonists in fantasy novels, mastering martial arts and becoming a master of cultivation?" Immortal?"

"Don't even think about it!" The system's answer was extremely decisive, "Let's not talk about absorbing such a broken offensive system, even if I replace my entire body with a complete top-level offensive system, it won't make your dream of cultivating immortals come true." real."

"Why?" Luo Quan was very unwilling.

"Because after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a master."

The system shuddered.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh, tears rolled in his eyes with anger: "Speak human words to me!"

"Now is the end of the Dharma era, and the spiritual energy has long been exhausted. No matter how powerful the exercises are, now they only have the function of self-cultivation, self-cultivation, and physical fitness. Even the system cannot change this worldwide status quo."

"So, [-] million dollars bought loneliness?" Luo Quan looked down at the box, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

After spending [-] million US dollars, her savings are running out. Not to mention returning to the pre-liberation overnight, but for a long time in the future, she will not be able to spend money as lavishly as before.

"What's wrong with you? You don't seem to be in a good mood?" Jiang Wen, who had sold another collection on the stage and was drinking water with his head down, saw that Luo Quan's face turned pale, so he asked.

Luo Quan shook his head: "Maybe it was because I was blown by the cold wind for a long time when I came in, just go back and drink some hot water."

Jiang Wen shook his head and sighed: "Female stars are suffering, no matter what day they have to wear evening clothes, all of them show their arms and legs, and their bodies are a little bit close to catching a cold at the last night."

If you lose [-] million US dollars, your face will be paler than mine!Luo Quan said in disbelief.

The small treasury that he worked so hard to save suffered a fatal blow, and Luo Quan's interest in the remaining content of the auction was already waning, and his attention was drifting away.

After an unknown amount of time, the noisy sounds around him brought Luo Quan back to his senses. It turned out that the auction had ended.

Some of the wealthy people turned around and left, while others gathered together to discuss where to go for entertainment next.

Many celebrities also leaned over, and it seems that they are old acquaintances with these rich people.

In such a large meeting place, Luo Quan didn't have many acquaintances who could talk to each other, and now she was depressed and didn't want to chat with anyone.

Holding the box, he walked out of the venue silently, declined the invitation of the outside reporters to interview, and went straight to the parking lot.

"I have already absorbed the remaining power in the system, but I have to wait for a while to digest it."

"That means this thing is useless, right?" Luo Quan held the box in his hand and looked around.

She is looking for a trash can.

The system persuaded: "Anyway, it's a pity to throw away something worth [-] million yuan. It's also good to keep it at home. After all, it has a history of thousands of years."

It's okay not to persuade, Luo Quan was directly persuaded by this persuasion, and opened the box roughly, intending to drop this crap on the spot!

But after opening the box, Luo Quan's movements stopped.

"This...what's the situation?"

The seal in the box has completely changed from when it was on the stage before. The gold on the outside is gradually peeling off with Luo Quan's trembling hands, revealing the snow-white seal inside.

"It's probably because you were shaking too hard, and I just sucked the power away, so the seal has suffered an unavoidable wear and tear."

"It's none of my business, shouldn't the focus be on you?" Luo Quan clasped the crumbling gold on the seal with his hand, thinking that this time it was really a big loss.

At first I thought it was a pure gold seal, and it would be worth some money anyway, but I didn't expect that even the gold was only plated on the outside. This time it was really a loss to my grandma's family.

As soon as he snapped his fingers, a large piece of gold was seized by Luo Quan.

Speaking of which, this layer of gold is quite thick, much thicker than ordinary gold leaf.

No matter how thick it is, it is gold-plated after all!

Looking at the wrinkled seal, Luo Quan put his heart on hold, and took off all the remaining gold pieces, wanting to see what was inside the gold piece.

After peeling it off, Luo Quan found that there was still a seal inside, but the appearance was much higher than before.

"Wait, this thing doesn't seem to be that simple." The system suddenly said.

Luo Quan said angrily: "Of course it's not that simple. I bought it for [-] million yuan. Tomorrow, the whole of China will laugh at me as the biggest stupid fish at this party!"

"This is a jade seal, and it is not only 1000 years old, but has a history of at least 2000 years!"

"So what about the year 2000, it's 3000 years... If there is such a long history, maybe you can really recover a little blood." Thinking of this, Luo Quan felt a little better.

"Turn over the printed side and have a look, maybe you're going to be lucky this time."

Luo Quan obviously didn't care about this statement, but she still opened the jade seal.

"This... I can't understand it. It's like a ghost drawing talisman." At the bottom of the jade seal is a group of patterns that are more abstract than pictographs. At first glance, they are all birds.

"Ordered by heaven, you will live forever!"

"What?!" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat after he realized it.

As far as she knew, this was the inscription of the famous Chuan Guo Yuxi?

In the 5000 years of China, there are countless rare treasures, but there have been only two things that can be called the weapons of the country since ancient times.

One is the Jiuding cast by King Yu, and the other is the Jade Seal cast by Zulong ordered Li Si to cast it.

It's a pity that these two treasures have long been lost. Later emperors searched for them many times, but in the end they found nothing.

And now, this Jade Seal, which has been lost for nearly a thousand years, is quietly lying in his hands.

Most people would probably fall into shock, ecstasy, and fear at this moment, and they might be so excited that they couldn't even hold the box firmly, but Luo Quan was extremely calm, and his trembling hands became completely motionless.

Looking around, besides her, there were many stars driving in the parking lot, but they were far away from her, and no one noticed her.

After closing the box and opening the car door, Luo Quan got in and put in the key to warm up the car. At the same time, he called Principal Li.

"Hey, Luo Quan, what's the matter?"

"Principal Li, do you know any authoritative experts on cultural relics? It must be the most authoritative and experienced one!"

Principal Li paused for a moment, then said: "Shanghai's words... there are one or two old experts like this, but they don't know each other, they just have contact information.

Why, you found a treasure from the antique market, and you plan to let the experts take care of it? "

"The situation is more complicated, if possible, I hope you can invite these experts to come to my house?

I guarantee you on my honor that I may have discovered a national treasure. "Luo Quan didn't dare to say anything to death, and he didn't dare to tell Principal Li directly that the cultural relic she found was the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom.

"Then I'll call Director Zhao right away, and you can send me your home address later." Although it was already late at night, Principal Li still paid more attention to Luo Quan's reaction.

After all, he is a good student who has just made a big name for the school. Now that he, the principal, is in trouble, he has to help out if he can.

After sending out the address here, Luo Quan put on his sneakers, put the box on his stomach and fixed it with a seat belt, and drove home.

Along the way, Luo Quan could be said to be terrified, fearing that in the plot of the movie, some bad guys would come to snatch the baby, but the whole way was fairly safe, without any abnormality.

Back home, Luo Quan walked into the living room with the box in his arms. Su Yu and the three daughters were all watching TV in the living room.

Lan Xuan turned his head to take a look, and said with a smile, "Boss, what you're holding in your arms is a gold seal worth [-] million U.S. dollars?"

Luo Quan sat on the sofa, but still refused to put the thing down: "This thing is worth more than [-] million dollars."

Su Yu was puzzled: "Then there's no need to be so precious, are you going to sleep with it tonight?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Maybe."

While talking, the doorbell rang.

Luo Quan took the box and walked towards the door, looking at the cat's eyes first.

Three people, one is Principal Li, and two old men wearing glasses.

Luo Quan opened the door and welcomed the three of them in.

"Principal!" Ivy recognized the person coming, and immediately stood up to say hello.

"Are you also a student of Shangyi?" Principal Li didn't have much impression of Ivy.

"I'm a sophomore in the Bel Canto Department. You can call me Ivy."

Seeing that it was about to become a teacher-student meeting for Shangyi, the two old men behind Principal Li said:

"Luoquan? I don't know if you can show us the national treasure-level cultural relic you mentioned?"

Principal Li just remembered the business, and turned his head to introduce: "This is Director Zhao of Shanghai Museum, and this is Deputy Director Wang of Shanghai Cultural Relics Appraisal Institute. They are both authoritative figures in the cultural relics field!"

Curator Zhao has a face with Chinese characters, and his expression has been serious and tense since he entered the door, but the deputy director Wang is quite kind, with a fat face like glutinous rice balls.

I have to say that Principal Li is really embarrassing. She said she wanted to invite authority figures, but she actually invited two important figures.

But this is also good, the higher the position and weight, the more you can understand the importance of Chuanguo Yuxi.

Luo Quan didn't hesitate, and opened the box directly: "This is a gold seal I bought at the auction today, and I accidentally dropped it when I came back, and found out that there is another mystery in the gold.

The students are short-sighted and don't know whether this is true or false, so I dared to ask the two to come over and appraise it. "

As he spoke, Luo Quan turned the bottom of the jade seal over, revealing the two lines of big characters.

"According to... fate... from the sky, you will live forever!"

Curator Zhao and Deputy Director Wang looked at each other, and they both saw the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Where did your jade seal come from?!" Curator Zhao's breathing became extremely rapid, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

"Don't get excited." Luo Quan was afraid that the aged curator Zhao would just pull over like this, so he quickly comforted him:

"I bought this jade seal at an auction for [-] million U.S. dollars. This jade seal came from an Italian collector, and this collector bought it from an Italian military family.

As for going back up, I don't know, but the Italian collector is now settled in China, so he should be able to find him for inquiries. "

"Don't worry about where it came from, let's confirm the authenticity first!" Deputy Director Wang said anxiously, and motioned Luo Quan to put the box on the coffee table, so that he could make an identification.

"What's the matter with the gold flakes?" Deputy director Wang first saw the scattered gold flakes in the box, and raised his head to ask Luo Quan.

Luo Quan scratched his head embarrassingly, and said hesitantly: "This gold piece was originally wrapped on the surface of the jade seal, and it was impossible to see that it was a jade seal before.

However, when I entered the parking lot, my hand accidentally slipped, and the box fell to the ground. I opened it and found that a few gold pieces had fallen off the jade seal. I was curious, so I buckled the rest of the gold pieces. Come down..."

Deputy Director Wang put on his gloves and held the jade seal in his hand distressedly: "Nonsense! This piece of gold alone has a history of nearly a thousand years. Destroying cultural relics is punishable by punishment."

"I'm just curious." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly and explained.

At the same time, Deputy Director Wang noticed a small golden corner at the bottom of the jade seal, which was obviously not integrated with other parts of the jade seal. Looking at it with a magnifying glass, you could see the cracks in the golden corner and the jade seal itself.

"Could it be the trace left by the queen mother who threw the jade seal angrily back then, so the legend turned out to be true!" Deputy Director Wang gasped, and the magnifying glass in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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