Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 386 Seeing His Building Collapse

Chapter 386 Seeing His Building Collapse
I originally thought that after the press conference, I would be interviewed by the leaders, not to mention the promise of any benefits, but how could I get a consolation prize such as a good citizen of China or an outstanding youth.

However, I sat in the museum until noon and saw no movement.

Everyone was busy with their own affairs, and few even came to strike up a conversation with her.

But think about it, there is still one month until the end of the year, and even the meritorious deeds will not be carried out until the end of the year.

After having lunch in the capital, Luo Quan flew back to Shanghai, and then returned to school.

After finding the Chuanguo Yuxi, Luo Quan's life has not changed much.

Such a national treasure is too far away from the lives of ordinary people. Most people only pay attention to the daily necessities in front of them, worrying about their livelihood and future.

Occasionally, when I see the national treasure being found on the news, I may be very happy, or I may say something that is amazing for my country.

However, no matter how powerful this thing is, it will not be able to solve the material needs of the general public. After having fun, students should do their homework, and workers should pay their mortgages.

It is unrealistic to expect to become a hero admired by all with such a credit, unless Luoquan can solve the problem of the difficulty of buying houses for the common people in China overnight.

If it is done, it would not be an exaggeration for every household to set up a longevity memorial tablet for her and burn incense every day.

Of course, this unrealistic idea will almost never come true. The land is sparsely populated and the economy is as developed as the United States, but there are still countless homeless people.

With China's population base, it is already a miracle that hunger and poverty can be basically eliminated across the country.

As for Luo Quan, the contribution she has made now seems a bit insignificant compared with the above.

Of course, it's not that there are no changes at all, after all, she has a system.

"Squad leader, have you eaten meat recently?" Lu Yao sat at the desk, but she didn't pay attention to the books at all.

"No, I don't eat meat more than three times a week now, and I set a fixed amount each time." Luo Quan was drying his freshly washed clothes on the balcony.

It's winter, and Luo Quan's clothes are different from those in autumn. The upper body is covered with a black down jacket, and the lower body is wearing a pair of thick fleece pants.

Fortunately, it hasn't rained in Shanghai for the past few days, and the weather conditions are far from harsh.

"But why is your buttocks so up?" Lu Yao looked at Luoquan's buttocks, half puzzled, half envious.

"Is there?" Luo Quan, who was drying his clothes, turned his head and took a look, seemed really warped.

Originally, she purposely bought the fleece trousers one size larger, just to make them looser, but she didn't expect to stretch the loose trousers up now.

Damn, is this the so-called body improvement......

"Probably because of the frequent running and practice these days." Luo Quan just found an excuse to fool him.

Lu Yao, Lin Yizhu and the others firmly believed in this.

For ordinary people, changes in any part of the body can be traced, but it is not particularly applicable to monitors.

The squad leader's figure is always inexplicably developing in a good direction, no matter how much sweets and fat she eats, she will not look fat, but if they eat a little spicy food, they will have acne the next day.

Perhaps, this is the difference between a human being and a fairy daughter.

Lin Yizhu and the others only thought that Luo Quan ran every day, and because of the increase in buttock muscles, he seemed to have grown bigger, but they didn't know that the changes in Luo Quan were far from simple.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and Luo Quan's clothes are relatively loose. If it were spring and summer, she would surprise several roommates with her cool clothes.

After drying the clothes, Luo Quan returned to the warm quilt on the bed.

When the weather is cold, people tend to become lazy, and there is no place as comfortable as the bed.

Especially in the morning and night, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom is as difficult and tragic as going to the execution ground.

Opening Station B, Luo Quan saw today's hot news at a glance:

Huayi Company was investigated!

Wuhu!Boss Huang's good days are finally over!
When Luo Quan saw the news, it could be said that he was elated.

In fact, Boss Huang’s ordeal has already begun the day before yesterday. Huayi Company’s cash flow is tight, every movie is lost, and big-name stars have left one after another. The reason why the stock price can maintain is to sell investment shares and borrow money. .

Originally, the creditors were still counting on Hua Yi to make a movie to pay back their blood, but it turned out that Boss Huang was fortunate enough to spend one billion yuan to buy a seal at the auction after owning the land.

Although judging from the results, the one billion yuan was definitely not a loss, but who knew at the time that there was a Chuanguo Yuxi in it?If we really knew that it was the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Luo Quan wouldn't have won it for a mere [-] million US dollars.

A boss of Yinxi Huang can spend one billion yuan to bid, which shows that boss Huang can at least spend one billion yuan in cash.

Such a large amount of money, not to mention paying off debts, even if it was used to make movies to recover blood, would be enough to make three movies. In the end, Boss Huang used it to auction cultural relics himself.

This shows that the so-called news that Huayi Company's cash flow is tight is all false, so a group of creditors came directly to the door, demanding that Boss Huang pay back the money quickly, for fear that when Huayi Company really collapsed, they would not be able to find it. Boss Huang's people are gone.

And Huang Jun will definitely not be able to pay it back. The cash is the company's life-saving money. If it is given, all the company's projects will be shut down now. At that time, it will not be a big loss. If it is not done well, it will go bankrupt directly up!
In the final analysis, it was actually Luo Quan's fault. If she hadn't disrupted the situation, Huang Jun could have bought the seal at the reserve price, which would not have aroused so much attention and dissatisfaction.

Now that things are getting serious and the creditors are demanding debts, Huang Jun can be said to be in a state of desperation.

As for the creditor, seeing that Huang Jun still used the old routine of the company having no money as an excuse, he was also impatient, and directly asked the tax bureau to thoroughly investigate Huayi Company's revenue accounts to see if there was any money.

Originally, it was just an ordinary accounting review, and it did not rise to the level of filing a case.

As a result, you don’t know if you don’t investigate. During this investigation, a series of major issues such as tax evasion, yin and yang contracts, and unknown whereabouts of funds were all investigated.

As the entertainment industry, there has always been filth and chaos, and Hua Yi, as the former leading company, said that it is impossible to say that there is no problem.

It's just that Hua Yi was in the limelight at that time, no one would touch his brows, even if they did, it might not be useful.

But now that Huayi is fading away, all the evil power accumulated in the past has begun to give back.

It can only be said that there are some things that are less than two or three taels on the scale, and once on the scale, a thousand catties cannot be weighed.

Now that the Dongchuang incident is revealed, everyone knows that Hua Yi is going to die.

The reaction of the stock market was the fastest. On the night of the incident, Huayi's stock price plummeted, and all shareholders were trying their best to sell it. The stock price that Huang Jun had struggled to maintain for two years finally collapsed.

Of course, the stock market crash only turned Huang Jun from a billionaire into a debt-ridden company. The company's shelf, projects, and personnel are still there. With luck, there is no possibility of a comeback.

However, after Huang Jun himself was taken away by the police and a case was filed for investigation, Hua Yi, a company that had influenced China's entertainment industry for nearly 20 years, completely became a thing of the past.

Now Huayi Company has been ordered to suspend business because of violations of the law. Not only Huang Jun was taken away by the police, but other senior executives and key veterans of the company were all unable to escape and had to be investigated one by one.

Hua Yi has accumulated too many problems over the years. Tax evasion and tax evasion are minor problems. The most serious problem is that the whereabouts of huge funds are unknown.

But soon, one of the whereabouts of the money came out.

The Beijing court received several letters of report on the same day, and the report said that Huayi Company was suspected of fraud, including but not limited to the use of money.

If it is really found out, the entire entertainment circle will suffer a major earthquake, not only many celebrities will be implicated, but even some big shots will suffer.

In short, the entire entertainment industry is now in a panic, and everyone is in danger. The Weibo that used to be lively is now even more lively, and everyone is talking about a huge wave of melons being involved because of Huayi.

For example, a certain female star was unspoken, a certain male star was unspoken, an artist of a certain company was organized to participate in a party, and so on.

In fact, there are rumors about many things in the circle, but most of them are just rumors because they are too outrageous.

Unexpectedly, the truth is sometimes even more outrageous than rumors.

At this very moment, all the celebrities who like to spend money to buy hot searches have chosen to remain silent, unwilling to be the first bird.

In the past, the hot searches on Weibo, even major national events, could not suppress the trivial things that happened to traffic stars.

But now, there is not a single star's name on the hot search list... It's not that there is no one, at least there is Luo Quan.

Today, she uploaded a group photo of her, Ai Wei and Su Yu on Weibo and station B, with the attached text: The two newcomers of the company, please give me your advice.

In the photo, the three of them are sitting on a sofa, with Luo Quan in the middle, Ai Wei and Su Yu sitting on either side, smiling brightly, like a festive family portrait.

However, such a photo, appearing at such a moment, always feels a little weird.

Netizens who ate big melons all morning saw this scene and came over to comment:
"It's quite courageous. Everyone is avoiding the limelight. If you directly commit crimes against the wind, aren't you afraid that you will be beaten as the first bird?"

"What are you afraid of? I have made contributions to the country, and I have bleed for the government!"

"It's all about clearing up. Look at this time, who else would dare to dance like this besides Luo Quan? In the past, those celebrities were popular in marketing every day, and they shrunk faster than anyone else when they encountered something. I don't know if they have something in their hearts .”

"Am I the only one paying attention to this photo? Good guy, the artistes in Luoquan's company are hard to beat."

"Luo Quan's old face is under control, Junzi, Yun'er to these two, which one is not a first-class beauty."

"Spring Water Entertainment is equal to Crystal Palace?"

"The one on Luo Quan's right hand is called Ai Wei. I know her, but who is the one on the left? She looks so beautiful. Apart from Luo Quan, this is the first time a celebrity has made me feel so amazing."

"I just went to search for information, it seems to be Su Yu, a graduate of the Beijing Film Academy.

"It doesn't look like a vase. We can look forward to her works."


Grabbing attention with a bunch of celebrities is not as efficient as eating alone.

Luo Quan's operation directly helped Ai Wei and Su Yu gain 200 million fans each. Although the two of them have not yet produced a decent work, they are already somewhat famous.

Su Yu will have to wait until next year to take over the show, and Ivy's new song is coming soon, but Universal's promotion has not yet been in place, and it will not be released for the time being.

In the next few days, Luo Quan finally went to school to practice the piano with peace of mind, and by the way, he also dealt with the backlog of work in his hands one by one.

As the class monitor handpicked by the counselor, Luo Quan spends very little time at school, busier than the teacher, and most of the tasks assigned by the teacher can only be handed over to the deputy class monitor.

Now that she is finally free, she naturally has to take on the responsibility of the monitor and complete the tasks that she has not done.

Busy must be a bit busy, but fortunately with the help of the deputy squad leader, it took two or three days to get it done.

In addition to being busy with work these days, Luo Quan is also paying attention to the investigation progress of Huayi Company.

The past few days can be said to be the most exciting period in the Chinese entertainment industry this year.

As more and more high-level officials of Huayi were investigated, one big story after another kept being revealed.

Every day, celebrities involved in the incident are invited to the police station to assist in the investigation, and many of them are big names in the industry or popular traffic.

As a newcomer that Hua Yi has favored over the years, Bai Xi is the first batch of celebrities to be investigated.

Although his problems are not as serious as Boss Huang's, they are enough to be labeled as a bad artist. Not to mention all the new movies he filmed, all the endorsements he signed before were also announced to be terminated.

Moreover, he himself will face huge compensation, and his future stardom will also be bleak.

Of course, compared to Huayi as a whole, Baixi's behavior can only be regarded as a small fight at best.

After five days of investigation, the most important news was finally released.

After interrogation and investigation, it was found that Huayi Company's unaccounted for funds amounted to about 130 billion, a small part of which was used in parties, and most of it went to a certain big family in the capital.

If it was simply given to the family, then that would be fine, but after the money was taken, it was still used in illegal places.

Moreover, the violent crimes and social activities that Hua Yi was involved in also had the shadow of this family!

It has long been heard that Huang Jun has a background in the Beijing circle, and his backer is very powerful. Now with the deepening of the investigation, everything has finally come to light.

Witnesses and physical evidence have all been collected neatly, and justice has finally arrived.

It is foreseeable that no matter how powerful the family that is Huang Jun's backer is, they cannot withstand the iron fist of socialism.

At this time, Luo Quan also suddenly realized that the leaders of the GD Bureau said that they wanted to clean up Huang Jun and his backers. They were not talking about it for fun, but were just waiting for a suitable trigger.

She had wrongly blamed these people before, and she never thought that it was her who completed the fuse.

But what she didn't expect was that the enemy's revenge would come so quickly.

ps. This book does not abuse the protagonist, and the protagonist in the next chapter will directly open Wushuang.

(End of this chapter)

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