Chapter 385
"The Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom is here!"

On Monday morning, such a big news appeared on Weibo. The Chuanguo Yuxi, which had been lost for thousands of years, was accidentally found in Shanghai. After expert appraisal, it was confirmed that it was the Chuanguo Yuxi made by Qin Shihuang's prime minister Li Si 2000 years ago!
The recovery of such a national treasure quickly aroused heated discussions from all walks of life.

First of all, the authenticity of the Chuanguo Yuxi must still be questioned. After all, it has been lost for thousands of years, and now it suddenly appears, who knows if it is true or not.

Fortunately, the research institute soon released the carbon-14 identification report, and all the data are clear and clear. Every trace on the Jade Seal of Chuanguo can tell the specific age, which is completely consistent with what is recorded in the history books.

After there is no problem with the origin, it is time to discuss the ownership of this jade seal.

Belonging to Huaxia, there is no doubt that this is not something that can be owned by private individuals.

What needs to be discussed here is which museum the Chuanguo Yuxi should belong to.

As soon as the news came out, the official accounts of several provincial museums appeared in the comment area, citing various historical materials and legends to demonstrate the rationality that the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom should be collected by their museums.

And the local netizens in the provinces and cities where these museums are located must also be Sheng Yuan's family members, and there was a bit of arguing for a while.

Of course, these quarrels are meaningless. In fact, less than 5 minutes after the appraisal report of Chuan Guo Yuxi came out, a notice came from the capital, demanding that it be sent to the Huaxia National Museum immediately.

No matter how much the leaders and curators like Shang Hai want to keep the Chuan Guo Yuxi in the local area, but the orders from the superiors cannot be violated, they can only obediently send someone to take the Chuan Guo Yuxi on the plane and send it to the capital.

Like all the national treasure-level cultural relics discovered in various places before, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom must be collected by the National Huaxia Museum, and it will be placed in the most dazzling position for future generations of Huaxia to visit.

Luo Quan was also sent

On Monday morning, the Huaxia National Museum will hold a press conference on the recovery of the national treasure, and as the biggest contributor, she must attend the press conference, accept interviews from various media, and tell anecdotes about her and the national treasure.

After a whole night of tossing, Luo Quan closed her eyes and rested immediately after boarding the plane. The press conference will be held at 09:30 tomorrow morning, and she only has less than seven hours to rest after getting off the plane.

She has to rest quickly so that she won't lose her energy when she goes on TV tomorrow.

However, as soon as the eyes were closed on the plane, there was a new development in the system.

"The offensive system has been absorbed, and the new function has been merged with the original system. Details can be viewed in the mall."

"The host completed the hidden mission - the vicissitudes of the millennium, you took a photo of the Jade Seal of Chuanguo by mistake, and successfully let it see the light of day again, the whole China will remember your credit!

Reward: random draw x 2 times.

Do you want to do it right away? "

"Such a reward? Sending off beggars!" Luo Quan thought that he had spent a total of 13 billion oceans, and finally got back this little consolation prize, feeling a little resentful in his heart.

"Guaranteed high quality rewards!"

"It's not too bad." Hearing the system's guarantee, Luo Quan was a little relieved, "Come on, I have accumulated such a big merit this time, my luck should not be bad."

"Drawing begins!
Drawn to: body improvement, extreme karate. "

"..." Luo Quan fell into silence.

"Improve my figure... If my figure improves again, won't I become a cow?"

The system replied:

"This is to make your body look more perfect as a whole. It is not limited to one place. After the improvement, it will only go to the next level without destroying the overall beauty."

Luo Quan was curious: "Does it mean that it was not perfect before?"

"Compared with ordinary people, it must be very good, but there are still many, many shortcomings."

Luo Quan felt that the system was nit-picking, so he said directly: "Then tell me what are the shortcomings?"

"Although your abdomen is thin enough, there is no vest line; the shoulders, neck and clavicle are not obvious enough; long-term bed rest leads to lack of exercise in the back, no waist pit, and flat buttocks; eating fat leads to excessive fat growth, and fat on the arms and thighs Accumulation, although you can’t see it now, but after you find it, it will be an elephant’s leg and a unicorn’s arm…………”

"That's enough!" Luo Quan stopped the system's scolding, "If you use this, will all these problems be solved?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on your own physique. For example, a [-]-jin tank can be improved ten times, and it is impossible to lose weight to [-] jin. It is possible to become a [-]-jin Vajra Barbie."

Luo Quan understood a little bit: "Understood, this is not for weight loss, it is to adjust the original basic condition of the body, and try to develop in a better direction, right?"

"That's understandable."

After understanding the first reward, Luo Quan looked at the second one: "Didn't you say that the quality of the rewards you get is guaranteed to be high? Why is the second one about Kyokushin Karate?"

The reason why I look down on this is not because Kyokushin Karate is really bad. Anyway, it is one of the three main schools of Karate in Japan, and it is also very strong in close combat.

However, she already has Shotokan-style karate, so it's useless to ask for another one.

"In fact, this reward is much better than body improvement. This is a martial skill drawn after combining the offensive system in Yuxi, and it has a special bonus."

"Where is the specialness!" Luo Quan's heart became hot. Could it be that she can cultivate immortality again?

"Don't even think about cultivating immortality, it's just to make you stronger in combat." The system seemed to see through Luo Quan's thoughts, and directly faced a basin of cold water.

"Jingjizhen? That one?" Luo Quan had some impressions in his mind, but he couldn't remember who it was when he suddenly mentioned it.

"Haven't you seen "Detective Conan"?"

"Survivor primary school student?" Luo Quan nodded, how could he have never watched such a famous animation... Wait!
"You mean Kyogoku Shin!" This time, Luo Quan remembered that it was the Doll Gundam who confronted Conan football head-on and had the most combat power in the Conan universe!
"Yes, with this, even if your skill is not as good as Kyogoku Makoto, it will not be much worse, and your physical fitness will also improve."

"Awesome!" After being lost all night, Luo Quan finally smiled. Although she couldn't cultivate to become a fairy, she is now considered to be the peak of human combat power.

In general, the 13 billion spent is worth it!

"Would you like to use it immediately?"

"Of course!" Luo Quan exchanged these two rewards without hesitation.

"The reward has been redeemed, and it takes a little time to transform..."

Hearing this reminder, Luo Quan calmed down and prepared to rest.

Today is really a good harvest......

Beijing, Huaxia National Museum.

Before the door opened, the entrance of the museum was already blocked.

However, the people who came to the museum today were not tourists, but journalists, media, and respected seniors from all walks of life. It can be said that half of the capital's big shots came to see the true face of Chuanguo Yuxi.

At the same time, the museum is also extremely busy, and everyone is preparing for the most important opening of the year.

Because it was too hasty, the museum did not prepare any particularly grand ceremony.

However, for Chuanguo Yuxi, whether the ceremony is not a ceremony is actually not important. It is better than any ceremony to have it sitting in the town.

Luo Quan has already done his makeup, changed into a clean and decent dress, and sat quietly on the stage of the press conference playing with his mobile phone.

At this time, the Internet has already been arguing about the appearance of the Chuanguo Yuxi, and as the hero who discovered the Chuanguo Yuxi, she has naturally been on the hot searches many times.

"Luo Quan spent [-] million U.S. dollars to buy the Jade Seal of Chuanguo,"

"Luoquan will hand over the imperial jade seal to the country for free!"

This is the third and fourth of today's hot searches. The two hot searches made Luo Quan gain 300 million followers overnight!

Netizens left comments one after another:

"Besides admiration, I don't know what else to say."

"I saw Chuanguo Yuxi in the Luoquan live broadcast room yesterday. I thought she was joking, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Damn, there is such a thing?!"

"Luo Quan is so lucky, he can capture such a baby with just one shot."

"She didn't just shoot it casually, she came prepared and spent 13 billion yuan!"

"It is said that although it is said that it is handed over to the country for free, it will not be rewarded at all, right?"

"Nonsense, there must be. This is a great achievement, but it will definitely not be made public. Only Luo Quan knows what the reward is."

"In short, the country will definitely not treat Luo Quan badly."


"It's the first time that no one scolded me on Weibo." Luo Quan smiled, feeling that his reputation was improving little by little.

Weibo has always been unfriendly to her. Many people like to find various angles to scold her. Although she doesn't particularly care about these things, no one likes to see herself being scolded.

If you can improve your reputation on Weibo, it will definitely be a good thing for the company's future development.

After all, she doesn't need to care about wind reviews, but the company and other artists in the company can't help it, they basically want to develop in China.

"Luo Quan, the museum is open, and the reporters and guests will be here soon." At this time, a staff member of the museum came up to remind Luo Quan.

Luo Quan quickly put down the phone, and then straightened the folds on the clothes.

After a while, visitors poured into the meeting room. Director Wang of Huaxia National Museum and a group of officials and leaders came to sit on the stage, side by side with Luo Quan.

The space in the meeting room is limited, so it is not possible to let all the visitors in. Those who could not squeeze in did not leave, but waited outside the door for news.

Seeing that the media reporters were all in place, curator Wang stood up and said with a smile: "You must all know why you are invited here today.

That's right, the Chuanguo Yuxi, which had been lost for thousands of years, finally appeared, and the Yuxi itself was well preserved without much damage.

This is definitely a great joy for us Chinese people! "

"Director Wang, will the Chuan Guo Yuxi be kept in the Huaxia National Museum?" a reporter asked.

"That's right, the Chuan Guo Yuxi will indeed be collected in the Huaxia National Museum, and will be placed in the exhibition hall in three days for the public to visit."

After asking curator Wang, the reporters turned their attention to Luo Quan again: "Excuse me, Luo Quan, how did you discover the special features of Chuan Guo Yuxi at the auction?
At that time, the outer layer of the Chuan Guo Yuxi was still covered with a layer of gold, and the mystery inside could not be seen at all, but you still spent 13 billion US dollars to photograph it. What did you think at that time? "

"Actually, I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought it was quite eye-catching, so I wanted to buy it, but I didn't expect that it was actually the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom.

It is probably doomed in the dark, such a treasure will not remain dusty forever. "

"That is to say, these are luck?" The reporter continued to ask.

Luo Quan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It's my luck, but it's also China's luck. If the Italian collector hadn't settled in China, the jade seal might not have been auctioned in China."

In the eyes of the outside world, this coincidence is indeed too much.

The Chuanguo Yuxi lived overseas, but it did not suffer any damage because of the gold piece it was wrapped in, and at the same time, it prevented itself from being recognized by others.

And the foreign collectors who bought it also love Huaxia, otherwise they would not have taken it back to the domestic auction.

And Luo Quan, who bought it, accidentally dropped it, and finally discovered the secret out of curiosity.

This series of coincidences were intertwined to allow Chuanguo Yuxi to reappear in the world. Apart from saying God bless China, there is no other reasonable explanation.

But after all, it is the Chuanguo Yuxi, and too many legendary stories have happened to it. No matter how outrageous the situation is, it will not be exaggerated when placed on the Chuanguo Yuxi, but it will add to its legendary color.

"So, what did you think when you made the decision to donate the Chuanguo Jade Seal for free?" The reporter continued to ask Luo Quan. After all, there are only two protagonists today, one is the Chuanguo Jade Seal, and the other is her.

Luo Quan replied naturally: "This kind of national treasure must be handed over to the country. Such a precious thing cannot be privately owned by a single person. I think most Chinese people should have the same idea as me. "

"Paid handing over to the state and free handing in are not the same concept. You must know that you spent 13 billion yuan to photograph the jade seal."

Luo Quan looked at the reporter who asked the question, and his expression was like the light of righteousness: "It is my honor to dedicate my modest efforts to the country. Before me, there were many patriotic entrepreneurs who spent huge sums of money overseas to buy cultural relics and donated them to China for free. country, I just did the same thing."

Such awe-inspiring words aroused nods of praise from reporters and officials on and off the stage, followed by warm applause.

Luo Quan thanked everyone with a smile on his face, while getting goose bumps all over his body.

She secretly thought: This time she has filled Wei Guangzheng's image, and her words are impassioned. The big leaders have given her some special treatment, right?

ps. Thanks for the book coins rewarded by book friends Mianyang Duoli, senior sister Anima, and the living Buddha, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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