Chapter 384
I thought it was a good pigeon, but after thinking about it, I updated it. I don’t know if this is another kind of pigeon...


"Ulla Ula Ula—"

The sound of police sirens roared past from the western suburbs of Hongqiao Road. More than a dozen police cars were speeding on the road, followed by four explosion-proof assault vehicles dedicated to the armed police.

This is just the first batch of police officers to go.

With Tangong as the center, all the police stations from far and near responded. This night, the entire Shanghai could hear the sound of sirens one after another, and the noise was endless.

"Shanghai's siren is a masterpiece!"

In less than half an hour, heated discussions started on Weibo. At the beginning, the locals in Shanghai, who had been disturbed from sleep, were complaining, complaining about the police cars here yelling like crazy.

As a result, after going to Weibo, they discovered that not only their police cars were going crazy, but the entire Shang Hai police cars were going crazy!
Related hot search comments quickly exceeded [-], and people who eat melons from other regions also participated.

"It's quite a commotion. Is it because all the police in Shang Hai have been mobilized?"

"I just looked out the window. Not only the police, but also the armed police are rushing to Hongqiao Road one by one. It is not enough to catch the international drug lords."

"I heard a bomb was found."

"Don't scare me, I live on Hongqiao Road..."

"Stop spreading rumours, if it's really a bomb, will the crowd be evacuated as soon as possible?"

"Don't guess, I have a friend who is on duty at the Shanghai Public Security Bureau tonight, and he told me that it seems that an important cultural relic has been discovered."

"What kind of cultural relics can make so many police cars dispatched? I feel like making a fuss out of a molehill."

"Wait for the notification. I'm quieter here. I'll continue to sleep. I have to move bricks at the construction site tomorrow..."


Some rumors have been leaked on the Internet, but no one realizes what kind of cultural relic it is, but it is only a matter of time before it is made public.

At the same time, in Luo Quan's mansion in the Tan Palace, the lights in the entire hall were ordered to be turned on, and the director, experts, special police captain, and countless other big shots gathered together.

Some of the six gray-haired people were holding various materials and classics, and some were holding various instruments, conducting research around the jade seal in the box.

In fact, based on their decades of experience in appraising cultural relics, they only need to look at the fineness of the bottom of the gold flakes and jade seals to estimate the approximate age.

There is no suspense about the authenticity. This is a jade seal from more than 2000 years ago, and the jade material is pure Lantian white jade.

Combining the insect and bird seal characters at the bottom, the broken corner, and the gold that repaired this corner.

Everything basically tells the identity of this jade seal, and the eye sockets of several old experts are already moist at this time.

From the mottled gold fragments in the box, they seem to have seen the rise and fall of China's 5000-year-old civilization, and the change of dynasties!

"Director Zhao, how are you? Are you sure?" A middle-aged man who looked like a leader came over and asked eagerly.

The middle-aged man's name was Zhou Yu. Originally, he had a lot of things on hand today, but when he heard that he suspected to have found the Chuan Guo Yuxi, he immediately put down all his work and rushed over.

If he hadn't come in person, he wouldn't have dispatched so many special police and armed police.

"Zhou SJ, this jade seal is roughly dated to the Qin Dynasty, and the gold piece wrapped around it dates from around the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

According to historical records, in 936 A.D., the Later Tang Dynasty was broken, and Li Congke, the last emperor of the Later Tang Dynasty, set his family on fire in Xuanwu Tower, and the whereabouts of the Jade Seal of Chuan Kingdom was unknown.

This is basically right in terms of time! "

Zhou Yu was overjoyed: "So, this is the Jade Seal of Chuanguo?"

Curator Zhao said with tears in his eyes: "We still need a mass spectrometer to identify the specific age, but combined with the various traces on the jade seal, we can basically be sure, and the identification process can take up to 10 minutes to get the results!"

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly appraise it!" Zhou Yu wished to get the result now, and then held a press conference overnight.

On the one hand, Chuan Guo Yuxi discovered during his tenure that this is a great achievement and a real political achievement!

Secondly, this is a cultural relic of the national treasure level, and it has been lost for thousands of years. Once it is found, it will be a great event for the whole country. Of course, the sooner it is announced, the better.

But everyone was too happy to ignore one thing.

Hearing the leader's speech, the experts glanced at each other, as if there was something difficult to say.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu was puzzled.

Curator Zhao pushed his glasses and said solemnly: "The Chuan Guo Yuxi is now someone else's private property, and we have no right to take it away directly."

Zhou Yu was furious: "Nonsense! How can such a national treasure be privately owned!"

"This... the situation is a bit complicated, you can negotiate with her yourself." Curator Zhao glanced at the girls sitting at the dining table in the distance, and pointed to Luo Quan:

"She bought it from a state-certified cultural relic auction institution. The procedures are complete and the money and goods are settled."

Zhou Yu looked over, his heart sank, and his brows that were originally frowned became even tighter.

He thought to himself, "'s hard to deal with now. Now they probably know the value of jade seals, and they will inevitably ask for a lot of money."

But no matter how much money is spent, the national treasure must be kept in Huaxia. Shang Hai has nothing else but a lot of money!

Zhou Yu walked towards Luoquan, followed by a large crowd of menacing people.

"Hello, do you speak Chinese?" Zhou Yu asked in English.

Luo Quan was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a black question mark face:

"Can't speak English? Could it be Russian?" Zhou Yu's brows relaxed a little, Maozi is better than Guilao.

"I'm from Huaxia, leader." Luo Quan held back a laugh, and answered in standard Mandarin.

The girls behind Luo Quan all laughed out loud.

Zhou Yu smiled awkwardly, unexpectedly making a big joke at the beginning.

"By the way, you didn't recognize me?" Luo Quan was also a little puzzled. Her face was so recognizable that this leader actually regarded her as a foreigner.

"Ahem!" Principal Li coughed twice, and started to introduce again: "SJ Zhou is usually busy with work, so it's not surprising that he doesn't pay much attention to these news on Weibo.

This is Luo Quan. Although she looks more like a mixed-race person than a foreigner, she is actually a native of China. Not only is she a well-known musical genius at home and abroad, she is also a first-year student at Shanghai University of the Arts. "

Zhou Yu eased the embarrassment at this time with a smile: "This is my mistake, I am usually too busy to pay special attention to these.

Speaking of Luo Quan, how did you find this jade seal, and how did you buy it? "

"It's also a coincidence." Luo Quan laughed, and then repeated the explanation to Director Zhao just now.

To sum it up, it's good luck, a blind cat bumps into a dead mouse.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..." After listening to Luo Quan's words, Zhou Yu was not very embarrassed. If she hadn't dropped it, the Chuan Guo Yuxi would have been locked in a box with ordinary cultural relics It has been collected, and I don't know when it will be reappeared in the world.

Zhou Yu became serious, looked at Luo Quan and said, "Then what are you going to do with the Chuanguo Yuxi, a cultural relic of this level, as a Chinese, you should know what it means!"

Although according to the law, Luoquan is the legal owner of the Chuanguo Yuxi, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. This kind of treasure is like a nuclear bomb, and it is absolutely impossible to be in private hands. must be handed over to the State for safekeeping.

Luo Quan also knew this. From the moment she called Principal Li, she never thought of hiding this jade seal privately, let alone she couldn't hide it either.

If such a treasure leaks even a little bit of information, this family will become a den of thieves in the future.

"I am willing to hand it over to the country for free." When Luo Quan said this, everyone was taken aback, but there was a look of approval for Luo Quan in their eyes.

Curator Zhao was afraid that Zhou Yu would not know the price of this sentence, so he kindly added: "This jade seal was bought by Luoquan at an auction for [-] million U.S. dollars."

For the country, or Shanghai City, [-] million US dollars is nothing more than sprinkled water, but as an individual, donating so much money for free at once is really kind-hearted!
"It's not enough, I have a small request." Luo Quan put up a finger and smiled sheepishly.

"You said, as long as you don't break the law, the government will try its best to satisfy you!" Zhou Yu was in a great mood at this time, and made a promise without hesitation.

Luo Quan raised his mobile phone and said: "On the way to appraise, can you live broadcast this jade seal for me? Anyway, it cost 13 billion to buy, it belongs to my last time, I want to share it with fans. "

Zhou Yu didn't expect it to be such a simple request, and he was puzzled: "That's all? There are no other requests? If you ask for a certain amount of compensation, that's reasonable."

Luo Quan shook his head and said with a smile: "It is my honor to be able to hand over such a national treasure, as for compensation, there is no need for it, although 13 billion is a lot, but I am not short of money.

If the government really wants to compensate, it can donate all proceeds from future exhibitions of this jade seal to poor students in mountainous areas. "

"Okay!" Zhou Yu clapped his hands, applauding for Luo Quan's understanding of righteousness.

As for Luo Quan, it seems that he donated a large sum of money, but in fact he did not lose money.

Since ancient times, favors that can be calculated with money are the best to repay.

Luo Quan's act of donating without compensation is tantamount to making the country owe her a favor. In ancient times, this was equivalent to getting a gold medal for avoiding death!
Of course, there is definitely no death-free gold medal in modern times, but no matter what she does in the future, she will definitely get a lot of special treatment. After all, she is the discovery and donor of the Chuanguo Yuxi, and it is a huge contribution in any period.

After negotiating, Luo Quan held the box containing the Chuan Guo Yuxi, boarded an armed explosion-proof vehicle, and headed to the research institute for identifying the age of cultural relics.

Until she got off the car, she was still the owner of this jade seal.

"Fans, are you all asleep?" Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone. It's eleven o'clock on Sunday night. Both students and office workers should have a rest.

"No sleep!"

"Just woke up…………"

"Is the night shift up front?"

"I finally remembered the live broadcast."

Luo Quan laughed: "Haha, it's good if you don't sleep, it would be a pity if you miss this show tonight."


"What program?"

"By the way, this is in the car?"

"The interior of this car looks a lot like an armed car."

Luo Quan explained: "I'm inside the armed explosion-proof vehicle now, and dozens of police cars are escorting me now, how about it, is there a meeting?"


"Isn't it illegal?"

"Yaoshou! Luo Quan has been arrested!"

"Where are the handcuffs? Why don't you wear a pair of silver bracelets for such a big battle?"

"Prison Play?"

"Isn't this the car to go to kindergarten?"

Seeing that the barrage is gradually becoming crooked, Luo Quan doesn't hold back anymore:

"Everyone knows that I bought a gold seal a few hours ago, right?"


"I know, I bought a golden lump for [-] million U.S. dollars, it's a lot of money..."

"You don't want to show us that stuff, do you?"

"What's the point of this, it's nothing more than a little older,"

Seeing the disdain of the barrage, Luo Quan smiled: "You are all too sloppy, to tell you the truth, the gold seal I bought this time is just its appearance, I peeled off the gold sheet on the surface, and found a handed down gold seal Treasure!"

With that said, Luo Quan opened the box, revealing the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo inside.

Luo Quan showed the bottom of the jade seal in the middle: "I see that there is no Qin seal on it. I am ordered by heaven, and I will live forever! There is also this golden horn, which was repaired with gold after it was broken by the Queen Mother. It's full of history."


"Haha, I don't know what this little chicken pecking rice map means. You said it was ordered by the sky, but I also said that it's not allowed to defecate anywhere in this place."

"It's pretty good. In fact, I have a kitchen knife for chopping pigweed at home. I have always suspected that it is a long-lost Dragon Slaying Knife."

"Actually, I have a golden cudgel that I have treasured for many years..."

"It's a man who has it."

"Killing me…………"

Obviously, the fans in the live broadcast room didn't believe what Luo Quan said. Even though she had shown the Chuan Guo Yuxi to everyone, the big guys just thought she was joking.

After all, it is an object that has been lost for thousands of years, and there is no real picture of it on the Internet, and no one will believe it when it is first shown.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Believe it or not, it's up to you, but I have handed over this thing to the country, and it will be sent for final appraisal soon, and you will probably see the news tomorrow morning.

This is definitely the most prestigious treasure among all local tyrant anchors. It is impossible for anyone to be more valuable than my jade seal in the future. "

After speaking, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast.

After Luo Quan bought the Chuan Guo Yuxi and possessed it for three hours, he finally had to hand it over.

The car drove to the entrance of the research institute, and the researchers who had been waiting for a long time surrounded them, staring at the jade seal in Luo Quan's hand with pilgrimage eyes.

After getting it in hand, it started testing non-stop.

A normal test only takes 10 minutes to complete, but this time, in order to determine the age of the jade seal, the test was done with great care.

Finally, after 10 minutes, the director of the institute came up with a report:
"Confirm that the Jade Seal of Chuanguo is correct!"

ps. Thank you book friend L224 for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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