Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 388 This woman is unparalleled in the world

Chapter 388 This Woman Is Peerless Under Heaven ([-])
If there was regret medicine to take, Huang Songtao would not dare to trouble Luo Quan if he was killed.

He knew that Luo Quan was good at fighting, but he didn't expect to be so good at it!

Fourteen professional thugs were invited from Thailand and Vietnam, and they were all knocked down by Luo Quan's three strikes, five divisions and two divisions. He had only seen this fighting power in the personal bodyguards of those leaders and dignitaries!

He wanted to run away, but found that the melon-eaters who had been driven away by his thugs had surrounded him again.

Just now Luo Quan was surrounded by passers-by watching the excitement, and it was his thugs who attacked these passers-by before scaring them away.

And now that his thugs are on the ground, it goes without saying what an angry crowd would do to a bully.

There were a few men with bruised noses and swollen faces. It was obvious that the men who had been hammered by the thugs had recovered their vitality at this time, and rushed towards Huang Songtao with a wave of arms.

Huang Songtao is the son of the Huang family. He was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and his physical fitness is far inferior to that of his peers. What's more, he was thrown to the ground before facing so many angry people. , followed by continuous screams.

As for Luo Quan, he was mending the thugs who had fallen to the ground.

Cutting the weeds to get rid of the roots is the truth summed up by the predecessors with so much blood and lessons. Luo Quan will not make such a low-level mistake.

The way to make up the knife is also simple. If you see which thug is still moving up, it is a jio. The thugs who are already whining on the ground don't even think about getting out of bed if they don't practice for a month.

After mending the knife, the anger of the crowd over there was almost vented.

Because there were more people who wanted to beat Huang Songtao, and everyone surrounded him tighter, then all the people's fists hit the hands of the people inside.

Although Huang Songtao suffered a lot of punches, he was lucky not to be knocked out.

Luo Quan stepped forward and said to Huang Songtao who was on the ground: "I ask you a question, and I will let you go after I answer it."

"How do I know if you lied to me?" Although Huang Songtao was miserable, he didn't kneel down and beg Luo Quan for mercy, probably because he knew that begging for mercy was useless.

Hearing Huang Songtao's doubts, Luo Quan smiled coldly: "You have no other choice but to trust me."

Huang Songtao took a breath, but still chose to believe her: "What do you want to ask?"

"How did you know the news about Chuan Guo Yuxi?" This was Luo Quan's biggest question. He wanted to know the source of the news that Huang Songtao bought for one billion yuan.

Huang Songtao opened his red and swollen eyes, and said: "A wandering Taoist told me, through deduction, he told me that this seal is a chance for my Huang family to change luck, and I asked for ten Billion calculation fees.

It's a pity that I didn't know it was the Chuanguo Yuxi before I bought it. Huang Jun didn't buy it. I originally planned to bring someone to Shanghai to grab it. Who knew that you made such a big commotion just after you left the auction venue. "

Luo Quan asked: "What is the Taoist priest's name, and where did he go?"

Huang Songtao shook his head: "Wu Ming, I sent someone to follow him for three blocks and then lost him."

"There's this kind of thing..." Luo Quan lowered his head and pondered for a moment, unable to tell whether this Taoist priest was good or bad.

However, his calculations were quite correct. This seal indeed determined the fate of Gold, but it was a pity that the family's demise was accelerated because it was not photographed.

But it's also thanks to the Taoist priest not telling Huang Songtao the true identity of the seal, otherwise, if the Huang family were to get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and turn it in, they would really be able to hold on for several years!
It can only be said that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and when the time comes, no matter how you run, you will not be able to escape.

"By the way, can I go?" Huang Songtao tremblingly stood up from the ground.

"Go? Where are you going?" Luo Quan turned his face faster than his hands.

Huang Songtao's face turned blue and purple: " just said that you answered the question, so you let me go."

"Well, I will allow you to take a step first." Luo Quan said, holding the knife he picked up again in front of him.

With the speed at which she swung the knife, even if Huang Songtao ran two steps first, she couldn't escape.

"Why do you have no integrity?!" Huang Songtao was furious, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Luo Quan looked disdainful: "What kind of integrity do you need to be honest with someone like you?
Stay here obediently and wait for the police to come. If you want to escape the punishment of the law, there is no door! "

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, just as the voice in Luoquan fell, a large group of policemen appeared on the pedestrian street panting heavily.

But faster than the police are the media reporters. These well-informed news discoverers can run faster than the police, and they can walk like flying with a camera on their shoulders!
"Luo Quan... are you okay, what happened?!"

When several reporters saw the thugs lying all over the ground, and Luo Quan holding a long knife, they seemed to smell the smell of shocking news.

"I'm fine." After seeing the reporter, Luo Quan definitely couldn't hold up the knife anymore, that would be too rude.

Turning his head to take a look, he found his coat on the ground.

The coat had been torn by the thugs, but fortunately the phone inside was not broken.

It's a pity that the dishes that were placed on the ground before have disappeared, and I don't know who took advantage of the chaos to take them away. People now...

"Luo Quan, we are here to protect you under the order of the Public Security Department of Shanghai City. My surname is Yu." At this moment, a policeman dressed as a special police officer stepped forward, directing the police officers to take the thugs on the ground and Huang Songtao to the ground. Handcuffed, while asking about Luo Quan's situation.

"Hello, Officer Yu." Luo Quan greeted.

"I rely on Captain Yu, these are big fish." The police officer who handcuffed these thugs exclaimed, and he recognized several international wanted criminals from these thugs!
Captain Yu looked over and quickly recognized the identities of these thugs, and then looked at Luo Quan in shock: "You brought these down all by yourself?!"

Luo Quan nodded: "Yes, is there a problem?"

"I can only run away against four by myself, can you fight fourteen?" Captain Yu sighed as he said, thinking that this big beauty is so fierce, it's their turn to protect her?

What an international joke!
"It's... not bad, I performed supernormally today." Luo Quan scratched his head, it seemed that the fighting power he displayed seemed to be a little outrageous.

But it has not yet reached the point of superpowers, so the police officers are surprised, but they are not enough to treat her as a monster.

But the reporters didn't think so, they immediately gathered around and started asking questions:

"Luo Quan, how did you get involved with these criminals?"

"Luo Quan, are you practicing martial arts? Who is the master?"

"Luo Quan, where did your shoes go?"


After being reminded by the reporter, Luo Quan realized that there was only one layer of socks left on his feet.

The shoes have been taken away by the old woman who touched the porcelain. I didn’t feel it when I kicked people just now, but now I have some pain in the toes and insteps. Sure enough, kicking people without wearing shoes is still easy to hurt myself.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "This is a very long story, I can't tell it for a while...Ah Choo!"

After losing the heat brought by strenuous exercise, Luo Quan, without the protection of a coat, quickly felt the cold of early winter.

The key is that she is wearing a tight-fitting woolen sweater under the coat. After using the body lift, she is outlined with a proud curve that makes people imagine.

This kind of hazy feeling is sometimes more tempting than directly revealing it.

"Friends from the press, I'm afraid you will have to wait a while for the interview. Luo Quan has to go back to the police station with us to make a statement." Captain Yu stepped forward to help Luo Quan out of the siege, and asked his subordinates to bring her a piece of clothing .

That is, in TV dramas, thermal jackets for terrified victims.

Putting on Luo Quan's body, he didn't feel much warmer, but it was much better when he zipped it up.

"Let's talk about Captain Yu, I won't be deemed as being too defensive, right? Just now I hit a little harder." Luo Quan asked worriedly, and only after finishing the knife did she realize that she was treating someone who had lost her ability to attack. Criminals carry out harm. If she studies it carefully, her behavior will be a big problem.

Captain Yu laughed: "It's okay, these people are criminals who are wanted abroad, they are very dangerous, it's okay if you kill them."

Hearing this, Luo Quan was completely relieved. At the same time, the road became smoother, and the sound of belated police sirens hovered over the pedestrian street.

Only then did Luo Quan turn over and look at his phone. There were hundreds of missed calls from Wen Xia, Junzi, Yun'er, Lu Yao, Zhang Yun, Yi Zhu, Su Yu, Ai Wei... ...

Seeing these names, Luo Quan's heart warmed up. In times of crisis, these are the people who are most worried.

"It's all right, I'm going to the police station to take notes, and I'm safe and sound." Luo Quan edited a text message, and then clicked on group sending.

Wen Xia immediately replied: "Scared me to death! (angry)"

"Boss, as long as you are fine, go home after recording." This was Su Yu's reply.

After reporting safety, Luo Quan turned around and got into the police car.

Huang Songtao and his accomplices were crushed into other police cars, and all policemen with live ammunition were responsible for escorting them...

"Luoquan was attacked by outlaws!"

A quick news detonated the entire network.

The Beijing police arrested Huang's family with a net and did not notify any media. Although the scope of the operation was large, it did not cause much commotion.

On Luoquan's side, this happened in a crowded place in Shanghai, and reporters took pictures of the scene, so it quickly attracted a lot of attention.

However, there are many big media that released the news at the first time, but it was a personal official account that became popular.

The reason for the fire is also very simple, that is the headline party:

"Luoquan was attacked and his clothes were ripped off!"

Just this short line of words has made countless people arouse their curiosity and click in.

The photo was indeed similar to what he described. Luo Quan was only wearing a wool sweater on his upper body, his shoes were gone, and his hair looked a little messy.

A large group of people in the comment area immediately became anxious:
"What's going on!!!"

"Don't scare me, I hope everything is safe."

"It looks like it's on the street, so the situation shouldn't be particularly serious."

"I guess I was a little scared."

But soon, when the detailed reports of the big media came out, things immediately ushered in a reversal.

The first is the report of Sina News:
"This morning, the well-known singer Luo Quan was attacked by lawbreakers in Shanghai Hongqiao Road Pedestrian Street, but Luo Quan was brave enough to knock down more than ten lawbreakers and assisted the police in catching the fugitive.

According to the police in Shanghai, these criminals are all from Southeast Asia, and they are thugs who are wanted by many countries, but they are still vulnerable to Luoquan..."

After the real news came out, the melon eaters on the Internet were completely shocked:

"My god, there is really someone who can hit ten, and she's still a girl."

"What's wrong with the girl? Women hold up half the sky!"

"It's really good enough. Even international wanted criminals can be dealt with easily. After that, can't you be a strict wife for the rest of your life?"

"It's as if anyone can marry..."

"It hurts old iron."

"I hope the police can investigate thoroughly. The background of these people is not simple, and there must be instructions from behind-the-scenes masters!"

"The Shanghai police have announced that the man behind the scenes is on the scene and has been arrested."

"That's good."

"By the way, where did Luo Quan's shoes go?"

"This cardigan is so big. (funny)"

"It was discovered by you LSPs again."


In this troubled time when the vast majority of celebrities are keeping silent, only Luo Quan can still be on the hot searches in various ways as usual.

The key is to present a positive image every time.

This time, Luo Quan contributed a great deal to capturing Huang Songtao, a key member of the Huang family, and so many wanted criminals overseas. Without her, Huang Songtao might have already smuggled to Vietnam by boat.

It can only be said that Huang Songtao is too confident, and he never thought that Luo Quan's combat effectiveness would be so high.

In fact, the leaders of the police did not expect Luo Quan to have this ability.

Originally, the school and Tangong couldn't find Luo Quan, and the phone couldn't get through. Whether it was the police or Wen Xia and other relatives and friends, they were already half-hearted.

Especially when the police were driving to the pedestrian street, there happened to be a series of car accidents in front of them, and the traffic was directly blocked, and there was no hope for rescue and protection of Luoquan.

Unexpectedly, she solved all these people by herself.

The special police officers on this mission are all fighting masters who have undergone many years of professional training, but even they, facing fourteen double-bonus red sticks, cannot have a half-point chance of winning. It's the limit.

After Luo Quan cleaned up these people, only his toes hurt.

As long as there are a pair of shoes, isn't it unscathed? !

This kind of combat power is estimated to be hard to match even the soldiers in the army, so much so that the special police officers thought that Luo Quan was an apprentice of a folk martial arts master.

Apart from passing on martial arts, it can't explain why she can fight so well.

Just as the person in charge of the network collection operation in Beijing said after watching the surveillance video of the pedestrian street from the Shanghai police at the time of the incident:
"This woman is unparalleled in the world!"

ps. Thanks to book friend Xiaoxiao Menggui for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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