Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 387 This woman is unparalleled in the world

Chapter 387 This Woman Is Peerless Under Heaven ([-])

"Start to close the Internet cafes. Those involved in the case of the Huang family, regardless of their status or whether they are descendants of concubines, must be arrested!"

In the conference room, a majestic middle-aged man in police uniform said sharply.

"The police force in the capital has basically been coordinated, and they can act at any time, but Shang Hai still needs to be notified." A police officer raised his hand to supplement the situation.

The middle-aged man frowned: "Shang Hai? Hasn't the Huang family been restricted from traveling?"

The police officer replied: "It's the fourth son of the Huang family. He went to Shanghai a week ago. At that time, the restrictive regulations had not yet been issued. Although he could not leave the country, he could still move around in the country.

However, we have been sending people to watch, and have not found any changes. "

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "What is the fourth son of the Huang family doing in Shanghai at this time? He is an important person who has direct contact with Huang Jun. If he runs away, he will be in trouble."

The police officer shook his head: "For now, I don't know why he went to Shanghai. I only know that he booked a room at the Xingguo Hotel on Hongqiao Road. After staying there with his subordinates, he goes in and out every day."

"Show me this hotel and the nearby map." The middle-aged man always felt that there was something wrong with this long-planned operation, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out where the problem was.

"This is the map." The police officer projected the map on the projection screen in the conference room.

The middle-aged man looked over.

This hotel is just an ordinary building on Hongqiao Road. It is close to the commercial pedestrian street of Hongqiao Road. The road is bustling and the traffic is heavy. If someone creates an emergency, it will cause large-scale riots.

and many more!The eyes of the middle-aged man froze, and he saw another building not far from the hotel - Shanghai Art University!
"Zhang Wen, have you notified the Shanghai police to arrange someone to protect Luoquan?" the middle-aged man asked his subordinates.

Zhang Wen was taken aback: "Bao... why protect her? This case has nothing to do with her, right?"

"How did you handle the case?!" The middle-aged man slammed the table and spilled the hot tea in front of him all over the table, "It wasn't Luo Quan and Huang Jun bidding, how could we have opened the case so quickly and logically to investigate Hua Hua?" Yi Company, if this group of people are going crazy and ready to kill each other, Luo Quan will be the first one to take revenge!"

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was opened, and a police officer said anxiously: "Qi team, the four young masters of the Huang family suddenly disappeared, and there is no one in the room!"

"Notify the Shanghai police!" The middle-aged man responded very quickly, "Let them send two groups of people, one to Shangyi and the other to Tangong, and they must find Luoquan and protect her safety. By the way, the Huang family Fourth Young Master will definitely go to find her!
In addition, inform the police force in the capital, and the network closing operation will start immediately! "

All the police officers stood up and saluted: "Yes!"

Today is nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday, November 11th, and today is destined to be a restless day.

The efficiency of the Huaxia police has always been rapid. In less than 15 minutes, a large number of police officers arrived at the downstairs of Luoquan's dormitory, and several girls in Luoquan's dormitory were also called down.

However, Luo Quan was not in the dormitory. Lin Yizhu told the police officer leading the team: The squad leader seemed to have encountered some happy event and went home early in the morning. He said that he wanted to cook for himself, and asked them to go to Tan Palace for dinner at noon.

At the same time, another group of police officers also came to Tan Palace.

Everything in the community was normal, the police officers hurriedly rang the doorbell, but it was Su Yu who opened the door.

"Where's Luo Quan?" asked the policeman leading the team.

Su Yu looked confused: "I went to the pedestrian street to buy vegetables. She called half an hour ago to ask if there was any meat left, and I said no."

The captain shouted urgently: "Call her again, and you must reach her!"

Although he didn't know what happened, Su Yu immediately followed the police's instructions and called the boss.

However, no one picked up.

"I can't get through..." Su Yu looked at the policemen blankly and said.

"Something went wrong." The captain closed his eyes forcefully, with an extremely annoyed expression.

But in fact, Luo Quan is now arguing fiercely with an old woman on the street.

"Don't you want to show your face? You fell in front of me by yourself, and you said I bumped into you. Do you still have any law?" Luo Quan held two catties of pork belly and various vegetables in his hand, and a lying down The old man in front of her said.

"It was you who hit me! I feel like my waist is about to break, and I'm losing money!" The old woman was holding Luo Quan's shoe with one hand, and she was rolling on the ground, with such a lively appearance, it looked like half of her waist was about to be broken.

Luo Quan was annoyed and funny when he saw this scene: "Old man, there are surveillance cameras on the street here, if I bumped into you, you can check the surveillance to find out, you are so old, why bother to touch porcelain like a rascal Woolen cloth?"

As the saying goes, people are shameless and invincible.

No matter how Luo Quan argued, the old woman just lay on the ground and refused to get up, and she held Luo Quan by her hand and refused to let go.

Luo Quan still didn't dare to use force to break free, after all, the old woman looked 70 years old, if she tried a little harder, two bones would break and she would be completely finished.

So the two were at a stalemate like this, and a large group of melon-eaters gathered around to watch the excitement.

Some scolded the old woman for being shameless and cheating money in broad daylight.

Some pointed at Luo Quan, thinking that she bumped into the old man, and young people were immoral.

Some of them turned into reasonable people and persuaded Luo Quan to admit that he was unlucky, and he was doomed to a catastrophe today, so he thought it was spending money to eliminate the disaster.

These spectators made Luo Quan tremble with anger. Just as she was considering whether to call the police, a little girl squeezed out of the crowd and came to Luo Quan.

Holding a bouquet of red roses in her left hand and a samurai sword with a handle in her right hand, the little girl said to Luo Quan: "Big sister, I just had an uncle, let me give you these things."

"Here again, is it annoying?" Luo Quan knew who gave it to him as soon as he smelled the flowers, wasn't it the Earl of the Freemasonry, why did he give her this for no reason?
"Thank you." Luo Quan thanked the girl, and then took the flowers and the knife.

As before, the rose has a card with a few lines on it:

"You're going to be in trouble soon, and I hope this knife will help you. - Earl"

After reading it, Luo Quan didn't know what to say. Could it be that this old woman was arranged by that bastard?What does it mean to give her a knife?Let her chop this old woman who touches porcelain with one knife?
"Crazy." Luo Quan cursed in a low voice, threw the flowers on the ground, and was about to call the police when there was a commotion outside the crowd.

"What are you doing?"

"Why hit someone!"


"Help, I killed someone!"

"Call the police!"

The crowd who were still watching the excitement had a big event this time, and the pot exploded immediately, and the birds and beasts scattered.

Through the scattered crowd, Luo Quan saw several men in black jackets walking slowly towards him from the gap.

Luo Quan's heart tightened, as if he understood something.

Looking down at the old woman who was still tugging at her shoes, she said helplessly, "Old man, you really want money and don't want your life. My enemy has come to find you. If you don't leave, be careful to put your life here."

"Don't scare me, you are making a TV series!" The old woman Peng Ci'er was quite determined and was not moved by Luo Quan's words at all.

Seeing that the big men in black were getting closer and closer, and if they dragged on, something might happen, so they stepped on the heels and pulled their feet out of the shoes:
"I'm giving you this pair of shoes. This is Chanel's latest hot style. Even a second-hand pair can sell for [-] to [-] yuan. I don't have any more. I don't have any cash with me." They also took off and kicked them all into the arms of the old woman.

"Hey, I knew it belonged to Chanel." The old woman held the shoes in her arms, got up from the ground with extraordinary agility, and ran happily.

"MMP, this old coffin still knows Chanel..." Luo Quan just felt that all this was so absurd, and he couldn't complain.

However, the small trouble is solved, and now there is a big trouble.

"Stop it, if you get any closer, I'll attack you." Luo Quan quickly drew out his samurai sword, pointing the tip at the big men in black who were approaching her.

There are fifteen of them in total, all of them are about 1.8 meters tall. They are very burly, with bulging veins at the temples, and obvious round calluses on the joints of their hands. They look like Lianjiazi.

"It's really not easy to see you, Luo Quan." A young man walked out from behind the big man in black. He looked about in his early twenties, and his face was a little pale due to long-term indulgence.

Luo Quan frowned: "Who are you?"

The young man raised his chin with a proud face: "Huang Songtao, the fourth son of the Huang family in the capital."

"So it's Huang Silang." Luo Quan chuckled, "Well, I'm the eldest granddaughter of the patriarch of the Albert family in London."

Huang Songtao sneered: "It's a pity that this is Huaxia, and your family is not doing well here."

Luo Quan replied with a sneer: "You also know that this is Huaxia, do you know that your current actions have violated the laws of Huaxia? I can sue you for picking quarrels and provoking trouble at any time!"

Huang Songtao smiled: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I won't be from Huaxia soon, and the boat to Vietnam is ready."

Luo Quan sneered: "Since you want to run away, you still dare to go to the street so ostentatiously, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Huang Songtao acted very calmly: "All the main roads around here are blocked now. It will take 15 minutes for the police to come here at the fastest. 15 minutes is enough for me to capture you alive."

Luo Quan disdained: "It's up to you?"

"I know you are good at martial arts, you can do karate, you can do kendo, and ordinary thugs may not be able to get close to you.

So, this time I'm looking for Nanyang's double flower red sticks. They are all seasoned masters. Fourteen of them are more than enough to capture you alive. "

Luo Quan frowned: "So powerful, what about after capturing me alive? Are you planning to take me to Nanyang?"

Huang Songtao grinned loudly: "You are my future cash cow abroad, and the best products like you are in high demand on the dark web, and they can keep their value no matter how many times they are patronized.

Of course, before that, I must first..."

"Stop, it's already disgusting enough, your heart is as wretched as your person, it's simply disgusting." Luo Quan raised his hand to stop Huang Silang's disgusting and perverted whims.

In the eyes of this kind of people, women are just tools and playthings. I don't know how many girls have been destroyed by him.

When Su Yu was banned back then, it seemed that he also rejected his unspoken rules, but this time he dared to attack her, that would be a good time to settle the old and new grudges together!
As if stimulated by Luo Quan's words, or maybe the emotions accumulated for a long time finally broke out, Huang Silang gritted his teeth and opened his bloodshot pupils, staring at Luo Quan:

"Do you know what that jade seal represents? It was the last life-saving straw of my Huang family. I spent a billion dollars to get this news, but it was completely destroyed by you!
The Huang family is doomed, but don't think about it, I want you to be a slave for the rest of your life... Ah! ! "

Huang Songtao still couldn't finish his sentence, the scabbard thrown by Luo Quan hit the bridge of his nose, the bridge of Huang Songtao's nose was sunken immediately, and blood flowed profusely from both nostrils.

"That's enough strength, I missed the shot." Luo Quan shook her head regretfully, she was actually aiming at Huang Songtao's mouth.

"Catch her!" Huang Songtao roared hysterically, and the big man in black immediately reached out and took out a long black stick from his arms, and with a flick, threw out a long steel stick.

Huaxia has very strict controls on firearms and knives, especially guns, which are almost impossible to get, and knives are easier to get, but because they need to be captured alive, they can only use sticks.

In comparison, Luoquan doesn't have so many worries here. Now she is the victim who is about to be kidnapped, so it doesn't matter if she kills these people!
In order to avoid being made dumplings by these people, although Luo Quan was holding a sharp weapon, he still handled it more cautiously and did not attack rashly.

The thugs in black were obviously afraid of her. After all, the knife in her hand was cold and bloody. If she was stabbed by such a weapon, even the ICU next door would not be able to save her.

However, the black-clothed thugs had an advantage in numbers after all, and immediately launched an attack on Luo Quan after they dispersed.

In action movies, the enemies will use the gourd baby to save grandpa, and let the protagonist solve them one by one.

In reality, there will never be a situation where teammates charge, and I watch the show by possing, especially in this kind of situation where everyone swarms up with their sticks.

Faced with this situation, it is impossible for Luo Quan to stay put and resist, but it is actually not difficult to crack it.

She lifted the knife and turned into a long shadow, galloping towards the direction with the fewest people in the encirclement.

The thug who was used as a breakthrough had no fear on his face, and knocked Luo Quan on the shoulder with all his strength.

This stick is fast and hard, if it hits, ordinary people will probably fall to the ground in pain
However, Luo Quan had been on guard against everything for a long time. He lifted the knife upwards, and the thug's swinging stick collapsed directly, and then kicked sideways.

The thug who flew upside down had only one thought in his mind at this moment, how could this girl be so strong!

Luo Quan, who successfully broke through the encirclement, turned around to face the thug who was running towards her, his body was as swift as a panther, he dodged the stick he swung with his shoulders heavy, and then he slashed with his backhand.

The knife was almost out of sight.

In the eyes of the thugs, Luo Quan seemed to be waving a silver fan, and when he realized it, Luo Quan had already slashed him in the abdomen, and he staggered back a few steps, and finally fell to the ground and curled up into a ball.

Although Luo Quan used the back of the knife for this knife, the thug still felt as if his stomach had been stuffed into a meat grinder after the hit, and it was extremely painful.

In the blink of an eye, the thugs lost two people, while Luo Quan remained unscathed.

But after all, these were not ordinary thugs, they immediately stopped their random beatings when they found that the point was sticky, but stood side by side, forming a half-moon arc that opened inward.

In this way, if any point is attacked, other thugs can immediately counterattack!

The semicircle approached quickly, and Luo Quan was also fearless, and instead of retreating, he raised his knife and launched a counterattack.

Luo Quan's knife was still swift and fierce. As soon as the thug in front of him raised his stick, she swung the knife to block it, and then the back of the knife swept across and hit the cheek.

At the same time, the iron rods of other thugs also came one after another. Luo Quan snatched the sticks of the thugs who had been chopped by her in front of her, and directly swung the iron rods and steel knives at an unimaginable speed.

The fastest Iai chop in the world can hit a tennis ball launched head-on at a speed of 150km/h within ten meters, which is 42m/s in conversion.

In the eyes of such a Juggernaut, the movements of all enemies seem to be slowed down. Except for guns, it is difficult to defeat with pure human power.

Luo Quan's swordsmanship has not reached such a pinnacle, but the speed of these thugs' swinging sticks is far from as fast as 42M/s, and she is dual-wielding, so she can still block all attacks at the same time. .

At this time, she was like a character with a modifier in a fighting game, using the rebounding skill without restriction, and the iron rod hit like raindrops, but she didn't touch her body.

The two thugs closest to her were kicked by Luo Quan at the same time that the iron rod was blown away, and at the same time, they were kicked by Luo Quan.

If it can be maintained like this, Luo Quan can use the safest way to bring down these thugs one by one.

However, these thugs are worthy of being the desperadoes summoned by Huang Songtao. Seeing that if this continues, they will not be able to take her down. The thugs on her left directly slammed their hearts and all rushed over. Their goal is only one, that is Luo Quan's hands don't need a stick!
As long as they can control Luo Quan for two seconds, the other companions will definitely finish her off!
No matter how painful a stick is, it is not as lethal as a knife.

Even if Luo Quan really slashed, because of the backhand, it would be difficult to block the attack from the right with the efficiency just now.

This kind of desperation can indeed work in most cases, but it is a pity that this time it is facing Luo Quan.

As soon as she saw the posture of these thugs, she knew what they were thinking.

But do you really think that she has no fighting power without weapons?
Luo Quan used the stick in his left hand as a hidden weapon, and slammed it into the face of a thug, while the long knife in his right hand came out, spinning and sweeping towards the thugs on the right.

Faced with such a situation, the six or seven people scattered in all directions.

They could tell from the previous battles that Luo Quan had no intention of killing him.

But if the knife is thrown out, it is out of control, and it is very dangerous to be scratched!

However, the power is the strongest when it is concentrated, and once it is dispersed, it will give others a chance to break it one by one.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, had been waiting for this moment.

She quickly tore off the overcoat she was wearing, and threw it to the left of the thugs who were throwing their lives at her, covering three or four people like Fa Hai throwing cassocks, and slightly slowing down their pace.

And she herself was already clenched, and she moved towards the thug closest to her who was scattered on the right, calmly dodged his iron rod, and then punched out.

An ordinary punch, but it only takes one punch to completely incapacitate a 1.8-meter tall man.

Luo Quan, who threw a punch, didn't care about the life or death of the person in front of him, and turned around and ran towards the next target.

While the rabbit was up and down, the five thugs on the right had all been brought down by Luo Quan, and the speed was so fast that everyone was unexpected.

Up to now, Huang Songtao's thugs are only left with four people. With this manpower, it is still a piece of cake for her a few months ago to deal with it.

Luo Quan sneered and walked towards the thugs. At this time, the identities of the two sides changed completely.

She is the hunter and they are the prey.

(End of this chapter)

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